Adding Commas To A Page Counter

I have a simple script I found that increments a number in a text file. I was wondering if anyone has a routine that will commify the number. Code:

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Adding Commas

4 months into the land of ASP and I still have newb questions.I have a simple string.

centertype = Type1 & Type2 & Type3 & Type4 & Type5

How do I add a comma to seperate this string? Keep in mind that some of the values may be blank.
i.e. Type1 = ""
or Type4 = ""

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Including Inverted Commas To Specify Page Elements While Page Is In ASP

I am having a problem with a site that I am developing - my aim is for it to validate as XHTML Strict however, I am running into a couple of problems validating it; in my Response.Write ASP script, I am not including " 's to define page element tags as they keep throwing up errors in the page. Code:

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Use A Page Counter With Asp

All I want is a small graphical page counter on my homepage.
I'm using an access db and want to track how many times the
pages were used (logged on to).

All the graphical counters on the internet point to a website
but my project runs on a localhost.

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Page Counter Component, ASP 3.0

I am trying to monitor the number of visits on various Excel and HTML
reports on our website. I would like to create a web page that has the
various hit statistics for various URLs.

I thought I could use the Page Counter Component to do this using

but I cannot get it to work with any URL. I can get it to work with
the page the code is located in if I do not specify a URL, but I
cannot get it to work to keep track of the visits to other URLs, in
this case Excel and HTML reports my business group maintains. Code:

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Page Counter Problem

i dont' understand why my code for 'next page' doesn't work. When i click on the next page button it gave me some error code Type mismatch: 'rsCategory' ... i can't find rsCategory in my code:

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ASP 3.0, Need Help With Page Counter Component

I am trying to monitor the number of visits on various Excel and HTML reports on our website. I would like to create a web page that has the various hit statistics for various URLs.

I thought I could use the Page Counter Component to do this using

but I cannot get it to work with any URL. I can get it to work with the page the code is located in if I do not specify a URL, but I cannot get it to work to keep track of the visits to other URLs, in this case Excel and HTML reports my business group maintains. Code:

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Adding Record With Form On Same Page

From the past I have been adding records with a form with 2 pages.

One with the form and the other a add.asp page to actually take the values from that form and add to Access database.

Just for example I had the form on:
p1.asp and when they click submit it goes to
p1add.asp and adds it, but is there a way to add it with just p1.asp?

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Adding IM Link To An ASP Page From User Information

I have a user based service where each user has their own information, user settings, etc. I want to be able to add tables in my user settings and allow the users to enter in their IM Service (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc) and their screen name/user name.

That is the easy part.

What I do not understand or cannot figure out is how to link this information to the icons for each service they enter that will open up the appropriate service with their correct IM name, etc.

Basically I want to provide a way for my members to IM another member when they pull up that users information, or associated information, etc. Basically I need the script to make the Icon execute the correct IM service if the user clicking on it has the service installed as well. The majority of my members use AIM.

Where can I find information on how to install this kind of script and associate it with the users information and an icon?

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Trimming Commas

I'm dynamically building an SQL string to do an execute, and keep ending up with a leftover comma, so the string looks like this.

INSERT INTO Software ( Title, Version, Licensing, Total_Licenses, support_phone, support_email, Campuses_Licensed, Comments, support_web, FundingSource, Course_title, Subject, Grade_level, LocalExpert, ACTIVE, CATE, EntryDate,) VALUES ( 'Bob's Super Crappy Software', '4.3', 'labpack', '36', '555', '555', 'Alexander, Bilhartz, Central, Fairmeadows, Hyman, Daniel', 'James is testing this', '', 'Campus PO', 'Math', 'Math', '4, 5, 6', 'Patrick Williams', '1', '0',)

Both commas are added dynamically and can be trimmed on the fly. I tried using RTRIM(strSQL, ",") but this didn't work.I put the fields into an array and tried to add only commas to all but the last entry, but that also didn't work.

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CSV Commas In Data

How is the best way to handle commas in data in CSV files? I'm currently using the following:

set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set act = fso.opentextfile(server.mappath("filename.csv"))
itext = act.readall
arrlist = split(itext,chr(10))

and then looping through the rows and splitting at commas. However, some of the data has commas in it, which is throwing things off.

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Replace :: Commas

I need to create a string along the lines of "23,43,78,23" with no comma at the beginning or end of it. The data comes out of a table so i've created a loop to get the data and form the string :

StrRecip = "," & objRS("number") & StrRecip

This will give me something like : ",42,78,67,2,90"

And then I've removed the leading comma :

StrRecipRem = replace(StrRecip, ",", "", 1, 1)

Is there actually a better way ?

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Remove Commas From End Of String

Using ASP/VB I need to remove unwanted commas from the end of a field
that will be use in an array. There are items in the field that are
comma separated, so I don't want to remove them, just the end ones,
could be anywhere up to 5 unwanted commas.

Any ideas?

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Import From Csv - Remove Commas

I'm importing data from a csv file but have the following problem.

It see any comma in a specific column as the end of the current column and move the rest of the values into the next column I.E Data from column 4 display as data from column 5.

I do know that it's comma delimited but would like to know if there's no way that I can distinguish between the commas in a column and the commas that indicate a new column.

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
Value Value Value Val,ue Value

How do they do it in excel?

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Commas Getting Inserted Into Database

I don't know if anyone has encountered this before. I've written ASP code to insert, update and delete records from Access and SQL Server tables before but this is the first time I face this issue -

I have a form that inserts data into an Access table. For a few of the fields, commas are getting inserted into the table. If the field is left blank, there is a comma inserted. If we enter data in the field, the comma is appended to the field value (eg: smith, )

The only thing different that i'm doing here from what I've done before is I'm inserting a larger number of fields into the table - 117 fields!!

Do you think the insert statement hasn't been written correctly?

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Commas Not Full Stops

I have a price field in a cms,it can deal with full stops fine, but i cant understand why it wont accept commas.

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Display Data Between Commas

I would like to know if you can display only certain data into a field between commas or any other symbol without using the curshort feature. For example. I have the following.

Part, A3472, Desc: Controller: Price$ 45.00

I just need this out of it in a single form field.


I cannot use the cutshort feature because my part numbers are different lengths.

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Remove Commas And Space

let say i got a string:

apple, orange, durian

how to check got how many commas in this string? how to check beside the commas is space or not space? if the words beside the commas is space, i wan to remove the space? if the words got commas, i have to remove the space.

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Removing Commas From Csv File

having problems removing commas from my form input. Have a form that is bringing back text strings from users. when it gets put into CSV file, any commas the user has entered get moved onto new rows.

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Inverted Commas Hides Data

how to avoid an error when calling data to a text form field that contains inverted commas? When I enter "inverted commas" into a text field on a form and save to my Access database, after save the text field appears to be blank but when I look in the database it appears as entered. The problem is when the text field calls the field it doesn't show if the text is encased in inverted commas.

For instance, in my form field 'title' I enter: Big Title "Yeah" After saving the form, all that appears within the form field 'title' is: Big Title Yet the access database itself shows: Big Title "Yeah"

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Display Data Between Commas In Form ASP

I would like to know if you can display only certain data into a field between commas or any other symbol without using the curshort feature. Code:

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String With Commas, How To Use Instr And Mid Function In A Loop?

I have a string --> 7,8,9,10. This string may contain more or less than 4 numbers.
I want to separate each number and run an sql query for each number.

for example:

select * from table1 where code = '7'

select * from table1 where code ='8'

and etc....

Can I do this in a loop?

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How Do I Count The Number Values Seperated By Commas

how do i count the number of values sent accross the form post seperated by commas ?

e..g 43352352,325324452,235234452,24523454

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I've been looking for a counting script to count the number of hits to my HTM and asp web pages on my company's internal website. So far, everything I've seen only works on asp pages. Where would I find some counter code to record hits on htm(l) as well as asp pages?

I'm using IIS 5.0.

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Hit Counter In ASP

I've got a little counter program written to log individual hits to a page
without counting the same person twice. The problem is, it's counting the
same people twice. Here's the logic:

1) Check the session to see if they've been counted.
2) If they have not been counted:
- save their referrer/IP info
- flag their session to say they're counted
- end

But it seems that some people are being counted for every page they go to
and some are not. I've included the code below just in case. Is this a
server issue, a browser issue, a cookies/no cookies issue, or something
else? Any help would be much appreciated. I want to have accurate counts and
information for where people are coming from with as little effort as

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Hit Counter For DIV

Is it possible to incorparate a Hit Counter to count the number of hits on a DIV instead of a page.
Below is the code of my DIV I would like to include the code for the counter inside this DIV. If at all possible??? Code:

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Counter In ASP

I want to put the counter in index.html only...i dont want counter to keep on increasing EVERY TIME the same person views my website on same day. But the next day the counter will increase for the same person who views website the next day.

I only want the counter to increase for those who is first timer , not the SAME viewer who keeps on going back to the website over and over again on same day..

so how to do asp to achieve above? I have developed my website and include counter but d ont know how to go about including counter.

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CGI Hit Counter

I not sure how to do a CGI hit counter where it automatically counts the times a web page is accessed?

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A Rss Counter

I want to put rss news feeds in my site, but I only want something like 5 headlines. I try Yahoo feeds, but I get something like 30 headlines, this is way too many, I want 5. Is there a way to do this, to reduce these 30 headlines to something like 5?? Like, perhaps adding a counter to the script?

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Add Hit Counter

I want to add a hitcounter to my website and use following code, but whenn I want to schow the site, which contents following codes, I will become from server the message " the page cann't be found" Code:

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Best Counter

I am designing my first pages in ASP and I am willing to design an ASP web page counter. Can you recomend one I can look at to get some ideas?

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Hit Counter

How to make a simple Hit Counter ? I am old VB Programmer, trying to learn ASP.

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Site Counter

i have a simple asp counter in my site, the counter uses a access db & cookies (so every visitor will be counted once).

in the past days the counter has gone wild & count goes from 300 in ordinary days to 1000.
i guess this is because of robots, crawls, worms etc. is there any way i can count only real visitors?

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