Adding Multiple Records With Checkboxes

SQL 2000 database with ASP

I've found many things "out there" regarding updating and deleting
multiple records with checkboxes but I can't seem to find anything
about adding them. A user wants to create a price list for their
client and they need to add parts to it in a separate table. I would
like to display the list of parts and the user would select multiple
parts to add to a price list by checking a checkbox and submitting the
form. Code:

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How To Delete Multiple Records Using A Series Of Checkboxes

Does anyone know how i could print multiple records in a database using a series of check boxes on a webpage? i.e it prints all the records that have been ticked?

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Adding Records To Multiple Tables

i have an instance where I need to add records to 2 different tables. i know how to do it basically, but the problem is, one table is generating a key number and i need this number for the second table records.

how do i put the appropriate records into the first table, grab the id number and insert the records into the second number? the information is coming from a form. i'm developing in an access db but will be moving this to an ms sql db before it goes there a stored procedure that might make this easier? i know nothing about stored procedures.

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Using Checkboxes To Select Records To Update.

I display work request records from a db table into a .html table dynamically by cycling through the db table until RS.EOF.

To the right of each record displayed I have two checkboxes, "chk_dev_accept", "chk_dev_sendnotif". These are the only editable items on the page.

"chk_dev_accept" is clicked by the developer to assign the work request to his/herself.
"chk_dev_sendnotif" is clicked if the developer wants to notify the customer that the status of the job has changed (optional and automatic - I don't have a problem with this part).

Upon clicking the "Update Record" button, I want the records with the checkboxes clicked to update.

The db record fields that would be updated are: "dev_developer" (The developer that will do the job, read from a cookie) and "dev_proj_status" (changed to 'Assigned'). These two fields should update when the "chk_dev_accept" is clicked and form submitted. I want the developer to check as many records as he/she wishes.

My problem is I'm not sure how to code that <input checkbox....> tag, and then, how to take that checked value to select the appropriate records to update.

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Multiple Delete Using Checkboxes

I have created my own web mail system, and when the user has mail is automatically inserts it into a database. Now I need to be able to allow the user to delete the mail, either 1 or more at a time.

I have two select boxes, ones the option of what to do with the selected mail. Then I have another box which is only for the likes of moving mail to a different folder ( ie personal folders ).

Now When I select the mail I want to delete, then select Delete from the drop down box and then press submit, It should then loop through all the selected items and then delete them.

But when I try it doesn't delete them and doesn't provide an error, then I looked into it and used this: Code:

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Adding Records

I have a table with 2 fields, name and value

I need to be able to add multiple records quickly, for example I need to add

name value
abc 1
abc 2
abc 3
abc 4
abc 5
abc 6

etc etc, does each record have to be added separately, or is there a way I
can add a chosen number of records, lets say 10, and have the value field
increase by one each time?

sometimes I might have 30+ simple records that need adding quickly, and each
time the first records value will be one, and each record after will
increase by one, is there a way to solve this problem or does each record
have to be added separately?

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Adding Records

I have a drop down which has numbers from 1 to 25

When a user selects 3 he will see 3 first name textboxes and 3 last name textboxes

the user fills them out and hits the submit button

three records are added to the table

i have a for loop for adding records

Here is my code:

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Adding Different Records

Just when you think something is working, suddenly something new comes along.this is my situation: I want to add intQuantity of all records that have the same prodID. I have tried all sort of variations but I don't seem to get it. I would imagine that it must be simple, that's why I can't get it.

SELECT SUM ( intQuantity) AS ItemTotal
FROM tblOrders
WHERE prodID = ? no clue

Or can I do that in ASP? doing something like (my example doen't work)
<%= (rsOrders("intQuantity") + rsOrders("intQuantity")) %>

in the mean time I'll be looking around for an answer to my lack of know how.

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Loop + Adding Records

I have loop displaying certain records depending on an id number in my sql database. What i need to do using asp is total all the numbers in one of the fields and display that as a response.write.

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Deleting And Then Re-adding Records

I may have made a typo somewhere. I am trying to delete collections from RelProdCollection Table that has a certain record with Product ID number of __ and then readd them based on the user's choices on the edit form. Code:

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Adding Values From Records

I want to add intQuantity of all records that have the same prodID. I have tried all sort of variations but I don't seem to get it. I would imagine that it must be simple, that's why I can't get it.

SELECT SUM ( intQuantity) AS ItemTotal
FROM tblOrders
WHERE prodID = ? no clue

Or can I do that in ASP? doing something like (my example doen't work)

<%= (rsOrders("intQuantity") + rsOrders("intQuantity")) %>

in the mean time I'll be looking around for an answer to my lack of know how.

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Adding Records To Data Base?

I have a data base that I wish to add a record to. I have many fields to ender, but I was testing my code with just one and it works just fine : Code:

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Adding Records With Autonumber Field

I'm writing a database admin page in ASP. I had it adding records correctly. Then I added an autonumber field ("ID") to the table, and it stopped working. The sql I'm using is Code:

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Problem With Adding Records To A Table

There is something wrong with the adding code. It will add sometimes. It's a large database where I have to add records to multiple tables.

The products table doesn't work correctly. Maybe there's a typo somewhere that I don't notice. Please look at the bolded part of my code and see if you can catch something. Code:

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Adding, Deleting Records Using Global.asa

Can I do the following things in the global.asa file?

When sessions starts:

Add a record into my database

When session ends:

delete it where rs("sessionid") = Session.SessionID...


I'm pretty sure I can, but...I've heard not ALL things can be done in global.asa...

Do I create an object, and a connection? How would I do it? Since I want a database in MY database, not in memory like I've seen...

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Adding Multiple Fields

how do i add afew items into a database of only a field name?

for example if there is only item_1.. it will add item_1 only. but if there is item_1 & item_2. how do i add them to the database name ("Items No")?

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Adding Multiple Requests

I have never programmed in ASP in fact I am not a programmer at all. I found this script that sends an email that pulls information from a contact form.

'Sends an email
Dim mail
Set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
mail.To = ""
mail.From = Request.Form("your_email")
mail.Subject = "Contacts"
mail.TextBody = Request.Form("your_message")
Response.Write("Thank you for visiting!")
Destroy the mail object!
Set mail = nothing

I got it to work with my flash contact form however on the form I have two other fields. Name and Phone number that I want to tack onto the TextBody but I do not know how to do this.

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How To Update Multiple Records With Different Multiple Value

i hav problem with updating the data. In the asp page i hav displayed records based on search criteria. in display mode im displaying the to be updated field in combo box for each similar contract_no. each contract_no will hav different no of rows and to be updated combo box.

based on the selected value in the combo boxes of different contract_nos i hav to update the combo value with old value. user select multiple combo values at a time I need anybody's help with detailed programming logic.

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Error In Deleting,updating And Adding Records Using Asp!

I got an asp page that supposed to add,delete records from access 2000 mdb file. It loads all the records but when i try to delete or update i get these errrors. Code:

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Adding Records To Tables Via Dropdown Boxes

I have a form that uses Code:

<select name=player_id multiple>
<option player_id="<%=player_id%>"><%=FName%> <%=LName%></option>

To create a drop down selection list. What I want to send to a table is FName and LName instead of the ID. Any hints on how to do this.

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Adding Records With Client-side Excel File

With ASP, how can I automatically add records to a database with an excel file residing on the user's machine? Assuming the excel file has the same field names/datatypes/order as my database table's fields.

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Adding Multiple Items To Cookie (shopping Cart)

I am struggling with how to allow users to modify the quantity of items in their cart. Right now they can only add 1 of each item. To add 2 of the same item they have to add it again which then just makes it so there are 2 seperate instances of that item in the cookie/cart. My hope is to show a text box with the value for each ID so they can modify that qty ID that way......

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Multiple Records

I have this search and results system on one page....
I'd like it where the results that come up from the search are editable and can be updated.
I can't seem to figure out a working way to update more than one field at a time.anyone have a good piece of code for multiple edits

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Multiple Records

I need to retrieve multiple records and insert all of them into different table.I got an error running the code below.


FilePath = "C:Inetpubwwwrootdata.mdb"
Set Conn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn1.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & FilePath & ";"

SQL1 = "SELECT name FROM total where marks = 2"
SQL2 ="INSERT INTO people (names) values ("SQL1")"


while not SQL1.EOF
Conn1.execute (SQL2)


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Add Multiple Records

I have to create a page that contains a daily register information for more than 1 person each person should be added as a new record to the db. Is this possible? How would I go about doing this, I know how to create new records that add data to a db but I am not too sure how to add more than 1 record at a time.

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How To Update Multiple Records!

how to update multiple records on one submit. Say for example i have number of records on a html table, user performs changes on some of the records, and hits the submit button at the end and all these value have to be updated into the sql query.

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Inserting Multiple Records

Im having a hared time with this, im trying to update multiple records in a database from a form.

The form display all records from a search query and then the user selects whether to post the record of put the record on hold (two fields in the database).

Now everywhere I have looked I only see examples which update the records by using counts but I could end up with any number of records. I thought that using a loop would be an idea to get passed this.

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Update Multiple Records

How do I update multiple records in a table in ASP using loops ? For example.

I have a table with the following colums

ID | Col1 | Col2
1 | 50 | 100
2 | 25 | 130
3 | 55 | 70

I want to add *66* and *77* into the ID # *1* and ID # *3*
respectively. So the result should be

ID | Col1 | Col2
1 | 116 | 177
2 | 25 | 130
3 | 121 | 147

Note: All datatype of the colums are integer.

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Delete Multiple Records

I read this article below and play around with delete multiple records function in dreamweaver. Assume that all my database fields setup are exactly like the code below. I was able to follow the instruction and did everything excepted line# 29. Can someone give me a suggestion of the line# 29 suppose to be (in example if possible).....

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Insert Multiple Records

I'm trying to set up a form whereby users can select a variety of different subject mailing lists they'd like to be added to.
Each subject is in a different table so I want the FROM part of my SQL statement to loop through the values selected from the list box which I've loaded into an array.
But I'm getting a Type mismatch error.Code:

Dim strSQL
Dim subjects
Dim subjArray
Dim iLoop

subjects = Request.Form("subjects")
subjArray = split(subjects)

strSQL = "SELECT firstName, lastName, address1, address2, city, state, pcode, country, email FROM"
For iLoop = LBound(subjArray) to UBound(subjArray)

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Inserting Multiple Records

Does anyone know how to upload or insert multiple records into a MS Database. I've been trying to figure this out all day with little success. It seems that their should be a way to upload a txt file or csv file and have all the records go into the dbase.

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Update Multiple Records ?

how can update the multiple records at a time ? what loop will use to update the multiple records ? Code:

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Update Multiple Records At Once

How can I go about updating multiple records or deleting multiple records
from a DB at a time?

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