Address Validation

Ive been looking everywhere for some simple street address validation. All I can find is email. Im not that great at working with string because I forget a lot =P but how can I check a string so that the format is like a street address.

str = "1015 Salem Street"

If street address is correct then
Invalid Street address

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Validation Of Email Address

I have a form that registers users and adds their details to a database.

I am looking for a validation msg that chaecks that a users email address has not being used to register before.

Any ideas of where I can find one like this?

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Email Address Validation

Is there a way where I can confirm that the email address in the DB is a valid one?

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Email Validation Of Email Address Within An Access Database

Im running a simple mail system program which emails newsletters to a database list of 3000+ users.

The program loops through a database containing the emails and sends them out using ASPEmail.

My question is, is there some way i can validate each email address so that if there are invalid characters e.g. the space in "blah"
it will skip the record and continue the loop.

At the moment i have a working program however, whenever the program comes across an invalid email address it stops at that record and prevents the program from emailing any further.

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Permission Denied. Address 'zzz.zzz.z.zzz' Is Not An Allowable Remote Socket Address.

Permission denied. Address 'zzz.zzz.z.zzz' is not an allowable remote socket address.

What is the significance of this error, and what should be looked into to fix the problem?

(if this is of relevance: My sandbox is localhost.. so zzz.zzz.z.zzz is internal ip)

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Dropdown Validation To Add Onto Shadwizard Validation

Create the following code from database but does not validate on enter - I am using ShadowWizards validation code.

<Input fields so work however I will need dropdown and radio buttons to be validated also.

I really like the work ShadowWizard has put in and would like to continue in the same neat, cleaver coded way!

I did validate the few fields with ASP but Yahoo toolbar stops people going back on forms and therefor would not work on all PC's, typically the bosses and now he seems to want it asap so any javascript solution? Code:

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Remove Email Address/ Pseudo Email Address

has anyone got a function or subroutine which will remove blank out or remove email addresses.

i've wrote a function which will remove valid email addresses, it's pseudo addresses such as "blah @" or "blah_at_blah_dot_com" or "blah_at_blah_._com"

the function is basically to stop users posting an email address in a message.

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Getting MAC Address Using ASP

It it possible to get the MAC Address of the client PC using ASP. Also can I
get the HDD ID/Serial Number also using asp?

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Ip Address &

i want to get the ipaddress,and the country name of a webpage
visitor,using asp.Net(C#).if anyone knows about it

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How To Ban An IP Address?

Is it possible to ban an IP address from global.asa, or by another method?

On a shared server, I'm seeing someone from China that appears to be trying to access my
site illegally (trying to access server root via cgi-bin).

Can I test for the user from global.asa and then execute a Response.End? Or is there
another way?

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Mac Address

What is the best way to pull a pc's Mac Address from a web page?

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Get IP Address

Currently, I want to get the IP address from giving hostname in the Active Server Page. I know the hostname, I want to get the IP address via hostname in an ASP page.

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Getting MAC Address

It it possible to get the MAC Address of the client PC using ASP. Also can I get the HDD ID/Serial Number also using asp?

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Get IP Address

How can I get the IP Address of the system that the client uses through ASP. I used Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")to get the IP Address, but that always prints as IP address but that's not the IP Address of the system. Tell me if there is if there is any other alternative.

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Getting IP Address

How can I retireve the IP Address in ASP as a string ?

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Mac Address Of A NIC

How do i pick the MAC address of a network card using ASP. Is it possible to identify a system e.g the mother board ID or processor using ASP or any other object.

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MAC Address'

How do you find a Mac (Hardware) address using vb scipt in asp?

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Getting MAC Address Using ASP

It it possible to get the MAC Address of the client PC using ASP. Also can I get the HDD ID/Serial Number also using asp?

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Get MAC Address

Is it possible to check the Physical Address of the computer logged on the page in it's format like 00-08-E6-54-E4-9F ?

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IP Address

I tried the followin code in all PCs at my organization


but it returned the same IP address everywhere. How to get the actual IP address of one's machine?

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Get Ip Address

I would like to make ASP code that would put IP ADDRESS of person who visits my page into a variable . sth similar to IP = request.form("IP ADDRESS") ... just i would like to request "IP ADDRESS" and put it into "IP" .

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Obtaining IP Address With ASP

In reference to an e-commerce website, is it possible (using Active Server Pages) to obtain the IP address of a particular user? I would like to get an address that uniquely identifies the user. If so, how would that be done?

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Grab ID# From Address Bar

I bet this is a simple one, but I just don't know.

How do I grab the 12345 in my ASP page as the ID#?

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Remote IP Address

I'm trying to get remote ip address and local ip address
of the user (i.e. machine name) but i couldnt find out it.
however i can see the public remote ip is
the little code that i have written..

For Each Item in Request.ServerVariables %>
<td><%= Item %></td>

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XML Package And IP Address

I have been developing an online payment system using classic ASP
which uses Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP to submit an XML package to a 3rd party payment
system. The website the payment system is part of is one of many on a
Server 2000 / IIS5.0 installation. Each web site on my server has its
own IP address. The 3rd party payment system is hosted on another
server not under my control.

The issue I have is that when the XML package is submitted, the 3rd
party system is not registering the correct IP addresss for the
originating request from the website, it is registering the 'Core' or
first IP address on the server. The originating IP address is part of
their authentication model and so the XML submission is failing
because the wrong IP address is being passed through.

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Address Bar Logo

In some site I found like this one I notice a logo in the address bar before the url. How can I do that using asp or some script?

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Keeping The Just Web Address Not ?ID=122

how do i encode the URL to just stay at teh web address and not say ?ID=122 at the end?

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How Can Get Client Ip Address

how can i find the ip address of a client?

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Getting IP Address In ASP Page?

Is it possible to trace the IP address of the browser which launch the ASP
page in the server? I'm trying to do the tracing for security purpose.

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Billing Address

i have a form with 2 sections: billing address and shipping address. the billing fields will be filled in from a db, corresponding to how the user has logged in. a drop down box will be filled from the db with the possible shipping addresses. how can i fire the form to fill the shipping fields from a selection in the drop-down?I don't have any code on this yet - trying to rough it out. is it possible?

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Redirect New Address

i have a set of asp web pages that have been moved from an old to a new web server
i wonder what's the best way of redirecting users to the new address - i've put a redirect on the home page, but ideally i'd like every page on the old server to redirect to its equivalent on the new server if that possible
also, at some point in the future the old web pages will be deleted - is there a way of redirecting users that still attempt to access them ?

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Get Visitors IP Address

How can I grab the IP address of a visitor to my site so I can store it in a
session variable?

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Can I Do A SSI By Http Address?

I have to be able to include a file via http address. Is this possible?

ex: How can I do the following and make it work...

<!--#include file=""-->


<!--#include virtual=""-->

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