Advice On ASP

I want to create a form that has a image embedded in it. This photo needs to be edited inside the form (i.e. a picture of a car that needs lines added to show damage. The form will have data in it (like car make, model,). When the form is submitted, the data needs to be written to the database, the image needs to be saved and the name written to the database. When the data is retrieved, the data and the image need to appear.

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Advice On NT Login

I'm looking to set up a contact directory where people can update there contact information. I was thinking of using the request.server NTLOGIN, this would cover ther security side. I've been looking at the pattern for creating logins and it seems they don't go any longer than 7 chars, but its based on the surname and the forename.

ie mine is first 6 digits of my surname and first intital of my first name, but then looked at another and the surname is only 4 chars so they use that and then first three of first name. Do you think it would be possible to do compares on this as the logins vary each time?

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Advice For Adding Languages

Ive done quite a few sites now that involve different languages using different strategies and I would like to hear some different opinions on which is the most efficient.

The previous sites with languages that I have done have not been majorly big or would involve vast amounts of traffic so using included language file have been ok. I am about to do a site in 4 - 6 different languages that will have quite a lot of traffic. I have also used application variables in some cases but not sure if that is the best way.

So if anyone has any ideas on a better way and also one that is easy on server resources I'd love to hear them (and maybe a link to some code would be koool)..

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Advice For Form Processing.

I'm just after abit of advice and recommendation about processing a form. Would it be advisable to set the form action to the page were the form currently sits and insert an if statement into the beginning of the page to check to see if submit = Yes?

Then saving the user inputs into sessions?

if all inputs meet the validation requirements then redirect the user to the next step?

Also is there a better way of trapping if a user enters numerical values and special characters than this? Code:

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Advice On Displaying Records

I'm displaying records from an Access db and would appreciate advice on the most efficient/easiest way of displaying a field.

The db holds a list of furniture products where there are a number of ranges. Each record has the range name against it but I've only put the range description against the first record in that range Code:

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Bulk Email Advice

my web host offers ASPMail - which works fine for sending individual emails, but I'm not too keen on using it to send out bulk emails because generally it times out, and then I am left with having to work out who has received their email, and who hasn't.

Anyway, just checking to see if anyone here has any advice about what options I could use to send out bulk emails. My idea of "bulk" is anywhere between 300 and 1400 at a time.

I know there are lots of free services on the web out there which offer free email newsletter services - do people have any recommendations for any of these, or any ASP based components or scripts which I could use on my site to get around this problem?

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