Ajax Library For Classis ASP

i thought some of you might be interested because as far as i know there arent any Ajax Libraries for classic ASP...

i have developed a free Ajax Library called ajaxed. With this you are able to call server side procedures directly from client side ...

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i have developed a library in vb6 to import an excel file ftom client to a
sql 2000 table on the server.This object must run at server.
How can i create this object on a web asp page?
Does it run if the oject use Excel library but on the server Excel is not

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Gd Library For Asp

Does somebody know a cool library like gd for php which helps me to create images in my script?

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Including A Library

I am trying to use the example located here: http://www.asp101.com/articles/jacob/scriptupload.asp

If I have vbscript v5.0 do i still need to include a library inorder to create a new FileUploader object?

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Photo Library

i am not sure that this subject can be discussed here. i have many photos. they are stored according to the name of the EVENT and YEAR. i will set up a database (sql or access) to store information of the photo and set up a folder to store the "PHOTOs". and design a web page to show.

My question is how to put the photo on the web page:

i prefer the simplest and effortless method. Once the user takes the photos (5m pixel photo) and upload them and input the event name & year. then it is finished.

any tools can be used? which programming language is most suitable. i noted many web sites have this feature but i don't know how many effort at the back end?

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Dynamic Link Library

I am getting "A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed" error
in IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003 server.

I have this same code working on WiN-NT.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?

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Wanting To Build A .NET Library

I seem to have a very good library for PHP, XML, Cold Fusion, Flash, JavaScript, and Java..but Im wanting to begin building some helpful references for ASP.net. I got one book called "Designing ASP.net Applications" from Microsoft, but it, sadly, wasnt very good for someone like me thats starting out.

Can we use this thread to possibly suggest good books on ASP.net, VB.net, C#, etc that have helped you, and perhaps others can benefit from it, as well as me?

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Books Library System In ASP

Does anybody has a Sample of books library systemin ASP? I looked for in aspfaq.com, asp101.com, but untill now I could find anything else.

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My company is finally making the move to program in ASP.NET for our web application stuff. We need to purchase a suite of components. Can anyne recommend a very good component library. We are looking for things like GRID, CHARTS, VALIDATION TOOLS, etc.

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Connection String/Network Library

We've had a recurring problem where all of a sudden we get a DBMSSOCN General Network Error on any page that connects to SQL Server. Then we have to reboot the server and everything works fine again, for a few more hours and then we have the same problem. Someone suggested adding ";Network Library=DBMSSOCN" to our connection strings. I've tried to figure out exactly what this does and why not having it would be a problem.

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ASP 0177 Error Loading Type Library/DLL

I found a posting for below error in the forum but could not found any solutions.

I am also facing the same error, though most of my ASP pages are working fine
I get this error on a page where in I am trying to create an excel file out of the resultset fetched on the page. Page has a button, on click of which i get this error:

<LI>Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x80029C4A)
Error loading type library/DLL.

/ami/includes/lib_offload_to_Excel.asp, line 86Has it something to do with the permissions of the logged in user?

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I am trying to do is display 'by tag name' like I have in the code i.e. 'ARTIST'. I was getting the access denied error because I was trying to access a remote XML file, so I created a 'proxy' page (getXML.asp) in ASP which seems to work - in the sense that I don't get that error anymore!

But now it can't retrieve the XML but I am almost certain the getXML file is causing this as teh XML file is where I say it is.

This is my first attempt with AJAX so sorry for being so vague but basically it don't work. Code:

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I dont know more about AJAX. Just I wan to know if I want to use AJAX. What I have require to install it. Can i use it with ASP?

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Ajax And ASP

Does anyone know of a site where I could learn how to use Ajax with ASP? I am a complete newbie to AJAX (know the name and that's about it) but am interested to see if it could help my applications. The only help I can find involves ASP.Net not classic ASP.

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to run an ajax page on my site would my webserver need asp

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ASP And AJAX Resources

anyone know of some good ajax resources working with ASP as most of the stuff on the net is PHP.

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AJAX Question

I've been starting to dig into ajax a bit and found some great code to pre-load data to page through a recordset. My very dumb question is this - the sample code uses php to connect to the sample database.

Would there be a problem using asp to make the database connection? I'm not getting any javascript errors on my trial page, but I'm not getting any data either, which is what make me wonder.

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Firefox When Using AJAX

I put some code together below, so you can see what I mean:rcntech.com/development/ajaxcars.asp

If you test the link above with IE works as it is supose to, however it doesn't display any elements withing the <form> tags in Firefox.

By the way, I am loading the page using AJAX, if you call the ASP directly in Firefox then it works fine, but that's not what I am trying to achieve.rcntech.com/development/login.asp

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AJAX Toolkits

Anyone know of any good ASP AJAX implementations?Or does anyone have any favorites?

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Ajax Autosuggest

I've seen a lot of autosuggest scripts with


html being one I've tried to use.However, when used in conjunction with ASP,*something* just doesn't go right.

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Called By Ajax

My web site HTML comes from a database via querystring e.g. page.asp?pid=55. I have a separate asp search page, search.asp. Its output is retrieved by an ajax call from page.asp and its HTML is then neatly wrapped and styled by page.asp.

I want search.asp to recognise if it is not being called via ajax frompage.asp, but directly e.g. via the address bar (and if so, redirect to page.asp). Do I need to put something into the posted string, or (better) is there an asp method that can do this?

The ajax call is
function GetSearchPage(st) {
var poststr = "searchterm=" + encodeURI(st);
makePOSTRequest('/search/search.asp', poststr,'divFullSearchDisplay');

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Realtiming Ajax

Suppose I have an asp page that has a response.write(something) in a loop that would run for a considerable amount of time. Now, from my client browser can I trap those server response messages (using ajax) and print them on the browser?

The thing is the asp page is still running over at the server. while it is running I would want to monitor some variables that is part of the program that is running over at the server.

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AJAX Type Databinding

I have created a asp page that allows me to add records successfully to a database using a ajax methods. This works for me but i need to update the data table that is on the same page with the new record without refreshing the page. Does anybody know good methods for vbscript and ajax?

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AJAX Based Applications

Time is changed and you see almost all ruling companies in INTERNET are using AJAX Based applications. Something that is named CallBack Event in ADP.NET 2.0.Here in this topic i want to start introducing step by step an AJAX-Based application development.

The target is implementing a professional AJAX Grid in ASP. So at the end of this continuous tutorial i will put the source code free. Be in touch to find out how AJAX concept improves our ASP applications.

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Ajax Database Query

im using ajax to load different pages of code into containers on one page.. i have checked my code.. and things SEEM to be named correctly.. and i know the db is workin because it populates the drop downs properly.

so if you could do this form me.. choose the first radio.. 'london postcode' and proceed from there.. when you click the get quote that error comes up.

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Ajax Drag-drop-reordering On Asp

Have anyone done a drag-drop-reordering and save the latest sort order into db with ASP?
It seems that not many ajax sample with asp out there. I have found a link to do it with php. Code:

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ASP/AJAX Auto-complete Textbox

I am trying to find ASP code so I can use auto-complete with a textbox by using ASP and Ajax. I can find asp.net and php, but no luck with asp.

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Triple Combo Dropdown Using Ajax And Asp

In this my need is three combo dropdown box.

the first one is date(statically from today to another 5 days)
the 2nd one is city(like bangalore,newyork...)
the 3rd one is theaters(like abc,wilson...)

if i select 1st combo value means the related values from 2nd combo will load.
and if i select 2nd combo value means related 3rd combo value will load.

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Conaito VoIP ActiveX Library For Developers Of VoIP Audio Applications

conaito VoIP ActiveX library for developers of VoIP audio applications,
such as voice chat, conference, VoIP, providing real-time low latency
multi-client audio streaming over UDP/IP networks. Includes efficient
components for sound recording, playback, encoding, decoding, mixing,
resampling, reading, and writing wave files, mixer volume controls

Provides UDP/IP server and client components for peer-to-peer,
multi-user, and broadcast audio communications. Really easy to use!
Working with Firewall and NAT! conaito VoIP SDK is the best way to add
voice conference and text conference into your application and web
pages. conaito VoIP SDK includes voip activex, voip ocx, voip com, voip
dll, voip lib and voip cab, so you can use the one you like the most.

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Is This "AJAX"

I have some javascript in a standard HTML page that uses the ubiquitous "XMLHttpRequest" to send data to a remote ASP page. If that page "answers back" by sending a string using a simple Response.Write, which I then use in the original HTML page to dynamically update stuff, is this "AJAX"?

Specifically, is there anything "wrong" with sending back info from classic ASP pages using simple Response.Writes? (Is there usually something more required in the "answer back"? Or something that Response.Write might not be sending, like an appropriate header "AJAX" header?) I mean, what I have done works! -- so I wonder if I am missing something? It seems so easy to do -- I _MUST_ be missing something?

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