Alter Column And Add Auto_increment?

How can I change a column in my database so it becomes auto_increment? Something like,

ALTER COLUMN Id autoincrement

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Alter Column Conversion Problem

I have an Access table with some fields set as text and I would like to convert them to integer.

For some reason some values have wrongly been entered with chars, thus

ALTER TABLE my_table ALTER COLUMN my_field Integer
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e07'
Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

If I manually convert the field using Access, I get warned of possible data loss, but the conversion takes place anyway.

How can I force the conversion using just SQL? Is there something like an option "override errors" / "force conversion"?

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Start Auto_Increment

Is there a way to start the Primary Auto_Number at a specific number? Usually it starts at 1, but I would like to have it start at 5,000

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I am trying to change the data type of one of the columns in my SQL table remotely (via ASP scrpit). I understand that ALTER TABLE will allow me to drop and add columns, but I can't find any information on ways to alter the data types.

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Alter Value In Textbox

I want to alter the text displayed in one textbox depending on the value input into another textbox. For example, when entering a customer code into the first box, I want to display the customer name in a second textbox. This will have to be done more than once on a form.

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Alter My Script

I have a web form that submits data to an email box. I would like it to only send those fields that had input and not the zeros. how to alter my script.

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Alter Server.ScriptTimeout

if I add <% Server.ScriptTimeout = 300 %> to a page, does that then alter
the default 90 second script timeout for ALL pages (if so, is it for that
session or until??) or does it just alter the timeout for THAT individual
page?I've been through the IIS docs and I haven't been able to find the
definitive answer.

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Dynamically Alter Hyperlink...

I would like to store a table of alternate URL's it would work like this - in my forums, a user may add a URL (for example When another user would click on this URL, I would like to call the alternate URL table to see if an entry exists for the domain "" If so, I would like to alter the hyperlink (on click) to "" If the URL is not listed in the alternate URL table then I would like it to go to it's original target address.

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Database Alter Command


does this command allow for overwriting (or skipping) the column if it already exists? The reason I'm asking is because the file that I'm reading in will contain the column and the value associated with the column.

However, some files may or may not contain certain columns, thus if it doesn't exist I have to create a new one, or I need to add to it.

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Alter/create Tables Through Web? Access 2000?

does anyone know of a free utility that allows you to alter/create tables through the web for access 2000. I'm talking about the table/db structure, not creating records.

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Alter This Select Statement To Specific Record

cmdTemp.CommandText = "Select * From users"
cmdTemp.CommandType = 1
Set cmdTemp.ActiveConnection = DataConn

rstContacts.Open cmdTemp, , 1, 3

rstContacts.Move CLng(Request("Record"))

i only want this command to display from the users table the details
of the user that has the username (from the database) equal to the username of the person who has just logged in from my login form (uname input box) this code at the moment displays the first record, i dont want that.

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How To Make Column Of Table 1 = To Column Of Table 2?

I want MS Access 2000 database column of table 1 = column of table 2. This is what I was doing: Code:

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Add A Column

I have a csv file that I'd like to be able to add a column to. Specifically, I want to take the first 6 chars of the filename and add it to each row as a new column. e.g.


whatever.csv 'before

whatever.csv 'after

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Get Column Name And Value Of Specific Row

Ok let me explain what I am trying to do as easily as I can. I have a table in my access database that I am connecting to. I select a specific id number using my SQL statement. Now what I am trying to do is scroll through that records row and get the column name of that column along with the value of that cell. I hope that isn't to confusing. Now I'm not sure whether this would be done using ASP or done in my SQL statement. Code:

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Column Descriptions

How do you get the description of fields in an Access database? I really need this and can't find it anywhere....
It would also help if someone showed me how to get the datatype and other info (like if it's a Yes/no or True/False field).
What is the resource/doc for this so I know where to look before asking from now on?

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How Do I Call The Last ID In A Column

Ok i'm self taught with regards to ASP so not great etc, so sorry if this is a really basic question..

On the last line here i'm trying to some how get it to call the last ID entry...

ImageID = Request("ID")
If (Len(ImageID) = 0) then ImageID = "1"
If Not IsNumeric(ImageID) Then ImageID = "1"
If ImageID = "0" then ImageID = "1"
If ImageID>3 then ImageID = max(Len(ImageID))

This is basically for some max min links for a online comic here's what it links to

<a href="default.asp?id=<%=ImageID-1%>">< Backwards</a> -
<a href="default.asp?id=<%=ImageID+1%>">Forward ></a> -


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Column Sorting

Can someone please explain to me why the hyperlinked column headings will sort in Firefox and IE 7 but not in IE6. Code:

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Changing Column

I need to set up an HTML table or the like, with 4 columns.
Each column needs to have a header with a FRIDAY (dd/mm/yy) date.
i.e. this weeks Fridays date is 16th Feb, the following is 23rd Feb
So, I need column 1 to be headed 16th Feb, col 2 to show 23rd Feb etc.
As this week passes, the dates need to move up 1 week, so that next
week, col 1 will display 23rd Feb and so on.
These headers need to change according to the date.
Please can you advise how I best achieve this ?

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Freeze Column

we have a requirement to freeze the column and row column heading... so that when the user scrolls to the right the first two columns ( I refer them as "row headings") will stay and the remaining columns scroll left and when the user scrolls to the bottom the first row stays ("column headings")and the remaining rows will scroll up.. This can be easily accomplished in EXCEL by freezing the itersecting cell... How can the same be accomplished using HTML tables /ASP code.... Is there any Active X control available that can be used to accomplish the same?Our technical env is ASP and Oracle DB

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Splitting 1 Column Into 2

Pretty basic but I cannot figure it out.

FULLNAME (lname, fname)

Needs to be


Should split at the comman.I already have all the columns created; just
need to SQL command to make it happen.

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Invalid Column Name

I am trying to access a table in a SQL server using ADO in ASP. It works fine in the rest of the site. Here is the code:

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ORDER BY A Column?

If I have several fields:
a | b | c | d | e

and the original SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY a ASC ".

I want to place links to b, c, d, e to make the table of results to show by ascending order of b (or , c, d, e).

do I need to place an "if/ end if" in the sql or do I put some statement in the paging?

a (ORDER BY a ASC)| b | c | d | e
1 | 3 | z
2 | 2 | y
3 | 1 | x
4 | 5 | w
5 | 4 | v


a | b (ORDER BY b ASC)| c | d | e
3 | 1 | x
2 | 2 | y
1 | 3 | z
5 | 4 | v
4 | 5 | w

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Highlighting The Column

I have a SQL query that produces a table which displays account numbers and the amount owed on those accounts.

the page that displays that table is written with ASP. Does anyone know how can I highlight the rows in the table where account numbers have more than 7500 dollars in amount owed? Code:

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Column Names?

im reading from multiple databases, and one restraint is that i must know the amount of columns and the names of the columns before i can display info from the question: can i somehow GRAB or READ this information from each database and then just adapt my Display accordingly

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SmallDateTime Column

I have an asp page which the user enters a time(e.g. 12:21). I need to insert this time into a SQL Server DB, which has a smalldatetime column.

I have tried everything I can think of (such as CDate, TimeValue, FormatDateTime etc) to convert the time string, into a valid time. However, the insert always try to insert a datetime datatype (e.g. 12/12/1899 12:21:00).

I am trying to process the insert through ado, eg:

objRS("Field1") = strText
objRS("DateField") = dteValue

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How Can I Create A YES/NO Column?

I use this code to dynamically create a column in a table...

strSQL = "CREATE TABLE (FirstName TEXT(30), LastName TEXT(20));"

This will create two text columns. How can I create some YES/NO columns
instead of TEXT columns?

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3 Or 4 Column Display

Is there a way to have a piece of repeating information display in multiple columns like a phone book? I need to display a list of contract numbers which will link to the actual contract.

There is no other information to display and it would be better if I could display 3 or 4 columns on the page like a phone book. Hope that makes sense. I am using Dreamweaver and it's and Access db if that helps.

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Create A YES/NO Column

I use this code to create a table dynamically.

strSQL = "CREATE TABLE (FirstName TEXT(30), LastName TEXT(20));"

This will create two text columns. How can I create some YES/NO columns instead of TEXT columns?

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Is it possible to get a db's column names not the data inside the columns just the columns names.

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Adding Column

I've searched high and low in this forum for an answer to this one. maybe someone knows where it's at.

Let's say I have a page that is displaying fields from the database. There is a column of numbers, that at the bottom of the page I would like it to display the total of those numbers displayed. Is there an easy way to make this happen?

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Fetch Column Ids

I want to save the details of phases. On selecting a phase, there are 3 columns, task ,start date, end date in a row. Next to it, a button'Add task' is displayed. on clicking this, another row appears below. When i click submit, the data is saved if the following condition is truw: The end date should not be less than start date. how do i retieve the data of all the rows.

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Print Column Name

How do I print the name of all columns in a table?

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Add Checkbox Column

i need some quick help from who has dealt with this before. I am trying to add a column to the db using form input for the column name.

I can add it as any datatype however i need it to be a Yes/No checkbox column. What is the script required to achieve this?

heres my code:

SQLadd="ALTER TABLE Models ADD COLUMN `" &namef& "` BIT"

I read somewhere i have to use BIT but i only get value 0 and not an actual check box.

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