Altering Text Strings Using ASP

In Javascript, there is a feature where you can alter text strings by just using part of a string, just taking the third letter, fourth letter, etc.

Is there a feature like this using ASP (VBScript)? Or if not using ASP, what about ASP.NET?

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Altering A Text String For An Indexserver Query

I am trying to alter a text string to create a valid boolean query for
an index server search.

At the moment because the text string is created using combo boxes it
can have 2 or more 'AND's in succession.

Like This (strInput):
"Company AND Credit AND AND London AND AND Richmond Short Term AND AND
Intercompany AND Investment Bank AND Covertible AND AND "

what I want to do is change the above string to (strOutput2):

"Company AND Credit AND London AND Richmond AND Short Term AND
Intercompany AND Investment Bank AND Covertible"

I am trying to do it with the code below:

However this code produces problems as I loop through the various
search items.

It works fine in VB but fails when I try to port it to ASP. Code:

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Strings, Manipulating The Text.

How do I take a string value and trim off the last character?

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Stripping Text Between Two Strings With Regular Expressions

I need to strip some text from between two strings, my code looks like this:

SECTION = "My page name"
I need to build a regular expression that will return:

My page name Anyone know how to do this?

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Altering/refreshing A Parent Page

I have an asp application where in a certain page you have to enter a PO number, if you click the search it will bring up the 15 most previous PO number w/some information.

I want to be able to have those PO Numbers to be links, that when you click them it closes the new window(I have this) and the parent page can grab the PO number clicked and display that in this text field how would I go about this?

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In a string what is the character I should use to represent an enter?

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i am retrieving a record from the database, I am trying to place the value of the FULLNAME field in a textbox on a Form, the Problem is that it only displays half of the name leaving out the stuff that comes after a SPACE.


adors("fullname").value <--- Actual Value is John Smith
but it only displays John

<INPUT id=text1 readonly name=txtfullname value=<%=adors("fullname").value%>>

but if I try to just response.write it anywhere on the page then it displays the entire name.

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Combining 2 Sql Strings

I have 2 SQL strings:

FROM NK_editie " & MM_whereConst & " " & whereClause & "
ORDER BY editie desc


FROM NK_editie INNER JOIN NK_edities ON NK_editie.editieid = NK_edities.ID
ORDER BY editie desc

Now I want to combine those 2 to one string.

I have problems to set it up in working order.
My tryout:
FROM NK_editie INNER JOIN NK_edities ON NK_editie.editieid = NK_edities.ID &
" & MM_whereConst & " " & whereClause & "
ORDER BY editie desc

It shows al the records which are joined, only the second string " & MM_whereConst & " " & whereClause & " is not working.

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Placing Strings Onto Url

I found out a really nice way to keep things on the same page is for any processing page to add on a "?<something>=<something>"

and then just check to see what the something is equal to, and the number represents what you want the front page to show.

However, this <something> shows up on the url listing in a browser. Is there anyway to .. encode it so no one can see it? Like a encode/decode function?

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" And ' In SQL Strings

I'm building a forum, and right now i'm creating the ability to edit posts. As part of this i want to add the usual "Edited by UserName on Date" line at the bottom, but am having problems doing so.

The problems seems to do with formatting the text in the variable with <span>s using stylesheets, or if there are " and ' markes in the post proper (which I can't seemt to remove with Replace). Here's my code:

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Trimming Strings

if i had a string which looked like this :

,apple, orange, grape, tomatoes

how do i remove the first character[,] from the string using the trim() function?

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Connection Strings

I am developing a website and it's going fine, but i've heard that you shouldn't have your database in the wwwroot, it should be outside/above that.

I've done this (i'm using Dreamweaver MX) so I moved the db, fixed my odbc/dsn, connection string etc, but when I upload now I get this error.

Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80004005'

'C:Program FilesEnsimSiteDatawebpplianceconfdomainsInet pubwwwrootTesting_SiteDatabasesTesting_Website _DataSource.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides. /Testing_Site/default.asp, line 8

This is line 8: Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_TestingConnection_STRING

Is there something that I have missed. It was ok when it was in the wwwroot.

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Comparing Strings

i am having a problem with comparing two strings. I am taking
in the parameter rs("Company") and if this is empty i want to put some
text in there. I am testing it with an empty Company field and comparing
it like so:


I have also tried it with

but each time i get nothing returned. Is there some rule about comparing a
string with an empty string?

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Dns Connection Strings

I am using ASP to connect to a simple database to retreive information and also to imput information.What I need is a simple dns connection string syntax to connect and query data.

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Search Strings...

I have a search function on my site, and what happens at them moment is the user fills in a text box with their search string, and clicks submit. The search page takes their string, and splits it up where it sees " ".

All fairly simple, what I'd like is to allow the user to enter text in speechmarks, so the script would search for a couple of words together, as well as being able to search for every individual word...

Everyone confused yet?!

e.g If the user enters Dev Shed Forums , then the search would look for every occurance of the strings "Dev", "Shed" and "Forums"

What I want is for the user to be able to enter "Dev Shed" Forums, and the search will look for "Dev Shed" and "Forums"...

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Formating Strings

I have a list of dates in a sql database that are input as varchar like this 042999

How do I insert / in between the date/month and year

so this 042999 will appear like this 04/29/99

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Concatenate Two Strings

if i've two strings like:Code:

dim pic_name=replace(Request.Form("pic_name"),"'","''")
dim pic_path="pro-details/PICs/"

how could i merge the two strings to get the complete pic-path

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Strings With Quotes In

< input type=text name="PageTitle" id="PageTitle"
value="<%=strPageTitle%>" >

How do I "escape" any quotes, accidental carriage returns etc that are
contained within strPageTitle? Do I have to use a series of replace()
functions, or is there a cunning way that makes it OK?

(Using escape(strPageTitle) fills the box with % signs...)

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Join Two Strings

I have 2 string


I need to join them and then i need to get 6 characters from the left

so here is my code
str4=Left(str3, 6)

I need to see the output as johnsm

but it gives the output as john

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Unescaping Strings

I am storing some strings via in my dbase. The string looks like this:

Well, that`s just a simple level 100 quiz aiming to imprint ""standard random number generators are not really random"" program to those who still lack it. What will produce the following C# snippet? ‘ ....

Now I am reading these values via ASP and need to print them out.

Unfortunaly it does not UnCode the string back so that I can show it to the user. I know I could use the replace function but I wont replace all chars, there are many from this type. What can I do?

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Compare Two Strings

I was wondering how do you compare variables that contain text strings in ASP.When I use the following If. Then statement:

If Rs("StyleNo") <> arrStyleNo(aCount) Then

I always get the following error when I try to browse the page:

Error Type:
Exception occurred.

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Compare Strings

I'm trying to see if a certain string matches a predefined string so I've tried:

If txtCondition3 = "NO THEFT COVER unless client claim free and occupied
prems for 3 yrs" Then
response.write "1st condition"
response.write "2nd condition"
End If

But I'm getting neither response.

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Converting Strings

I have a form with multiple text fields, when i submit the form i want it to edit a table in my database using UPDATE. I know i have the syntax correct. The problem I have is 2 fields are Currency and 2 are Date. The request.form command always returns a string and i keep getting the 'Data type mismatch in criteria expression' error. How do i convert the strings to dates, and strings to Currencies.

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Strings And Tables

I am currently developing a registration application for the Boy Scouts. We have paper forms for those who choose not to use a computer to register. The paper forms have a box for each letter so that it is legible. how can i re-create the paper forms with ASP. For those who go online and register they need to print out the youths registration forms and I want them to look like the paper forms.

Now there are a few fields that are mutliple words so it would have to support spaces as well. Is there even a way to do this. I know it is going to be a pain for the good look it is going to be critical. I was thinking of using strings to simply seperate each letter and tell the script to simply repeat until. Is the right way?

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Strings And Variables


Dim activation_code
activation_code="dkfjla54d2__sd4f__Sdf4sdf63ds2f168sd32f1wef4_" & Right(user,2) & "__sdf984231" & Left(mail,2) & Left(user,2) & "23a1sd_" & " right(mail,2) & hour(now)

its probably syntax error , i dont know how to connect strings and variables , but i though it is right this way , but obviously not ...

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Add 2 Strings Numerically

i have 2 strings: a value in an array and a variable from some xml. I need to numeriaclly add them together, as they are both strings, using + doesn't work. I have tried cStr but it errors what do I do?

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Randomly Generated Strings

I used to have a piece of code that would generate a random string of
8,16,24 or 32 characters in length.

I got it from this group, does any one have this piece of code?

It will be used for a double opt-in email newsletter.

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Email Validation Strings

I've got a couple of strings I use to validate emails.

I have no idea what either of them do or what they mean! I found them, they work, so I use them!

Could somebody let me know what these mean? My guess is that the longer string is better, simply because it tests more thoroughly, but I could be mistaken.

String1 = ""^([a-zA-Z0-9_-.]+)@(([[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9-]+.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(]?)$""

String2 = "^w+([-+.]w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w{2,}$"

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Concatenate Strings And Arrays

how to set a variable to the contents of an array from a certain element on

for example..


I would like to set all values after two to a string variable..separated by underscores


is there convenient string method for this ..?

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Encode And Decode Strings

I have problem with what is seen in address bar.
I need a code to encode my queryStrings and again decode it
in the destination.So ther will be just unkown charecters for users in the address bar

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Passing Variable Strings

What I have is an ASP page that starts off with multiple ways to access a project list and other pages via mysql queries. One of those is a button with the following

<form name="ProjectsActive" method="post" action="P_ProjSort.asp?ActiveSort=1&MySort=1">

From this button I'm wanting to pass a variable to acknowledge that it is ONLY wanting ACTIVE projects and also what was originally already there which is the MySort for sorting by different columns. The next page has the following I cut out some irrelevant stuff. Code:

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UK Post Code Strings

I have a bit of a problem with UK Post code strings, as you guys in the UK will know, our postcodes are alpha numeric.

LL12 4RS, C4 4GF, DG1 7HD etc etc...

What I need to do is grab the first letter(s) of the post code, ignoring the rest of it. Now, 'cos it can be either 1 or 2 (and in some weird cases 3) letters, I can't do a simple left() on it.I'm guessing something like a regexp will be the way to go? (but I'm a bit hazy on the reg exp thing)

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Saving And Splitting Strings

I want to save a list of values in a cookie. I already use 1 key of the cookie to save the username. What I want to do is save a list of values as one string by using some kind of separator character.

There may be any number of these values including none. What is a good character to use to separate values? What commands do i use to split a string on the separator character into several strings?

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