Anonymous Access To ASP Pages Not Working

A freshly installed IIS on my Windows XP SP2 does not allow anonymous
acces to the default ASP file (localstart.asp). I just used default
configuration for installation, which enables anonymous access. But
when I load http://localhost I just get a login box. A simple
index.html placed manually for debugging purpose loads without login

I am testing the same thing on a Windows XP (w/o SP2). ASP works for
anonymous access like a charm.

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Simple Anonymous Access

I have what I think is a simple question but I am finding nothing but
complicated answers.I have a web site running on IIS6. One directory used to use an
alternate account as the anonymous user (not the IUSR_ServerName
account) to connect to a database, etc. Now the pages in that
directory no longer do anything special and I just want to start using
the default IUSR_ServerName account again. I put that account back in,
but what do I put in as the password? I am reading all about security
improvements, network service vs. local system, unprivileged vs.
priveleged, etc. I realize there is no longer a "Let IIS control
password for anonymous account" option, but all I want to know is, HOW

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Pages Not Working

I have some asp files running on IIS server and they work fine. And I just transfered those files to Apache server and all the page functionality don't work anymore. So, ASP is not compatiable to Apache server? Is there a work around for solving this problem or I should use other programming languagesfor Apache server? If using other language is required, what are the choices of the programming language that I can use to run on apache server?

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ASP Pages Not Working On Browser.

I created a virtual directory in my default website, then I created a few ASP pages. When i run these files from the browser, i go to the screen "page cannot be displayed"

I am using Windows XP. I am using IE-6

can someone tell me why?? I am able to run HTML pages, the problem is only witht he ASP Pages.

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Protecting Asp Pages From Working On A Different Server

I want to install asp and access on a server, is there way to password protect asp pages from being accessed directly?. I don't mean via web.But being accessed from the server directly?

Is there way to ensure that the asp pages works on the computer/server it has been installed on and not for any other comp?

So if some new admin tried to copy those asp pages to another computer,they would not work.

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APS Pages Not Working Now After Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 Install

Has anyone had any problems with Win2003 Service Pack 1 messing up things in IIS regarding asp pages? I had a small test site working yesterday and last night I ran the Windows critical updates on the server that included Service Pack 1. This morning my asp pages are not working.

Also I'm using Dreamweaver MX 2004 and I'm trying to setup another database connection for another page. I connect to the access .mdb file and it tests successfully. However, when I go to look at the tables in Dreamweaver, it shows that there are NO tables.

I know that there are tables and it was working yesterday. Nothing has changed between yesterday and today except for the windows critical updates. Any ideas??

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Access SQL To ASP SQL Not Working

I have taken some SQL from MS Access and got it working. I have since updated the SQL in Access but cannot get the additional part working in ASP. The working SQL I have in asp is:-

strQuery = strQuery & " HAVING ((OrderQuantity-Sum(QtyShipped)>=0) AND
(OrderLines.SelectAll=-1) AND (PCBForecast.HeldMarker='Scheduled'))"

I need to add the following but keep getting errors saying my SQL is

This is the additional part which should also be on this line:-

AND ((PCBForecast.ShipETA) Between Now() And #12/30/3000#))"

or another variant I require

AND ((PCBForecast.ShipETA)=#12/31/3000#))"

What is the correct way to write both of these, as I cannot get either
to work in asp, yet they work in Access.

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Access Certain Pages

I'm writing a CMS for my new web site and there will be around 4 users using it to update the site but I don't what all the user to accessing all of the pages. I want to be able to set which pages the can access.

So far there are 15 pages and growing to the CMS, I have made a login script and which user has there own account.

Now I was thinking I could add each file name (eg. page.asp) to a field in the database and when the page loads it checks to see of the filename is in that field of allowed pages. But a database field can only hold 255 Characters and my page file names are around 15-20 characters long so by the time I add more pages to the CMS it is going to exceed 255 characters.

Anyway I hope you have a understanding on what I want to do, so does anyone have any ideas on the subject

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Restricting Access To Web Pages

I'm doing a web page with Admin rights to a MS Access database. So far when the admin logs in they are directed to the admin page. However if someone knows the name of the admin page they can still type it into the address bar and it will pop up with no restriction. Any ideas how to restrict this access to administrators only?

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Data Access Pages

We were using asp pages to mine data from our ms access dbs. Now have upgraded to 2003 ms access. I tried the data access pages and am able to of course query data on the website from the db elsewhere.

Do you HAVE to have ms access on the machine to access the data this way? We tried of course and got "data provider could not be initilized". Is there a way around that?

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Anonymous Authentication

One of our webdev guys is having trouble with IIS set up on his system, particularly with anonymous authentication. On all of his web instances, he can get to non-asp pages but all asp pages return 401.3. when using HTTP/1.0 or a proxy server. It doesn't seem to be at all related to the file system, because a test file has wide-open access. And it only happens with script pages; html or other files can be retrieved

The anonymous user is the one the iis install generated, and the "IIS controls the account password" box is checked. Everything looks like it's set up properly and the same way it is on other systems. There are no authentication errors in his system's event log. So what is asp.dll not liking.

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Controlling Concurrency To Access Web Pages

We have an issue where we need to control access to specific web pages e.g. if one user is editing a purchase requisition another user shouldn't be able to perform any actions on it.

I presume we could lock the purchase requisition for editing by a specific user when an edit button is pressed. Only that user would then be able to edit the document. However can anyone think of any better approaches to this issue which I presume must be quite common in other application domains.

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Anonymous User Account Name

I often have permission problems when I move my pages unto different servers.It would be very handy if I could programmatically determine the anonymous user account name from my asp page.How can this be done since it is not in the request header for anonymous requests?

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WWW-Authenticate To Force Anonymous

I have a server that hosts a few intranet sites. The one that all my coworkers have their Home Page set for causes their browser to authenticate, which is all good.

The one i'm working on now requires Anonymous Access in order to work, but the authentication from the first one is carrying over to the other. Can I use WWW-Authenticate to force anonymous access isntead of using it to force NTLM, Basic, etc?

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Special Anonymous Account

IIS set up after VS.NET. On a virtual directory for a web app...I go to properties and click on the 'Directory Security' tab, click the 'Edit' button,check
anonymous access, type in username/password for account, check 'Integrated Windows authentication' at the bottom...then OK out.

in web.config, I add the tag identity impersonate="true" />

startup the app in Page_Load I have...

string samp =
System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurre nt().Name;

firstload I get the account I typed in above...on postback it changes to my personal windows account. strange. Also when I switch on the anon user account for the whole website it works.

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Anonymous Email Form

I'm creating a simple email form with just a text area field and a submit button. I want it to send to my mailbox. I want the senders email address to be anonymous. I don't know any server side scripting, so I'm hoping somebody can tell me how to build the .asp page to send the email. Code:

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Anonymous User As Domain Administrator

I have several website that use asp pages and backend databases running on my win2000 server. I removed everyone from the permissions on all of my Hard drives and added the annonymous user to the winnt folder and the wwwroot folder and all of the folders within these directories. Now my sites that just run straight html work fine but my sites with .asp pages are having problems.

However if I add the Domain Administrator account as the annonymous user to the site it will work. Then I have reverted back to the I_USR account and the site still works until the server has to be rebooted. At this point the site won't work until I add and then remove the admin user as the annonymous user to the site.

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How Can I Create New Folders On The Server Which Allows Anonymous Upload

How can I create new folders on the server, via ASP programming, which automatically allows by any user:

1. Files to be browsed
2. Anonymous upload to this directory
3. Allow uploaded files to over-write the existing file

I use the following ASP codes to create new folders, but all above options are off and I cannot e.g., upload (via ASP programming) to upload a file in the new directory because the option is off.

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set b = fs.CreateFolder(newFolder)

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Replace Rude Names In String With Anonymous

I'm going to make a database of rude words, that i do not want users to name themselves when they use my scoreboard. I need my asp to scan their string and if a word from the database appears replace the entire string with anonymous.

I have some code which was designed to astrisk out all but the first and last letter of any appearing rude word

eg: d**n this b****y game
or godd**nit

i have changed this to just replace each word to anonymous, but cant get it to the stage above, can any one help? My code so far is below. Code:

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Password Protecting Single Pages In Access Database Cms System

I am working on a CMS website which uses a access database.

When a user adds a page a record is added to a table in the database. The user choses the page style from a selection of 7 or 8 layouts.

I have been asked to find out if I can password protect one of those pages??

I have tried a few sites but not found much. The it has been done before is to add a password protected layout and build a login area into the site.

The effect i want is for the user to click the page and a username and password box will apear?

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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Old Pages / Cached Pages

I am always getting cached pages even contents of the page changed on the server but I am getting old page (data).How to solve this.

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Creat Pages Using Other Pages

is it possible to create pages using other pages. Here is an example... Can I make a page that has a menu on it, but the menu is actually a seperate page that I call with ASP?

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ASP Not Working Ok In PWS

I just installed PWS on 2 machines (XP & 98).

The problem is that I can run the ASP files in the wwwroot folder when I use http://localhost from my browser or RUN (and that's for the default.asp). But the asp files do not work when I call them from a hyperlink in an HTML file.

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CDO Is Not Working

After I moved the site to new server the mailing method stoped working , the cdo pull the email from sql database on the same server .. although it says sent to # recipients.
I send a webpage (newsletter) exisit on the server "I use full url" also the registration page gives when registration the error: CDO.Message.1 error '80040218'

Unknown Error

/extra/news/reg3.asp, line 251

line 251 is objSendMail.CreateMHTMLBody ""
I saw description of the error it sayes that I have to use full url ...but I am using it ...
any Idea ...

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Asp Working Or Not

I have a sever 2003 machine of which I am trying to host a webisite on. The webpages I uploaded has lots of .asp files that could not be open. I'd contact the website disgner and complains about it and an he blaims it on my server not supporting asp technology.
My question today, is there a way to test what the problem really is?

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FSO Not Working

In my serverside script I have gone down to the bare bones and the following doesn't seem to work:

dim fs
dim fst
dim LineOut
set fs = Server.CreateObject"Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fst = fs.CreateTextFile("C:TEMPhome.tmp",True)

lineout = "MAFFIdentifier" & vbtab & "Title" & vbtab & "Initials"
lineout = " ==================================================

set fs = nothing

The server gets to the end since I place a response.write in to test.

If I cut and past this into VB declare the variables as objects and lineout as string and remove the "Server." from the line when setting fs, then it works fine in VB.

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Not Working In PWS

The problem is that I can run the ASP files in the wwwroot folder when I use http://localhost from my browser or RUN (and that's for the default.asp). But the asp files do not work when I call them from a hyperlink in an HTML file.If I do that, all I see are the contents of the asp file.

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Getting Working

Just set up Dedicated Server Hosting with GoDaddy. I put a very simple ASP page in the home web directory and try to load it and get a very generic error. A simple HTML file works fine. Obviously it's a permissions issue or maybe some service is not running.

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Sql Not Working In Asp

i got an sql sentence that is executed in toad without problem; returns 1 but when i run the sql in asp i get returned 0. Code:

FROM sest_sklepi

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ASP Not Working

New to IIS, Why will IIS 5.0 not server up my ASP web pages? I cannot even get to the help because it is an ASP Page. I get an error in IE that states "HTTP 500 Internal server error". I have looked in the configuration and cannot find anything related to ASP. What can I do to serve up ASP web pages?

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Why Isn't My PWS Working

I'm having difficulties making PWS work. I have WIN98SE. It was working for a while but now it says:

Quote: Problem:
An unexpected error occured.

Please restart the Publishing Wizard.

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Working With Url

Im finishing up a content management system for a client. It works fine except the way they have the pages set its nessessary for someone to open each page made and change it to the new directory.

the script copys a folder from lets say



so now we end up with something like

On the pages in smith is there a way to make the look at their url and strip off all but the /smith part?

Or maby someone could tell me what im trying to do is called and ill be able to do a better search online.

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