Application Object :: Existence Of Variables, Resources And Locks

I'm using application variables for a web based sales tracking application. I use the variables for stuff like connection string, database name, etc. I store the values in a asp file that is included in a login page. The assignments are in a procedure that I then call on the login page. This is done everytime a user connects to
the login page.

what's happening to the variables? Are they being overwritten everytime a user accesses the page? I'm not checking for the existence of the variables. I just call the routine everytime the page is accessed. I know the values are shared for all users but, I was wondering if I should check for the existence of variables? Will it free up resources? Should I be using locks?

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One Application Object

We have our web site setup on two seperate servers. They are connected together through a BIG/IP server. I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with BIG/IP (load balancing) but I'll give you a quick explanation:

When a user goes to our site, they hit our BIG/IP server first. This server looks at our two web servers and determines which one has more resources to spare. The BIG/IP then redirects the user to that server, where they are on the rest of the time they are on our site.

So we have two web servers with duplicate web sites running. My problem is I need to run one application object between both servers. Is this possible, or is there a work-around?

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Application Object ?

I am developing ASP application with complicated login system. There is several group of menu options. Each have form 5 to 15 sub-options.

User can work with any combination of options and sub-options and can see only these menu options which are allowed for him. "Rights rules" are store in SQL Tables and are getting after logon.

Now a questions:

1. what is the best way to store this menu structure (Session object is not allowed because it uses Cookies) ?

2. What is the best way to handle the "rights rules" ?

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ASP Application Variables

I am using IIS 6.0 and am trying to use application variables to track uasge. They work fine as long as there is an active client but about 20 minutes after the last activity they are reset to the default values declared in the global.asa file.

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Application Variables

If I'd use 1000+ application variables, would it decrease my server's performance?

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Application Variables

I'm building a web app with a lot of ASP files which I'd like to split out into several different subfolders. However, I noticed that application variables that I set up in my Application_OnStart event sometimes survive switching to a different folder while at other times they do not. I am relatively new to ASP so I'm not sure if I'm doing something that inadvertently unassigns these variables.

One thing I kow I'm not doing is explicitly reassigning or unassigning them.My other option is to assign them in a default.asp or some other generic file that I replicate in all my folders and include in the entry point asp file to each folder,but I'd rather avoid the redundancy so as not to complicate maintenance further.

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Application Variables

can I put together an object (not too big, just a small array or something) and chuck it in an Application variable or are there better ways to do this? Sessions are okay if it's a better alternative to Application but I'd rather skip cookies if I can.

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Abt Application Variables

I would like to know what are the Advantages &
Disadvantages of using Application variables in an ASP page.
In my application I would like to store some physical
paths from database to application variables.

I'm in a dilemma whether to hold this values in
application variables or in server side variables in
an include file. Please help me with this..

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Application Object Links

Below you can find quick links to information about the Application Object. I would write a post like my CDONTS one, but I just don't have time, but when I do, I'll see if I can get one done.

An intro to the Application object, this its in JScript but its easy to change
Using the Application Object to Improve Performance

HOW TO: Declare an Array at Application Level Scope in Active Server Pages (Q165293)

A Real-World Example of Caching Data in the Application Object
W3 Schools Application Reference

HOW TO: Use the Application Object to Store ASP State

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Can I Get To The Application Object In A Class

I am trying to get to the application object from a seperate class in my ASP
application and I dont want to pass the object in as the class is inherited
to lots of other classes. So i can have something like the following:

Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid

Namespace Classes.Inheritable
Public MustInherit Class EntityCollection

Implements IDisposable

Private mobjDataConnection As Classes.Databases.DBConnection

Public Sub New(ByVal strSQL As String)
mobjDataConnection = Application("DataConnection")
End sub

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Application Object Or Variable!

The following code exists in a Global.asa file:

Set Application("Thing")=Server.CreateObject("THINGDOER.THINGY")

Will the above code snippet:

create a non-object Application variable named "Thing" & place it in
the Contents collection of the Application object?


create an Application object named "Thing" & place it in the
StaticObjects collection of the Application object?

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Caching In The Application Object

There seems to be plenty of discussion about caching in the Application Object, however, I cant find any info on what realistic limitations there are and how they are measured.

What are the factors that will limit performance / storage of many individual or single large bits of data with application scope? eg database driven list boxes (that dont require up to the minute data) 10 * 100 options? 100 * 100 options? kb's? megs of info? How much can I cache?

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Application Object Lost?

I'm having trouble with the workflow described bellow:

1. Asp page 1 on server A contains an iframe.

2. Asp page 1 submits a form targeted to the iframe, to Asp page 2 on
server B.

3. Asp page 2 runs in the iframe and at some point might decide to submit a
form targeted to the _top frame, to page 3 on Server B.

4. Page 3 loads in the top frame. Code:

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Application Variables Changing

users login and can navigate an administration area, however, at random (it seems) when you click on a link to navigate to another spot in the admin portion the application variable used to denote the user as an admin is getting changed, and therefore load the homepage because it thinks you are not logged in. any suggestions? need more info?

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Session And Application Variables

I've got two domain names sharing the same IP address that use ASP VBScript
If I set a session variable with domain 1, it is only available for domain 1 - this is
If I set an application variable with domain 1, the app variable is sharing across all
domains using that IP address - this is correct?
This is the behavior I am seeing and I want to make sure that my server is set up
correct. I especially want to make sure application variable behavior is correct.

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Application Variables And Arrays

Has anyone worked with Application variables in an array format? I need to create a list of 40 items using some sort of persistant array. I can do this with a DB, but in this case, it would not be efficient.

I did a few tests by trying to pass an array to an Application var, but can't seem to get it back.

<% Dim MyArray(39)
'populate the array
Application("myArray") = myArray

then on another page, I tried

Dim myArray(39)
myArray = Application("myArray")
'loop through the retrieved elements

This doesn't seem to work.. anyone did something similar with good results?

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Changing Application Variables

i would need to know if i can permanently modify the content of the global.asa file.

I am writing a web log in form that enables users to change their password (i dont need much security, this is more for practical purpose so i use application variables), these passwords are defined in the Application_OnStart() event but i would like to be able to change them without having to manually rewrite them.

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Session An Application Variables

I want to store the link of the page that each user of my web site visited so it can help me to personalise information for each user depending on the pages visited.I don''t know what kind of variable should I use.

If I understand well, a Session variable is deleted when the session end so when a user close the browser and then reconnect to my web site, the session variables used the first time will be deleted and I can''t keep track of the pages visited.Same thing for the application variable except that the variables will be deleted when the application stops.

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Destroying Application Variables?

I intend to use application variables to control access to editable blocks on an intranet site. There are about 300 blocks currently and that may grow to as many as 400 as time goes along.

Using the scheme I am thinking of an application variable will contain the username of the person currently editing a block. Is there a way to "destroy" the application variable so it no longer occupies memory or is this anything to be concerned about? I don't plan to place much more than a 20 character string into the variable.

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Application Object And Close Connection

Rather than opening and closing a new connection to the database on every page, I have placed that connection into an Application variable. This has worked fine so far.

My issue is that I have a logoff page where it closes that connection.But this means that users who are on the application will not be able to access that connection.The obvious answer is that I don't close the database connection.But my problem is, I would like to eventually close that database connection.

How can I determine if an application variable (not session variable) exists?How can I determine that there are not any users on the application?

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Application Object :: How Many Users Logged In?

My asp application allows a number of users to log into it. Each user has a different type of access level (General User, Manager or Administrator). I want the administrator to be able to see how many other users are logged into the application at a particular time. How can I do this? Would the use of an application object work for this?

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Global.asa And Session/application Variables

I have absolutely no idea how global.asa works. I've read through quite a number of articles and they're all fine and dandy but implementing it on my (first) ASP application just doesn't work. It's amazing how ASP.NET automates everything for you.

Anyway, I need to store session variables and I have no idea how to. I have no global.asa file, but I can declare session variables fine. So does that mean that somewhere in the ASP process, a Session_OnStart() method's already running.

If I create a global.asa file, I put it in the same directory with other ASP files right?

A global.asa file should contain the basic four application/session methods... and shouldn't really contain much code, unless I want to start a variable with a default value. True or false (I say true). Code:

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Application Variables Vs Include File

What are the best methods for using global constants and variables? I've noticed that many people put all global constants in a file and include that file on every page. This is the best way of doing it - is it not? Once the application has loaded the page it is cached and is immediately available for other pages.

With global variables - the best thing to do would be to use application variables - so long as there weren't too many declared. Is there another (easy) way of using global variables apart from using application variables?

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Application Object :: Trying To Detect Multiple Logins

Im trying to detect multiple logins...

Im using a application object in my global.asa, for some reason it doesnt seem to work. here is my code

<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
Sub Session_OnStart
End Sub

sub Application_OnStart()
End sub

In my pages if i print the Application("Logged") value, it does not show....

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X-Post: Cannot Set Application Object In IIS6.0, But Could In IIS5

We have pretty simple ASP (not ASP.Net) application, which has been running fine on IIS4 and IIS5. It has now been moved to a sever running in the DMZ and managed by a 3rd party. The server is Win2003 and IIS 6.0.

Within the Globe.asa file, have an Application_OnStart SubRoutine (Visual
Basic) and it bombs out on the first line:

Application("cnSecurity_ConnectionString") = "connectionProperties"

With the error:

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject failed
Globe.asa, line 25

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Application Object :: Allow Only One User To Access Form

I'm looking for a way to allow only one user to access my web form at a time. so that if there is a user using my web page / html form.. then the next user is directed to another page. So only one user is allowed access at any given time .I was hoping there is a way to do this with Application variables.

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Storing Complete Dbase Conn In Application Object

I am currently working on a small asp application. Now I would like to store the complete database connection in the application object. Note I want to store the connection NOT the connectionstring. For that purpose I wrote a small asp include which connects to the dbase and stores the connection object to the application object. However when I use this include in my pages then it doesnt work. What I am doing wrong? Here is the code:

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Global.asa & Resetting/clearing/deleting Application Variables

I'm just dipping my toes into server-side scripting.

The Global.asa file seemed really nice, but am I understanding correctly that the application onstart event is fired ONLY when the server is started/re-started or when the FIRST user logs onto an ASP application?

If that's the case, then all the changes I keep making to my Global.asa file are pretty useless, right? (which seems to be the case -- i.e., my pages are not using any of the new information). Code:

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Transaction OR Locks

I have problem i need to carry out a transaction on a ASP page... the page goes like this:


Conn.execute (Sql) ' Where the Sql Gets the Set_Number froom Table1

Conn1.execute(Sql1) ' here the Sql1 inserts the Value (Set_Number + 1 ) 'into the Table2.


This page should be Executed as a transaction or else please help me out how to lock tables so that no other person can execute the same page with same data simultaniously...

I dont use any components in this now how to go about with this...????

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DB Locks On Srv W2k3

I have a very simple database call running on a W2K3 server. I moved it over from a W2K box. However, when it is run on the 2K3 server, it leaves a lock on. It is an ASP page and not and ASPX page. It works perfect on the W2K box.

Anyone else have this probelm or better yet a cure for this problem? I do not have the time to convert it to ASP.NET yet. The ODBC driver is a bit different. One is V 4.00.6205 dated 3/2003 the one on the W2K box is version 4.00.6200 dated 6/2003.

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Object Variables

I have some ASP pages that contain code like this:

dim foo
set foo = Server.CreateObject("myDLL.myObject")

Is it important that I "set foo = Nothing" before each ASP page ends? If I don't set foo to nothing, will the memory it uses be freed automatically when the ASP page ends?

Some information that might help:

- IIS 5.0
- Windows 2000 Server
- myDLL is a custom Visual Basic 6 DLL (apartment threaded)

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Rs.Update Locks Up Page

I have an ASP page which uses QueryString data to determine what the user is wanting to do. It has Upload (which provides a form to enter a category, title, overview, and file), Edit (which gives user a form with the before mentioned sections, minus the file, to change the overview, title, or category), Update (which processes the Edit form), and Delete, which allows the user to delete a file.

A user can upload a file just fine, and a file can be deleted just fine. The problem is with Edit/Update. The Edit form loads fine, with all the correct information in the input boxes, and a hidden field storing the "ID" for the record. This form submits to .asp?Action=Update, where the Select statement is based on the hidden ID. When the user clicks the update button on the Edit page, the next page never loads, the confirmation never comes up.

On our Production (Live) server this caused ALL of our sites to go down, we had to restart the server to bring them back up. Now I've been testing in our Development server trying to solve, it causes this site to go down, but all other sites on the development server continue to function (so we have a different result on this server, but still the problem). Reboot is not required here though, if I wait a few minutes, I can access the page again (maybe a timeout is happening here that isnt on the other server?) Code:

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Check Locks Live

in ado we have 4 locks


how can we check this locks work ...means suppose i used adlockpessimistic ..this lock does not allow other user to alter data ...i wanted to check it live.

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