Application At Multiple Location

i m developing General Ledger application in company is located head office at south and is branch office in west so i have to developed an application that data related to south they can post there as well as problem is that what techniquei should use.

In my opinion i can create administrator login form where person in south can log on with it and enter his data while same as person in west. or what should i use.

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Example For A VB Application Creating Multiple ASP Sessions?

We have an IIS+ASP based application server that is capable of providing
complex reports to hundreds of users but in some circumstances these reports
can take a long time to create. However the data for the report is cached
so subsequent calls to view the same report come back with a sub-second
response time.

In order to make use of this caching we pre-prepare some of the reports by
getting back a list of potential users from the server and then executing
reports on their behalf. When the real users log in the report is served
from the cache.

I wrote the warm caching application using VB6 and it uses XMLHTTP requests
to execute the reports. However because ASP serializes the requests to the
server the application can only have a single session open with the server.
To get round this I spawn multiple instances of the application, each
instance then has its own ASP session and the server is loaded more

The question is how can I create multiple ASP sessions from within a single
VB application and have each session handle its own XMLHTTP requests? Its
obviously possible as MACT, OpenSTA and LoadRunner all achieve it.

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Application To Sync Multiple MDBs

I've got quite a few identical MDB files running on an IIS5 server. From time to time I need to go into various tables and add a field or two. It would be great if there were an application out there that could either: (a) sync all MDBs designated to match one I've added some fields/tables to OR (b) tell all designated MDBs to have an extra field(s) or table(s).

I've began writing something like this that right now just does part of (b) but I'd rather find something that is much more slick and complete.

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Application Is Hosted By Multiple Processes

what mean of this application is hosted by multiple processes on the same server
When an application is hosted by multiple processes on the same server it is said to be a web garden environment.

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Application Object :: Trying To Detect Multiple Logins

Im trying to detect multiple logins...

Im using a application object in my global.asa, for some reason it doesnt seem to work. here is my code

<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
Sub Session_OnStart
End Sub

sub Application_OnStart()
End sub

In my pages if i print the Application("Logged") value, it does not show....

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How To Restrict Running Multiple Copies Of A Web Application?

I have developed an ASP web application. If I sell this out to my client, how can I make sure that he doesn't run multiple copies of it. That is when I sell the web application my client should be restricted from running more than one copy.

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Location Thru IP

I want 2 know how can I pinpoint the location of a visitor to my site thru his IP addr or is there some way else 2 do that??

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Cannot Use Web Services From Another Location

I have a client application that uses web services. When the client application an web services are in the same machine, they work fine. But when the application call the same web services hosted in other server, the server return: Code:

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Redirect Location

I am using frames in html.
How can i redirect to an asp file in a new browser window.So that the redirected page opens in new window instead in a frame..

Response.Redirect "../pm/scriptlogon.asp"

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Word's Location

If there a scriptfunction I can find a word placement in ASP? I mean, like I give a string, and it returns and word's placement

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File Location

Is there a way to set the location where the input type="file" option gets its files from. I know you cannot set a default file, but is there a way to set where it starts looking.

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Location Finder Over WAP

tell me anything they know about locating WAP users. I assume that there must be some information on their current cell sent in the WAP request headers, but i'm not sure. I want to make a WAP site that appears differently depending on the users cell location.

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I have created a global.asa file, but somehow it doesn look like it is working...I have only one simple sub-routine in it.

Is the name case-sensitive? I have placed it under [ www/myfolder/global.asa ]

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Cookie Location After Being Set?

I attempted to find the cookie 'Prospect' in my Temp Internet Files in IE6
after I had set it in ASP:

Response.Cookies("Prospect").Expires = Date() + 2
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("u_id") = u_id
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("u_name") = sName
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("VisitorIP") = VisitorIP

....However, it does not appear to be there? Am I looking
in the wrong physical location?

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ASP OpenTextFile Location

This is a dumb question but i am just starting out with ASP. I am working in vbscript and i am trying to do a OpenTextFile the problem is that i am editing my page on a different computer from where the server is. I know that if i were trying to open the file from the server i would type:

filesys.OpenTextFile("c:inetpubwwwrootfolder namefile name")

but i am writing this file to a server and i don't how enter the location, it is not on my c drive.

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Using Access Database On Different Location For .NET 2.0

I am use to the include file on classic asp for maintaining MS Access
database location. On using Visual Web Developer Express, I can only use the
MS Access database if it is located on the same folder with the web app. Is
there a way that I can locate MS Access as my database but the location is
not located on the web application?

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Geographical Location Of Incomming IP

We have special kind of service that covers just north on America (US and
Canada), so we want to redirect users comming from another country to
another page.

I am looking for a web service or similar thing that tells me the country
and state/province of incomming IP address. I am sure it is possible but i
don't know who sells that service.

Could anyone refer me to any resources related to that ?

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Included File's Name And Location

Is it possible to get the filename, and more importantly the path, from inside an ASP file, when that file is included? I know it can be done for the base file using Server variables, but I can't figure out how to do that for an included file.

I need to write an application that uses include files, and that may be moved to another folder on the server...

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Relative Db Location(from Global.asa)

I'm using a segement of code in my global.asa to open a db connection check a users ip address against those i have in a recordset and then take the appriopriate action, very handy for banning bad bots who ignore my robots.txt and users who abuse my system.

Anyways the connection im using is Code:

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Resolve IP Address And Get Location

I have been unable to find any code that will allow me to resolve an IP address then determine which country the IP is registered to.

I've seen it done all over the net, even resolving it down to the town I am located in.

I am hosting on GoDaddy, so I can't install any componants (I did find a couple that could do it). So I'm looking for a code only solution if that is possible.

If anyone knows of any Perl or PhP code that can do it, please post a link and I'll port it to ASP if possible and post it.

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I want to redirect to other page using document.location.href on Button click and pass ID to that page e.g;

<input type="submit" value="Submit" ONCLICK="document.location.href='mergestatus.asp?projectid= <%=selRs("projectid")%>'">

Please help.I am not able to pass projectid to 'mergestatus.asp'

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I have 3 includes in 1 asp doc-left,header,main. header contains my menu. I want to click the menu and change the main incude file, but I don't know how to. I though a window.location.replace line could work. what should i do?

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Cursor Location Issue

I have a recordset connection in asp that I am using to search records.If I use the client side cursorlocation (rs.cursorlocation=3) then it takes really long to return back the records due to which a timeout occurs.If I change the cursorlocation to adUseNone(1) or adUseServer(2) then the search is faster and without any problems. But the sort on records cannot be done if I use adUseClient(3).

I need to have sort on these records. I am using dynamic server side cursor.Also my result set is not huge ..just 80 records.One more thing that is wierd is that the result set comes back instantly for the first search,but takes forever when searched again for the same criteria. Eveytime I logout and login and do the search for the 1st time the search is quick and takes forever for consequnt searches.

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How To Change The Default Location For IIS.

how to dirrect the IIS installation to an other drive or how to manually move all related files to an other drive? I think I can menage the sites, but NNTP and SMTP I can't see where.

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Cookie Values Are Stored In Which Location?

I want to know the Cookie values are stored in which location?

how can i recall the Cookie value?

is it possible to store the cookie value to the Particular location?

if i stored the cookie value to the particular location, any possiblities to conflict the location of other cookie values...

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I want to refresh the parent window from child window.


A message pops out and asks me to resubmit the data.
I don't want this message.

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Getting 80070003: Error Connecting To Location

I have a website on an IIS 6.0 server and I am trying to update the settings
via asp page and vbscript. Below is the code that is supposed to retrieve
the Metapath, and it does, however it is erroring out with 80070003, Can not
find path when I am trying to get connected using the Set IIsWebVirtualDirObj
command. Code:

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Reading Database From Correct Location?

I am trying to run one of my first ever asp scripts. It is a form I copied from the
w3schools website along with its ASp script, demo_add.asp, both which i have
modified very slightly(variable names for my own database etc).

However, "No update permissions" appears in my browser when i run the script -
this means that there is an error. The problem is i dont what the error is!

The only thing I can think of at the moment is maybe my database location. I
am using IIS are all my files are mapped to a virtual directory within IIS. Should
the path in my HTML file below be to the harddrive location or its location within
the virtual directory? Im assuming it is the hard drive location. Code:

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Remove Title And Location From Print Out

if there is a way to remove from a page printed of the net the title, page x of x, and the location from the page. If it can be done in ASP that's awesome 'cause that's what I'm semi-used to, but any language would do fine.

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Forcing Location For A Download File

if i have a link that allow user to download an application from an server, is like Code:

<a href="wss1/daemon tools.exe"></a>

after i clicked this link, i will be link to an pop up windows to specified the save path location.How do i set the save path location to a dedicated destination or file?is like when i click on the link then it will automatic without pop up and then save into that dedicated location?

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Dynamic Page Location Display

a code snippet that I wish to create/use on 90% of my pages. I want each page to display their location to the user. Obviously I could do this by just hardcoding this in but I would prefer to create a mor dynamic template that automatically displays the relevant info. Examples of what i would like displayed is:

You are here: >> Home Page
You are here: >> Services > Update Personal Details

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Copy File From Location Variable

I want to copy a file from a variable location


hisfile.txt" to a destination D:data

How can I do that? I tried to get the path from <input tyep=file>, but I couldn't pass this value to the filesystemobject.

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Write A File To As Subfolder Of A InetServer Location

I have an ASP application on IIS server:
I use ASP and a my own VB activex DLL to create a pdf file and write this
file to a subfolder of the Application folder:

Over IIS I have set the "write permission" for this subfolder.
But each time I receive the message: "Can't open output file (bad filename,
in use by other application)", error 0x80040202

2- a visual basic test application can call this DLL, generate and write the
file without problem to the folder

3- with ASP I generate the file in a normal folder (ie c: emp), it works
Then my ASP page use FileSystemObject to copy this file to the folder

When I call this page there is no error message, but the programm runs utils
the line, where FileSystemObject to copy the file to the folder, then it
stops there. The process is hung (dead). The file is not copied...

How can I do?

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