Artifically Cause A Request Timed Out

All I want to do is find a way to cause a / program to exceed
the httpRuntime executionTimeout="xxx" value to thrown the exception, so I
can do some testing. I've tried setting this several ways. I have also tried
a do / loop to cause a time go, in total execution time would surely
cause a request to time out.

I've tried thread sleep with a value that exceeds httpRuntime go.

I've tried a second range loop that when executed should cause the program
to exceed httpRuntime go.

Anybody have any idea's? Can I actually throw a exception to trigger the
time out request?

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Script Timed Out

Script timed out - how do i fix this?

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Jmailbox Connection Timed Out

i have just installed jmailbox on my server. i am able to log into my work pop3 account through it. However, when i try to login using my gmail username & password (as gmail also allows pop3 and i am able to log into gmail through mail2web), jmailbox throws a "connection timed out error"

is there a setting somewhere in jmailbox to use ssl and/or change the pop port (gmail uses 995, normally it's 110)?

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TIMED Response.redirect

Does anyone know how I could go about having a "timed" response.redirect? And is there no way to pass variables in a redirect? i.e. Code:

response.redirect("finish.asp?variable=<%=dbvalue%>") ?

I've tried it that way, and I receive an error, so I figured it wouldn't allow you since it's "redirecting"...

but my main question is if I can... no, I know that I can.. but does anyone up here no "how" to set a time for a response.redirect using ASP? I can't seem to find it on-line;

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Timed Script Activation

I am looking for a way to activate a script or function or something of that sort, to update my access database every hour.

I though maybe timed app could activate itself and run the changes on the database. I thought maybe someone else would have a better idea to help as I am thinking the ASP app would take a while to update a lot of the information. Maybe it would easier to develop then.

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Script Timed Out Error

Why am I getting this error

Script timed out

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Script Timed Out, Error ASP 0113

I sometimes get this error after about 60 seconds of "waiting for" (but when the page works, it usually loads in less than 12

> Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113'
> Script timed out
> /asp-maze/amazingtest.asp
> The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can
> change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout
> or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.[/color]

but if I click refresh, I usually get the page.

There is a very remote chance that there might be a loop causing this
problem, but I don't think so. I've added timer-checks to the loops
that might cause a problem, and have added other escape methods to
other places that I think have caused the problem.

My questions:

1) Can the system be set to tell what line of the program was executing
when it timed out? (This would certainly help figure out if there's a
particular place that is causing an occasional problem). I'd have to
tell my hosting person how to do it, so be specific if you can.

2) Could this be caused by too many people accessing ASP pages at the
same time? How would he increase the number of users allowed to be
loading pages simultaneously?

3) What steps would he use to reduce the time for this parameter, or
should I reduce it. 60 seconds seems awfully long, but I do have
another page that I

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Login - Timed Out, Asp, Ms Acsess, VbScript

i want to make a login session for 20 minutes if i wrote the following code, then it is giving the dafault value is 20:

response.write("Default Timeout is: " & Session.Timeout)

But my system is asking for login in an average 2 or 3 minutes.

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The Error Conection Timed-out Upload

I´m using dundas upload, for make upload of files, but me return an error.

the error is: The connection timed-out. I not know the why this error?

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Rolling Back Timed Out Stored Procedure Called From ASP?

I don't know if this is a truly esoteric question, or not, but I'm
wondering how (or even if) you handle a timeout on a transaction
within a stored procedure executed in a Stored Procedure?

A theoretical example of the stored procedure (sadly, I'm not allowed
to post the actual code):

Create proc sp_testproc @myval int, @outval int OUTPUT as

begin tran

select top 1 @outval= myname from mytable where recid = @myval

update mytable set myname='xxxx' where recid = @myval ...

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Active Server Pages Error 'ASP 0113' Script Timed Out

I have an ASP form that uploads files to our server.When I upload small files, it works great.But larger files like (2.5mb), I get:

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113' Script timed out

I have looked up the error, and added more time to the script (up to 10 minutes). Didn't help. We are using Microsoft Server 2000, IIS 5.0, and Microsoft ASP Upload.

My guess is that there is a file size limitation somewhere, but don't where.

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Request.BinaryRead :: Request Object Error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'

Why does the error below occur whenever the statement Request.BinaryRead Request.TotalBytes) is executed for uploads larger than 100K? I thought the 100K limit applied only to Request.Form. This does not occur with smaller uploads. This is running on an IIS 6 server with full FP2002 extensions.

Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'
Operation not Allowed

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Consecutive Request.Form And Request.BinaryRead

Request.Form and Request.BinaryRead cannot be called after each other as it causes errors.

I need the BinaryRead and I also need to access other form values, but I cannot call them after one another. What do I do?

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What Is The Difference Between REQUEST And REQUEST.QUERYSTRING?

What is the difference between these two statements? They seem to do the
same thing...



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Using Request And Request.Form

when the asp page is Request("txtName").i can use "testpage.aspx?txtName=User1" to post the value.but when i use Request.Form("txtName").i cannot use that method,what can i do to solve that problem.(as i cannot modifty the request.form syntax but i need to post data to that web page, is there any method so that i can pass that parameter?)

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Request Instead Of Request.QueryString

I saw some program using "request("fieldname") " instead of "request.QueryString" to get the value from URL, what's the different ?

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Request.Form("Field Name") Versus Request.QueryString("Field Name")

I want to know what's the differences between

Request.Form("Field Name") and
Request.QueryString("Field Name")

OR they function exactly the same, which is to return the value of the

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400 Bad Request

I am trying for the very first time. When i try to work on an
example in a book, it says to create a project for ( web application)

Location: http://localhost/aspexample1

I get error 400 bad request.

IIS server is running.

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Classic ASP, WIN2000, IE6.0

The problem is ramdom

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Url Request

I am developing site in asp where I need to call a url at every interval. Is there a way to automate this. I want to call the url every 15 or 30 mins.Cureently I have written a asp script tp call it using

Set objWinHttp = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
objWinHttp.Open "GET",URL
objWinHttp.Send ' Send it.
strResponse3 = objWinHttp.ResponseText ' Get the response string from the object.

But it is not schedule..I can call it only when I rum the asp script. So is there any way I can schedule this url call for every 15/30 minutes.
Also forgot to mention : the site does not have that much traffic that I can add it in index page...there may be a user visiting the site in 5 hours time or within next 5 mins or for next 2 days there may be no visitor.

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400 Bad Request

I am trying for the very first time. When i try to work on an
example in a book, it says to create a project for ( web application)

Location: http://localhost/aspexample1

I get error 400 bad request.

IIS server is running.Please help me resolve this?

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I have a form which shows all Records from a database
select * from sometable

the user inputs criteria in a form on the sam page and submits it.
i need to see if the form has been submited. and the way to do it is to
see if i have 'Request.form(somefield)' and then refrase the sql into
something like

select *from table where something=this and somethingelse=this
my problem is that i have to check every form field to see if it has been
set(not empty).Is there a way to see this without checking every form field?

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Using Request

Can we execute an Access Request with ASP? If Yes how can we do that?

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I created a ASP which has a form as well. The form has a list box.On the click of the submit button I wanted to just display the contents selected from the list box.

When in the VB script part I say dataString = Request("Data_List"), (where Data_List is the list box id) it gives me an error message saying "Object Required. Request"

I tried it with the text box also. It gave me the same message.

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I just want a person not to see a page if they have not come from paypal. Whats wrong with this code?Code:

if(Request.QueryString("") != "") then
end if

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Request Is Nothing

I have use many request already but this time i really don't know how. Here is my problem, I use Request("var1") to request the form that i have submit it and it always nothing. but when I use Request.form to show all, it appear all include that variable too. And the web server is IIS 6.0 with windows 2003.

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Trying to test if Querystring is empty. then display content based on that. Currently trying: Code:

<% if Request.QueryString("variable")="" then
response.write ("hello") End If %>

Basically I'm looking for a way to display certain content only on the main page when no variable has been set.

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Identifying A Web Request.

We are developing a web application which is targeted at two
types of users.

1) Users from within our NT domain.
2) Users outside domain.

The application will behave differently for these two types of users.

My question is that how can we identify where the request has come from? If from intranet or from outside?

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slight problem (for newbie) giving error:

0x800A01B6: Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Request.QueryString.ID'

source of problem is line 6 (the bold one):

Dim players__idd
players__idd = "1"
If (Request.QueryString.ID <> "") Then
players__idd = Request.QueryString.ID
End If

i call the page using profile.asp?ID=1

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i m trying to pass a string valuewith a link:

like .............
response.write("<a href==teamemployee.asp?team=" & team & ">" & team & ">")

at the run time the value of team is "Admin & facilities" .

but when i read the value of team by using request.querystring("team")
. it returns only the value "Admin" .

but if the value of team is "Finance "

it returns the "Finance " .

Now , i think you can understand my problem that , request.querystring("team") is returing the value

before space . how to solve this problem .

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I have something like this in my form:

<select onchange='document.getElementById("iframe1").src="cities.asp?country="+ this.value'">
<option value='' selected>-----Select-----
<option value='Overnight'>Overnight
<option value='Email Special'>Email Special
<option value='Fax,Email,Pickup'>Fax,Email,Pickup

this goes to cities.asp and the value of country is passed over to the cities.asp

Now what i want to do is ..I need to pass on one more value in addition with the value of variable coutry being passed.

i want to forward Request.form("CompanName") too to cities.asp.

is this the right way of modifying the statement orCAN i do it this way by any chance?

<select onchange='document.getElementById("iframe1").src="cities.asp?country="+ this.value'&Companyname='<%"&Request.form("companyname")&"'%>">

Please advise?

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I have a problem! Lets see if i can explain it....

if the querystring referrerid = "" then the page crashes.
so its blank.

If request.querystring("referrerid") = "" then

I tried using a redirect to the same page without the querystring but the code still picks this up as being <request.querystring("referrerid")= "" > and ends up looping.

I don't want to replace the "" with anything because a form box takes it information from there or a session("referrer") if the user has entered incorrect details in the registration and been returned to the same page.

Does that make enough sense for anyone to make any sense?

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I use the Request.QueryString to pass variables from one page to another in ASP but my question is how can I pass a variable such as the one used in Request.QueryString from an ASP page to a XSL page?

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