"As" Expected End Of Statement

What's wrong with this?

Dim iBp1 As CDO.IBodyPart

I get this error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'

Expected end of statement

/asp/send_email_Parameters.asp, line 349

Dim iBp1 As CDO.IBodyPart

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Expected End Of Statement

i have a dropdown box with some values, i take that value and query the DB, i need to take that value and query across more than one column i set the up but am i have some problems i'm getting an error "Expected end of statement, Code:

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Expected End Of Statement

i am running my asp code to access the table names in the database odbc_exmp, but i am receiving this error

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement
/odbc_exmp.asp, line 24, column 5
next conn.MoveNext

i am not able to figure out the problem with the code:

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Expected End Of Statement

I've walked myself through a Beginning ASP book and taken a class on SQL2000. I'm able to access my database on my server through a DataConn_Open.asp page. The code below is giving me back the error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'

Expected end of statement

/InventoryTrans.asp, line 48

Response.Write "<option Value=" & strRSRrodLine & "</option>"

The code is as follows: Code:

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Expected End Of Statement

I have a link on our ebay auctions that goes to a request form where people can request to have samples of our product sent to them.

I'm trying to use a simple querystring to hold the model number of the product so the actual request form can put the value in a hidden field and get submitted into my database with the rest of the informaiton. Code:

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Expected End Statement Error

I need the end statement to this sql query, but I am doing something wrong, is there site where they show you the different forms of ending sql statments in ASP? Code:

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Error (0x800A0401) Expected End Of Statement

during the creation of an HTML page using asp variable I have this

Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401) Expected end of statement
/asp/pages/connect1_1.asp, line 27, column 35
strtable = strtable & "<tr valign="top">" &

The code is the following: Code:

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Expected End Of Statement Error With Response Write

If getting an End of statement error. I know it's something I'm missing and my lack of ASP isn't helping.

Response.Write "<option value='Admin_Game_List.asp?TS=League&LeagueID=" & objRsLeague("ID") & "'>" & objRsLeague("LeagueName") & "</option>"

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation (0x800A0400): Expected Statement

When the ASP statement end with a _ character, then the next line cannot
have comment ' character. Is that correct? Since I encountered the following

Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0400)
Expected statement

sqlStmt = "insert into TimeSlot (WeekDay, BeginTime, EndTime) VALUES (" _
' & 2 & "," _
& beginhour & "," _
& tohour & ");"

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"Error 500: Expected Statement"

I am useing CDonts to send an e-mail to a customer to inform them that their bid has been received. When I test the page i get this error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement

/MailPages/MailPages.asp, line 35 "<br><br>Click <a href=http://" & vURL & "/Login.asp?reg=E>HERE</a> to login to HVL Online.<br><br>"& _^ The code for this page is as follows: Code:

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Expected End

When adding an item to cart I get the following message and I dont know why:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'

Expected end of statement

/sc_addToCart.asp, line 114

rst.open "select * from scItemsOrdered where scOrdersID = " & scOrdersID " & and scProductsID = " & dsReturnInt(scProductsArray(i), 0, MAXINT) & " and Modifiers = '" & scModifiersID & "'", cnn, 1, 2

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Expected 'End'

Anyone knows how to fix this:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f6'Expected 'End'
line 281

line 281: <td width="155" height="1"><%Response.Write(rsResult("Fuel_Sub_Mode"))%></td>

Does it mean I'm missing an End somewhere?

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Expected ';'

I am getting the error below and can't get it figured out. Any ideas.

Expected ';'
/waukon/news/dbconnection.inc, line 3
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

src = "e:webdevwaukondbwaukon.mdb"
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
sConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & src
adoCon.Open sConnStr

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As Expected

I did not expect this to work as expected:

function a()
%>ha !<br><%
end function


So, why do we use so much response.writes?

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Expected 'End' But Where??

I'm querying 2 tables in 2 seperate recordsets and comparing set 2 to set 1 using ASP. If booking exists in set 2 that matches item in set 1 then I need to display the length item is booked for. I'm using a table with many cells and shading background to identify booked areas.

Keep getting error

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f6'

Expected 'End'

/loans/kitdiary.asp, line 115

else if d2 > fidate then


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Expected 'End'

I've written a script that allows users to choose their own colors for the style sheet, but when I try to include the style sheet (style.inc), I get this error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f6'

Expected 'End'

/theroguehacker/style.inc, line 106

Line 106 is the end of the file... I've messed with it at least two hundred times... Please take a look and see if I'm doing it wrong. (I'm definately a beginner)

Also, I'm going to post the script that processes all the input. I'd like to know if there's an easier way to do it. Code:

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Expected ')' Error

I am getting the following error:

Expected ')' line 63
Set Rec2 = oConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM userlogins WHERE CustID=Rec1("CustID")")

Line 63 is: Code:

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Expected Error

<td width="65"><span style="color: #000000">Chat Id:</span></td><td width="145"><span style="color: #FFFF00"><% if Request.Cookies("username") = "" then %><input type=text name=uname class=form1>
<% else %>
end if%>

Above is the code I am trying to use however it keeps coming up with an expected error.Another blonde moment methinks but where am I going wrong

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Too Few Parameters. Expected 1.

Getting this famous error when I try to do the following select statement:

"SELECT * FROM Deliveries WHERE Deliveries.ShippingNo = " & iShipment & ";"

iShipment is passed thru a querystring above the SQL statement as follows:

iShipment = Request.QueryString("shipno")
iShipment = Cstr("iShipment")

There is definitely a 'ShippingNo' field in my access database. Cannot seem to find why this is happening.

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Too Few Parameters. Expected 1

I keep on getting this error. I had an sql statement before and it works. I changed it and i get this error so i know it's within the sql statement. Does anybody know what is wrong?Code:

<% dim mysql
set objconn = server.createobject("ADODB.connection")
objconn.connectionstring = "dsn=prospect"
set objrs = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")
'mysql = "select * from Prospect where asm = '" & Username & "' order by Prospects_Name ASC "
mysql = "Select * from Prospect WHERE Status_Report.Prospect_Number = Prospect.Prospect_Number "
objrs.open mysql, objconn

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Too Few Parameters. Expected 2.

I am getting error
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 2.

sqlContest="Insert into tblContestAns(UserID,ContestName,ContestAns1,Conte stAns2,ContestAns3)Values (" & usid & ","" Contest1 "",'" & cnt & "',"" "","" "")"

Conn.Execute sqlContest

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(0x80040E10) Too Few Parameters. Expected 1.

i'm trying to update the record 'AmountInStock' to subtract 1 but i'm getting this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.


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Expected Literal Constant

Why am i getting the above error


const DSN_SERV = "localhost"
const DSN_UID = "ORADBA"
const DSN_PWD = "ORADBA"
const MM_Prod_DSN = "dsn=" & DSN_NAME & ";server=" & DSN_SERV & ";uid="
& DSN_UID & ";pwd=" & DSN_PWD & ";"


Please note, MM_Prod_DSN is defined on a single line.

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Default Value In Textbox Not Working Like Expected

I am building an application for inserting and updating one field in a database. The database is in SQL Server and I am using Classic ASP.

I have a dropdown listbox that is populated with names, when a name is selected it
automatically submits the form and then replaces the dropdown listbox with the name of the resident selected. Now I need to take a field and split it into 2 textboxes. This is where my problems begin. The field is named ProblemO and looks something like this, Code:

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Random Error: Too Few Parameters. Expected 1.

I needed to create a quick and simple "lock-in" system where many people in a computer lab can pick an answer (A, B, C, etc.) and then the results be displayed to me. I went looking for a free ASP poll script that would work for my needs. I found one called Poll Manager on AspPlanet.net (http://www.aspplanet.net/viewdl.asp?itemid=6). It gives me the ability to see the results with a bar graph of sorts and easily reset the data. I have everything set-up and working, however, I modified the results page so that it reloads using javascript every 5 seconds. After letting the page reload several times, I get the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

I can reload the page and often the error goes away, but sometimes it takes a few reloads. What could be causing this? The code can be found at aspplanet.net but I can also copy and paste it here if needed. Any ideas?

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ASP-Excel :External Table Is Not In The Expected Format

My program exported a excel file by using

Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";after downloading the same when i import it back to my system using Microsoft Excel driver, i got an error.

External table is not in the expected format. Do anyone know how to solve it?

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Expected Literal Constant Error Question

I am getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0415'

Expected literal constant

/....includes oolboxgallery-entry-header.txt, line 29

Const VirtualFolder = "../images/gallery/shop" & session("shop")

THe issue seems to be with the appending of session("shop") to the VirtualFolder constant variable.

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Error:[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too Few Parameters. Expected 2.

I am trying to peform a multiple deletion of records from a single table "Stockist"

I i keep getting the following Error and can't see where i am going wrong. Can anyone help?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e10'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 2.
/RetailerStockProductRemove.asp, line 22

The code i have used is as follows:

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If Statement

If a user enters in this to search a db

"Jon Doe" James Doh

return all of the exact matches Jon Doe (user uses quotes to clarify an exact search)
along with that: return all of the James and all of the Doh as well
qry to look like this as soon as I am able to divide up the string entered in by the user
select * from table where (NAME LIKE '%Jon Doe%') or
(NAME LIKE '%James%') or (NAME LIKE '%Doh%')

Thinking of using the instr to find the " but then what do I do to find the string inside of the two quotes, One quote would be easy. there is a couple of checks to preform:anyone run into this before or have any ideas/samples, etc

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Sql Statement ?

I have created a query wizard page with ddl as your choice to find info. now each ddl has a default of a dash.

The thing is I want to do is have the sql statement to look through the database even when some of the ddl have a dash on them. or just ignore the ones with a dash and look for the ones that are selected. Is there any suggestions for this.

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ASP If Statement

Below is my code for a question system i have created. However, i need to insert an if statement that redirects the user to test.asp if the value of q_id is not in my database, but i dont know how to do it?

q_id = request("q_id")

sql = "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE PARENT_ID = 1"
Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS2.Open sql, objConn

sql_sql = "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE PARENT_ID = " & q_id
Set objRS3 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS3.Open sql_sql, objConn


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AND Statement

my AND statement is not working and I dont know why????

sql = "SELECT * FROM calls WHERE tech=" & userID "AND status = Open"

tech and status are the DB fields

userID is a variable

Open is just a word

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If..Else Statement

i make a form with an AccountId box on it , when u enter the accountid in the box , and submit it will send u to a page that show u all the data for this accountid(retreive data)

until here everything is ok , and when i enter for ex. accountid : 5 , all the aacountid fiel data will be show to me , but the problem when i enter am unvalid accountid , it will give the error page that

what iwant to do that i want when i enter an unvaildaccountid an error text show to me like

response.write("The Id that u entered is unvaild , Try Again")

and this is the code , if u can change on it Code:

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