As To Configure It Photo To Appear Small E To Extend When Click In

I have a pa'gina (view.asp) that he shows the photo that is cited in the data base. The problem that happens is that if I sending the photo well great it appears in view great. I would like to make the following one, to program so that the photo alone appears in a size small e when the user to clicar in top of it, I open one popu with it of the real size that it is. As I can make this I do not know to make. They see my code view.asp that it shows the photo. Code:

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Extend Web Form

I have an asp page with an server side panel at the end
of the page this panel shows some results according to
these results the form is enlarged so scrollbars appear.
how could i extend the web form as to show the results
when the form is submitted

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How To Extend The Session TimeOut

plz expalin about Extend the Session Timeout.

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Extend Image Selector To Also Display Different Href?

Could someone help extend this ChangeImage function to also display a different hyperlink underneath the newly selected image?

<script language="javascript">

/*Combo Box Image Selector:
By JavaScript Kit (
Over 200+ free JavaScript here!

function showimage()

if (!document.images)

<form name="username" method=post action="join_step4.asp" onSubmit="return
<SELECT NAME='u_BrokerID' size='1' onChange='showimage()'><OPTION
VALUE='0'>--Select a Broker--</OPTION><option
value="/catamaranco/images/brokers/john_2.jpg">John Anderson</option><option
Weidman </option>
<input type=submit value=submit>


<a href="Site1.asp">Change this url depending on the value of the image
selected in the dropdown?</a>

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HOW TO Configure MS JVM.

I invoke Java Objects through COM inside an ASP page, but i don't find where
to configure the MS JVM. Is it possible to configure it like Sun JVM
(threads, memory min & max, ...) ?

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Configure Iis To Delete

I always get an error message "must use an updatable query" each time I try to delete from or update or even insert into an access database on IIS6 (Win xp), what do I do to change this?

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How I Can Enable Or Configure Https

How I can enable or configure https on a certain page(file).

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Configure IIS For Sending Mail

I am learning ASP.NET , I want to send mail from my application so I need to configure IIS.I have written code for it but my mail is in Queue or Droped. I think I have not configured IIS properly.Can anyone tell me in detail how to configure it.

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Configure Error Reporting

Reading te article about sql injections and sanitizing I found that one of great recommendations is to "Configure error reporting" to do not allow public to read the entire sql statement. How can I do this? Can I do this if I keep my websites on hosting company server?

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Configure CDO To Use Remote SMTP Automagically

this isnt really an ASP question but is related: i'm using CDO to send emails from sites but we have a proper mail server and want to send emails through that. is there a way to get the CDO system to use an external SMTP server by default as opposed to the one on the local machine? or do i have to go through all the sites and rewrite them? (not a simple task, we have lots of sites!)

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Global.asa - How To Configure For Users Session Out

I need to set a session time out for this website that was created by someone else using ePower. How can I configure the global.asa page to set a time out session for the users or do I have to set this in IIS? Code:

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Big JPG -> Small JPG

Do you know if ASP can change a JPG file in a smaller defined size JPG.Do you have an exemple of it.Imagine the JPG is on the C: drive of my server and called PIC.JPG.

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Small Business SDK And ASP.NET

I am creating a module/WebApp that interacts with the new small business
accounting 2006 beta SDK. The SDK requires a top level object to be created.
I then use the “.login(companyname, database name)� method to login. I can
then add, edit, delete information in the application using this object.

I need advice on what scheme to use to kick off the login the first time the
user runs any code that interacts with the SDK. I would like the logged in
object to persist for as long as the user needs it. For examples each user
gets his/her own Small business object to use while at the site. This will
greatly speed up the application/module. Any advice would be great.

It uses windows account to login. It just needs to know the database name
and company name. The login running the web server will be used.


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Small Application

I am confused about SQL server & microsoft access. Which is better for small application?

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Small Recordset Error

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/recourse/development/lettertemplates/regionoff-e.asp, line 11

I can't seem to figure out why its giving me this error because my code is as follows: Code:

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Small Test For Non .NET Users

I made a small javaScript that checks and see if the user has .NET installed on his computer... but the problem is that I HAVE .NET, so I can not check that it works when you do not have .NET.

can someone that does not have .NET installed on his computer, go to the following URL and let me know that he gets a correct reply? (that he does not have .NET).

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Take A Video And Split It Into Small Videos

1. "Partition interval time slots". For example take a 30 sec video and create 7 images at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 second intervals and the user from there can play each of those time frames INDIVIDUALLY.

2. Take two or more of these time slots and fuse them together forming one solid playable video. I guess you could do this by simply putting them together in windows media player (playlist) but not physically making one solid file.

I don't know if ASP can do any of these functions. I was given the option to take on a task of converting a ColdFusion application to ASP.

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Small Error Bringing Up A Page

I have the interface for my news managment coded so I decided to copy the code from the old pages into the new clean and user friendly layout. However I ran into one problem, now pages won't open for some reason and I get the same error every time! Below is the error I get and in the next post is the code...

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01A8)
Object required: ''
/hwnetwork/admin_view_users.asp, line 86

GET /hwnetwork/admin_view_users.asp

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Dialog Box Too Small In Windows XP Environment

I have a problem with dialog boxes. When in Windows XP, the dialog boxes are too small, but when in other environments it is ok. What should I do to accomodate all environments?

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One Large, Or Multiple Small Session Variables

Does anyone know the detail of how session variables are actually stored?
The question I'm trying to answer is:

Is it more efficient to store and retrieve multiple short strings :

a) in multiple small session variables
b) concatenated and stored as one large session variable
c) inserted into an array and stored in a session variable
d) it's all the same. Who cares?

Keeping in mind that for this application each piece of data will be
retrieved for every page.

I've read that storing a dictionary object in a session variable is bad
ews - something to do with ending up with thread in your apartment, or
something ;-)

What I'd really like to do is create an XML object and store that in a
session variable, but I'm guessing that would be pretty inefficient unless
it had quite a lot of data in it.

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Field Too Small :: Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80040e57'

I'm making a page that adds form data to an access database. When I press send, I get this error:

"Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80040e57'

The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data."Is there any way of making the form field bigger?

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Uploading Photo

My form with a upload photo function is not working - Can some one please take a look and see were I have messed up. The code is 4 sections : The Form, The DB script, The submit Script and the Upload script. Code:

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Photo Webcam Ref. In Db

What I need to know is how to have a camera take photos
when given a signal/event and save the name of the image in
a database.

I don't know which camera/webcam could save the image on
a hard disk in a low resolution (suitable for web pubblishing,
let's say 300x200 pixels) and trigger an event to add the image's
name in a database.

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Getting The Photo Dimensions

I want to get the exact Dimension of the Photo (jpg, jpeg, gif, ...) uploaded on a server by users. I'm using ASP language. do u guys have any idea how I can do that?

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Photo Scrolling

i would like to do a photo carousel function similar as the the function i would like to do is on tis web at the right hand side for tat photo stream

let say in my album have 100 photo. and from tis funciton, it will not load out all my 100 photos when the page is loaded. it will load the others photo when i click on the NEXT arrow button. i need some help on tis funciton and implement it with ASP VBscript code.

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Photo Library

i am not sure that this subject can be discussed here. i have many photos. they are stored according to the name of the EVENT and YEAR. i will set up a database (sql or access) to store information of the photo and set up a folder to store the "PHOTOs". and design a web page to show.

My question is how to put the photo on the web page:

i prefer the simplest and effortless method. Once the user takes the photos (5m pixel photo) and upload them and input the event name & year. then it is finished.

any tools can be used? which programming language is most suitable. i noted many web sites have this feature but i don't know how many effort at the back end?

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Uploading Photo

Sometimes when I'm uploading photos In my site I get the following error :

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113'

Script timed out


The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools. What can I do to specify a new value Server.ScriptTimeout?

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Photo Manipulation

Is it possible to do any photo (jpg) maniputlation in an ASP script? I'd like to be able to rotate a photo. Also, if it can be done, reduce a file size to produce a thumbnail. If so, can anyone point me to the resources for learning to do this.

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Dynamic Photo Gallery

I have a photo gallery written in ASP where people can go and upload their own pictures to create a gallery. The only problem is the size of the image files, it takes forever to load the main gallery page. I've noticed on like community web shots for example, that all of their image files are kept really small. Is there any way to dynamically compress files while uploading them

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Building Photo Upload

I am building an application via ASP that uses an MS Access database to hold inventory for large truck dealerships. I have two columns in the database, one for thumbnails and one for regular (about 450 pixels wide) sized images. The columns in the database hold the URL's to the images in the folders.
I need to create a photo upload that accomplishes the following things:
1. Will re-size and rename the photograph regardless of what the user has it named and sized as. I would like to be able to have the code create the thumbnail and the larger image if that is possible.
2. I need to be able to have that photograph attached to the inventory information that goes with it.
I have a very basic page built, but of course, it does not do any of the "fluffy" stuff I mentioned above. I am not very good with VB and most of what I have seen out there is really contingent upon knowing VB. I tried using a 3rd party application, but to be quite honest, it sucked. Having said that, can any of you point me in the right direction toward having the above features?

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ASP Photo Album With Database

I know there has to be a million post on this, but is there an example I can use or see to make this happen. I want to use a database to view an album and pictures in my web pages.

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Photo Album Stuff

I am about to get rid of TZO on my computer, and I've been using it's photo software to view photo's on my web site. I could write something in ASP (or, but I figure why spend time re-inventing the wheel if there's something already out there.

Does anyone have any recommendations on ASP apps that I can use for viewing photo's on my web site? I would rather it be free if possible, and it needs to just look at a folder, or series of folders, and build a thumbnail type of view from what's there. In other words, I don't want to have to populate a database with all of my pictures.

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Photo Gallery Question

I am trying to create a photo gallery using asp in dreamweaver,i create a recordset to capture the image path.

However there is a problem when it comes into displaying the picture.When using the repeat region function,all the images are display only in 1 row by * column .How can i display like 1 page can display only 4 row by 4 column?

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