Asp Connection To Godaddy Mysql Server Problems

I've got a UAPortal (asp freeware intranet) on a godaddy hosting package that comes with a free mysql database. I can't connect the asp site to the godaddy sql server.

They give me the connection strings, but don't tell me where or how to use them! Support does no good, they tell me that is programming, get an expert.

UAPortal comes with an Access database, so when installed it works fine, but its only Access. I want to use the mysql database which is faster, larger and more useful. I opened the Common.asp file and added the info from the connection strings, but now I get an error message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Access denied for user: '' (Using password: NO)

/Common.asp, line 34

Does anyone know how to do this?

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Access DSN Connection With GoDaddy

I am using's hosting service. I am not sure if the problem is my code or their server. I use the following code as my connection to the Access Database: Code:

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Database Connection String To MySQL-database On A Different Server

I work with ASP for several weeks now and i really like it! But until now i have just used it in connection with my localhost. I made connections to a SQL Database and to an ACESS Database with using the ODBC Tool from WIndows!!

Now i want to publish my website but i don't know how to handle the connection string kind of thing. My MySQL-Database is on a different server than the website and i need a connection string where i can type in the server, a password and a username and it should then connect.

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ASP MySQL Connection

I've been messing with this for the past two days trying to get it to work. I know there's a lot missing, so if anyone would take the time to look the following code over, correct errors, add stuff where it needs to go, etc. I would absolutely be thrilled.

All I am trying to do is allow a user to login, view pages only if they are logged in, and sign out. I'm not sure how to mix in the sessions and cookies with this.

I've got a database "login" and a table "users" The username and password fields are "username" and "password" respectively. Code:

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Mysql Connection On Win Xp Pro

I installed mysql on Win XP Pro. So I do the connection to MySQL:

strCinnection ="driver={MySQL}; server=localhost;uid=;"
strConnection = strConnection & "PASSWORD=; database=commerce"
Set adoDataConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
adoDataConn.Open strConnection
So I got the error message below:

Error Message:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

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MySQL Connection

I am trying to connect mySQL on Localhost system through ASP. but i am getting some problem

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Here is the code:

set myconn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
connection = "Driver={Mysql}; Server=localhost Database=test; UID=root; PWD=root"

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MYsql Connection From Asp

I'm having trouble connecting to a mysql server keep getting the following error:

Anone else come across this before? and what did yo do to fix it? Code:

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ASP And MYSQL Connection String

Ive created an ASP CMS system which works fine locally. Now its time to upload it to my webserver and make it live. Now locally I have been using a DSN to connect to the MySQL i need to use a connection string. How will i do this. At present my DSN connection code is as follows: Code:

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Connection String W/4.1.1 MySQL

I'm having a problem connecting to the 4.1.1. mySQL with my existing connection string:

var conn ="Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};server=localhost;database=charmspiano;Option=1;UID=Teddy; PWD=Bear; Port=3306; Socket=; Stmt=;";

This was working fine with 4.0 and 3.23

Has anything changed in the 4.1.1 regarding connection strings? I couldn't find anything on the mySQL website.

The string will work if I use UID = root without a password

"Teddy" is a valid user and has privileges on the database charmspiano

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How Can I Make Connection Using MySQL?

how can i make connection using mySQL with asp?

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ASP MySQL DB Connection Locktype Issue

I keep getting an error about my locktype with this code when attempting to update. Code:

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MySQL Connection String Problems

I am using DSN less connection string to connect to a mySQL database:

strCon = "Driver={mySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=mysqlhost;Port=3306;Database=touchinco;Uid=myId;Pwd=myPWD;OPTIO N=3"

It works fine with the default.asp page where content is retrieved/displayed:

<!-- #include file = "connection/connect.asp" -->
Dim objRS, strSQL

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblLanguage WHERE inuse=1;"
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open strSQL,objCon,3,1

But when I move to the next page start.asp, here too I retrieve data to display: Code:

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Connection String For A MySQL Database Needed

I'm trying to get asp to conect to a MySQL database, I've tried copying a few examples online that I found [there doesn't seem to be many!!] and I always get a 500 error with the code below. what am i doing wrong? any examples of a working connection string anyone could show me would be fantastic.

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SQL Server To MySQL

is there a way to convert a SQLServer DB to MySQL, I want a duplicate of the SQLServer in MySQL. I did not find a free tool to do this, so I was wondering is there a way to do this by asp code?

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Cdosys And Godaddy

Can someone help me configure my cdosys to work with my godaddy account, i can get it to work my my work mail server but i haven't had any luck with go daddy's.

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Godaddy Account

I have an application that references a database on my hard drive, however I am unsure how to transfer the files to the server and keep the integrity of the database reference string.

The Current DB is located on C:

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:database.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"

If you have any suggestions on where to place my database in my hosting account and the reference code for it.

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Aspupload @ Godaddy

anyone have experience with this? godaddy says aspupload is already installed. I am verrrry new to website work and am trying to make upload a file to the /images folder so they can be read by the simpleviewer flash dealio.

I put the HTML code i found there into the page, and got the box, browse.submit. then i copied the yellow box code for asp script1.asp into notepad and saved as .asp

i frontpage ftpd them to godaddy but not working? i need to limit it to .jpg files as simpleviewer only works with .jpgs, how can i do this? and rename the files once uploaded starting at 1-infinity?

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From PHP/MySQL To ASP/SQL Server Or Access

I have always used PHP and MySQL to do anything database related on the web, however I find myself in a new situation. I've been handed the daunting task of creating a (relatively) simple, partially database driven website for my company's intranet.

The one problem I have is that all of our servers are Windows 2000 based because all of the in-house software we have works off of SQL Server... and I've never touched a windows based server, SQL Server, or ASP in my life.

Searching through the forums, I've been able to find a few ASP tutorial sites, but everything I've found seems to be either all technical info and no basics or a basic tutorial written for people who are already familiar with Visual Basic, C, or another type of windows programming 'thing'.

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Access, SQL Server Or MySQL?

I've been using URL asp shopping cart (free version) for a while with an access database and it worked perfectly.

My store is very popular now (more than 200 simultaneous users) and I need to migrate to a professional database. Comersus is compatible with SQL Server and mySQL. Which one do you recommend? My idea was to use mySQL since in that case I can purchase Power Pack Medium ($239) instead of Premium (.$370)

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Can't Connect To MySQL Server

I recently got an error message from the Java release:



c:program filesjavaj2rel.4.2_05injpiexp32.dll

This message came in a .log file to my desktop, and since then, every once in a while I get this following error while trying access my pages in which I am creating. Code:

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Error 553 W/ GoDaddy Email

I'm getting the following error with, but customer support tells me I have the correct SMTP address. They can't help me until I've proven the error is on their side.

I've used this code on other hosts, and it works just fine.

The actual error message is: ...

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Problem With GoDaddy And CDONTS

I have an email form on a GoDaddy hosting site. I know that the form data is getting to the ASP file, because my custom error/sent messages work. But, the email never gets to the email address. Right now I have it set so that you can choose where the email goes. I have also tried it with the email address hard coded in there, to no avail. Code:

View Replies View Related Connecting To Mysql Database At Ftp Server

currently i m working on a web-based project using and mysql database. i using MySQL Connector/Net to connect my page to the to MySQL database server. My database is stored in the ftp server. In short, i m trying to connect my page to the ftp database server. Code:

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Page Interactive With MySQL Server

I had a Linux MySQL server setup today, it works well with php just wondering to know is that support ASP?

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Secure ASP And MySQL Database Server

How to secure MySQL Data with encript, any data to encript have ''' and MySQL send Error, how to protect ASP Data o encript the code ?

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Connection From ASP To SQL Server

I have two servers: Webserver(WebServer) and Database server(DBServer).

In Webserver, i asp to connect to sqlserver in dbserver. but i can not
connect it, it show error "No Trust Connection"

but the save connection string, when i used it in VB, it is ok. Also i can
connect from webserver to dbserver by using Analy Query, it is ok

"How to connect it". below is my asp code:

set cnt=server.createobject("adodb.connection") "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=Dbserver;Initial

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SQL Server Connection

I'm using microsoft SQL server 2000 to create the database for my project.Below is the connection that connect to the SQL server :-

set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
cn.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
"server=SPCH2O;" &_
"Data Source=(Local);" & _
"Database=SPJRK;" & _
"User ID=guest;" & _

But there is an error that i don't understand why i failed to connect to the server.

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Connection To Sql Server

provide me the code for connection to Sql Server 2005 using ASP with some detail explanation? Ur help will be very much helpful for me.

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SQL Server Connection

i found difficulties in connecting to SQL Server With ASP . show me the ASP sicript that allow me to connect to SQL Server.

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Sql Server Connection

"SQL Server does not exist or access denied"

sql server error:17
i cant connect sql Server 2000


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Connection Asp+SQL Server

I am using SQL Server as a database , if i wanna connect ASP page with the database whats the connection string.

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Connection To SQL Server

I am having a problem connecting to my SQL Server with the following ASP

set cn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
cn.connectionstring = "Provider=sqloledb; data source=midatlanticus;
Integrated Security=SSPI"

But, if I use the same connection string in a VB program, I connect successfully. The VB code that works successfully is as follows: Code:

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SQL Server Connection

i have my sql server 2000 installed properly on the server. everything goes fine yersterday..i can create new database, tables and so on. but i couldn't connect to it since this morning. it keep on prompting the msg" cannot connect to the sql server
because of incorrect logon " <something like this> in fact, i never set any passwod in order to connect to the sql server.

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