AspUpload Timeout

I've developed a simple upload section of my site that allows the user to upload mp3 audio clips of new bands.

I've used AspUpload v2.0 as this is provided by my ISP, but even though these clips are no more than 500KB in size, the server is generating timeout errors.

I asked my ISP why this is the case and they said that the server timeout is set to 10 seconds so depending on the connection speed of the user who's uploading the files it will mean that they can only upload files of 200KB even on broadband.

Is there anyway round this?

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Session.Timeout And Timeout Directory

I have a site that utilizes online forms. The problem is people could easily spend well more than 20 minutes filling out the forms before submitting them. To avoid the default timeout of 20 minutes (or whatever) I added a Session.Timeout = 120 to the forms page. I also checked IIS and set the connection timeout property to 120 minutes as well.

sessions still seem to be timing out well short of the 120 minute cutoff. (I haven't yet tested to see if it's still 20 minute default or somewhere between 20 and 120).

Is there anywhere else this setting might be controlled? Is there any simple way to do some sort of "keep-alive" from the page so that the server thinks it's active?

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I can get this to upload files but I can't get items out of the Files
collection into the database. I'm getting this error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005b'

Object variable not set

/admin/media_upload_recording_process.asp, line 94


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I'm trying to create a dynamic page where I can edit a region from a simple admin area. I'm pretty confident that I can handle the database and asp coding (yeah who am I trying to kid) but what I want to be able to do is upload an image from the admin area too.

My hosting company is telling me that they have aspupload installed. Is this all I need and if so is there a tutorial anywhere that can help me on my way?

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What I'm trying to do is upload an image(which I've managed with the sample code from the ASPUpload site),then I want to rename the image to a number, namely the value of an autonumber field in my Access database.i.e. 1.jpg, 2.jpg etc

I have no problem retrieving the autonumber etc it's the renaming part I'm struggling with.I'm using ASPUpload v2

Could anyone post some sample code or point me to somewhere that covers this.I've had a search around and can't seem to find much.

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I need a forum that takes in maybe 5 images. and the a seperate page a script that will upload it to a folder called "images" in the same directory as where the .asp pages are located.I need the script to also read the name of the files - because i plan on inserting them into a db.

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I am using ASPUpload and trying to upload images to a database. I have had success in getting the image to the db and then dispalying the imnage on a webpage. The problem is wheni have more than one image for a record and want to display all images for that record. Has anyone done this with ASPUpload that might be able to look at my code and give me some tips?

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Does anyone know where I can get a FREE version of the AspUpload.dll file. I know that a paid version is available at and that at one time this utility was free.

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I'm trying to get the ASP component ASPUPLOAD to work. I have a form with fields and their own browser button. I'm using the Post method to send to an ASP page. I'm getting an error after clicking the upload button on the form to upload the images that says "Method Post is not allowed for this ASP page.

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AspUpload 3.0

do I store the images (cover images of movies) in a folder or in the DataBase? Storing in DB has it advantage such as backing-up db will also back-up everything. but will it be fast... enough to retrive the images. I am already conserned over the speed of things... as I am using Access DB with over 5,000 records already in the data base.

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Anyone know how to upload a few images file simultaneously and save the server path of all the images in a record in different field?

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ASPUpload Isn't Working

I just noticed my upload function isn't working since I have move the folders and files to different directory.

Now I get this error:

Error Type:
Persits.Upload.1 (0x800A003D)
Wrong Content-Type. Make sure you have included the attribute ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" in your form.
/foldername/UploadScript.asp, line 54

line 54 is:
Upload.Save "z:

I have given modify, read & write permission for IUSR_MachineName account on NewFolder and given Read & Write permissions in IIS.

I also included ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" attribute in my upload form.

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Email & ASPUpload

I'm wondering if someone can have a quick look at my code and see if
there's anything that I've done wrong.

DIM File, Upload, Count, Ext
DIM Mail, strMsgHeader
Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload.1")
Count = Upload.SaveVirtual("/html/uploads/")

FOR EACH File IN Upload.Files
Ext = UCase(Right(File.Path, 3))
IF Ext <> "TXT" AND Ext <> "DOC" THEN
Response.Write Upload.Form("FirstName") & ",<br><br>"
Response.Write "Sorry, your resume " & File.Path & " is not in a .DOC
or .TXT format and has not been delivered through our system. Please
save your resume in one of these formats and resubmit it."

Set File = Upload.Files("fResume")

Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
Mail.Host = ""
Mail.From = Upload.Form("Email")
Mail.AddAddress ""
Mail.Subject = "Resume"
strMsgHeader = "This email was delivered from your website." & vbCrLf
& vbCrLf
Mail.Body = strMsgHeader & "Email: " & Upload.Form("Email") & vbCrLf &
"First Name: " & Upload.Form("FirstName") & vbCrLf & "Last Name: " &
Upload.Form("LastName") & vbCrLf & "Position: " &
Upload.Form("Position") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Comments: " &

IF Count > 0 THEN
Mail.AddAttachment Upload.Files(1).Path

On Error Resume Next
IF Err <> 0 THEN
Response.Write "There was an error sending your message. Please visit
our Contact Us page and send a message to our Webmaster to report this
error: <B>" & Err.Description & "</B>"
Response.Write Upload.Form("FirstName") & ","
Response.Write "<p>Thank you for contacting our recruiter. Your resume
has been received and will be reviewed shortly. If we have a position
is available that matches your skills, we will contact you to schedule
an interview. We keep all resumes on file for a period of 6 months,
please feel free to resubmit your resume after this time for future

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>


' personalize form
' displays name before your message.
strName = Request.Form("FirstName")
Response.Write strFirstName

<P>Thank you for emailing us your resume.</P>


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ASPUpload 3.0 Component.

I'm Using ASPUpload Component 3.0 demo on my personal system.

Can I access individual items using a string variable like;

strFieldName = "FILE1"

it works fine if i give a string value to files collection;


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Aspupload @ Godaddy

anyone have experience with this? godaddy says aspupload is already installed. I am verrrry new to website work and am trying to make upload a file to the /images folder so they can be read by the simpleviewer flash dealio.

I put the HTML code i found there into the page, and got the box, browse.submit. then i copied the yellow box code for asp script1.asp into notepad and saved as .asp

i frontpage ftpd them to godaddy but not working? i need to limit it to .jpg files as simpleviewer only works with .jpgs, how can i do this? and rename the files once uploaded starting at 1-infinity?

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ASPSmart Or ASPUpload

I'm trying to start to use one of these components (see other zbriu thread).

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Problem With ASPUpload

I'm trying to use the script below to upload 3 files as well as insert information into a database. The upload does work, and the Position Sourse, Applicant Tracking and Position ID insert, but the Resume Link, Reference Link, and Additional field names aren't captured. Code:

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ASPUpload - Sending Email And More

I have successfully setup a form that uploads a file using the ASPUpload script and it shows a progress bar, indicating the status of the upload.

Their script manual is at:

My asp skills are very poor(!) but...

...I would like to improve this script so that:

1. It will create a unique subfolder for the uploaded file. The name will be given (I will have a php script that auto generates this).

2. It will store the uploaded file in this unique subfolder.

3. It will send an email showing the content of the form text fields.

4. Certain form text fields will be shown on the last page.

Can anyone help?

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Persits Aspupload Error

I am having a heck of a time resolving this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'path'

/_admin/inc_manage_create_listing_done.asp, line 12

This script is trying to post a form to a database and pictures to a folder. (line 12 is in red.)

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Update Problem With ASPUpload

I am using freeASPupload on a form which requires the form to be enctype="multipart/form-data".

However, the submit button on the same form is updating a database, the update will not work if enctype="multipart/form-data".

I have removed the enctype and the update works but the upload doesn't. Does anyone know of a solution?

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Upload Documents With Aspupload

I am using what seems to be a straight forward script but am getting an error, is the term Funtion not accepted in aspupload?:

the error is:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'

Syntax error

/legacyUploadscript.asp, line 15

Function isValidFile(filename)

The script I have created is this: ...

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Syntax Error With ASPUpload

Ive been working on a form that adds data to a database and saves a file on a spot in the server

The Upload works fine by itself and the Form adds data fine by itself ... but when I use both scripts together it said that I couldnt use request.form Any way the first part of the code is the ASP Uploader portion It saves the file to a folder on the server and then would write out all the form values on the screen, what I want it to do is to write those to specific field names in a database.

The syntax in the Uploader portion uses a command to generically pull all field names and values but nothing to pull specific ones. Code:

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File Not Deleteing With ASPUpload

I have an application that can upload real estate images to a website. The set of images is headed by a 'default' image. The default image is renamed to a prefix + property ID (example: DR91.jpg). The other images for the property are named differently. Their format is Prefix + property ID + time stamp (example: DR91_0401240231442.JPG).

The problem is if I delete or attempt to change the images for the property, the default image will either not delete from the admin area or when I get it deleted, I upload a NEW default image and it appears to be the same image.

I verified the default image is deleted from the directory (on the server) when asked to do so from the admin area. It looks like the image is cached, because the new file is the same name as the original default image (DR91.jpg) when the other images are not cached because they are named with a time date stamp and don't have the same name. Code:

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How To Substitute Aspjpeg And Aspupload ?

Because I need a good hosting, and most of the dedicated one's i found don't have these components installed on the server. and I don't want to pay 300 bucks for each on to be installed on the server.

found this

but what about the aspjpeg substitute ?

Also I'm not a coder so I am trying to tell my coder what to do, theer seems to be alot of mis information as she is from india.

Your help is appreciated.

Do you think I should just hire someone to covert it to php for hosting costs ?

Also another question, if I converted it to .net ( I heard someone that you don't need the asp components for the .net as coding substitute it) is this true ?

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The Easiest ASPUpload Method Ever?

What is the easiest method of using ASPUpload? Has anyone got any good example source code to view?

I've looked at Persits example information and I'm having trouble understanding it.

My form consists of a file input field (name="filUpload") and I want to submit the form to the same ASP page.

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ASPUpload Component Expired

I installed ASPUpload component evaluation version on my personal computer for development and testing purposes and now one month has completed, and the component has expired.

I re-installed evaluation copy but it didn't work.

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Filename To Database - AspUpload Problem

I have a problem with AspUpload. It's about sending the file name to my database. First of all I don't know the exact amount to post, so, I did a little function for this. The amount is between 1-20. In my database I have fields named 1-20, and text fields for the text to the files that is named "text1-20". My code:

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ASPUpload. Write Indivdual Filenames To DB

I've used asp upload before to upload single files to my server and write the name of the file to a database. I'm now trying to upload two files and write each file name to a different field in a record.

Currently my code says: ....

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ASPupload SaveVirtual - Rename File?

This is doing my head in! I just want to know how I specify file name to correspond with the item ID (database). I've just changed hosting providers and my new server doesn't allow 'Upload.Save' method so I have to use 'Upload.SaveVirtual'

Here's my old script that worked fine: ....

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ASPUPLOAD + Change Upload Folder.

I am triying to upload a file with ASPUPLOAD which works fine the only problem I need to change the folder where is going to be uploaded.

I tried with:

folder = ""+cstr(request.querystring("folder"))

Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload.1")
Upload.OverwriteFiles = true
Upload.SetMaxSize 1048576
Count = Upload.Save (path)

But always uploads into the same folder (where the ASP is uploaded).

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Upload Entire Folder Using ASPUpload

I use ASPUpload as a component to allow users to upload images to website. I did not find on website clear explanation on how to upload entire folder of images to website.

1) Is it possible to do using ASPUpload?

2) Could you recommend me other sites, articles etc to read about this problem (with code samples)? Or could you provide me an example of code samples.

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ASPUpload Component From Persits (worth It?)

I'm looking at purchasing Persits ASPUpload component for my work. Now it seems like it does everything I need. I need to be able to upload images, as well as resize the images (which will require another component called ASPJpeg). I want to hear some comments from people who have actually used this component, and what they thought about it.

I also need the ability to upload images to 4 servers. Can't find anything in their FAQ about it, but I got this to work for a script I made so I'm sure I could tweak the code and get the component to do this.

So if you have used this I want to hear all about your experiences, good and bad. If you have suggestions towards another component please tell me about that as well.

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Delete Server File/s Using ASPupload

Ok, the following page uploads files to the server and renames them according to the item ID and database table (or update type). It also replaces existing files. There are potentially 5 files for each item ID (see FILE REFERENCE). Code:

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