Attach File To Page For Emailing

I'm trying to build a page that the user can attach a file/s to and email them thru a form. I see plenty of info on how to actually code it to send with a variable - but how do you build a form that allows user go out and browse for a file? Then loads the path into a form?

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ASP Page Emailing Text File

I have an asp page that successfully writes out the form data to a text
file. I would like to use Blat (or other free email utility) to send
the contents of the text file to a user. The code to email is as

Dim stdout, shell, cmd
function ExecCmd(cmdline)
set stdout = wscript.stdout
set shell = createobject("")
set cmd = shell.Exec(cmdline)
do until cmd.status=1: wscript.sleep 5:loop
ExecCmd = cmd.stdout.readall
End Function

ExecCmd("blat .prodapp.txt -s "Product Info" -t Join Bytes!")

I am guessing that it may not like the two sets of double quotes. Is it
possible to do this? The company is not willing to spend $$$$$ on
actual sendmail package.

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Email With Attach File

See the ASP code below in order to send an email. How can I attach
a file to this email please?

set objMailer = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail")
objMailer.From = ""
objMailer.To = ""
objMailer.Subject = "a Subject"
objMailer.Body = “I need to know ASP�

on error resume next
if err then
response.Write err.Description
'do nothing it went okay
end if

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I am an ASP guy who is developing using chilisoft at this moment. All is going very well except for using the fileAttach method (CDONTS), I am having great difficulty finding assistance.

The chilisoft documentation seems to lack an explanation of the file attach method, would you have any suggestions where I may see an example of the CDONTS file attach method.

using chilisoft 3.6.2 / Linux / apache

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Emailing An ASP Page

I am having problems emailing an ASP page within the body of the email.Is there an easier way than using CDONTS to accomplish this?
Here is what i have so far:


Set objCDO = Server.CreateObjec("CDONTS.NewMail")

objCDO.From = ""
objCDO.To = ""
objCDO.Subject = "Testing"
objCDO.Body = objBody
objCDO.BodyFormat = 0
objCDO.MailFormat = 0

What i end up getting is an email with the following as the contents of the body "/download.ASP". Is there an easy way to assign an ASP page to a variable and send it through email.

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Attach A File With Mail From Form

I'm trying to get my users to attach a local file to the mail they sending me from my page.

My form code is: ....

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Emailing Output Of An Asp Page

I need the ability to email the output of an asp page to someone. I've seen it around enough that I'm guessing it's pretty basic, but I haven't come up with the google search that'll get me what I need.

I know how to send an html email, but I can't figure out how to get the contents of that page into a variable. The pages I want to send are like this one: Code:

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File Upload In Form, Attach To Email

I'm trying to get a file attached to an email from a form.

The form is a simple name, email, attach cv. When the user hits submit it gets sent to the company. I simply used the <input type="file"> for the user to browse.

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How To Attach Recent Uploaded File To Mail With Help Of Aspsmartuploader And Cdonts?

I have created an asp form which I want to use to retrieve attachment from my site users. I am using Aspupload Component on sever to upload attach file on server at specific location. Although I am able to upload attach file on server. Also I created to retrieve attachment from mail its not working.

Can any one help me out to make form or code to retrieve uploaded file as attachment through mail.

Here is file where user fill his information and attach his CV....

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Emailing Output Of Uploaded File Field

I have the following code which dumps out the location of an uploaded file and the name of the person that uploaded the file. That works correctly. Now I am trying to email the file location and name and I am at a loss. How do I pull the results into an email?

SaveFiles = ""
ks = Upload.UploadedFiles.keys ......

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Attach Error

I just coded a page and I'm getting an error on line 3, which is the
attach line. According to the references I have, this is the correct
way to do it. Am I missing something? Let me know what you think.
Here's the code:

set ObjMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.AttachFile "c: est.txt"
objMail.Send "jondoe@somewhere.nett", "", "Test
Message 021203c", "Test with attachment"
Set ObjMail = Nothing
<title>Mail Send Page/</title>
This page will send mail to an email address

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Attach Files

I have created an asp page in which i need to attach photos and have to e-mail the asp page to other. How to attach photos to the page.

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Attach Link Within E-mail

How do you send a link to a Web page within an e-mail message which was sent using a send_mail function(consisting of the object CDO.Message)?

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Can't Attach Attachments In Email Using ASP CDO

I try to grab the checked files from HTML page and then send those PDF
files as attachments. It can just send email, there are no PDF files
attached. Can anybody point out my error?

My idea is:
When people check the check boxes in HTML page for the PDF files, it
will transfer the files' name to ASP page. Then, it will attach it in
the email. Code:

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ASP - Attach Label To FormElements

I need to attach a label to each form element on an html form as I can not use the element names. For instance, my element is

<input name="DT_Ctl">

in the asp I use,

For Each FormElement in Request.Form
mail_body = mail_body & FormElement & ": " & Request.Form(FormElement) & vbCrLf

However this means I would get,

DT_Ctl: 1

in my email.

I need to re-label the element without changing the element name so that I would get something like,

Daytona: 1

I am guessing I could attach some sort of variable to each form element but how do I do that.

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Attach HTML Email

Is it possible to send an HTML email through CDONTS without formatting it
into one big long string?

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Attach Afile And Upload To Db

I need to attach files and upload that file to an Access database as a BLOB(or any other way). i have created a DSN for the db and it is better if it uses a command object to connect to the db(even if it is not a command a object it doesnt matter) ....

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Attach ICal In Email

how to i attach the following codes to the email?

a genAttachment function and Call genAttachemnt("Test1","24-08-2006","13:00:00","24-08-2006","14:00:00","Title","Location",0,0,1,1,"../eleave/","-PT1D",1,"PT7D",1,"WEEKLY",2,"TH")

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Perform Detach And Attach Db

suggest me a asp page which can detach and attach databases. We can use the sp_detach_db, sp_attach_db.I am mainly into administration .As im not into much asp programming im finding it difficult. I dont have much time left to finish. help me with this.If any one have ready made asp page for this purpose ,he could give me the script

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E-Mail With CDONTS Attach Problem

I'm sending an email in ASP using CDONTS and I'm trying to attach a file from the user's machine (i.e. client side) and right now it works... BUT what im doing now is having the user upload the file and it is saved on the server in the temp directory, then once the email is sent, the file is deleted.

So here's the question... Is there a way to attach a file using only the file info and data - i.e. without saving the file to the server. I have a pure asp upload include file that will let me view a file's data in binray format and I was wondering how I could use this to attach the file.

So to reiterate, can I attach a file that is not saved on the server... any takers?

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I’m writing about a form which processes another form from the which i send newsletters.
There are two cases, cdo (plan text) and cdohtml and everyone of them should sand mail with attach, it debends by which case has been selected in the generale settings, stored in a msaccess database.

The strange is that the mail in plain text format (case cdo) is sent, with attach too, and NO ERRORS are encountered:

the html mail des not works, even if the process says (no errors) no mails reaches the recipients. Code:

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Attach Email Address To Checkbox

I have a web form that collects data and passes it to a mailer.asp page that arranges the form data into an nice html table and then emails it using CDONTS.

The form works fine. Here's what I am trying to accomplish:

Based on which of the checkboxes are checked, that is who the email needs to go to.

I cannot figure out how to attach an email address to the specific checkboxes.

I would prefer to keep the email addy's in the asp so that the spambots dont take them.

Here is my form page: Code:

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ASP Bulk Emailing

I am currently working on script which needs to be able to send personalized emails.

The number of emails needing to be sent at one time could be anywhere from 100 to 100,000.

I would like to provide this as a background process. IE The administrator clicks on the "Dispatch Emails" button, is able to continue with his work, and then sometime later a popup windows shows up telling him the emailing was successful.

The script is currently using a sendmail function using CDONTS. Will this be able to handle a large number of emails? What about being able to somehow have the sendmail functioning in the background?

I have never worked with ASP send mailing features before and I guess I am looking for suggestions as to how i should go about this.

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Emailing Back To Someone Using Asp...

I've got a form which people will fill out on the web with information such as there name, email address etc.

Ive got it to email through to me but any ideas how i can also get it to email a message back to them based on the email address they place in the email field?

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Emailing Form Using ASP

I need the following code to send all fields in a text format to an email address directly from the Win XP IIS personal webserver. Code:

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Emailing With Attachements

We have stored user registration information in an Access database, and we wish to develop an email with attachments like words document and pictures in jpeg/gif format and import mailing list from the Access database and to send this to the user .

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Bulk Emailing

I need to send an email out to about 800 members of our organization once every month. I've been using a 3rd party listserver, but that's been cumbersome at best, trying to keep the two email databases in sync and all.

I know how to write an asp loop to query our database and send an email to each of the 800 recipients, but I'm not sure if this is the right approach. We have an sql-driven website that's tied in as well, so ideally what I want to do is use asp to grab some website data from the sql database, generate the email text, then cycle through our membership database sending it to each member. Is this a good method, or what would be a better approach?

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ASP Batch Emailing

I need to send batch html emails out from a db mailing list (anything up to 1000 in one go).I am using CDOSYS and standard ASP. My problem is that it will error if I try to do any more that 5 every 30 seconds - this is fine when I send them out myself (I have a script to do this) but now I need a program which will allow users to send out batches and I want it to appear seamless.

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Mass Emailing

I'm given a DB with everyone's particulars including emails which
I'm supposed to retrieve all their emails and do a mass reminder email.

Can someone give me some ideas as how am I supposed to go about doing it
using asp and vb as I'm quite new with the languages.

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VBScript To Access Emails And Extract The Attach

Basically, i'm finding sample ASP or VBScript for accessing emails and downloading attachments....

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Emailing Attachments With CDONTS

i'm still kind of new to ASP all together but i need to make a web form which will email the information to a specified email address. i've gotten the form to work flawlessly. however, i would like to add an attachment field so the user can upload attachments for us. how do you code attachments? our server is currently using CDONTS.

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XHTML Checkboxes And CDO Asp Emailing

I have the xhtml code below:

<label>Languages Spoken </label>
<input type="checkbox" name="chk_english" value="English" />
<input type="checkbox" name="chk_poruguese" value="Poruguese" />
<input type="checkbox" name="chk_french" value="French" />
<input type="checkbox" name="chk_spanish" value="Spanish" />
<input type="checkbox" name="chk_italian" value="Italian" />

Could anyone tell me how to code in asp the CDO emailing sending stuff for check boxes.

I can do text, list boxes, radio buttons but im unsure how to link in a check boxes are they all stand alone elements liek text boxes?

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Emailing Sections Of A Form

I was wondering if someone could help me out. I have a form and what I want is to have only certain parts of the form be emailed out to certain people.

So say I have 2 sections of my form. I want section 1 to be emailed to and I want section 2 to be emailed to

I already have a very crude code to send out an email for the entire form to 1 person. Can anyone help me with this?

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