Authenticate Header Field.

when I turn off Anonymous in IIs I get this Error :
HTTP 401.2 - Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration

This is usually caused by a server-side script not sending the proper
WWW-Authenticate header field. Using Active Server Pages scripting this
is done by using the AddHeader method of the Response object to request
that the client use a certain authentication method to access the

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ASP Page Authenticate Against AD

I have a 2 win2k3 SP1 AD Domain controllers and a win2k3 IIS 6.0 webserver, this is not in the domain. The webserver is in a DMZ. I'm trying to make an asp page that authenticates against AD, so all my company users will have to provide the username and password, that should match AD, before going through to the next page.

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Auto Authenticate

I am running 2000 server, sp4, IIS 5

I need to be able to autoexecute an asp page from a batch file that is placed in the windows scheduler.

I can execute the page fine, but I can't get past the authentication. How do I pass the username and password to windows via the URL automatically so this can be done without any user action? This is not a https but it uses integrated windows authentication.

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Authenticate User

I get the user name from the login to the asp page. What I need to find out is the account active or is it disabled. Some users of the site are from the out side world these are OK. The problem is when an employee quits or is canned and their network acount is disabled. I need to find out if their account is disabled.

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JPG Header And Flash Header

A client wants a splash page with the option of going to his website with the flash header or the one with the .JPG header.

Now it's only the header that will be different and all the content will be the same. I don't want to make two seperate websites, because I'll have to update it twice then. Is there a way to just have the header change, without using frames. Maybe SSI,

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ASP SmartMail: How To Authenticate The Form When It's Sent

I am using ASP SmartMail for an email submit form.

I have my form but cannot figure how to insert the server email authentication username and password.

So far I have this ASP code which my HTML form goes to:

On error resume next
Dim mySmartMail
Set mySmartMail = Server.CreateObject("aspSmartMail.SmartMail")

' Mail Server
' ***********
mySmartMail.Server = ""

' From
' ****
mySmartMail.SenderName = Request.Form("SenderName")
mySmartMail.SenderAddress = Request.Form("SenderAddress")

' To
' **
mySmartMail.Recipients.Add Request.Form("ToAddress"), Request.Form("ToName")

' Parameter
' *********
mySmartMail.Priority = Request.Form("Priority")

' Message
' *******
mySmartMail.Subject = Request.Form("Subject")

mySmartMail.Body = Request.Form("Body")

etc.. etc... -----------------------------

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Authenticate With WinNT U/p On Asp Webpage

I am working on a website for an intranet and need to know how I can authenticate by validating my user/password at ASP webpage against the winNT user/password. So not using a 2nd storage of passwords, but simply using the one set for login to the workstation/server.

I found one thread but it was PHP based. I did however notice some comment by alexgreg, so it makes me believe it IS possible. The thread taught me it is possible with PHP, but that it would be easier with ASP... so my question is how

Quote: Originally Posted by alexgreg You can't interface with the Windows password list via PHP, since it's a closed (but not overly secure) standard. The only way I ... the Linux machine, and then use the database for authentication. But this would be very complicated.

You could use PHP to call an ASP script on the NT server, using cURL (HTTP library for PHP) to send it the username/password and then get the HTTP response back and re-translate this into a true/false value. This would be a lot simpler than the above solution.

Very curious how to achieve this. I tried searching the web with google, but I ended up with loads of results, but I still haven't found what I need. The bold part above makes me believe it's not that hard to achieve, one just has to know how

Anyone who can help me out?

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How Can I Authenticate When Sending Email?

I have had success using ASP to send out mail, however, how can I make it send mail using an external SMTP server that requires authentication?

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Authenticate To Active Directory

I'd like to set up a new web page that I'm writing in ASP so that it requires the users to authenticate using their domain accounts. The domain controller is Windows 2000 Server which is a member of my University's active directory. Does anyone know if this is even possible?

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Authenticate Windows Folder

I have created an appln in ASP to upload some files.and through my appln when i click the link i can view them. but if i know the path where the files are stored,i can
just type in the url in my browser and still open the file.

i want to avoid other people from viewing these files and only want them to open through my appln.How can this be achieved? Also this application is hosted a hosting company on a shared not sure if there are limitations as to the solution in that environment.

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WWW-Authenticate To Force Anonymous

I have a server that hosts a few intranet sites. The one that all my coworkers have their Home Page set for causes their browser to authenticate, which is all good.

The one i'm working on now requires Anonymous Access in order to work, but the authentication from the first one is carrying over to the other. Can I use WWW-Authenticate to force anonymous access isntead of using it to force NTLM, Basic, etc?

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Authenticate Against Active Directory

I would like to be able to pass a request to IIS to have a user name and password authenticated against my Active Directory Users database. I'm running Server 2003 however my web pages are build using ASP (not .NET).

What I want to do is to open the standard User Name/Password form (I don't know how to do that either) and then make my request and get back a True/False result. There must be a way to do that but I haven't found it after 3 hours of searching the web.

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Header For ASP

I'm creating a bunch of ASP pages and want a commom header to be included in all. In this header, I want the name of the page included. Code:

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CDO In Header?

I have multiple asp files which used CDONTS. As we are switching over to CDOSYS these files need to be updated. Is there a way that the cdo commands can be called from one general area, rather then have to modify each file?

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Remove Header

can anyone temme the script or style sheet to remove the hearder and footer url address of the web page when printing the pag

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Static Header

i have table which is generated from the database, and is beeing displayed on my website...How can i make the header row static???? so i can still see the header row while scrolling thru the data

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Header Error

my logout link is placed at the top right corner of the page to put it there i used the below code

<p><font face="Times New Roman"><a href="AdminMenu.asp">Go Back to Main Menu</a></font></p>

the thing is i am getting http header error coz i put this code above the asp code

now how to add some attributes to the code so that i can place it below the asp code but when i open the page i need it to be visible at the same place as before

if i use the:

<p><font face="Times New Roman"><a href="AdminMenu.asp">Go Back to Main Menu</a></font></p>

as it is and place it after the aspcode then i am seeing the login link after the response.write's strings.

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X-Forwarded-For Header

how can i read "X-Forwarded-For" header information in ASP?

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Header Problems

I have a website, and everything loads fine in Safari but the top most image will not load in Netscape or Explorer? It is very odd?

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Adding Header

I have a web page hosted by server1. I need to add a link to a web page hosted by server2. This part is simple. However, I also need to give the linked web page the user id for the user that was validated in server1 (it's in a session variable).

At first, I thought the following would work:
Response.AddHeader "MYUSERID", "whatever"
Response.Redirect "http://server2/mywebpageonserver2.asp"

On server2, mywebpageonserver2.asp:

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I am trying to set the content type and header for the response object
but for some reason it doesnt set it. I tried it on dev and it worked
fine but didnot on production. The difference is that dev is http and
production is https. Is there any difference in setting the header and
content type when doing so a http and when on a https server.

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Including A Header

I have the following file structure:


I would like to have header.asp to be usable from all directories. Header.asp will have images and URLs. When I try to #include the file in test.asp, it works fine. However, if I #include it in testpage.asp, the images in header do not work - testpage.asp thinks the images are in subDir, when they are in the images directory. I have tried a variety of combinations of MapPath, Server.Execute, but I have not gotten the image to appear correctly. What is the correct syntax for what I am trying to accomplish?

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Header Error

Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005'

Header Error

/OTsystem/ot/ijms/login/tslogin_check.asp, line 48

The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.

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Add Http Header

If I want to have a username/password dialog in my page,how can I add http header in ASP for username/password dialog? I want to hardcode the username/password in my page and check the authentication.

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Insert A Header

Anyone know how to insert a header and footer and page numbers into word when using

Response.ContentType = "application/msword"

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Header Injection

I believe someone is using my contact form and sending out spam. I'm getting thousands of undeliverable emails.

I don't know anything about asp. Someone who use to work here wrote the form processing script and it seems that all the forms on different domains are being processed by this script. It seems like they didn't do any sort of validation or checks and on one website there are hundreds of pages with the contact form, i could do it in php but that is way too much work.....

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Flash In Header

This is more of a flash recommendation question than ASP related, but I use this forum a lot, so wanted to see if anyone can answer.My page header is flash. One the header is flash. It's about 500KB.Do you recommend keeping flash in the header so it loads on each
page, or creating a second image to replace the header on all thesecondary pages.

If someone views the flash header once, do they download it each time
for each page, or does it cache?My point is that I do not want to kill my bandwidth.

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Header Footer

How can I change the header footer attributes of browser using javascript/vbscript.

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Header Links

I have created a header file that has some hyperlinks, I want to enable the hyperlinks depending on the situation for eg: the header has link1, link2, link3 and they correspond to page1, page2, page3. suppose I am on page1, I want to disable link1.... and so on.

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Locking Header Row

I know this is client side but this is coming from an asp page. Is there a way to lock two rows on a table so that when a user scrolls down a long table they always see the header row? Without using frames.

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Header Error

When I use response.redirect, my server send this error:

Header Error The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content

what does it mean?

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Repeat Header Row

How can I repeat a header every 'x' number of rows?

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Add Header/Footer

I'm trying to generate an excel report from an ASP web page using

"response.ContentType = "application/"

I need to add a custom header & footer to the excel report on generation. Is there a way to do this from the web without installing Excel on the webserver?

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