Authenticating/identifying Recipient Of Mail (with Link)

I'm looking to distribute links to a site by mail, and then identify the users following those links. (ie. embedding user id in the url, and retrieving that data)

I think Dev sheds activate account feature does what I need, as does similar features of other sites, so I would think this is pretty standardized. Unfortunately, I can't figure out what I need to feed the search engines in order to elicit a tutorial....

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Attach Link Within E-mail

How do you send a link to a Web page within an e-mail message which was sent using a send_mail function(consisting of the object CDO.Message)?

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E-mail Link With Variable

I am writing a system from which I would like user to be a ble to send e-mail that contain in the body a link to an asp file which also have a variable added to the end of the link.

example URL

the trouble is using mailto the body only displays


I have tried replaceing ? and = with the ISO values but it still won't work.

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Link To E-mail An HTML Document

I need to know how to write a link that will e-mail html code. If it's possible, I want to have the user click on a link and have Outlook open up with a title (this part already works) and the body filled with html code that I push in. Here is my current code:

response.redirect "mailto:?subject=" & session("screenname") & "Report&Body=" & session("msgblock")

The session values are from a previous asp page that links to this page when you click an the e-mail link.

The session values both show up when I put in a response.write and the title (which is not html, just text) works in the response.redirect -- Outlook opens just fine. The problem is with the msgblock which is in html. Do I need to write a script so that Outlook knows to format for html? Any ideas?

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Authenticating Users

I have an intranet which all staff have access to. All staff can log in to the intranet to amend their own personal info. Currently staff have seperate passwords for logging on to their machines (ie ACL on network server) and logging on to the intranet.

Is it possible to have someone automatically logged in to the intranet based on their windows username and password for the domain?

Just wondering if anyone else has tried this. I think I saw this as an option in ASP.NET but my intranet is built using ASP.

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Authenticating Users

I need to authenticate users to enter in a NTLM-protected virtual directory,but I can't pop up a NT-login dialogue box - I can only do a web-based username/password form (my client is a "usability" firm!). After searchingand searching, I finally found up with this solution to use ADSI to authenticate users transparently:

I tried the script and I am able to authenticate that the user exists with the correct password, but when I redirect the user to the virtual directory,the popup box is still popping up! I think what is happening is that I am not actually passing the username/password to the NT server.

Is anybody familiar with using ADSI for NT log in's?Am I on the righttrack?And if so, how do I actually do this so that the NT login boxdoesn't pop up?

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Authenticating User Against LDAP Using ASP

Following code works fine, except that I have to hard-code the user's
fullpath (2nd parameter of the OpenDSObject() method). Code:

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Authenticating Remote Wmi Call From An Asp Webpage

I am attempting to create a web-page that will check several servers and
verify that the local admin account has been renamed properly. I've written
a .vbs (command file) to do it - I have the necessary rights on each
server - and it works just fine (portion shown below)

My problem is converting it to an asp web page. When I try, I always get a
security failure. I've checked and the page is running under a domain id
with admin rights to the servers. I am assuming its something I just can't
find the answer to, about the way ASP handles security impersonation. Can
someone point me to where I need to look? Code:

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Authenticating User/Pass In Network Domain

I want to do involves logging into a remote computer, in the form of computerc$ , and copying some files.

That computer has a fixed username/password that I can have embedded in the ASP (no big security risks). How can I do this in ASP? Or, is there any tutorial you know that explains how to do this.

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Identifying A Web Request.

We are developing a web application which is targeted at two
types of users.

1) Users from within our NT domain.
2) Users outside domain.

The application will behave differently for these two types of users.

My question is that how can we identify where the request has come from? If from intranet or from outside?

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Identifying Windows XP

I need to find out how browsers identify themselves in WinXP in the UserAgent header. For example, I would use the following to identify the operating system is NT.if (Instr(UA, "winnt") > 0) or (Instr(UA, "windows nt") > 0) then strOpSys = "Windows NT"

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Recipient Name In CDONTS

When sending an email, is it possible to include the recipients name with the email address?

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Email Recipient

how do I get the response from the user to an email recipient?

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Identifying A Variable

i'm trying to set this polling script up so that i can have it pull a poll by it's id, but the user gets to pick which poll id they want to view. Now it's trying to get the poll id from a sql dbase.

this script is the results page.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01f4'

Variable is undefined: 'id'

/poll/poll.asp, line 23


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Multiple Email Recipient

the script works but i wanna have this email to be sent to more than one recipient (see below code in red). I did add another ObjMail1.To tag for another email recipient but doesnt work.

Dim salutationname,salutation,t1name,t1,t2name,t2,t3na me,t3,t4name,t4,highqualificationname,highqualific ation,checkname,check,MyNewRandomNum
MyNewRandomNum = Round(Rnd * 100000000000)+1
salutationname = "Salutation"
salutation = Request.Form("salutation")
t1name = "Name"
t1 = Request.Form("t1")
t2name = "Telephone number"
t2 = Request.Form("t2")
t3name = "Email"
t3 = Request.Form("t3")
t4name = "Age"
t4 = Request.Form("t4")
highqualificationname = "Qualifications"
highqualification = Request.Form("highqualification")
checkname = "Options"
check = Request.Form("check")
Dim stname,st
stname = "Comments"
st = Request.Form("s1")
Dim ObjMail1,ObjMail2
Set ObjMail1 = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
ObjMail1.To = " "

ObjMail1.From = t3
ObjMail1.Subject = "Enquiry"& "" & "QUEUE NO: " &Trim(MyNewRandomNum)& ""
ObjMail1.Body = t1name & vbcrlf&_
t1 & vbcrlf&_
t2name & vbcrlf&_
t2 & vbcrlf&_
t3name & vbcrlf&_
t3 & vbcrlf&_
t4name & vbcrlf&_
t4 & vbcrlf&_
highqualificationname & vbcrlf&_
highqualification & vbcrlf&_
checkname & vbcrlf&_
Set ObjMail1 = Nothing

Set ObjMail2 = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
ObjMail2.To = t3
ObjMail2.From = ""
ObjMail2.Subject = "Thanks for your enquiry."& "" & "Your QUEUE NO: " &Trim(MyNewRandomNum)& ""
ObjMail2.Body = " Hello " &"" & t1 & ".You have submitted your enquiry to us. You will hear from us shortly. " & "" & ":" & st &""
Set ObjMail2 = Nothing
Response.Write"<center />Thank You.You will hear from us soon. "



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Different Email Recipient Issue

The form I have created is intended to send a email to an address based on what subject the user selects. Right now the form processes fine, but I receive no emails.

Dim name, email, phone, subject, message, customer, advertisement, truck, objNewMail
name = Request.Form("name")
email = Request.Form("email")
phone = Request.Form("phone")
subject = Request.Form("subject")
message = Request.Form("message")
customer = Request.Form("customer")
advertisement = Request.Form("advertisement")
message = Request.Form("truck")

Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objNewMail.From = Request.Form("email")

if ("subject") = "1" then
objNewMail.To = ""

elseif ("subject") = "2" then
objNewMail.To = ""

elseif ("subject") = "3" then
objNewMail.To = ""

'else if ("subject") = "4" then
'NewMailObj.To = ""

'else if ("subject") = "5" then
'NewMailObj.To = ""

'else if ("subject") = "6" then
'NewMailObj.To = ""

'else if ("subject") = "7" then
'NewMailObj.To = ""

'else if ("subject") = "8" then
'NewMailObj.To = ""

end if

objNewMail.Subject = "Message from HRI Website"
objNewMail.Body = "Name: " & name & _
"<br>Email: " & email & _
"<br>Phone: " & phone & _
"<br>Subject: " & subject & _
"<br>Message: " & message & _
"<br>Heard About HRI from: " & customer & _
"<br>" & advertisement & _
"<br>" & truck

objNewMail.BodyFormat = 0
objNewMail.MailFormat = 0

Set objNewMail = nothing
Response.write "<p>Thank you for contacting Hackworth Reprographics, Inc. Your message has been successfully sent. You should expect a response from us within one business day. Have a great day.</p> <p>Return to <a href='default.asp'>Home Page</a></p>"

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Different Recipient For Different Geographic Locations

I've been using aspmailer by Tom Germain but I don't understand how to get it to do this (or find another mailer script that will) - assign different recipient email addresses for different geographic locations, then process accordingly, depending on the geographic location selected from list on form.

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Identifying Modified Field

Is there a way where I can identify if the field sent was modified?

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Identifying Loop Textbox

i created my texbox in a while loop. that means when the texbox is displayed with the questions that come from the database it has the same name. how do i differentiate this textbox from the others.

i know i have to assign some variable to it but how do i do it? there is also a button at the end of the page that check the values in each textbox with that of in the database. basically the page displays lessons where the questions are retrived from the database. and its a fill in lesson.

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Identifying The Web Site Address

I have several web sites running the same set of pages and all accessing the same common database tables. A field in all the records contains the web site address of the web
site to which each record pertains, for example, this field in some records may contain

When a web site page accesses a database table, it needs to select the records that contain its web site address. How do I identify which web site this page is in?, how does the page get hold of this web site address so it can use it to select the correct
records in the common database tables?

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Identifying Which Radio Button I Clicked

I move from one form to another when I click to a radio button. I can
identify which radio button I clicked by trapping its value. but my problem
is that there are a set of radio buttons followed by values being displayed
from a join table.

I want to know the values displayed from the table. so that based on which I
can do my further processing. Like the radio button is showing the name of
student, his id, story id...and 2-3 more things. when I select the first
radio button (its value = 0 ),

how can I know that the selected one is for which student_id and for which
story_id.??? Code:

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Identifying When Users Leave The Site

I am still pretty new to .asp but I have a user db where I capture user log ins. When a user logs on session variables are created (e.g. User_ID, member_type) which I use to check user bona fides when they access user only pages.

Question: How can I determine when they leave the site or that they are still accessing the site?

I have had a trawl through ServerVariables but that only provides the info for my sesssion and nobody else.

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Configuring SMTP To Send Email To The Recipient

It seem that I did not configure the SMTP service on a Windows 2000 server correctly because all the email is been sent to InetpubmailrootQueue directory. Do I need to install Outlook for the email to send the mail to the recipient?

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Jmail.SMTPMail Error '8000ffff', 503 Must Have Sender And Recipient First

Can anyone please help me with this. I have same code to send the emails. But once in a while i am getting this error messages. Could you please tell me what might be the possible reasons that makes this occur.

jmail.SMTPMail error '8000ffff'

503 must have sender and recipient first

Here are the program details: ....

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Email Send Failed: The Server Rejected One Or More Recipient Addresses

I am using ASP formmail from I keep getting this error message:
Form could not be processed due to the following errors:

Email send failed: The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550

The email address in the form is correct and does work. I have changed the settings to different email address and SMTP servers to try to figure out the issue. However I still get the same error. Here are the basic settings:

referers = Array("", "")
mailComp = "CDOSYS"
smtpServer = ""
fromAddr = ""

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Send A Mail With Cdosys And Save A Copy In The Sent Mail Folder: How To?

I need some help: with cdosys i'm able to send e-mail from asp using the local exchange
server. Now I also have to save the sent mail into the user's mailbox for future reference: how to?

I'm using:....

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Mail Insertion Hack On Send Mail Form

I'm using CDO to send mail to the site owner from ASP pages with forms.
Recently one of my forms is occasionally sending email with what seems
to be an insertion which is replacing the plain text part of the email
with something else. Looking at the server sent email source, the
hacked emails have the following:

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Sending Mail Using ASP/VBScript To Exchange Mail Box

Here's the scenario. I'm currently using cdosys/asp to send mail to
our SMTP server. We use a product called MailFilter to check for SPAM.
It doesn't work very well. If MailFilter isn't working cdosys also has
problems and emails don't get sent. As these email are confirmations
for customer's bookings this means lots of customers calling to see
where their confirmation emails have gone. The root of the problem is
MailFilter but that here to stay. So I had this thought of sending the
message to a queue of some sort so at least they will get to the
customer eventually rather than being lost for good. So here's the

Can I/How do I send messages to a mailbox on our exchange server using

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Invalid Mail Address Gives Error In CDO Mail

I'm using CDO from my vb component to fire email. The problem is
whenever one of the email addresses in to, or cc is wrong then none of
the mails are fired even to the correct addresses. It gives an error

The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server
response was: 550 Relaying denied for <>

My code goes like this. Why is the mail server trying to look for the
validation of email ids??I want that atleast the mail should be fired
to the correct email addresses rather than no email fire. Can i
achieve that.

Dim iMsg As New CDO.Message
Dim iConf As New CDO.Configuration

With iConf
.Fields.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
.Fields.Item(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = 10 ' quick timeout
.Fields.Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoBasic
.Fields.Item(cdoSendUserName) = "username"
.Fields.Item(cdoSendPassword) = "password"
.Fields.Item(cdoURLProxyServer) = "server:80"
.Fields.Item(cdoURLProxyBypass) = "<local>"
.Fields.Item(cdoURLGetLatestVersion) = True
End With

Set iMsg.Configuration = iConf
With iMsg
.To = strToEmail
.From = strFromEmail
.CC = strCCEmail
.BCC = strBCCEmail
.Subject = strMailSubject
If strMailFormat = "TEXT" Then
.TextBody = strMailBody
.HTMLBody = strMailBody
End If
If strAttachment <> "" Then
.AddAttachment strAttachment
End If
If intPriority = 2 Then
.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-Priority") =
End If

End With

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Sending E-mail To Different Mail Box!

I would like to know if this can be achieved! On the form I a drop down menu that's called ("Escalation_type") the values are eta, hdtv, and supervisors. I have some ideas but I am not sure if it will work or not. If the use chooses an eta as a value I would like it to be sent a mailbox for exam: If they choose hdtv as value I would like it to be sent to a different mailbox. Can this be achieve by using the case statement or the if statement?

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Asp Mail Without Using A Mail Component

I'm looking for an asp code who can send an email without using a mail component. I started to write somethings using winsock but I don't have enough time to finish it.

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Link In Asp

Does anyone know how to hide and show a link depending on the level of the user. Like I want the link to show if the person loging in is an admin, but if the person is a user than I dont want the link to show?

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Link / Url In A Var

How to get a link / url in a var ? This is what I need to do :

newmsg = " <a href=""?pa=<%=userid%>> Click here </a> "

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