Authorization Exception

I am trying to read an XML file as below,

DS.ReadXml("http://localhost/PM/" & Me.ViewXML & ".XML", XmlReadMode.InferSchema)

Using Windows Authorization I get the exception below:
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

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Authorization Problem

I have an asp page with just Integrated Windows authentication set. It works fine if it is accessed with just the server name, but it prompts the user to enter their credentials if it is accessed with the full domain name.

Any suggestions on how to eliminate the login box? ( Without allowing anonymous access...)

It's running on a W2K Server sp4 w/ IIS 5.

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User Authorization

I'm working on an e-commerce website, using ASP and MS Access. The idea is that the user should register their FirstName, LastName, Email, Username and Password via an html form. This should be submitted to an ASP script which sends an auto responder email to the address submited in the form. The account should then be dumped in to the Access database, and the user should activate their account by clicking a link in the email.

I've got as far as sending the email when the user clicks the submit button on the form, but I'm very confused about how the link is sent in the email. I've been told that a random number generator should be used. I've been searching, but I can't find exactly what I'm looking for.

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in our company we use NT domain with NTLM. i have an asp login page for an app that will work in our intranet. but i couldn't find any resource for checking the username and password given in textboxes exists in domain or not.

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i want to implement authorization with windows authentication and don't
have the slightest clue of how to do this implementation. the basic
windows authentication for this .NET application is already setup. my
problem lies within my inability to manipulate the username captured in
the authentication process and my knowledge of how IIS is involved.

specifically, i have the following questions:

1) what object(s) can be used so that the user's username can be
manipulated for the authorization process?

2) in order to apply roles, do the users need to be placed in groups in
IIS? if so, how does this work?

3) is all the code that the application uses for roles in web.config?
or does global.asax play a role in this matter?

4) does the web.config file know to communicate with IIS because the
authorization type is set to windows?

5) once authorization is in place, can a section of an .aspx file be
visible to a group or can only entire files be secured for a group?

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Authorization Request-header

I am trying to integrate an application into our extranets.The extranet technology has its own authentication system requiring a domain user but uses anonymous authentication (from the perspective of IIS).I can get the username/password, but IIS is not aware of the user.

The application I am trying to integrate (to get the features I want) relies on either basic or NTLM authentication. The sites use SSL, so basic authentication is fine. Both applications live on the same server.I want to automatically authenticate the user in the second app. Any ideas?I have a few, but I don't know how to implement them.

One idea is to find a way to forward/redirect the basic authentication information to the secondary application. This would be easier (and less secure) if IE6 still supported the "http://user:pwd@server/" syntax.I could construct the authorization request-header myself on the server, but how would I convince browsers to send it?It should work with recent IE and NS browsers.

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How To Create The Username/password Authorization Dialog?

Anyone knows how to create the username/password authorization dialog in ASP?

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Exception Handling

I have a piece of code which causes an exception. Now i don't know why that is. I would like to know the best way to debug the exception.

I know about try and catch statements. However with these you need to have a basic idea of the type of exceptions that could occur. Does someone have a better suggestion on how to debug an exception?

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Exception Handling

I am using global.asax to handle my web application exceptions and have
configured it to create event log entries for errors that occur and to
display an error page advising the user to contact the helpdesk.
I have an intermittent uninitialised object error that I am not able to
reproduce in test and for which I really need the source line number.
I believe this information is contained in the PDB but am not sure if one is
created if I set the debug="true" flag in the compilation part of the
system.web section of the web.config when the application is recompiled.

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Invalid_viewstate Exception

I have a system that tries to find holes in my web site. One of the things
it has found and has been sent to me is,

an Invalid_Viewstate exception. I will provide the stack trace below. If
you read down the stack trace it talks about "Invalid chararcter in a base-64
string" error. After reading much about this have not found any resolution.

I did read where one person said that people hit sites that require
information and they sending bad or spam in hopes the site will forward the
information on to an email and my site is capturing that because they also
are changing the hidden field _VIEWSTATE which in turn causes this exception.

I also read that the data that is being entered is not passing validation
and there is a need to trap for it. Code:

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CreateObject Exception

we use an ASP page to upload files but sometimes it doesnot work as it suppose to do and we found error log in Application Error as:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Active Server Pages
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5
Date: 11/27/2006
Time: 9:17:08 AM
Error: File /ASP/UploadFile.asp CreateObject Exception. The CreateObject of
'(null)' caused exception C0000005..

This exception happened sporadically. I didnot find a way to reproduce the error.

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Exception Error

I am getting ready to give a whole application to a customer for website integration. I am finishing it up now by doing a final system check. When i ran the following script if gave me the following error:

error '80020009'

Exception occurred. /pabstproductions/WebDesign/VortexRegSys/ASP/YouthUpdate.asp, line 78

I really could use some help figuring this out Code:

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Exception Occurred

I am trying to do a real simple bit of code here but i cant see where i am going wrong. I am trying to pull some titles out of the database and when i have 5 i want it to stop.

Well it is giving me an Exception Occured error. I have checked that the query is valid SQL, and i have also restructured my Do While Loop so to test the data is being pulled from the db and it is fine.

Could some one please have a look at this for me as i don't really understand what is happening. The commented out part at the bottom is the code that i used to test that something could be extracted from the Database. Code:

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Exception '80020009'

When i try to execute this cycle:

<%while not (oRS("IDFoto")=IDFoto)

i get the error:

80020009 Exception Occurred

I want to select the record with the field IDFOTO= the value in the variable
IDFoto I'm sure the cycle doesn't work, if i modify it so:

while (oRS("IDFoto")=IDFoto)

it works (but with no right result of course).

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401 Unauthorized Exception

I am trying to convert a word document to pdf file from java for this, I am using a asp file to convert doc file to pdf. I got it working when I put the url which has file name as the query string in the browser but when I call that asp file through the java application I am getting 401 unauthorized xxx exception.

I am using weblogic 7 as the app server and IIS as the web server and Adobe acrobat 6 which has pdf distiller in it. The problem is when the asp file tries to create the Server.createObject(pdfdistiller.pdfdistiller.1), since it is a third party component, the machine doesnt allow me to create the object, I guess I am not sure, but I got it working when I put the virtual folder security anonymous user as domain admin but if i give any other user name it is giving the exception 401 unauthorized exception.

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Exception Handling

can anyone tell how to handle exceptions in ASP. please give me any link or explain me if possible.

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80020009 Exception Occurred

I'm getting an '80020009 exception occurred' error for some reason, even though I know that there is a corresponding record in the database. This happens on some records but not most. Any ideas? Code:

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Exception Occured Only On One Record

I'm getting an "exception occured" error pointing to this line :

<%=Replace(Replace(rs1("racelength"),"D","")," ","")

..when all the other records (84 that i'm displaying) have the same
display reference, and they are all fine. The data in the dbase is not
different than the other data corresponding to this field


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Script Engine Exception?

The periodic error below keeps coming up and causing our server to crash. Once it happens, the only way to recover is to issue an IISRESET or reboot. We've updating the scripting engine, and database engine. The ASP code is connecting to an Access database. Is there anything that can be done about this? It happens several times a week. Code:

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Puzzled At Exception Error

I have an ASP page that returns all the items in a database where a certain field (called Period) is equal to a given number. This number is pass in the URL from a link on the previous page. The script works fine but some of the periods contain lots of items (up to about 600), and the page takes an age to load, so I decided to use paging.

I found what looked to be a great peice of code on asp101 which I have adapted, but I am having problems. The code works fine for all of the pages except the last one, where upon it generates:

Error Type:
Exception occurred.
/sleaMusTrust/DBTemp/ArtefactsP.asp, line 14

This line to me seems to have no problem at all (code listing is below). The particular block of code is generating links to jump to different pages, and I need this to include the same period, so I simply add it to the end of the url. However, if I delete the added period from the URL the page works (and carries on working if I type the URL manually into the browser address box). Code:

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Exception Occurred.(0x80020009)

In the SQL select statement I need to compare with another field. This, another, field is sitting in the stored procedure. I have to call to the stored procedure to get this field…So I can do the comparison.

Here is what I tried: ....

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Script Engine Exception?

The error log entry below has occured a few times this month. Each time, IIS
stops serving pages until IISRESET. Does anyone know what the problem might
be? Code:

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Exception When Accessing Dictionary Object

I have a server running Windows Server 2003, on which two of the web
sites use the MegaBBS ASP forum software. Both sites suddenly developed
the same error, which seems to be connected to the dictionary object.

ASP... Code:

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Exception Occurred /deleteTitle.asp, Line 38

I have a table inside access DB built like a tree, every record(=node) is a "title" that has a 'name' and 'paret' fields (and some other fields that are not relevant). I'm simpley trying to print out all the tree's records but I keep getting only a path from the root record to the first leaf.

I have a recursive sub called 'deleteTitles' that needs to perform this task. The var 'currentTitle' is the root node.

On every iteration of the sub I print one son of the current node 'T'. I'll be glad to give more information... Code:

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Exception Occurred /deleteTitle.asp, Line 38

I'm trying to delete a tree in my DB using a recursive function. The tree nodes are "T" (titles) The tree root is currentT, on the first call to the function. I get the error above.

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Sql Open Exception Persists Until I Restart IIS

using win 2000, asp and mysql. when i perform a bad sql statement in asp like...

dim cn
set cn = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
cn.Open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=homerton;UID=root;PWD=;OPTION=35"
dim rs
set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
sql = "selec * from tablename" 'note the typo on select
rs.Open sql,cn

IIS complains with
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01FB)
An exception occurred: 'Open'

If i correct the error IIS still fails to work until i restart the w3svc service. On another pc running the same setup this doesn't happen, and correcting the typo enables the asp to work again.

IIS isn't crashing, it would still run a simple asp page with response.write etc on my pc, it's just when it comes to an sql statement again.

Anyone know why this occurs and if there's a solution?

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Exception Occurred Strange Error

Im writing a script that has a lot of "nested" IF statements - it breaks a complicated situation down through a sort of logic system, and when it reaches the end of the tree it performs a certain task - in this case, it writes a row of data into a table.

Its very annoying that the IF statements work exactly as I want/expect them to...but when it gets to the end of the tree of IF's I get the following error: Code:

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Error: Script Engine Exception.

Has anyone run into this situation and could possibly help me out? I am running on w2k vf mssql

Error: Script Engine Exception. A ScriptEngine threw expectio
'C0000005' in 'IActiveScript::SetScriptState()' fro

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Type Mismatch & Exception Occured

We have an web application called I-CAL(Interactive Personal Loan Calculator). This application is configured on server with Win 2000, IIS 5.0 and with 1 GB Ram.

The application is facing a very rare problem which is difficult to reproduce and trace. The problem statement is as follows:

The application faces an ASP Error called "Type Mismatch" and the line it points the error to is the statement where we create an Object of the Business Component. For Eg: Set Obj = Server.CreateObject("PrgABC.clsXyz").

This is a very rare error which does'nt occur consistently. We are not able to trace it also. Code:

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Error Type: (0x80020009) Exception Occurred.

I get the following error from the code below:

Error Type: (0x80020009)
Exception occurred.
/diary.asp, line 53

The specific part that causes the exception is when I try to access
rsAppsTemp("AppointmentDate") in the While loop. For some reason it works
fine in the If statement above it, but not in the While loop.

Any ideas?

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Error Type : (0x80020009) - An Exception Occured

I have this type of error Error type :

An exception occured

/yeni/haber/Default.asp, line 78

and this asp code :

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Error :: CreateObject Of '(null)' Caused Exception C0000005

I am getting error

Error: File /default/default.asp CreateObject Exception. The
CreateObject of '(null)' caused exception C0000005, when i trying to
create an object of component.

This component is used for generating Images on browsers. The image is generated in btyes array and passed to this component for further processing. I checked the internet and not able to find any specific pointers.

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