Auto Number Field Error

sqlstr ="INSERT INTO BorrowerTab VALUES('" & strName & "','" & strEmail & "','" & strPhone & "')"

These are the 3 fields i wish to insert value.

I cannot do it because there is an auto-number field in my table.

How do i tackle this ?

The error tht i get is query or destination are not the same

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Auto Number Field

I have one auto number problem in one table in sql server 2000. I'm inserting new record using insert statement and am not giving any value for that field as its auto number.
On the very next statement , I need to know which number it inserted in auto number field for that record??What should be the logic?

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Auto Generate Number

I want a sample code for developing an " auto genearte number " and want to store in database.

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Auto Number Generator

i am developing an e-move system. basically, this system required a customer to login first into the system before make any reservation. when a customer complete fill up a form with required data such as name, address, telephone number, email, date and time, i was wondering to give the customer a specific number as a reference number. customer will use this number to retrieve back the information if he has any changes to make and also to view the propose quotation from the mover company. my problem is, how can i include that particular process (reference number) into my e-move system?is there any auto number generator code/application?

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Pulling Auto-number

Is there a way to pull the auto-number of a row entered into a database? IE, if I create an order, automatically pull the order_no from the order_table so that I can insert it into an order_detail table. There has to be a better way then selecting max order_id because that might not be the most current order? I know there is a buiilt in function in php what about asp?

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Auto Number Retrieving

how to retrieve the auto-number value from the table. This value will be displayed in the textbox.

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Displaying Auto Number Prefix In ASP

I'm developing a help desk system and i need to specify an ID for each call.

Using autonumber in Access i formated it ("NS"0000) to display NS0001 but
my ASP page only shows 01 when i display it.

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Auto Numbering (letter-number)

i want to make a data field with an auto numbering , but i exactly want is like this CT-1 , CT-2,CT-3 , the Ct letters must be before the autonumber , so its seems to me in that case i cant choose the dat field in my db as int and choose identity Yes cause the identity seed will be an integer only and no way to put with it a number.

so i want to make throw asp and put this datfield as a char so it can accept the(letter-number)value , so how can the asp make an autonumbering, and know what the lastnumber so it can add 1 to it.

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Auto Serial Number In Multiuser Web-based Application

I am developing a web based application that has autonumber field for the serial number. Every time the user open the page a serial number will be generated. The problem is when more than 1 user open the page at the same time or before the first user submit the form they will get the same serial number.

How do i make sure the second user will get a different serial number?. This application seems to work as standalone only. How do I change it to multi-user environment.

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Auto Populate A Field

I am trying to retrieve the last value in my table in the ID column and auto input it in a field in my form when I open the form page (form.asp). This is what I have but it is obviously not working. ?
dim Rs, SQL, conn, ID

Set rs=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
Rs.Open strSQL, conn
ID = Rs.fields("ID")
end if

<input type="text" name="ID" value="<% =ID %>" size="13">

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Auto Update Table Field

I am developing small asp application.There is a database called db.mdb and there are three tables(tblUser,tbsImport,tblcitylist) In tblcitylist there are two fiedls


According to the relevent town there is a LReg (Lreg is a name already assign to the town)
this part is ok.

In my tblUser there is a field called Town and LReg (Same as above table)
But here LReg is empty.I mean there is a default value called "N/A"

I need to create a asp page for following purpose

* i need to read tblcitylist table and according to that I need to fill the LReg fields of TblUser Code:

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How To A Erase Field & Insert Auto-increment

i have a field with a list of wrong ID (random) and i wish to replac
them with a sequential (auto-increment) value. how to remove the valu
and to add in the sequential ID?

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Changing Display Of Auto Date Field

i have a field in my form which auto adds the date to my database, its inputs as 1/09/2007 and what im after is when i retrieve that data to be displayed i would like the date to be displayed as 9th September 2007,

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ASP Field Number Format

It shows the data but not like in the data table (Access). I would like that the numbers have a 2 digit decimal behind the comma i.e.123.456,30 and negative numbers should be in red and in brackets i.e. (123.456,30) So, the format should be:
$#.##0,00;($#.##0,00)[Red] as I have done it in the table - but not in ASP

Where do I have to enter the format in the ASP code? - or - Where do I have to enter the format in the Html code? Is someone able to write me the coding line?

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Format Number Field L

i need my field that is 10.00 and turn it into this 00001000 any ideas.

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Updating Number Field

How would I change the following update statement so that if one of the AreaCode fields was blank, that it passes instead of saying Syntax error in UPDATE statement?

sqlString = "UPDATE Installers SET Company='" & Request.Form("company1") & "', [Contact]='" & Request.Form("contact") & "', Phone='" & Request.Form("phone") & "', Fax='" & Request.Form("fax") & "', Email='" & Request.Form("email") & "', Website='" & Request.Form("website") & "', Address='" & Request.Form("address") & "', City='" & Request.Form("city") & "', State='" & Request.Form("state") & "', ZipCode='" & Request.Form("zipcode") & "', Country='" & Request.Form("country") & "', AreaCode=" & Request.Form("areacode1") & ", AreaCode2=" & Request.Form("areacode2") & ", AreaCode3=" & Request.Form("areacode3") & ", AreaCode4=" & Request.Form("areacode4") & ", AreaCode5=" & Request.Form("areacode5") & ", AreaCode6=" & Request.Form("areacode6") & ", AreaCode7=" & Request.Form("areacode7") & " WHERE Company='" & Request.Form("company") & "'"

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Delete A Number Field

Using ASP, how would I make a field in an entry 'blank', baring in mind that its a number field. I have tried...

RS.Field("ReviewID") = ""
RS.Field("ReviewID") = vbnull

But it doesnt like either of them.

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Retrieve The Error Number In VB With Err.Number

I want To handel the error messages by myself in one part in my script. I know that in VB I can Use the statment - On error resume next And I also know that I can retrive the Error Number In VB with Err.Number.

How can I handel the errors by myself in ASP? I heard about the ASPErr Object, Is it the same thing like the err object in VB?

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Min Number Validation In Text Field

i know in html you can set a "max" character limit for a form field.I was wondering if it is possible to set a min number of characters?

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Passing Null Value To A Number Field

What's the best way to handle passing a null value to a number field in my Access database? Right now I am getting an INSERT INTO error when I am doing this. I tried doing the following:

Mon = Replace(Request.form("txtNewMon"),"","0") but it doesn't seem to work. Would you suggest doing an IF satement?

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Convert Filter Field To Number

I am using filter to build a recordset of records using:

Recordset1.filter="sorter >'"&todayDate &"'"

I dont think that the sorter field is a number, so how can I ensure this at this stage?

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Number Of Fields Per Distinct Field

I have a table [table] with two fields [type] and [ID]. I am trying to create a table with the number of IDs per distinct type. So, the return table would be {distinct [type]}, {count per {distinct [type]}. I am stumped; I believe this must be two queries?

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Using Wildcards To Search Number Field

I want someone to enter an area code in a field. They would hit search, and it would pull up all records whose phone number starts with that area code entered. Code:

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Microsoft - Error Number: -2147467259 (0x80004005) Unspecified Error

Last night, 6 pm dedicated windows 2000 server rebooted and ever since I get an error with all my sites on that box that says:

ASP Error occurred 8/16/2005 10:39:16 AM in Microsoft JET Database Engine

Error number: -2147467259 (0x80004005)
File: /demo3/funcs.asp, line 100
Unspecified error

The funcs.asp is the file that opens the access database to read from. I have tried all sorts of things to fix this and I need your help. I searched for this error but can't find any more than people having the problem.

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Error: Error '800a01c2' Wrong Number Of Arguments

I had an asp mailing list that sent a message to a text file of recipients, which worked beautifully until the powers that be upgraded servers on me and didn't tell me how my components would be effected. The original script used CDONTS, now replaced with Persits ASP Email.

This code is now throwing an error: ....

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VBasic Text Field (phone Number) Calculating Data Before Inserting Into Access

I have a text field in a web page I am working on that seems to be calculating phone numbers before inserting them into an Access database. i.e., 867-5309 will result as -4442 in the Access text field. My guess is that the webserver or client is processing it before inserting it. Is there any way to stop this other than using a validation script?

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Error Line Number

I have a page that whenever an error occur, I send an email to support
with the error description, script name, server, referer, etc...

However, I want to add the line number to the email message. So far, I
have found that you would have to modify the custom error (500;100) on
the IIS to point to your own error page to be able to use the
Server.GetLastError object.

Does anyone know if there is a way out there that does not require
changing the IIS settings?

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Query Number Of Fields Error

Please look over this code and tell me why I keep getting this 'Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.' error.

Set rowcreation=connectionToDatabase.Execute("INSERT INTO hotlines(user_ip,date_time_opened) VALUES('" & user_ip & "," & date_time_opened & "')")

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Resolving 'invalid Number' Error

I have a page (Page 1) that allows users to select several search criteria. These criteria are then passed via the URL to another page (Page 2) that runs a query and displays the result. I keep getting an 'invalid number' error and I need help fixing it.

To save space I'm only including the query. I created and set up a connection object and a recordset object (rs).

Users may select multiple Project_ID's from Page 1, they are passed in the URL as Project_ID, Project_ID, etc. Code:

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ShadowUploader - Bad File Name Or Number Error

When i try to upload a file it comes back with this error!
Why is this?

found 1 files...
file name: back.gif
file type: image/gif
file size: 82
image width: 16
image height: 16

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0034'

Bad file name or number

/ShadowUploader.asp, line 280

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ADO Record Set Error Number -2147467259

SELECT * From Product WHERE CatId = 14 AND CatSubId = 13 AND CatSubSubId = 9
Now if i change this query to either of the below it reults in an error as nothing is puled from the database. Now if i run this query directly in Access, these 2 execute fine:

SELECT Size From Product WHERE CatId = 14 AND CatSubId = 13 AND CatSubSubId = 9
Or to

SELECT Distinct Size From Product WHERE CatId = 14 AND CatSubId = 13 AND CatSubSubId = 9
Size is a number (long integer) field.

Err.Number is -2147467259
Err.Description is blank. no description
Err.HelpContext is 5003251

I have increased the script time out and command time out time and still the same thing.

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VBScript Runtime Error (with No Line Number)

I am getting this error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'sid'

There is no line number, and there is absolutely nothing on that page
using sid, and I mean not even a word, or even part of a word, in that
document or any of the include documents.

I have put the files from the production server back from the past
three days, and I am still getting this error.

It happened very suddenly, when I was made a change to a css file.
Yes, I know that CSS is client side and has no effect whatsoever on the
server, but there it is.

Does anyone have a clue about this? All the Googling has resulted in
errors with line numbers. Heck, if there were a line number, I
wouldn't be posting here - I'd fix it.

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Wrong Number Of Arguments Error With Access??

I'm trying to query an Access database with an asp page hit with a hidden form from an ecommerce site. It was working fine until I added a new variable ("speed"), and now I get the following error: Code:

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