Auto Number Generator

i am developing an e-move system. basically, this system required a customer to login first into the system before make any reservation. when a customer complete fill up a form with required data such as name, address, telephone number, email, date and time, i was wondering to give the customer a specific number as a reference number. customer will use this number to retrieve back the information if he has any changes to make and also to view the propose quotation from the mover company. my problem is, how can i include that particular process (reference number) into my e-move system?is there any auto number generator code/application?

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ASP Random Number Generator?

Does anyone know how to code in a very simple random number generator?

Basically, my ASP site is linked to an SQL d/base. What I want to do is have a "Random quote of the day"... the R.N.G. should spit out a number, and that number references the random_quote_ID in the d/base and spits it out.

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Auto Generate Number

I want a sample code for developing an " auto genearte number " and want to store in database.

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Auto Number Field

I have one auto number problem in one table in sql server 2000. I'm inserting new record using insert statement and am not giving any value for that field as its auto number.
On the very next statement , I need to know which number it inserted in auto number field for that record??What should be the logic?

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Pulling Auto-number

Is there a way to pull the auto-number of a row entered into a database? IE, if I create an order, automatically pull the order_no from the order_table so that I can insert it into an order_detail table. There has to be a better way then selecting max order_id because that might not be the most current order? I know there is a buiilt in function in php what about asp?

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Auto Number Retrieving

how to retrieve the auto-number value from the table. This value will be displayed in the textbox.

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Displaying Auto Number Prefix In ASP

I'm developing a help desk system and i need to specify an ID for each call.

Using autonumber in Access i formated it ("NS"0000) to display NS0001 but
my ASP page only shows 01 when i display it.

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Auto Numbering (letter-number)

i want to make a data field with an auto numbering , but i exactly want is like this CT-1 , CT-2,CT-3 , the Ct letters must be before the autonumber , so its seems to me in that case i cant choose the dat field in my db as int and choose identity Yes cause the identity seed will be an integer only and no way to put with it a number.

so i want to make throw asp and put this datfield as a char so it can accept the(letter-number)value , so how can the asp make an autonumbering, and know what the lastnumber so it can add 1 to it.

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Auto Number Field Error

sqlstr ="INSERT INTO BorrowerTab VALUES('" & strName & "','" & strEmail & "','" & strPhone & "')"

These are the 3 fields i wish to insert value.

I cannot do it because there is an auto-number field in my table.

How do i tackle this ?

The error tht i get is query or destination are not the same

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Auto Serial Number In Multiuser Web-based Application

I am developing a web based application that has autonumber field for the serial number. Every time the user open the page a serial number will be generated. The problem is when more than 1 user open the page at the same time or before the first user submit the form they will get the same serial number.

How do i make sure the second user will get a different serial number?. This application seems to work as standalone only. How do I change it to multi-user environment.

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Name Generator

I'm getting ready to start design on a random name generator. Basically a user would type in their first and last name and it would generate a random name pulling from a database. My question is this, what would be the best way to pull the random name? I was thinking of maybe just grabbing say the third letter of the first and last name and then matching them to a name, but I thought this would create to many duplicates. Maybe somebody out there can point me in the right direction.

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Any Generator

tell a good software that i can be using to generate my asp codes apart from code charge studio.

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CRUD Or DAL Generator


The biggest n00b benefit I can see from Ruby on Rails, .NET, CakePHP or any framework/code generator is it's ability to auto create DAL and CRUD statments in a object oriented format.

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Form Generator

Helping a friend to create a site in ASP, he has a bit of ASP knowledge and I have none at all We are looking add being able to add the abilitly to create new forms on his new website. Does anybody know of a good ASP form generator?

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Random Generator

So we use the Randomize function and Rnd to make a random number. Well my numbers can hardly be called random. So I have to ask is those two functions dependent on the web server? The web server sucks so much that it cant generate new Random numbers?

How Random is this?

2006-05-14 20:01:32 You picked a 4 of Clubs
2006-05-14 20:01:34 You picked a 4 of Clubs
2006-05-14 20:01:35 You picked a 2 of Diamonds
2006-05-14 20:01:37 You picked a 2 of Diamonds
2006-05-14 20:01:38 You picked a 2 of Diamonds

And then I added a Session function which takes the Number generated and make sure that it doesnt happen twice in a Row. But then it just switches between two values.

2006-08-09 13:55:12 You got hit by 11276
2006-08-09 13:55:16 You recieved 88515m³ Ice.
2006-08-09 13:55:21 You got hit by 11276
2006-08-09 13:55:30 You recieved 88515m³ Ice.
2006-08-09 13:55:37 You got hit by 11276
2006-08-09 13:55:39 You recieved 88515m³ Ice.

If I had'nt had the Session function it would simply be "2006-08-09 13:55:12 You got hit by 11276" 4 times in a row or something.

So I ask myself what is wrong? Is it the server or is it faulty programming on my side?

iOre = Int(30000 * Rnd + 5000)

If IsEmpty(Session("OreRandom")) = False then
DO WHILE Session("OreRandom") = iOre
iOre = Int(30000 * Rnd + 5000)
End If

Session("OreRandom") = iOre

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Web Template Generator

I am looking for a script or a tutorial on how to generate a web page by having a user fill in a few chosen fields and entering the information into some preprogrammed html code using variables.It would then display their page and underneath it the html code.

Exactly like this, but in asp or cold fusion:

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C# Code Generator

I am a web programmer and I have recently been involved in developing my first ASP.NET application written in C#. I am looking for a code generator to help me to implement the skeleton of the application.

I tried to search on the Internet and found a few, but none of them generate the stored procedures, the data access layer and the business layer. Can someone suggest me a good and bug-free code generator so I can focus on implementing the business rules rather than writing stored procedures and developing logic to load and save the data?

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Random Card Generator

I think most of you have run into the problem of generating random cards (shuffling them) in almost every programming language. If not here is your chance .Now I want to try this in ASP. Ya ya I know WHY ASP...because I want a challenge and want to see how you people would think of doing it.
Rules To Develope:
- 40 cards
- 4 different suits
- each suit 10 cards with number 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
All it has to do is generate an ASP page listed with the randomly generated cards.

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Code Generator Programs

Does anyone know of any decent ASP code generators.I would like a program that automatically builds all the code for searches, reports, etc, giving just the path to a Microsoft Access MDB file. I have tried and used aspmaker, and it works pretty good. I was just wondering if there are any other programs out there that anyone recommends. Also does anyone know of any other "GOOD" asp forums besides this one

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Image Gallery Generator

i'm looking for a free image gallery generator in ASP 3 on ASP+. I've already looked on but no one seems to fit my needs which include:

- admin area to create/destroy galleries,
- upload/remove images,
- placing comments on images.

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Create An HTML Generator

I design auction templates and I need a way for my buyers to be able to fill out a form, click submit, and have a preview of the HTML template come up as well as the HTML coding so they can copy & paste it into their auction listing. Does that make sense?

I have NO experience with ASP programs but I was told by someone that this is what I need to get the results I am looking for. I do very well learning things on my own but this one has stumped me. I've spent many hours looking for any kind of tutorial or program that I could purchase.

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Random String Generator Problem

I have the following function which generates random strings:

function GenerateRandomStr(nLen, skipRandomize)
dim i, strTmp

if not skipRandomize then Randomize
strTmp = vbNullString

for i = 1 to nLen
strTmp = strTmp + Chr(fix(26 * Rnd) + 65)

GenerateRandomStr = strTmp
end function

But it is so happening that it is generating duplicate string which is causing the system to fail. Can anyone tell me why it is behaving in that way??

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How To Create A Random Image Generator?

How bout I go about creating a section on my site that displays a random image, lets say:

1) every time the page is refreshed
2) in a certain amount of mins or hrs the pic changes
3) daily, monthly and so on?

Would I need a database of some sort or can it just be done with some asp code?

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Stored Procedure Parameters Generator

there used to be a script by Bob Barrows which generated the vbscript for
a stored procedure. The web site isn't there any more. Can anyone point me
somewhere else?

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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Sequential Number After Batch Number

here is the scenerio

in master batch table i have various master batch like

Now each master batch can have multiple final mixed batch like


and this record is inserted in to fmix table.

so i have a form in which i have a dropdown menu in which all the master batch is listed,
i select 200701-0001 and that value is passed to next page where i will enter other fields data and insertion to my fmix_no will be done automatic like 200701-0001-01, 200701-0001-02 and so on,

how to achieve this

so in short each master batch will have more than one final mixed batch.

pls help, also if u have any online contact in yahoo or msn pls send me, i am so confused and badly struck deadline is just couple of hours away. my yahoo id is(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) you can PM me i am online right now.

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Retrieve The Error Number In VB With Err.Number

I want To handel the error messages by myself in one part in my script. I know that in VB I can Use the statment - On error resume next And I also know that I can retrive the Error Number In VB with Err.Number.

How can I handel the errors by myself in ASP? I heard about the ASPErr Object, Is it the same thing like the err object in VB?

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Random Token Generator - Not Really Random

We have the need to have a random token (a 16 char alphanumeric field) to be used as the key for one of our SQL tables. I have created a random token generator, however after only 3 months in production, it appears that we had an instance where a token that already existed in the tables was created. There are 3810 records currently in the database so it isn't like there are billions of records there.

I contacted an old college buddy of mine who is a mathematician, and he claims, assuming that random really does mean random, that the chances of getting a duplicate token are 1 in 79.5 septillion (79,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000).

So my conclusion is that this was either a complete freak of nature occurance, or my random generator isn't really all that random. Here is the code behind how I am generating this: Code:

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Auto Run

i have a page with top frame (html) and bottom frame (asp)the top frame come with choices and then submit value to bottom asp page by submit can i do it if i wish the bottom asp to run automatically in specific value when the html is loaded.then the user can change the choices after.

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Auto Fill

Is it possible in ASP to have an Auto Fill option? For instance, if I am typing in a name and I type in the first few characters, can ASP recognize a similar name in the database and begin filling in the rest of a possible match?

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Auto Fill Using Asp

ive got an online system which allows people to enter info into a database about an absence request they have - at the same time this emails the person in charge of absences.

The form is setup now but to make it easier i want to alter the "Name" and "email" fields so they require no filling in ie - a staff members name will be chosen from a drop down list (ive done this bit fine) and then once this is done the relevant email for this person is automatically placed in the email field. This bit i am struggling with - anyone any ideas how this can be done??

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Auto E-mail

does anyone in here got an idea on how to automatically send an email message once a person signs up for a website? i'm doing a small website right now and if a person signs up on the website details about the non profit organization would be send automatically to their email.

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Auto Text Box

In my form I placed a text box, in which I want when the users writing something some choices from a database table to be presentes for example:

if they wrote
a drop down list to be showned which contains.

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