Auto-remove Feature

I have an email program, that I wrote for my newsletter. When I send my emails, I am getting more and more bad emails. Is there a way to have an auto remore feature that will remore the email from my database?

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Day() Feature

I'm having a hard time with the Day() function. Basically, it appears
to be picking and choosing which part of a date string it uses to
return the result ... heres some code :

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New Forum Feature?

I've noticed changes to the forum, for instance... the addition of a "time spent on forums" and user-post "bar" thingiemabob

...And on the front-page I'm presented with a link to "View my warnings"

Which is obsolete, considering that I don't have any warnings (oh, I'm such a little angel!)

Any news or admin care to comment on this?

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Attachment Feature

Where do you think I can get just this feature alone in ASP?I just need this feature and not this whole forum. Any other similar product I can use or try?

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Adding Feature

I am very new to ASP and I am trying to add an existing script.I have an open source shopping cart and I want to add real time shipping rates from USPS.

I have a username and password for the USPS server,but I am having trouble figuring out where to place it. Also if someone as a script to send and recieve data from the USPS server that would be great.

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Search Feature

I need to provide the search feature on the companys web site. I have read one of the threads here that this can be accomplished via Google. I can't locate the thread anymore. Is it possible? could you please point me to the right resources?

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Login Feature Using MS Access

I have a website which requires login. The login function works fine, but I want to display this message when someone is logged in: "Welcome, Firstname Lastname". Here is the code for login.asp: Code:

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Log In Feature Using Two Access Tables

I have a login feature but i want to be able to let users from different tables to log in. The data base is Access and the code is from DreamWeaver MX.

The computer recognises that there are two tables. However i get the message:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

The specified field 'userID' could refer to more than one table listed in the FROM clause of your SQL statement.

/members/loginform.asp, line 21

This is the code:

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Framed Page Feature

i want to have this feature implemented on a framed page: a two paged frame with:

frame (a) containing a textbox and submit button
frame (b) dispays the url entered in the textbox

i have no idea how i'll program the textbox to accepts urls and open the link in the target frame.

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Calendar Control Feature

I would like to insert a calendar into a webpage that shows the current date and really needs no updating, fro mthis calendar i would like to select a date from it and have that date inserted into a text field, in all there will be 22 text fields (but for now its probably best to concentrate on one).
The reason being i would like to give the user of the website access to change dates in a table in access. The dates can be calculated from the first date entered into the first text field like so:
All dates will be 7 days apart. Ie if the firsat date is 1/7/04 then make the second 8/7/04 and the third 15/7/04 etc 22 times.

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Sorting Asc/desc Feature

I'm building my ASP pages using dreamweaver 8 and some code that I learned along the way.

Can anyone tell me how can I sort (or order) the records in a table just by clicking on any of the columns?

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Simple Search Feature

i have a text field that the user can input a keyword to search on. i want it to search two fields in my database: productName and productDetails. can someone tell me the sql i would have to use? I know it would be a mixture of using the WHERE and LIKE commands.

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User Login Feature

the database works is it checks over a database and verifies the username & pass with code. Then the user enters the site and there's a seperate table to keep a record of when users log in and log out.

Well basically I'd like to know if and how I could apply a filter using asp code? I'd like to filter out everything but <%Session("name")%> (which displays their username) so that user logged in can view their own records.

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Site Login Feature

I am creating a message board in ASP, and I want to create a login feature where you can view the site without being logged in as a registered user, or you can be logged in and use more features.

What is the best way to go about doing this? Should I use cookies, or should I just try to create a login feature using VBScript and Database values?

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Upload File Feature

how to provide the feature for ploading files from a website? i want sum people to b able to upload their files to my server from website, and I am going to read these files later on for ifferent application. am using ASP and vbscript for my applications.

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Adding ASP File-Upload Feature

I was wondering if any one had any advice for adding on an all ASP file-upload feature to a form. To start I only want to upload JPGs to a folder (max 2 per form) and then write the path to these images along with the form information so the images can be displayed later on.

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Radio Buttons To Add/change/delete Feature

I have a simple add/change/delete feature going on. I have a products table that I'm selling mock products from. I have a column named category, which users either select baseball or basketball from the radio buttons on a form. I can't figure out how to make this work. I'm implying that the code is working, the record is adding to the database, just not the category field, and when I display all the fields out of my database onto a html page the category field is blank. Below is the code I have.

<td>Baseball<input type="radio" name="category" value="baseball">
Basketball<input type="radio" name="category" value="basketball"></td>

Then I dim out a strCategory variable and set it equal to the request object "category"

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How Can I Give A Nice Print Friendly Feature Through IE For My Website Visitors

I just wanted to know if anyone can tell me how can I give my website visitors the feature of "FRIENDLY PRINTING" through IE. Code:

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Need To Remove DAY Name

I found a simple date script, which is this:

var_date=date() 'get the current date

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

How can I get this to not display the day of the week, I only want - September 29, 2004

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Remove DAY Name

I found a simple date script, which is this:

var_date=date() 'get the current date

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

How can I get this to not display the day of the week, I only want - September 29, 2004.

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Remove Dot

i have a variable which holds a value like this


response.write stramount

the output sometimes is

50.00 or
50 or

if it is 50.
i want to remove the (dot) at the end. can someone tell me how to use the instr function to see if there is a dot at end and if it is there then remove it.

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Remove The Gap

i have problem in removing the gap between two images, pls see the attached image. coz my item name is quite long, i dun wnat it display in horizontal, i want it display as vertical. so i create the images for the character and use ascii to recognized it.

my code is as below:

<td align="left" class="BorderLeft" width="1%">
<%dim word, pic, word1
pic = ""
for i = 0 to len(word)-1
word1 = cstr(right(left(word,len(word)-i),1))
pic = asc(word1) & ".gif"%>
<img src="../images/<%=pic%>" border=1 vspace=0 hspace=0>


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How To Remove Cookie?

How can I remove a cookie from the client in ASP? I'm not talking about setting the value to a blank string and I've tried this:

Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires = Now()
Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires = Date() - 100

Neither of which work.

Is there any way to completley remove the cookie?

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Remove Header

can anyone temme the script or style sheet to remove the hearder and footer url address of the web page when printing the pag

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How To Remove Duplicates

How to write asp code to remove duplicates in an array.

For Eg: A()=(1,5,10,15,10,20,5)

After removal of duplicates it should be


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Add Remove Button

The main idea goes like this: I have a textarea, on the right I have a listbox whose elements are loaded from an Oracle Database, I want to have an "Add" Button which when pushed will insert in the textarea the value selected on the listbox between "{ }" (ej, The {white} cat), you can add as many values as you wish and also manually edit the text, and a Submit button which open another ASP page that will check the sintax of the textarea and insert it on the Database.
So far I already have the part which checks the sintax and inserts it on the db, and the listbox with the elements you can insert on the textarea, but my boss really wants the "Add-Remove" feature and I need to finish this for Tuesday

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Remove Underline

I have image icons that are clickable. I want to remove the hyperlink from around the image.
I tried the STYLE="TEXT-DECORATION: NONE" tag but thats not working. How should I remove the underline from the hypelink.

strImage = "<A target=""_blank"" href=""document.asp?job="
strImage = strImage & jobid & "&doc=" & filename & """ STYLE="TEXT-DECORATION:NONE">"
strImage = strImage & "<IMG SRC='" & GenerateIcon(rs("filename")) & "'/></A>"

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Remove Left Of ,

Would search for this but forgot what its called? I wanna remove everything from the left of the camma in a variable:


to 7-3-05

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Remove IMG Tag Toggle

I am wanting to create a large dynamic web site with an accessible Text Only version.Instead of creating additional pages for the text only version, is it possible to implement some regular expressions, which remove all the IMG tags from page.

I have found a useful tool at which removes the CSS from the page but I also need to remove the images.Are regular expressions the best means of doing this?

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Remove Duplicates

I have an array like this:Code:

arrColour = split("blue,blue,green,red,purple,blue,green,yellow",",")
What I need to be able to do is to remove all items of the value "blue" from the array. I can just run a dictionary function to delete all duplicate values, because some of them need to be retained. I just need to delete all of them of a particular value. how this can be done?

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Remove Items

Response.Write "<TD>" & "<a href= objRS.Delete>Remove</a>" & "</TD></TR>"

I have a basket which people add stuff to that they want to buy. i want a code that allows them to delete the item too. how the basket works is. thy choose a item from stock page and then it adds to a basket table.

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Remove Duplicates

I have declared a multidimensional array as follows. dim parray(100,5). Now this array contains some duplicate values. So how to remove duplicate values in this multidimensional array.

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Remove Last Character

How can I get a string from this

22, 32, 43, 23, 44,

to this

22, 32, 43, 23, 44

I want to cut the last coma.

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