Auto Submit

i want to call another asp page from my aspx web page in the form load of aspx page and populate certain values in the aspx page based on the results returned from asp page.. I have to pass certain parameters like username and password to the asp page and the asp page should be submitted automatically . How to implement the form submission of asp page automatically from the aspx page. Based on the seach results, certain fields in the aspx page should be populated.

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Auto Submit To A Frame

There are two frames in an asp page.When a frame loads,I submit a form to the other frame in onload event.Sometimes the code works fine, but sometimes it will submit to a new window. Why does it happen? how to resolve it?

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How I Can Auto Submit Form?

I want to auto submit form. After all the script in page run. Or after the specified time.

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Auto Submit Form Keeps Posting

When a visitor enters the basket section of my ecommerce application he has to press on a button “click to view basket”. The submit button posts the users IP address back to the form. Below is the code:

<form BOTID="0" METHOD="POST" action="ProducsTotalBasket.asp">

<input TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="Remote_computer_name" VALUE="<%=Request.Servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR")%>" size="20">


I have tried to automate the submit function by placing the following code into the body of the web page:

<BODY onLoad="window.document.postform.submit()">

This works, in that the records in the basket are displayed automatically without clicking on the submit button however the screen starts going berserk and the form keeps posting to itself i.e. the “ProducsTotalBasket.asp” page mentioned above. It simply won’t stop & keeps looping and posting over and over again.

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Send Mail And Auto Submit A Form?

I am working on a script and I have a form to a page to be submitted (POST-ed) to an external site.

I need that when the user submits the form, first step is to send an email using an asp script and only after that to post the information to the web site. I can send the email but I don't know how to post the form automatically after I send the email. I think I can use javascript, but maybe there is a better way of doing it?

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Submit, Date Changes Format Without Any Adjustment, And Changes Again On Submit!!!

I am having a problem with an update date query ( there is something wrong with my query both locally and live.

So it has to be the query as my system settings are UK format.

Basically when I go to amend a record without actually doing any changes whatsoever. an click submit, when I see the amend the date switches format, regardless of entering any information.

If I go back and amend the article without doing any changes the date format again is switched back to normal. This is causing big issues, that really need correcting but I cannot figure what I have done wrong. I did previosuly post a message, but this appears to be something diffirent other than local settings. Code:

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Submit Drop Down Without A Submit Button

i'm trying to get a drop down menu to submit automatically when an option is clicked. i've tried various javascripts and they don't seem to work correctly with asp. does anybody know of anything that will work properly?

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Auto Run

i have a page with top frame (html) and bottom frame (asp)the top frame come with choices and then submit value to bottom asp page by submit can i do it if i wish the bottom asp to run automatically in specific value when the html is loaded.then the user can change the choices after.

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Auto Fill

Is it possible in ASP to have an Auto Fill option? For instance, if I am typing in a name and I type in the first few characters, can ASP recognize a similar name in the database and begin filling in the rest of a possible match?

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Auto Fill Using Asp

ive got an online system which allows people to enter info into a database about an absence request they have - at the same time this emails the person in charge of absences.

The form is setup now but to make it easier i want to alter the "Name" and "email" fields so they require no filling in ie - a staff members name will be chosen from a drop down list (ive done this bit fine) and then once this is done the relevant email for this person is automatically placed in the email field. This bit i am struggling with - anyone any ideas how this can be done??

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Auto E-mail

does anyone in here got an idea on how to automatically send an email message once a person signs up for a website? i'm doing a small website right now and if a person signs up on the website details about the non profit organization would be send automatically to their email.

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Auto Text Box

In my form I placed a text box, in which I want when the users writing something some choices from a database table to be presentes for example:

if they wrote
a drop down list to be showned which contains.

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Auto Authenticate

I am running 2000 server, sp4, IIS 5

I need to be able to autoexecute an asp page from a batch file that is placed in the windows scheduler.

I can execute the page fine, but I can't get past the authentication. How do I pass the username and password to windows via the URL automatically so this can be done without any user action? This is not a https but it uses integrated windows authentication.

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Auto Add Record

I work for a large company and the outside supervisors are not that computer savy. The simpler the better. Each supervisor has 15 employees that he must assign work for each day(Monday through Friday and sometimes Saturday).

I am trying to create this so they can click on a button it will add 15 new records to Table A that are copied from the day before. Then they just have to update the new records with today's LocDate and a new location if needed. Code:

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Auto Download!

I have a an url to file in one page and when user clicks, it takees them to another page, say url.asp?ID=...

On this page i want the download to that file to start automatically. the purpose of this page is to record the number of file downloads. is this possible in asp, or is there a better way of doing this?

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Auto Closed

how to make a window explorer closed tiself like after 1 min? I think I rem there is such function available but I had forgotten the function/code...

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Auto-Login Using ASP

I would like to write an ASP script which will auto-login me to a Yahoo account or some user account which needs a username and a password. How can I make this possible using ASP?Or is there any way to get auto-login working?

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Auto Tabbing

How can you get cursor to "jump" from the first field that has focus onto the following one and so on, and is it possible to do so if fields sometimes might be empty and if so how would I take care of that?And is it possible to make autotabbing if the field is not a set lenght, I have only come accross examples where the field is expecting to receive a certain number of characters?!!!
Can you use the option of auto tabbing only for input field or it can be done for select options as well?

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Auto-fill From DB

I am currently developing a web form for the transfer of assets between departments, which will store information in an Access database. I currently have the form created and I am working getting the transaction processing portion of it going.

Basically, there is a minimal amount of information that needs to be entered into the form and I would like the rest of the information to auto-fill. So for instance, I would enter the asset number of the asset to be transferred, and said asset's serial number and description would fill in automatically. I have go this working in Access, but I'm at a loss for how to do it with ASP.

I think that I need the script to execute after a change is made to the AssetNo field, but I have not been able to get it to work how I want. Code:

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Auto Emails

I am in the beginning phase of a project that will require automatic email reminders to be sent out. Has anyone had any experience or suggestions that might help me get started in the right direct. My project will use the following.

ASP/VBScript/SQL Server Express

Once a record has been added the Auto Email reminders will be sent every 24 hours for the first 3 days or until the receiving party has responded to a questionnaire.

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Auto Numbering

i am auto numbering with sql in asp. my auto code worked but i am restructing my tables and i came across my auto numbered fields. my question is when you use auto number does it give an default field length in mssql and if it dose how do you specifi how long you want the field to be.

here is a sinpit of my code for a table using auto numbering.

"Con_Fname VarChar(25), "&_

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Auto Email

we have an Access database of our clients. It has fields for email addresses and date of expiry of their rents. I would like to write an application that would email our clients automatically according to the dates in the database fields, giving notice that their rent is about to expire like for example, within one month.

I just would like to ask if you could somehow give me some idea or point me to a website that will give me insights. Thanks very much indeed and hoping for your kind response.

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Auto Redirect

I have no background knowledge in this area as yet.In ASP, is there a way to have a set of code to automatically redirect to another page in a given time period? eg: auto redirect to another page in 10 seconds.OR does it has to be done using javascripts or any other scripts?

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Pass The Auto Gen Id

I have a form which submits it's data to a hidden page(submit.asp).Submit.asp retrieves the data and submits to the db.Immediately once it has submitted data,it will then retrieve the auto generated id for the data just submitted.(hope this will work)
Once I have retrievd the auto gen id, I want to then pass this id to *another page*. I don't want to then create the table on the submit.asp page as there is a huge amount of code there already-want to keep things clean.

How do I pass the value to another asp page?Is it something like response.redirect and how do I attach the id?

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Auto Login

On my website I have users create an account. After they have created the account they have to log in. Is there a way that after the user has created the account it automatically logs them in?

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Auto Refresh

I want to refresh a page every 5 mins without the users' intervention.I'm not sure that this is possible at all.

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Auto Postback

Can I make the screen state where it is after a control is auto postback? And how?

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Auto Upload To FTP

Just a quick question, is it possible to automatically upload files to an FTP account via ASP? Ie if you have a link say, on an ASP page, saying Upload files now... and basically this would automatically upload a set of files which will be pre-set in the code... to an FTP account for which we know the address, username, password?

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Auto Refresh Once

I have a few .asp pages in a framed website. I find that sometimes the .asp page reads from my cache instead of refreshing the Database fields when flipping between pages using a naviagation bar in a different frame. Anyone know a little line of code that I could place at the top of my pages that will maybe automatically refresh the page ONCE - when someone enters the page ?

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Auto Suggest

I have created a form with asp, and I want to enable the autosuggest in my text boxes using a MS SQL database as a source for the suggestions. So do you have anything in mind to suggest me to use?

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Here is want I want to do. Create an asp script that can:

1.) go to a page
2.) fill in the values needed in a form
3.) click a submit button
4.) use XMLHTTP to capture the contents of the resulting page after it loads

Is this possible, and can anyone point me in the right direction?

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I once found a script that would automatically notice changes on your site, and then auto-matically send a newsletter to your users notifying them of the changes, and giving a short description. I know how to do everything but get the changes and summarizing them. Anyone know of such a script (that's free)?

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Auto Responder

How to create auto responder in ASP.

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