Auto Update Table Field

I am developing small asp application.There is a database called db.mdb and there are three tables(tblUser,tbsImport,tblcitylist) In tblcitylist there are two fiedls


According to the relevent town there is a LReg (Lreg is a name already assign to the town)
this part is ok.

In my tblUser there is a field called Town and LReg (Same as above table)
But here LReg is empty.I mean there is a default value called "N/A"

I need to create a asp page for following purpose

* i need to read tblcitylist table and according to that I need to fill the LReg fields of TblUser Code:

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Auto Update Html With ASP-SQL

I have a website (html) that I list dates and events on a couple of pages, I wanting to know if anyone knows if I can create asp pages and utilizing putting events by date in sql to create an interface that would make updating these html pages easier than searching -changing dates of events-changing events every week easier?

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Auto Increment Table

I'm trying to implement a feature where when user click on a button, a table will be displayed in the page and when second time the user clikc on the same button, the other table will be displayed, and so on. can anyone give me an idea on how to implement this?

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ASP Auto Updating An HTML Table

I need to create a webpage with an HTML table that keeps track of certain data. I have created the table and hardcoded all the nonchanging cells.

The problem is the data I need to update the table with is FTP'd to a webshare in a .txt format. I need to take this file, parse it and update the table every morning at 745.

I have found ways to do it if the webpage receives a hit, but I still need it to do it on weekends and holidays when we are not in the office, because this file will be overwritten with the new data file the next day.

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Table Inside A Table Update To DB

I have a table with many txt boxes which i have inside a form with a submit button to an update page which adds all the details to a db. The problem is i have a another table inside the first e.g. table 2. i want to be able to update table2 by clicking a second submit button that would update it. Is it possible to have a form within a form or how can i do it??

Also i need to update the entire table in one go. For exampple if i have 3 records in table2 i want to be able to update them all by clicking the one update button. Code:

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Auto Number Field

I have one auto number problem in one table in sql server 2000. I'm inserting new record using insert statement and am not giving any value for that field as its auto number.
On the very next statement , I need to know which number it inserted in auto number field for that record??What should be the logic?

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Auto Populate A Field

I am trying to retrieve the last value in my table in the ID column and auto input it in a field in my form when I open the form page (form.asp). This is what I have but it is obviously not working. ?
dim Rs, SQL, conn, ID

Set rs=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
Rs.Open strSQL, conn
ID = Rs.fields("ID")
end if

<input type="text" name="ID" value="<% =ID %>" size="13">

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Auto Number Field Error

sqlstr ="INSERT INTO BorrowerTab VALUES('" & strName & "','" & strEmail & "','" & strPhone & "')"

These are the 3 fields i wish to insert value.

I cannot do it because there is an auto-number field in my table.

How do i tackle this ?

The error tht i get is query or destination are not the same

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How To A Erase Field & Insert Auto-increment

i have a field with a list of wrong ID (random) and i wish to replac
them with a sequential (auto-increment) value. how to remove the valu
and to add in the sequential ID?

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Changing Display Of Auto Date Field

i have a field in my form which auto adds the date to my database, its inputs as 1/09/2007 and what im after is when i retrieve that data to be displayed i would like the date to be displayed as 9th September 2007,

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Integrating Asp Into A Table To Auto Generate Rows From A Select Statement

Im running a select statement to a database and wish to display the relevant records into a table. For some reason, its not liking this - can someone see why, and or tell me an easier way to produce an 'automatically generating' table of results.

<% @language="vbscript" %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<% Response.Buffer=True %>
<title>Search Results</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<!-- #include file="dbConn.asp" -->
<!-- #include file=""-->
<h1>Your search results returned the following popup messages:</h1>
<% Dim msgtype, title, message, url

Dim adoDB, adors, strSQL
set adoDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
adoDB.Open strConnection
set adoRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
If msgtype <> "" then
strSQL=strSQL & "P_TYPE='" & msgtype & "' "
If title <> "" then
strSQL=strSQL & "OR P_TITLE LIKE '%" & title & "%' "
If message <> "" then
strSQL=strSQL & "OR P_MSG LIKE '%" & message & "%' "
If url <> "" then
strSQL=strSQL & "OR P_URL LIKE '%" & url & "%' "
End if
strSQL=strSQL & ")"

'response.write strSQL

adoRS.Open strSQL, adoDB
' Loop through the recordset to display the records
Do While Not adoRS.EOF
& " <tr> " &
& " <td> " & Response.Write adoRS.Fields("PID").Value & " </td> "
& " <td> " & Response.Write adoRS.Fields("P_TYPE").Value & " </td>"
& " <td> " & Response.Write adoRS.Fields("P_TITLE").Value & "</td>"
& " <td> " & Response.Write adoRS.Fields("P_MSG").Value & "</td>"
& " <td> " & Response.Write adoRS.Fields("P_URL").Value & "</td></tr>"
& " </table> " &

' Tidy up afterwards
Set adoRS = Nothing
Set adoDB = Nothing



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Update A Table

I'm using MS Access.

My DB name is: interse.mdb
Table name: Home
The field name: overview1

I want to use Textarea to Display and Update the "overview1" field.
How can I do it.

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Update Two Table

how to update two table in the same time?

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Update Table

I am New in ASP and really need some help. My database has one table (300 rows) with two columns. One colume is the customer name, the second coloum is blank (let users write down the information). How to create a form and let users update the table?

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Add/update A Record In First Table And 2nd

i can add the record in first table but cant get it to do with the second one one of the field in the first table the "mktid" which is the primary and is a forgeiner key in the second table how can i have it insert or update in the second one Code:

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Add/update A Record In First Table And 2nd

add/update a record in first table and 2nd i can add the record in first table but cant get it to do with the second one

one of the field in the first table the "mktid" which is the primary and is a forgeiner key in the second table how can i have it insert or update in the second one



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UPDATE Table With Values

I want to UPDATE a table with fields, Id, Home and Away with the values from another table. The other table has only 2 fields, ID and winner, i want to update the first table with the values from the other like so:

Home Away
Winner(1) Winner(2)
Winner(3) Winner(4)

the numbers in the brackets represent the row in the second table. Does anyone know how this is possible?

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Getting Id Field After Rs.update

this is a problem that is cropping up for the other developer here and i can't seem to find anything wrong. this code has worked for months and then the last couple of days it started sporadically not working. i'm thinking that it has to do with a performance issue but i'm not sure.

i don't use the ado .addnew or .update, so i'm a bit unfamiliar with the workings of it. here is a brief overview of the code.

... do the field updates
order = cint(ordRS.fields("order_id")

the problem is that order sometimes ends up as null, it's not getting the order_id field after the update. like is said, it's sporadic. anyone have any thoughts here?

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Update Field

ive got a table filled by a recordset with a column named "STATUS"
each record is a sale transaction. the status of this transaction is either open or closed. right now the table displays whats in the database as is, but i want to add the functionality to be able to close a transaction from the table.
i was thinking of 2 methods, one would be a check to see if the field = open, and if it is, make that field a link to a small popup that verifies the user wants to close the transaction then does its lil sql thing aand updates the table.
the other way i was thinking was to check if its open and make it a drop down list that will update table when submitted.
im veering more toward the former idea(not a fan of drop downs)

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Update From Same Field

I have a list of names and a box with the age like this:

Name [20]
Name [26]
Name [15]

So i have his code:

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UPDATE Operation On An Access Table

I'm trying to run an UPDATE operation, using a command object. I'm getting the error back, Operation must use an updateable query. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong here.

Would it be the Command object settings you have to set before executing the command? Can someone tell me what those settings should be for an update query?? Is there a lock on the table from somewhere else???

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How Do You Add Several Rows To The Same Table With An Update Button!!!

I'm trying to update several rows to the same table of a datbase using ASP & an access database.

But I can't seem to get it working. I can get it working for one row but more than that won't work. The amount of rows that need to updated is never the same.

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MySql Field Update

Why is it that this does not work in MySql?

RS.Fields("Fullname").value = "Bob"

Is it because MySql does not support this?

The code below is a bit more representative of what I'm doing:

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="Database_Open.asp"-->
sql ="SELECT * FROM CustomerBase WHERE " & _
"UserName='" & username & "' AND " & _
"SECRETWORD='" & password & "' "

RS.Open Sql, Connection, 3

'redirect code here
RS.Fields("Fullname").value = "Bob"
%><!--#INCLUDE FILE="Database_Close.asp"--><%
Response.Redirect ("Menu_Account.asp")

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Update A Field In A Database

I'm having a spot of trouble trying to update fields in a access database using asp. I can delete and add fields thru the asp page but when i attempt to modify the fields i get a page not found error message. Code:

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Update Phone Field

i have a phone field in one of my tables. the data is pretty ate up. there's some numbers with .,- and extra spaces among other things. how can i do a mass update i would like to have all the phone numbers formated like this 555-555-5555 .

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Update Form Field

I have a asp form that has a dynamic drop-down box that a user selects a value from. Once the user makes a selection I use the onChange event to capture the selection and pass this value to a vbscript sub.

The sub then makes a adsi query using this value to retrieve additional information. This all works. I used a msgbox to display the retrieved value and it is correct. My problem is how do I update a field on the form with this retrieved value?

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Update/Insert On MSSQL Table Using ASP Forms

I have a problem that it's bothering me for some time now and i will need a lot of help from you. I don't know how easy or difficult it is to be done but i would appreciate any help.

I have an mssql 2000 db with table "table1". Attributes for "table1" are:

ID (Primary Key)

I'm trying through DreamWeaver MX to create a form through ASP and Text Fields, so that i can update "table1" through the form and also on another page to show the results of my table.

I have created a form which will be accepting 25 rows, each row having field1, field2, .., field7.

I cannot seem to get it to update "table1".

Any ideas how this can be done?

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Fetch Information From The Usre Table And Update It

I have a text box when user type (Name) on it and push search button,if
database has this name information such as(phone, address,...) comes in
several text box, if user want to update these information ,change text
in text box and save it, I couldn't write the update code for this

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How To Update Multiple Records Into A Single Table

I already have this piece of code that inserts multiple rows of data into a single table at once. Code:

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Create Recordset, Loop, Update Second Table

I am in the process of rewriting my table formats for an Access Project that was created. I now need to get the data from 1 table and transfer to a second table.

I created a page that creates the record set, I then loop through that record set and need to run an update statement to a second table, however, I get the following message:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)
Could not use ''; file already in use.
/BusPlanTest/updBusPlan.asp, line 17

Below is the code I am using: Code:

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Update A Field For A Bunch Of Records At Once?

My products table has a weight field that I need to populate. A bunch of them have it and a bunch of them don't, but I need them all to have one. The weight is the same, 3, for all the records. I also have an Include field in that table. I want to make the weight field 3 for all records where the include field is true (it's a yes/no checkbox in access.)

I'm using Dreamweaver and I can build the SQL statement just fine but I'm not sure of how to loop through this to set the field for each of these records.

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Can Not Update A Record If There Is A ' In The Text Field

i'm trying to figure out why i can not update a record if in the text box there is a ' anywhere in the field..

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Update LastLogin Field When User Log Ins

Okay Whenever a user logs in we want to track the last time they logged in. My login script worked perfect before this now I can figure it out. All I did was add the way the table opens and the objRS.Update. Code:

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