Autofill Field Based On Entry In Another

have form on asp page with an email address field, when the user enters
their email address I want it to populate another field automatically on the
same page, some kind of OnBlur event. Have worked extensively with dropdown
OnChange events but cant get my head around this one.

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Autofill Text Field After Listbox Item Selected

Just getting started with ASP (NOT .NET) and have a question:

I have a basic form and I'm trying to add some functionality to it. I want
a user to be able to select a product from a list box. After this product
is selected have another text box, ProductID update to reflect the product

In VB I would use an OnChange type thing. Can anyone point me how to do
this with an ASP page or using some kind of embedded script?

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Adding A New Entry To A List Menu Based On A Database

Let's say I have a dynamic list/menu, which gets its values from a
database table, for example a list of contact people where the value is
an ID number and the label is the name. However, if the value the user
wants is not in the list I would like to place a hyperlink which

(1) open a small window, with an ASP form to allow the user to add a
new entry

(2) save the entry to the database

(3) add that value to the list/menu in the parent window and make it
the selected option

(4) close the small window and return to the original window.

I can handle the code for 1,2 and 4, but 3 is what I'm not sure about.
I don't like the idea of forcing the user to leave the current screen,
go to some other form, add the entry they need to the lookup table,
then come back; this seems like a logical approach, but just wondering
how to make it work.

This seems like a common enough situation; anyone have any code samples
or suggestions about how to do this?

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Field Entry Size Limit?

HOw can I prevent my users from entering more the a certain number of characters into a field? Could I get a similar example as I have a limitted knowdlege.

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Avoiding A Duplicate Entry To An Access DB Field

As part of a data input script, I ask for a user name to be input into an Access DB field called surprisingly, "UserName". I would like to ensure that username is not duplicated. How do I do that before inserting the data. My example show in the incomplete script below doesn't work? Code:

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Form Checkbox Access Yes/No Field Entry

i have a checkbox Code:

<input class="txtbox" type="checkbox" name="C1" value="ON">

it will correspond to a field in my ms access database that has a Yes/No data type. when the box is ticked, i would simply like the value Yes to be entered into the database..

i enter other elements of my form (a input text box for example) using Code:

rsAddComments.Fields("area") = Request.Form("area")

so what would the entry code look like similar to this.. and what would the for checkbox code look like?

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Fill Field Based On Another Field

I have a input form with 5 fields. One of the fields is MajorNo and the other is named Description.

I have a reference table in my MS Access database (tblMajor)that lists the major numbers and their descriptions.

I would like to have the description field in my ASP automatically filled based on the major number entered on the form, so the user will only need to input the major number when submitting to the Access table (tblSalesTotal).

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Displaying Information Based Off An Empty Field

I've been searching for an answer to this for quite some time now and have found nothing, so maybe (hopefully) someone out there will be able to help me.

At my work, we have a lot of folders for different jobs we've done. And right now, we have more than one person making the folders for all the new jobs that we get. I am trying to make a database were it will only show the jobs that have not had folders made. In order to do this, I've created a field titled "Initials". I want the webpage to pull up all the records where the Initials field is empty, but I'm having trouble doing that. I've tried a few different things and have found no success.

I'm not having a problem accesses the database or updating it, just displaying the right information. I'll give a little illustration (because I'm never good with words):

Say I have 3 jobs: Job #1, Job #2, and Job #3. Someone has already made job folders for Job #1, but Job #2 and Job #3 still need to be made. Since Job #1 has been made, that means there are initials in the initials field of the database and thus, I do not want that Job being displayed on the "To Be Made" page. Job #2 and Job #3 do not have initials in the initials field and as such, I want to display those jobs....

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Update Field Based On List Selection

What I would like to happen on this page is that when a user selects a company name from a drop down list, his selection autopopulates the cID field based on the selection. The drop down list is getting its choices from the customer table.

As I am still a novice, I am sure there is a way to do it I have not been able to get it right. Code:

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Returning Records Based On Time Field

How does one return records in a recordset based on a time/date field. If todays date is 8/25/04, how could i return all those records from 8/25/04. Mind you, i have long date format ex. "8/25/2004 4:46:45 pm"

I dont want to user a form for this i simply just want these time- sensative records to be returned in the recordset .

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How To Hide Form Field Based On Dropdown Choice

Dropdown has three choices. If the third is chosen, the next field needs to be hidden. is there an ASP version of a show/hide script?

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Change Text Field Based On Menu Selection

ASP/javascript with a drop down populated by an access database. The drop down works fine but I cant figure out how to get it to change a value of a text field.

I want the value in the text field to change to reflect the data in another column in the table, same row. Code:

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Create Monthly Totals Based On Date Field

my question is regarding using ASP to loop through the results of a sql query and calculate a monthly total based on a date field.

I am using the following query to total the number of train rides for a given branch by day type (weekday, Sat., Sun.) and create a 3 month rolling avg. (to diminish large fluctuations in the data). I am using Oracle 9i to store the data.

Please see below for the database query, the query output, and the desired output using ASP to sum the rides for each month. Code:

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Problem With An .asp Page Displaying Data Based On A Form Field Value.

I have an asp page that displays informaton from an Access database. I want to create a form that allows users to display only data that matches their search criteria.

I have made many forms like this in Front Page with the Database results wizard, but I want to manually code it. Code:

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what i'm doing is trying to take data from a row in Excel and somehow autofill a webform (textboxes) with the information from all 65500 rows in this column and submit to a website. It is a list of product item numbers so I can submit them without typing them all in.

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Turning Off Autofill

Is there a way to turn off the auto fill.. I have page that a user has to enter their logon and password. I do not want the auto fill to save userid/pswd. Can this be turned off or not displayed while typing?

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Autofill Form

I just found your website and it's terrific. I need to know if an Autofill form can be made. The language is ASP. My programmer says it's not possible, is it true?

The idea is to have a search button where the customers inputs the letters of product models (the info comes from a DB) and it's autocompleted or at least, the system searches for the closest model no. ; once the customer clicks on the model they want, all info regarding that model would be displayed in another form.

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Autofill Textfields Upon Dropdown Selection

I have 4 fields from a DB: col01, col02, col03 and col04

I have 3 text fields and a dropdown menu. The dropdown menu will contain a list of all values from col01. Upon selecting a value in that dropdown, I want the 3 textfields to be filled the relevant col02, col3 and col4 data.

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Autofill Form Textbox From Database

I have a form that has a table that contains a textbox where the user inputs a part number. Depending on what the user enters, when the user tabs to the next textbox, I want it to go to the database and search for the number that was entered.

If found, I want it to populate other textboxes with information found for that item in the database. How can I accomplish this??

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Last Entry

What i have is a form that puts data into a DB. But what i need is for the page to display the reference a field in the row the data has just been entered.Does anyone know how to do this?

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Repeat Entry

I have a booking page that the user enters 2 addresses date and time etc
what I need is the option for the user to select multiple date entries for
the same journey or maybe multiple days ie they want to travel the same
journey every Monday or every weekday etc.

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Data Entry

i m making a page on login basis, i hve an access datbse, after login user will enter a code which is already store in datbase, then form checks if this code is in databse if found then it will show some other records in databse, otherwse disply msg, user enter data in fields, after completing data cursor must go to code agian for another record, this data entry is in bulk, mean 200 recrds or more in one session, so may be i use batch procdure, then form save the records, same time a link on pge to edit this record, or if no code availble , operator can add new records

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ASP Data Entry

I'm building a data entry and search tool. I've created a basic search facility and it seems to work ok but I don't know the code to create 'data entry' buttons. I want something that looks the same as the search facility but the submit button creates an entry in the databaseCan anyone give my the relevant commandscode?

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Table Entry

I have an ASP page that allows the user to input specific fields which in turn update a database. I have managed to get this working although I have one more question.

Can I format the fields so they are not all in a line. Maybe two per line. THis was the user can see all the fields at once without scrolling right and left. Code:

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Unique Entry

This is about a simple form validation in asp using javascript.there is one field called invoice_number which requires an unique invoice number as input. Whenever user inputs duplicate values message should pop up as warning on submit of the form. A sql fetches all the invoice nos. from database into an array using do i use the result of getrows in javascript to perform client side validation

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Numeric Entry

how to control numeric entry into a textbox? so that no other character is allowed only numbers and decimal?

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Validating Entry

whats the best way for me to validate the data that has been put into a form on my page?

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Detecting ID Of DB Entry

I have a DB with 3 fields.


If I write an entry into this DB, Name and EMail, the ID is auto increment. How can I detect what ID has been created ? I want a user to submit details to me, they get the ID as a ticket number ?

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One Record Or Entry

i have a question and comment page for students to comment on tests. each question is set with an auto-ID number.

I have the comments saved to access database but it only holds one comment, or record to the question with the ID number. Everytime someone makes a new comment, the other comment is lost and it only shows one comment. I use the <%=objRS("comment")%> and it will show that one comment, but I need away to show all comments to each individual question. Is there someway I can alter the database (comment table) or that <%=("comment")%> command to show all coments by the question id number?

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Remove First Entry

used to other languages and using ASP for a particular project. Is there a way in which I can remove the first element from an array and then return the array with remaining elements intact?

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Access Database Entry

Does anyone know how I can use asp to access a specific entry in a microsoft access database table without having to run a search of the entire database? I figure this can be done with the primary key, but I'm not sure how to do it. I've looked for tutorials, but none seem to deal with this.

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Deleting Database Entry

I am having considerable difficulty figuring out how to delete more than one entry in my online database at a time. I thought I had it
Sub Delete()
Conn.OPEN "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/db/database.mdb")
sqlWhere = ""
aSelected = request.form("Select")
sqlWhere = "ProspectId IN ('" & aSelected & "')"
sql = "Delete * from tblProspect where " & sqlWhere
Conn.Execute sql
Set Conn = Nothing
End Sub

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ASP Data Entry Implementation

I need to write an ASP page that will allow a user to paste in data from an Excel spreadsheet. The data will only be in one column. I'm not a web programmer and would like some advice on the best way to do this.

I have a page working using a text area and some JavaScript to parse the data entries using the split function. This seems to work ok but I wondered if anyone could suggest a better way?

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