Automated Password Recovery

Ok, this is a true testament to the fact that "If you work more on the design process, you spend less time in the development process."

Anyways, I am looking for an ASP based solution (ideas, I like writing the code!) for the following situation. I have read multiple articles saying that "You should never store passwords unencrypted in a database", in as much what I do is store the passwords in one way Hash MD5 encryption (can't decrypt it)

So after working for 5 hours on a getting a nice automated system that emails the user their username and password depending on the username/email address they supplied, I noticed in the email that I sent myself, that the password was a MD5 hash.

Great; all that for nothing.

When I've lost my passwords, I've seen "reactivate your account" links in emails where the user clicks on a HUGE links (the querystring is the big part) and it takes them to a page where they can do something in order to have some random password override their old password, which they can then of course log back into their control panel and change it to something more memorable (I wuv my control I made)

Anyways, you guys got an ideas how they do this, or by what method I should use to get the safest and most secure results.

I want to make sure that through both information/password changes (should I automate it and let user change PW or should they always request that change from me) and with automated pw recovery / account reactivation, that I never accidentally lock them permanently out of their accounts.

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Automated Generated Email - For User Password

Could anyone provide code that would generate an automated email containing a users password from a database when they submit there email address. Any good sites on the subject either!

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Maximum Recovery Limit

sometimes I bekome a "Server Application Error" on my w2k Server when call a
ASP page

The server has reached the maximum recovery limit for the application during
the processing of your request. Please contact your Administrator
The only thing to do is to restart the server.

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Individually Password Protect Multiple Directories? Password Expiration?

I have a client who wants to password protect a learning course that is set up in modules. Each module needs to have it's own password protection so users can only access them as they progress through the course.

Each user should have their own password (for each module) and, said client would like the password to expire for the user at some (predetermined?) point. Is this possible? It seems like a lot (in terms of setup), but I don't know much about password stuff.

If it is possible, can someone give me an overview of how it works (theoretically) or where to find more specific info on setting something like this up (in

If it isn't possible, can someone suggest what is more reasonable in terms of protecting the modules?

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Automated Changes

I want to develop a little application for my intranet. There is a person who is on-call, and this person changes once a week. Rather than having the person remember to change him/herself in the system so that they are reflected as the new "person who is on-call" for their week.

Instead, I would like to automate the process by developing an application that would read a series of ID's (that reflect the people who are in the database) who will sequentially be "on-call".

My question is, how can I (through ASP/VBscript on an IIS 5.0/Win2K Platform) automatically run a set of ASP without invoking the page (so that it can automatically change the person who is "on call" every weekend.)?

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Password Sessions - Prompt Password Change

I created sessions to authenticate username and password. How can I utilize this same script to alert the user to change password at 3rd login? In other words when a user logs into a site after the 3 or 4th time which ever, they are prompted to change their password. Code:

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Automated Email

I need to send an automated email each day (Member expiration notices). The data sits in an SQL Server but SQL Mail is not available.

Building an .asp page that makes this happen isn't a problem, but that page would have to be loaded each day for the process to run....

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Automated Emails

I need to send a set of Emails from my application (reminders) each month
1st. Is there anyway in ASP scripts to trigger an event to run
automatically? I have no dedicated server, so no DLLs or Scheduler scripts
can be used. Also adding the trigger script in the application object may
not send emails in time, as we have not enough visitors to that application.
Is there any way other than 'Clicking a Send button'

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Automated Code

How do I create an app that will send out emails automatically based on some criteria? Is it possible? I have some projects in a db and I would like to send emails at the end of the day to certain people in the project if that project has been update.

These emails would be sent some time between the end of a business day and beginning of another but only if the project has been updated that day. That is if someone updates project1 today, I need to send an email out sometime between today and tomorrow only for project1 but not for project2, project3, etc. I would like this to be some automated app.

Update: I have created a report in Crystal Reports that contains the reports I need to send. If anyone can direct me somewhere I can find out how to do this in either plain old ASP, ASP.Net by itself of using CR it would be great.

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Automated Translation

i want automated translation of Classic ASP to ASP.Net?Any software out there to do this?

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Automated File Transfer

My team would like to use an ASP script to have an automatic transfer of files to our live server happen each evening at a predetermined time. I was looking on the web for a script but all I could find is user driven upload scripts.

Is there anything out there that will facilitate automatic uploads of several folders and files via ASP scripts?

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Automated Running Of Page

I am design an web application that requires information mation to be created from tables once a day, once this information has been created it is stored temporarily in another table until the folowing day. The problem is that to creat this information a seperate .asp page has to run.

I would like this page to run early in the morning when no one is in the building and accessing the servers. I have tried using windows scheduler... this works but still needs a user to press ok on the internet security password screen we have set up. Is there any other way to get the page to run without using the browser, or to change the page into a dfferent format??

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Automated Date Check

I have a booking system that allows a user to book a room for a set time period of a day, what i want to do is on the day that the room is booked for is send an email to the person that booked it.

I can already send an email thats not an issue i have all the other information other than the ability for the site to on its own with no user input send an email so when it comes to the day they have the room booked for at 8.30 am i want the site to check all bookings and email the person responsible, make sense?

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Automated Mail Formatting

How do I put a carriage return in the body of an email sent from the asp? Also I am
getting an error with this test code:

strSubject="Automated Checkout Response (do not reply)"
strBody="This is an automated response from the loanerpool."
set MailObject = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
MailObject.From = sendFrom
MailObject.To = sendTo
MailObject.Subject = strSubject
MailObject.HTMLBody = strBody

The error is:
Error: The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.

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Protect Automated Registration

I have one registration form with "submit" button. I don't know how to make protection from automatic submit (with picture and security code)?

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Automated Registration Attack

when we register a email account, it hv a picture that got few words inside, n ask us to write the word to prevent automated registration attack. wat is this techinque called ? n anybody got this sample code ?

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Automated Mail Delivery

i am sending automated mails once a person registers to the site using CDONTS, but this mail does not reach persons with msn or rediff maild's , i have tried using CDOSYS, even this is of no help.

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Automated Form Submission

most websites make use of CAPTCHA to prevent automated Form submission. give me examples of how automated Form submission can be achieved? It's not that I intend to do some nefarious activities; rather I don't understand how can automated Form submission be done other than the website developer coding it (for e.g. using JavaScript to automatically post a Form, say, after 2 minutes).

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Automated Call Of Script

Is there any way I can call an ASP script (script.asp) on a regular basis? There are several catches:

I have no access to the server setup
I might have access to the global.asa (but might not)
I have no SQL Server

If this is one of those things that are just impossible, is there a service out there that will call a URL on a regular basis for low cost? It's not a very intense operation, basically it is called once a day.

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Automated Email Sending From ASP

How I can send an automated email from ASP. In case if I want a report on the inventory of a shopping Cart Database ebveryday on aparticular time hw I can made it possible thru ASP.

I am familiar witH CDONTS and CDO.How will I initiate or set the server code to set such scedules using ASP.

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WSH / Automated Site Creation

I am developing a automated website creation process for our members. They are being walked through a series of pages that gather input and make template selections etc... The problem I have is when the scripts execute I get permission denied on the section of code that connects to IIS and creates the new site.

The only way around this so far is to set IIS directory security (on the folder that has the scripts) to log in automatically with a domain admin account. I of course do not want that to be the case. Here is the line of code that bombs out.

set objservice = getobject("IIS://venus/w3svc")

The script pages are located on the same server. I have tried using a local admin account (not good either) with no luck.

By the time this line is run the directory has been created the appropriate files copied over and database has been filled with appropriate info. This seems to be my last issue to overcome.

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Email Function For Automated E-mails

I'm trying to write a Function/Subroutine to send e-mail. I want it to create this to be used as an Include file so I can just give it the info and it will send the e-mail.

The following code works, but is now portable:

<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D" NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library" -->
<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" NAME="ADODB Type Library" -->
Option Explicit
Response.Expires = 0


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How To Send Automated Email To New User

How can I write a program to send automated email to user's email address after they registered to my site.

I want my email has HTML format or even links. Not just one sentence.
Once the user click on the link or reply this email, their registration will be complete.

I am using ASP with Access Database.

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Create Automated MailMerge Letter

how to create automated MailMerge which creates a form letter using SQL connection using ASP?

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Db.mdb Password With Asp

where do you enter in the password for the connection to use?

set objConn = server.createObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")


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Nt Password

I am logged into nt and running an asp page.

I know that I can get my username from the server variable LOGON_USER or
AUTH_USER but the AUTH_PASSWORD seems to be empty.

Is there a way to retreive the current logged passsword

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IIS/OWA Password

I just setup a passwrod button in Outlook Web Access by using the IISADMPWD directory in IIS.I have a few problems.can u solve it.

1. I would like the account section to be automatically filled by IIS.
2. I would like the back button to actually be a button not a link.

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Validate A Password

I have created one of those change your password forms whereby the the old password and new password are provided.

What I am having trouble with is ensuring that the old password entered actually exists already. Below is what I have tried, but I am getting a syntax error:


'Check Password

if request.form("CusPassword")<>rsCheckUser.fields("CustomerPassword") then

response.write "Invalid password"

end if


if request.form("CusPassword")= rsCheckUser.fields("CustomerPassword") then

'write new password to databasestrSQL ="UPDATE Customer Set CustomerPassword ='"& NewPassword& "',CustomerPasswordverified ='"& NewPassword& "' where CustomerEmail = '"&CusEmail&"' "

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Password Validation

I want to create a password validation system..... There are two text boxes.... I want to make sure that the passwords are the same and that they are more than 8 characters.

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Password Encryptor

Im planning to encrypt the password that was stored on msaccess database and
also the text inputed from a password textbox. Also, if I want to get the
password from the database, I need to decrypt it so it can be comparable to
the one that is inputed on the textbox. Is there a way on how to handle

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Encrypt Password

Public Shared Function Encriptar(ByVal cleanString As String) As String
Dim clearBytes As [Byte]()
clearBytes = New UnicodeEncoding().GetBytes(cleanString)
Dim hashedBytes As [Byte]() = CType(CryptoConfig.CreateFromName("MD5"),
Dim hashedText As String = BitConverter.ToString(hashedBytes)
Return hashedText
End Function

this function encrypt user password, I need to un-encrypt that password

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Send Password

thanks to sitepoint forum,i am requesting a problem about forgot password .
if user forgot his/her password how can i retun his/her same password in email address?
i did like this:
Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="your password"
myMail.To=ml 'ml var return current email address
myMail.TextBody=yrpass 'yrpass variable return password
set myMail=nothing

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Change Password

does anybody here have codes for "change password"?i am using dreamweaver 8 and MS Access

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