Automatically Generate A Number

I am creating a Change Management system and need my ASP script to be able to generate a number as an incident number for example for me automatically. The number would be stored in a MySQL database and the language I am using is ASP.

Can I create a column in the database that is a Primary Key and is auto_increment, even if I have already got another coulumn that is the ID column, which is a primary key?

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Automatically Generate Data To Fill HTML Form

Is it possible to use ASP +/ VBScript to automatically fill in certain fields of an HTML form with data generated from what the user typed in another field?

For example, the user needs to input 24 consecutive weeks worth of forecast data. If everything is done manually, they'll have to type in a date for each of the week. I would like the form to automatically fill in the following 23 dates (each one week later than the previous field) after the user fill in the first week's date. How do I do that?

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Generate A Number

I want to prepopulate a ticket number in my form, like when user enters the form the field ticket Id should always be filled with a number. I want to start my number with 1000.

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Generate / Increment Id Number

do anybody know how to write a code to increment id number in the text field once the "New" button is clicked in the form. Code:

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Generate Random Number Between 1 & 5

I want to display a random banner from a selection of 5 banners. So if number = 1 then display baner 1 etc. My code is as follows:

bannerCount = bannerRecordSet.RecordCount
Dim bannerSelected
bannerSelected = Int(Rnd * bannerCount)

The above code works although it never seems to generate the value 1, ie 2-5. Also when I refresh the page sometimes a random banner is displayed and other times I get an error. Is this because I am generating a value outside 1-5? Code:

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Auto Generate Number

I want a sample code for developing an " auto genearte number " and want to store in database.

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Generate Randomize Number

i trying to generate randomize number between in the range of 1 to 9999 using the below code. DNum* is between 1 - 9

RandValue = CLng((2^7*(ID1Num1))+(2^6*(ID1Num2))+(2^5*(ID1Num3 ))+(2^4*(ID1Num4))+(2^3*(ID1Num5))+(2^2*(ID1Num6)) +(2^1*(ID1Num7))+min1+min2+sec1+sec2)

then i put the randvalue where is usually generate number between 400-to-1500 into the below formula, any suggestion on how to improve the below code?

num_pmax = Int((9999 * Rnd) + 1)
value1 = Int((Num_pmax-Num_pmin+1)*Rnd+Num_pmin + RandValue)

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Generate Random Number

I know this is not a php forum, but i've been given a task to create a form that requires a unique number every time the form is loaded. The form has been created but they have php on their site. windows would be in 3 weeks time but they want the form asap. The field is a hidden field since i've never looked at a php code page b4 i need some help.

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Creating A Large Number Of Charts Automatically

I'm looking for a way to create over 100 Excel *charts* programmatically.
We've just run a large online survey and the data is being fed back to us in
a single spreadsheet - each respondent on a row and their dimensions
(division, department, etc) and each of their responses in columns.

This data has to be sliced by a number of dimensions - this will require
that just over 100 separate charts will have to be created. I'm looking for
a way to create these charts in the most efficient way. I'm happy to
normalise the data and load it into SQL Server, and can then easily extract
each required subset. The output of the extract process will probably be
spreadsheets in TSV format.

Last time I had to graphically report this sort of data I loaded it into a
mart and used PivotCharts. The owners of they survey don't need the
flexibility of Analysis Services so I'm happy to pre-define the charting
requirements if it'll mean I'm able to create these charts automatically.
Manipulating 100 PivotCharts was too much for them. Each chart will
ultimately be fed back to users in a Word document or Powerpoint
presentation with the appropriate analyses. Code:

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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Sequential Number After Batch Number

here is the scenerio

in master batch table i have various master batch like

Now each master batch can have multiple final mixed batch like


and this record is inserted in to fmix table.

so i have a form in which i have a dropdown menu in which all the master batch is listed,
i select 200701-0001 and that value is passed to next page where i will enter other fields data and insertion to my fmix_no will be done automatic like 200701-0001-01, 200701-0001-02 and so on,

how to achieve this

so in short each master batch will have more than one final mixed batch.

pls help, also if u have any online contact in yahoo or msn pls send me, i am so confused and badly struck deadline is just couple of hours away. my yahoo id is(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) you can PM me i am online right now.

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Retrieve The Error Number In VB With Err.Number

I want To handel the error messages by myself in one part in my script. I know that in VB I can Use the statment - On error resume next And I also know that I can retrive the Error Number In VB with Err.Number.

How can I handel the errors by myself in ASP? I heard about the ASPErr Object, Is it the same thing like the err object in VB?

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Run Asp Automatically

I have asp code. I would like to run it automatically by time interval using wondow schedule, but it can not be excuted. Is the reason that ASP is not executable? If so, how to run asp using window schedule?

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Is There A Way To Automatically Run ASP Pages?

I'd like to set-up an ASP page that emails shoppers 30 days after they've purchased an online product.

Constructing an ASP page that searches the database and if the datediff of the order date and now() = 30 to send out an email shouldn't be that difficult. But is there a way to have it run automatically?

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Page Run Every Day Automatically

I need to set up an asp script that will be run at the beginning of each day. How can I get this page to be opened at a certain time each day?

BTW - My page is to update a database, where based on a timestamp stored in the database, will deem records valid or invalid.

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Form Tag Appear Automatically

when write open asp code in front page it automatically insert a </formtag in appropriate place. what is its cause and how to stop it.

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Automatically Delete

how do i automatically delete records on date submitted

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Automatically Add Data

if there is a way to use asp to automatically (i.e each time the source table is updated) take data from one table in an access database and add it to another table.
This would include getting data from multiple columns in the source table and concatenating it into one in the destination table.

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Automatically Close

Pls what code can i use to automatically close and asp page after execution.

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Automatically Calculate

I am building a database that users will update.
I have a table named "products".
Every product has a shelf life of 3 years and expires exactely at the end of the 3rd year.
Here is my table:
Productid ---- int
productName ---- varchar
manufacture_date ----- datetime default (getdate)
Expire_date ----- datetime

What I want is this, whenever a product is entered, the defualt date is the date the entry
was made. (I am using the "getdate") to automatically grab this.
BUT I also want the "Expire_date" field automatically calculated and then filled in.
That is, a user enters a product "manufacture_date" as 05/22/2003,
Then I want the expire field to be filled with 05/22/2006.
My preference is to handle this on the DB site and not ASP.

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About How To Automatically POST

To create a asp file in a wbserver as a interface for the IPphone and the internet. As IPphone can only have GET function ( that means it can't POST thing to the internet).

The asp file's concept is that the file is firstly read the data sent by the IPphone and then encode them into html format and then POST them to the required website. However, i only know the following method to POST. Code:

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Automatically Upload

Let's say i have a text file on the web server callled "text.txt". And I have another text file on my computer called "text2.txt". I want to somehow write the contents of "text2.txt" into "text.txt". (or even upload the file from my computer to the web server)

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Get Sub Price Automatically.

i have 3 textfields: txtPrice, txtQty and txtSubPrice.

price for an item will be fetched from db at display in the txtPrice (i can do this). then, user just key-in the quantity for the item and automatically the sub price will appear in the txtSubPrice.

i have coded a function name CalculateSub() using javascript and tried to do the automatically calculation using onClick and onFocus at the txtSubPrice but failed. seems like textfield cannot has this function.

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Automatically Re-POST

I have a problem with IIS 6.0 + IE 6.0. I'm POSTing back to an ASP page a long lists of IDs used for sending emails (>10.000). This process takes more than 30 min. The problem is that this process is automatically restarted by posting again all the data. I checked ASP page and there is nothing to reload the page. But after more than 30 min. (changed the timeouts) the process simply restarts by posting again the full list. I only need to
execute this page once.

why the whole process restarts posting back data (is not a simply GET, but POST)? There is no F5 / CTRL-F5 or Back buttons. It simply re-post data, without an error. It's my ASP page wrong? Or something wrong with IIS?

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Get Connected Automatically

I want to add in my website a share rate and which changes automatically. how can i dispaly it in website what i have to do for that. I dont want to be linked with its website bu t i want to be displayed it in my web site.

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IIS Shutting Down Automatically

IIS in our server is shutting down automatically on its own. I don't know what is the problem?

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Instlled Automatically

I have created an application in ASP and want ot install the same into another machine but want to do in a manner such that all the programms should automatically install in InetPub directory.

I can think of executing this by cretaing an exec which will identify the inetpub and then installing the programms into it.

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IIS Reset Automatically

This is the message i get when we have our application running using our own ISAPI code, it desapears when we don use the ISAPI filter, Can anyone help, It seems IIS assumes that we have a virus as stated by microsoft Message



It only happens when we are using our own ISAPI FILTERS .

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ASP-Automatically Deletion Of Page

Is there any script which can delete a webpage after a given time-period within that script?

I want a page to be deleted after a desired time and to not work untill reupload or recode.

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Automatically Send E-mail

I need some free tools that would allow me to automatically send e-mails to somebody acoording to the current date (e.g. if I have a table in a database with some fellows and their birthdays, I would like to automatically send them a greeting e-mail, when their birthday is). I would preffer that tool be installed as a service.
It will be just fine if I will be able to use this tool in an ASP site.

Otherwise, how could I program such a tool (and what language would be the most appropriate)?

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Need To Launch An .asp Page Automatically

I would like to run an ASP page each day at the same time automatically. it reads from my product data and ftps the data to another server.

I am running on a windows system with IIS I have no idea where to begin. Is there anything else I can do? it is not my own server so I don't have access to server. I can just ftp.

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Changing The Data Automatically

I have a page shows the news from the database, normal thing. but how can we make the latest news show after 24 hours, since the shown one will remove from the page and the newer will appear.

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Converting Videos Automatically In ASP

Ive made an upload on my site so its possible to upload videos through my site and thier then output into a folder, is it possible for me to

1. Convert those uploaded video into 4 diffrent File Types (ipod,3gp,avi and mov)

2. tehn move the converted videos into another folder automatiaclly after being converted into their new file types.

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