Avoiding IE Warning Messages

I asp.net pages that run on an intranet IIS server. Some op the pages use
XLM DOM doc.Load(sPath) to open and parse a XML file. Every time the
doc.Load(sPath) executes in IE6 a warning message comes up
"This page is accessing information that is not under it's control. . . "

How can I avoid this message. It is a great anoyance to the users. Do I
need to create some time of certificate to pass...

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Avoiding Duplicates

I have a string value which has the bellow content.

Dim aString as string

aString = "1,2,4,2,2"

where aString is a parameter set dynamically based on the user loggin into the system. Now All I want to do is to eliminate the duplicates. ( In this case I need to keep only one "2" and remove the remaining "2" , so my final string should be "1,2,4" ).

How could I do that. I was thinking of an array, but the issue is, If the "aString" is empty I believe array will return a error. So any other way of doing ?. Or simple asp functions which will eliminate this.

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Avoiding A RDBMS

I want to avoid using a RDBMS because I don't have time to administer a real database if something goes wrong (for a free website).

So when ever a user submits information, it will dump into a unique html file. Then a link will be created to it on the home page. I am concerned about locking the homepage incase more than one user needs a link created at the same time.

Any suggestions on how to handle this? The user information is not confidential and is for public posting so I'm not concerned with securing information and logins.

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Avoiding Query Timeouts In ASP.NET ?

We are using ASP.NET on IIS5 to process requests
in a database.

How can one make choices in the .aspx based on
if a user has or hasn't changed a field? Is it possible
to control the ASP.NET environment by use of
some client side scripting ( ?changes=yes to URL)
or is there a way to tell in .aspx which Label elements
has changed?

Only solution i can think of currently is to query the
DB and then do an field by field comparision. Is that
the best way?

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Avoiding The <p> After A Form Submit

If a form is situated in normal HTML then a paragraph tag is inserted after the Submit button.

If the form is placed in a table then the preceding paragraph tag is supressed but the trailing paragraph space is still inserted.

Any suggestions please?

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Avoiding Page Numbers

When we print an HTML page from the browser,the Page Number at Top righ) and page URL At bottom is printed.

How can we avoide these information so that our page print out look similar to a simple printed page same as word document?

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Avoiding Concurrent Usage Of An ASP Page

I have 4 ASP pages where an user can update some fields and submit the page, so that the fields are updated in the Database(Sqlserver), I need to handle one situation.

1) At a time I need to allow only one user to update the details in a page.

2) I need to stop other users who are trying to access the same page concurrently(probably with a message or Redirecting to other page where he can see the details in a report format).

3) Session timeout in my application is 60, So if the first user leaves the page open for a long time , I think it would be a problem....the other session has to wait for a long time.
I have no choice in decreasing the session timeout interval.

Please suggest , How can I handle this in ASP.

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Warning Msg

i have a form, with a large test area, and a submit button linked to an access databse,
i want to pu an if

if the text is empty dont submit msg a warning
else submit
i tried
<% if rquest.form("comment") = "" then
response.write ("fill in comment")
end if %>

didn t work
when i load my page the msg will appear because it is empty

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Avoiding A Duplicate Entry To An Access DB Field

As part of a data input script, I ask for a user name to be input into an Access DB field called surprisingly, "UserName". I would like to ensure that username is not duplicated. How do I do that before inserting the data. My example show in the incomplete script below doesn't work? Code:

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Activex Warning

I get the following warning when i receive a mail send from Asp:

""Your current settings prohibit running ActiveX contros on this page. As a result, the page may not display correctly.""

i want to avoid getting this message what can i do for it.

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Session End Timeout Warning

Is there a way to see if the session is going to timeout and then warn the user or display a page that it timed out.

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Close Window Without Warning

I want to close the window without the warning "internet explorer is trying to close..." being displayed. I want to do this with vbscript. I found out that in javascript you can do it by including window.opener='x' followed by the window.close statement.My code is:

Response.Write "<script type=""text/vbscript"">"
Response.Write "MsgBox ""Hi. see you again"""
Response.Write vbcrlf
Response.Write "window.close"
Response.Write "</script>"

is thr anyway i can get this done in this code?

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Warning: Page Has Expired

Regarding the Internet Explorer message below:

"Warning: Page has Expired The page you requested was created using
information you submitted in a form. This page is no longer available.

As a security precaution, Internet Explorer does not automatically
resubmit your information for you.

To resubmit your information and view this Web page, click the Refresh
button. "

I'm developing an e-commerce site from scratch.

I've noticed on other e-commerce websites that use other development
tools such as php or probably "websphere" (java) that when clicking
the back button this message appears during a checkout process. This
is good because it reduces customer error in many ways.

I'm using ASP and response.redirect mostly. But, I've noticed that
even setting a page timeout to zero won't stop the caching of the
page. My customer, who just submitted a form, can just click the back
button and the cached page just comes up.

How do I create the error above with ASP?

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Warning: Page Has Expired...

How do you get a web app to not show the 'page has expired...' error and
refresh and requery when you hit the back button after submitting a form I
just want the old data to still be displayed in the form.

I checked knowledge base for this and I do not have "Do not save encrypted
pages to disk" checked and am running IE

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Avoid Warning Message

I am writing a web app using asp.net 1.1 and C#. This web app is launched in another win32 application and this app needs to pass information to my web app. But this win32 application doesn't support long string(Maximum 255)

I hv to use an intermedia plain file and in my web app,usingScripting.FileSystemObject to open the file and read the information in. Each time when I launch the web page, I got a warning message saying "AnActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction?" Users need to click Yes to proceed.

All applications run in Intranet environment within a corporate network. My question are "Can I avoid this error message?" and "Can I give permission to my particular web app to run Scripting.FileSystemObject?"

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Reset Session.timeout After Warning

Do you know how to reset session.timeout after user click to extend the session timeout?
For example, default session.timeout is 20 mins and 2 mins before will ask whether extend working on the site or logout.

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Session End Warning On Refresh / Reload

when the senssion ends a message box pops up and alerts the customer that it has ended, but I would only know how to do it after they reload the page or soemthing to check if the session ended. Anyone know how to make a msgbox pop up as soon as the session ends? Also in IIS, is there a place where you can set the sesssion length?

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Warning BC40056: Namespace Or Type Specified In The Imports 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient'

Currently i working on a project using ASP.net and mysql. these are the classes i imported:

<%import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%import Namespace="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"%>
Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Dim myConnection As MySqlConnection
Dim myDataAdapter As MySqlDataAdapter
Dim myDataSet As DataSet

Dim strSQL As String
Dim iRecordCount As Integer

myConnection = New MySqlConnection("server=myserver; user id=XXX; password=XXXX; database=XXXX; pooling=false;")

when i try to test it out on my localhost, i got this error compiler page:

(warning BC40056: Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.


Dim myConnection is not defined. ....

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MSN/ICQ Messages

Does anybody know if it's possible to send MSN/ICQ messages with ASP to registered MSN/ICQ users

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I have been searching high and low, but can't find what I want. I am looking for scripts or some guidance on building a web based messaging thing. where users can leave private messages for other users. Maybe i am using the wrong keywords.

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SMS Messages

how to send SMS messages via ASP? If so, please would someone post a couple of links or the relevant information that will help me achieve this?

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Writing Few Messages

I have the following code as a part of authenticating a system.
If Rs.eof Then
Session("Authenticated") = 0
Response.Write "Sorry, your userid or password did not match"
Response.Write "<BR>"
Response.Write "or you have not registered yet. Please register"
Session("Authenticated") = 1
Response.Redirect ("Welcome.asp")
End If
In the first if statement, I would like to display the above messages
before forcing the login.asp page to display. Is is possible to do both
message and contents of login.asp in the same page? Thanks

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Formatted Messages

My application saves variable length user-generated messages in an
ACCESS memo field. ASP writes these messages correctly retaining CR LF to
generate new paragraphs. (have checked this in the actual data base).

However , when I retrieve a message into another web page, the CR LF
characters are lost, and the message displays as one long sequence of
unformatted text. Anyone any idea how I can overcome this?

Using WIN XP/FP2000/IIS and the following code:-

set objconn = server.createobject ("ADODB.connection")
set objrec = server.createobject ("ADODB.recordset")
objconn.open "DSN=daters"
strsql = "SELECT messages.text FROM messages WHERE messid = 305 ;"
objrec.open strsql, objconn, adopenforwardonly, adlockoptimistic,adcmdtext


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ASP Error Messages

I'm running asp on MS Server 2000. Running Internet Explorer I used to get a
proper message with page and line number when there was a bug in my asp
code. Suddenly I'm not getting these any more, I just get the standard

HTTP 500 - Internal server error
Internet Explorer
page which is completely useless.

In Tools/Internet Options/Advanced neither "Disable Script Debugging" or
"Disable a notification about every script error" is checked, though I think
these only apply to scripts running in the client e.g. javascript.

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Error Messages In My IE

I'm using IIS from win xp pro and normally when my page doesn't work i get
the error message but not on my computer....
Someone told me that i had to check the option in my IE, i did that but i
still don't get the messages. In my IIS i told him to activate errormessages
on the client and server but nothing

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Error 500 Messages

I have inserted a free forum from youngpip.com into a website (www.mrmci.com/discuss) and although it works fine on my pws it keeps generating error 500 messages when on the net. Any attempt to write to the database returns this error (it reads from the DB fine).
Any ideas folks

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Sending SMS Messages

does anyone know whether it's possible to send an SMS message to a UK mobile phone through an asp script on a website?If so, do u know anything about whether you need to pay the network operator etc.

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Display Messages

i used to show eror messages in following fashion

if request.form("username")="" and request.form("password")="" then
response.redirect("login.asp?msg=You have to login in order to access this page")
end if
As a result of which the page is directed to login.asp and msg is displayed but the url becomes like this

www.mysite.com/login.asp?msg=You%20Have%20To%20Login%20In%20Order %20To%20Access%20This%20Page

which looks very bad when we look at it. i want to display the msg but want the url like


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Text Messages

I have recently created a mail site as a part of the local intranet. the problem is that as i insert textarea message into the database, everything goes on fine.. but if i try to insert a text with single quotes(eg apostrophes) like vivek's into the database, it gives an error message. i know this is happening because of unmatched quotes in the text.. but i am unable to debug it.

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Error Messages

I am running a website on a IIS 5.0. I recently noticed that whenever I test an asp page, if there's an error in my ASP code, I do not see any details as to why the error occurred, but rather just a generic http 500 page...Before, it used to tell me for instance that a variable was not declared and also indicated the line number etc. but not anymore.

why is this and what do I need to change in IIS to get these detailed error messages back.

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Displaying Messages

I want to display a message if my sql statement in my record set doesnt not return any thing. So if there are no records to display Code:


SQL = "SELECT account, name,segment, cust_id,Profileclass,number_of_transactions,userid , adjamount FROM CC_WO_Account_Details_Segment where segment = '03. Global Mail'"
set RS = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.open SQL, CMS, 2, 2


if the above query doesnt return anything I want to say "no Write-offs for this segment".
how to do that?

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SOAP Messages

what i am reading isn't all that helpfull into sending these SOAP messages... Does anyone have a *real* usefull tutorial somewhere where i clearly shows how SOAP works? as in sending recieving...Google, isn't always kind, and ends up giving horrible confusing results.

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EventLog Messages

I have an ASP (not ASP.Net) application which was migrated to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition. the ASP application uses a COM object which adds messages
to the Application EventLog. For some reason the message aren't showing up when I moved it to the new server. They showed up fine on the old server.

Is this a new security limitation which Microsoft imposes on their new servers? Anyone know how I can give my COM object access to the Application EventLog?

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