Avoiding Query Timeouts In ASP.NET ?

We are using ASP.NET on IIS5 to process requests
in a database.

How can one make choices in the .aspx based on
if a user has or hasn't changed a field? Is it possible
to control the ASP.NET environment by use of
some client side scripting ( ?changes=yes to URL)
or is there a way to tell in .aspx which Label elements
has changed?

Only solution i can think of currently is to query the
DB and then do an field by field comparision. Is that
the best way?

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Avoiding Duplicates

I have a string value which has the bellow content.

Dim aString as string

aString = "1,2,4,2,2"

where aString is a parameter set dynamically based on the user loggin into the system. Now All I want to do is to eliminate the duplicates. ( In this case I need to keep only one "2" and remove the remaining "2" , so my final string should be "1,2,4" ).

How could I do that. I was thinking of an array, but the issue is, If the "aString" is empty I believe array will return a error. So any other way of doing ?. Or simple asp functions which will eliminate this.

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Avoiding A RDBMS

I want to avoid using a RDBMS because I don't have time to administer a real database if something goes wrong (for a free website).

So when ever a user submits information, it will dump into a unique html file. Then a link will be created to it on the home page. I am concerned about locking the homepage incase more than one user needs a link created at the same time.

Any suggestions on how to handle this? The user information is not confidential and is for public posting so I'm not concerned with securing information and logins.

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Avoiding The <p> After A Form Submit

If a form is situated in normal HTML then a paragraph tag is inserted after the Submit button.

If the form is placed in a table then the preceding paragraph tag is supressed but the trailing paragraph space is still inserted.

Any suggestions please?

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Avoiding Page Numbers

When we print an HTML page from the browser,the Page Number at Top righ) and page URL At bottom is printed.

How can we avoide these information so that our page print out look similar to a simple printed page same as word document?

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Avoiding IE Warning Messages

I asp.net pages that run on an intranet IIS server. Some op the pages use
XLM DOM doc.Load(sPath) to open and parse a XML file. Every time the
doc.Load(sPath) executes in IE6 a warning message comes up
"This page is accessing information that is not under it's control. . . "

How can I avoid this message. It is a great anoyance to the users. Do I
need to create some time of certificate to pass...

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I'm doing a query on a webproxy log, which is a pretty large table. I'm only doing a query on a single days worth, but could be upwards of 250000 records.

Originally I got a timeout error saying to increase the time using Server.ScriptTimeout so I put Server.ScriptTimeout = "900" at the top of my script. This didn't seem to help. Now I got this error: a.. Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired
/suntest.asp, line 39

This time it didn't mention what type of timeout I'm experiencing, at least, not that I can see. Code:

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Avoiding Concurrent Usage Of An ASP Page

I have 4 ASP pages where an user can update some fields and submit the page, so that the fields are updated in the Database(Sqlserver), I need to handle one situation.

1) At a time I need to allow only one user to update the details in a page.

2) I need to stop other users who are trying to access the same page concurrently(probably with a message or Redirecting to other page where he can see the details in a report format).

3) Session timeout in my application is 60, So if the first user leaves the page open for a long time , I think it would be a problem....the other session has to wait for a long time.
I have no choice in decreasing the session timeout interval.

Please suggest , How can I handle this in ASP.

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Session Timeouts - Have To Log In Twice

I have a couple of pre-built ASP scripts running on my site. One is a mailing list application and the other is subscription/user management app. The two aren't related - they were programmed by different people and use separate dbs.

I have a problem where the user has to hit the login button twice in order to succesfully login. On the mailing list app, as soon as I try to login the first time, I get an error that says "Your session has timed out".

Then once I re-login, everything is fine. The subscription app has the same problem in addition to timimg out very quickly if the user is inactive for even a couple minutes.

Do you think this is a problem with the way the web server is setup for session timeouts, or is there some code in each of these ASP scripts that need to be fixed?

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Session Timeouts

is it possiable to have for example 2 sessions and that one of them will have 40 min timeout and the other session 60 min?

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Changing SQL Timeouts

I connect to a databae with my ASP code to run special reports and every now and then the DB server seperate from the server I have the ASP on is really being used and I get SQL timeouts after 60 seconds.

to connect I use a DSN. Is there a way to set the timeout to 360seconds instead of 60 when using a DSN?

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Avoiding A Duplicate Entry To An Access DB Field

As part of a data input script, I ask for a user name to be input into an Access DB field called surprisingly, "UserName". I would like to ensure that username is not duplicated. How do I do that before inserting the data. My example show in the incomplete script below doesn't work? Code:

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True Answer Re Timeouts

I've been using text files for Tab-Delimited/ADO/ASP sites so that users can
update and display their products lists through my system with relative

Only problem is that for the last few months or so, this system has been
generating loads of timeouts. ISP has said that I should be looking to
upgrade my system, as it is the mechanics of it that are creaking under the
strain. My queries are:

a) Which REALLY performs better OLEDB DSN-less or ODBC DSN-less?

b) If I convert the system to use 1 Access DB rather than 50-odd
tab-delimited text files will this REALLY perform better in relation to

To give you some idea of the problems, the site can viewed by going to
www.bardwells.co.uk and clicking the Product List link.

I just can't understand it because the pages on the whole are very lean and
zippy (esp. ADSL), but its these exact same Broadband users who seem to have
more trouble with timeouts than dial-up ones.

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Client Timeouts. Need A Solution

we have a page, that posts some search results to the server.

however it takes a while to execute and return to the client.

we added a server.timeout = 120 to the asp script. but it still timesout

is there a "USER FRIENDLY" way to redirect the client to another page, pending execution of the server results ???

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Data Access Timeouts

I'm beta testing a community membership site using ACCESS/asp on IIS5/windows server, shared with other sites. The performance is not consistent - sometimes OK, sometimes very slow and sometimes data access scripts time out (even when timeout set to 5 minutes) - sometimes the server recovers, and others a re-boot is necessary.

Can some one tell me if there are (or where I can find out if there are) performance issues involving 1. shared servers 2. incorrect data access set-up resulting in data access (e.g.concurrency/record locking, etc) problems 3. possible sloppy asp coding resulting un resource-hogging/non release, record locking etc.

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Different User Session Timeouts

I want to have different user sessions timeout at different time intervals. How can we make this possible in ASP with and without using database tables.

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Scripts, Large Rowsets, SPs And Timeouts...

I have an ASP page which pulls in, say, 800 records from a table containing ~ 1 million rows (and growing) - I use a command object and this calls a stored procedure, passing 5 parameters to the stored procedure from the querystring.

Now, if I run the stored proc from Query Analyzer, it takes between 25 and 40 seconds.

If I run it from the ASP page, if it takes LESS than 30 secs to generate then I get the output fine, but as soon as the 30 seconds elapse without anything being returned, I get a "Timeout expired" error.

I have taken the following action to eradicate, but all to no avail.

1.) Added Server.ScriptTimeout = 1000 into the page itself
2.) Upped the Script timeout figure in IIS for the application the report is within.
3.) Added a "Connect timeout=1000" line into my connectionstring (I was clutching at straws here...)

None of these alterations made any difference, so i'm a bit miffed.

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Need To Convert This Sql Query For Access To Identical Sql Query For Sql 2005..

My code retrieves a username and a password from a form. Then this information is compared to some usernames and passwords that are stored in a database. The important thing here is that the comparison must be case sensitive meaning that "passWord" is not the same thing as "password"

I have this code, working fine in access 2003

SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE StrComp(username_column,'" & entered_username_in_form & "',0) = 0 AND StrComp(password_column,'" & entered_password_in_form & "',0) = 0"

but get the following error when I run it against my sql 2005 database.

[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]'StrComp' is not a recognized built-in function name.

I don't know the corresponding t-sql for the query.

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Query A DB - Pass The Query To Next Page

I am running a querry on an access database and have set the number of records/page displayed at 20. if there are more than 20 records returned, then 1st page will show the first 20, the next page will show next 20 and so on....

The trouble:

the count of total records displayed is correct and the first page is displayed correctly. But when i click on *Next* to go to the next page, all the records of the database get displayed (not the 2nd page of records from the query).

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Query Access With Multiple Query

I am using ASP/MS ACCESS to see how I can query the same database, via 2 formfields.

{name: - search}Textfield 1: - Search by Category
{name: - searchT}Textfield 2: - Location


strSearchwords = Trim(Request.QueryString("search")); where "search" is the name of Textfield1

Which is fine, but how can I set it so that on Submit, the string from search, and searchT are somehow joined together into one string?

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ASP LIKE Query Using Parameterized Query

In Access you use "*" + [passed variable] + "*", + can be replaced with &
Calling a parameterized query in Access requires % be used in place of *,
however, all that I have read show dynamic SQL passed to Access:

WHERE [some column] LIKE '" & ASPvar & "' % ORDER BY ...

However, my call is similar to:

conn.qMyLookup strVar, rs

If I modify the query in Access to:

"%" & [passed variable] & "%"

I get all records. If I only put it at the end, as suggested, I only get
matches at the end, not throughout the column. Code:

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Sql Query

Is it possible to write sql query to fetch records from
specific record number?

lets say i have one variable and it stores values such as
1,2,3 or so...

if variable contains, i want to fetch records from 1 to
if it contains 2, then records should be from 21 to 40.

for 3, records would be 41 to 60...

what could be the sql for that?
i dont wannna fetch whole table and then filtering
through code..

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Sql Query

i have a table called checkrenewal
it has a field called date_renewal

data is stored like this


so what i want to do is display only records that are in month of sept for 2006
so there will be 2 records

so next month is Oct 2006 so only display one record

so depending on which month and which year it is display only those records.

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MORE Sql Query

I can't write the sum of a certain colum in a table of a db.

sql_Sum_Tax="SELECT SUM(vtax) AS sql_Sum_Tax_RS_Var FROM orderstats
WHERE vcompletedate BETWEEN "& startDate &" AND "& endDate & ";"
Set sql_Sum_Tax_RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql_Sum_Tax_RS.Open sql_Sum_Tax, conn1


That last line generates this error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

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Sql Query

i have a table and the fields are


the records for example are

Male 55 2.0
Male 60 3.12
Male 65 3.87
Male 70 3.99

so i need to find out the points when the user selects gender and enters the weight

people are allowed to enter weights between 55 and 70

say for example someone enters weight as 55 his points will be 2.0

if someone enters weight as 64 i want the points to be 3.12

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SQL Query

I have an Access database of literature that I want to search using an ASP page using multiple search criteria (author, title, year, discipline,etc).
I'm using a form to collect the criteria from the user and then sending it to an ASP page. I'm creating the SQL statement using variables that pick up values passed from the form.


strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Literature WHERE " & _
"(Author Like '%" & mauthor & "%') AND " & _
"(Title Like '%" & mtitle & "%') AND " & _
"(Journal Like '%" & mjournal & "%') AND "& _
"(ArticleBook Like '%" & mBookOption & "%') AND " & _
"(Year Like '%" & myear & "%') " & _

This would probably work if I used "OR" in my SQL, but I want to be able to use "AND." My problem is that I'm not getting records that have null values in some of these fields.

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SQL Query For Mdb

Ive been working with queries through asp on a mdb file. The biggest problem i have is
that when i query a certian column that had embedded hyperlinks in it, the query also
returns the value of the hyperlink. Is there any way not to have to remove the hyperlinks
in the database and not have them show up on queries? Code:

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ASP And DLL's Query

I am learning ASP from the Wrox Begining E-Commerce book, which uses Visual Basic to create a DLL and it also uses MTS as well.
I have been trying to find hosting not realising the problem with registering custom dll's on server and know realise that this isn't the best way to do this.
I wanted to know if there was anything i could do to change this. I have read a little bit about the Global.isa file but am not sure about this.
Could i just transfer all the code into the global.isa and then use it like this.
My website access a sql database and uses a mts pipeline for order processing.
I don't have enough experience of ASP to re-write this code and am not sure of what to do.
I have tried searching the web but am not really finding any solutions that I understand.

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Sql Query

I have one table with date field in sql server2000.I want to write one sql query statement that fetch last three months data from the current month..

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SQL Query

I am trying to have the SQL query select from a table where two conditions exist.
The line:


SQL = "SELECT * FROM CompsIn WHERE Out = -1 "

Works, but I want to have it also select from compsin where UserGroup = Session("UserGroup")
Until I connect the login and the CompsOut pages,adding Where UserGroup='CSU836'
will work just fine.

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Query Help

i have a table called Cars which has fields like this


Purchase_Date has datatype as datetime in sql server

i have 2 fields on the form where the user enters the year and month and then submits the form on the next form i get the year and month like this


i want to fire a query to get the car_id

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Sql Query

i have numbers in a column say


and say 4569 belongs to joseph i want to tell what josephs rank is looking at the values his rank is 1
if 124 belongs to justin then his rank is 4
the more the points the higher the rank can someone tell me how my sql query will be

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Query Causes CPU To Go To 100%

The following Query causes my CPU Usage to go to 100% and the page will not load: Code:

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