Backup A Database Table

I need to be able to add a button on my site that will backup an SQL table (not the whole database) - does anyone know how to do that?

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Database Backup

I am looking for a script that can take my Access DB and make a copy of it and store it in another folder. Does anyone know where I can get a code or script to do this?

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Backup Database Included ID

i want to backup my database included id number..

there are alot table in my database..
but they are not connected with each other..

for example..

table name : products

id | product_name
75 ASUS notebook

another table name : type

id | product_id | product_type
1 75 PIV 3GHZ
2 75 PIV 3.2GHZ

this database is mssql..

how to protect(save) id number while backup database ?

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Backup Access Database

I would like to back up my site database. However, while I am backing up/copying the database, the database might be still in used by visitor.

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Database Backup Accross Domains

Is it possible to backup a Database from one domain to another using the File System Object? I want to save a DB from a folder on to but obviously the server.mappath won't work and putting the URL of the folder to save to doesn't either i.e. .

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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ASP Database Table

I want to make an asp table for my database. I have two tables, one with peoples details and the other with their orders. I have done a one to many relationship between these.

What i would like to be able to do is a heading with the customer details, and under that all of what that person has ordered. Then another heading with a different customer and so on..

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Table In Database

How can i check if my table is already exist in the database?

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Database Table

Is there an

If no results found in database table
print results in table (made table and such)
repsonse.write("No Results Found")

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Query Database Table

I have this code that retrieves the logged in users info. What I also need it to do is to display other records in the database that match the logged in users custnumber. Code:

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Search More Than 1 Database Table At Once

Im looking for a means to allow the search criteria provided by a user to be checked against fields in more than one recordset table in a ms access database.

Is there a means within asp to check multiple tables at the same time using one set of criteria? So far the only solutions i've seen to this includes the usage of a list box which dictates which recordset is opened. I would like to avoid this.

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How To Tell If A Database Table Exists?

You'd think this would be the most basic sql query in the world but noooooo!
I've tried this:

on error resume next
strsql = "SELECT * FROM " & session("TablePrefix") & CurrentTable
SET rs = conn.execute(strsql)

tableExists = 0

if (Err.number = 0) then
tableExists = 1
end if

But it doesn't return an error if the table doesn't exist. I'm searching on
the internet and hitting these long complicatred solutions involving the
database "shema". Surely there is a simple way of telling with one line of
sql if a table exists or not?

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Inserting Data Into A Database Table

i am trying to use the 'Insert into' sql query to insert data in an asp file but having some errors...this is the eror i got from the browser..

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement
/AddConfirm.asp, line 46, column 36
sql="INSERT INTO tblMembers VALUES("8"," & DateJoined & "",""& Title& "",""& LastName& "",""&FirstName& "",""& DOB & "",""& AddressUnit&"""

this is the code i have in my asp file....


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Fetch Random Database Table

There are 26 prizes available in a competition a client is running and he wants to be able to select these at random.

I thought the best way of doing this would be to construct a simple ASP page which displays 26 random records from the database.

The fields I wish to display are called name, email and address, and these are located in the table called Competition (this is an MS Access db).

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Asp Database Pull From A Query Not A Table?

it possible to pull the information from a query located inside the .mdb database already, instead of pulling the information from the tables ?

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Fill Table With Database Query

I want to retrieve a large number of rows from my database (Select SomeColumns from myDatabase)and then to fill a table with the retrieved data. What can i do?

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Generate An HTML Table From A Database

I am using ASP to generate an HTML table from a database. I use FSO to output a file with an XLS extension then open it. I can set the column width and row height; I can set the font family, size, and weight. I know I can include formulas in a "cell".

What else can I do when I generate the table that will take effect when the file is opened in Excel? I'd like to do things like autofit and sorting. The client does allow Office Automation on the server so I can't write to Excel directly.

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Dynamic Table Genrated From Satatic Database

I have a dynamic table, with a column named "player" in this column is NBA player names - generated from a statistic database.

I am hoping to be able to create a link on the players name that will direct the webuser to a profile page like the following: Code:

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Problem With Adding Array To Database Table

I have an array which I want to save into a database table I tried a few things but it doesn't work. This is as far as I got: Code:

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Inserting/Updating Database From HTML Table

if it is possible to insert and update records in a database from the data that is in an HTML table? I have a program that converts data to an HTML table and would like to be able to insert/update records to the database on the webserver.

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Gettin Table Names From A Ms Access Database

Ive got an accces database with a couple of table in it at the moment but this will grow to 5 tables pretty soon then maybe more after that.

I would like to be able to populate a drop down menu with all the table names in the database any ideas how to do this or if its even possible.

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Adding Rows To Database Table Thro ASP

I want to add a row to library table. Table has total 7 fields. But I
want to create the new row with 5 field data. When I run the following query
in MS Access

strQ = "INSERT into library (index,title,author,itemtype,createdate) VALUES

It successfully adds the row. But same thing I am trying with the following
ASP code. It gives error, saying syntax error in INSERT into statement. Code:

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Backup Using ASP

I have created ASP application which is on one server. This application uses Access database. Is there some possibility to create an ASP script that will copy my MDB database on some other server?

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I have posted a query before and solved the problem myself. What I am doing is using the filesystem object to copy my Access DB to another folder on my site for a backup. I then have a page that says when the backup DB was created, uses the filesystem object as well. My question is that when I backup the DB the page does not display the correct time and date of when the DB was last backed up. Here is my process for backing up the DB:

First I Delete a previous backup and lock the current DB

Then I copy the current DB to replace the copy I deleted

Then I un-lock the DB and return the user to the page that should show the correct date and time.

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Backup An Mdb

Web site type: mdb driven shopping cart.ALtho my web host peforms nightly backups, I wish to create one of my own.I intend to do the following:

create a scedule in cuteftp to dload an mdb file nightly.My concern is,that during the dload what happens if someone is reading/writing to the mdb whilst using the website? Could this corrupt the mdb,or would the site throw an error during the mdb dload period?

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I uploaded all the files to the website. I am using Access database.Everyday i want to take backup. How can i take backup from ASP and copy to my local system. If any problem in the database i will restore the backUp file.I am using classic ASP. I want to compress the database and backup.

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I am looking for a way to use an ASP.NET button in order to start a backup of a MySql database..

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ASP Mysql Backup

I am running some websites and would like to take a full backup of my websites every morning at 5 AM.

Because of my server permissions I need to make some kind of database dump (script I think?), that can be started by a cronjob.

Problem is, I'm a little stuck with this and can't find anything on google..

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MySQL Backup

I'm coming to the conclusion it isn't possible, because I can't find any reference to it anywhere on the web after a good deal of searching. Let me explain my position, I'm writing an admin area which will access and update a large MySQL database. When the asp code runs the update (about once a week), there will be a high potential for things to go wrong, and as a precautionary measure I wanted to perform a database backup before it ran the database updates.
What I wanted to do was similar to the PHPMYADMIN "Export" function, but in ASP, and save the file on the server for me to download at a later date if needed. If I could create the file, I figured that I could save it to a directory with write priveledges on the server using FSO. The problem is actually creating a dump of the structure of all of the tables using an ASP script. I have no idea how PHPMYADMIN manages to do it, but I don't know any PHP whatsoever, and I would far prefer to make it work automatically through the admin area I am scripting in ASP. All the references I could find in the MySQL manual were to creating the backup using telnet access, which we don't have at my host for security reasons, so I wondered if anyone else had come accross this problem before and had a possible solution that could help me [], or whether anyone can say that it definitely is not possible.

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BackUp Tables

I am looking for code that will go through all tables in MYSQL db and transfer records into text or excel files.

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Backup Restore

As the subject states, does anyone know how I can backup an Access db, using ASP ? Is there a 'copy' statement or similar?Ideally, some method to ensure no one else is logged on, then copy the file from the "physical" path, like retrieving:


for the Access db, then copy the entire db to a sub folder called "/db/backup" . I want to do this remotely, not locally, because there is a lot of testing to do in the next few weeks, and I don't want to have to upload the (good) copy of the Access db evertime some additional changes to the db are to be made. I would like to save the bandwidth.

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MySQL Backup With ASP

I need your help to take a backup through ASP script of a MySQL Database.

The whole database need to be back up in a .sql file like backup.sql

so that i can restore that through another script.

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FTP Automatic Backup Possible

I would like to backup the Remote Access database from a link on my asp application . Is it possible ?For instance, there would be a menu which once clicked will initiate login/password and ftp server, get the database and rename it with currentdate, close the connexion ?

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