Banner Exchange In ASP

Does anyone know of a Banner Exchange program in ASP availavble for download - or is there a way to convert PHP programs into ASP.

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Ad Banner

looking for a rotating ad banner that shows a new image say every 15-20
seconds. can you suggest something that I might be able to use.

NOTE: This is for my church so if it were free I won't have to pay out of

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Banner Ad

Does any one have idea how to show banner ad in asp page. I am using ad rotator component but only problem is that its need to refreshed everytime either auto or mannual everytime for loading different image. Does anyone have any clue about banner ad without actually refreshing the page.

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Banner Rotator

I am tearing my hair out. i am trying to serve normal banners to an asp file originated from an access database.

i wasn't able to use the normal javascript rotator as the array comes from the DB.

i can't use the normal IIS Ad.rotator module as it loads a new banner only when the page is reloaded therefore has anyone any ideas of what i can dO ie: dynamically served banners rotated on a single page every 10 seconds without refreshing the page.

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Banner Code Or IIS

I have some third party sponsor banners on my website and since installing the entire page pauses loading then displays the whole page. It seems that the page is waiting on the banners. Is there a way to set IIS or coding to load the page and then load the banners if they take longer to load?

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Rotating Banner

I need a rotating banner functionality to use on a html page, does any one know where can i get this done in

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Banner Impressions

I am looking to have some advertising on my site. To do this I was going to go by the amount of Banner impresions. eg. 10000 impressions = £££. What I was thinking is to have in a database on how many impressions a advertiser has paid for then to take away 1 each time there banner is displayed, but I am not sure How I am going to take 1 impression away from each time their banner is shown on a page.

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Banner Rotation - How?

Anyone with a good resource on how to make random banners appear? These banners are different in sizes... let's say:

Set 1: 1 banner 120 x 600 ( skyscraper size )
Set 2: 3 banners 88 x 31 ( button size )

Let's say the first time I load the page, Set 1 appears. When the page is reloaded or refreshed, Set 2 appears. All the banners have links to external sites, and they must be preserved. Can this be done without ASP coding at all, maybe just with JS?

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Dynamic Forum Banner

I need a dynamic banner generating code for putting in forum as signature. The code should pick banner urls from a MSSQL databse and display the banner image in the forum signature where we paste the code, the banner should change each time on loading and track the impression.

Forums dont accpet dynamic pages, so need to code in some special way so that forums dont see it as a dynamic page. Code:

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Banner Stopper + Cookies

How would i go about making a banner rotator but have it so that when the banner is clicked another image is displayed in the banner place?

second would i make i like that when it is clicked it sets a cookie?

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Using The Banner Rotator With A Timer

I'm currently using the MS Banner Rotator component that comes default with IIS, but all the tutorials i find are nly concentrating on rotating the banners per "refresh" of the page using a text file with a weighted percentage of what pic gets shown.

I would like to be able to set it so that a banner is shown every 10 seconds or so and is clickable etc...

Is this a pain or should i just bung them all in a flash movie or something?

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Maximum Number Of Banner

We have a site that has been developed in Visual Interdev that we use the PageNavBar object for the banners on each page. I have noticed that we seem to have gotten into a situation where whenever we add a new page to the site diagram, some other page loses it's banner.

Can anyone tell me if there is some numerical maximum number of pages that can appear on a site diagram? Is there some other explanation for this that I am missing? Is there a solution?

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Simple Banner Management

Has anybody found a simple, no zone, banner ad management app? I just want click through and a start stop date function. I have see everything from soup to nuts on ad management form $10.00 to $4900.00. Just want it simple.

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Error Of Connection In System Of Banner

I am having a problem with a system of banner, it walks presenting in all the pages this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x1b98 Thread 0x2444 DBC 0x8499024 Jet'.

/banner/include/admentordb.asp, line 42

They see what it exists written in line 42, where it accuses the error Code:

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Page Caching For Banner Management System

I'm doing a banner ad management system and am storing about 400 banners in my database. I need to pull them all and then sort them by weight and pull randomly from that sort to populate the page with banners (6 per page).

My problem is that pulling 400 banners and sorting them on every page is obviously a performance issue.

Does ASP have any sort of session or page caching capability that would allow me to cache these results and then update the cache anytime something changes with the banner database tables?

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Asp Exchange

I have created a simple set of asp pages which do some funky database stuff. One aspect which I would appreciate some help on is Email.I have created these pages for use internally to my work network, mainly admin database entry type stuff. The network has several exchange servers. I would like to send a notification email everytime a function within tthe asp scripts is made (i.e. every time a new set of information is added to a database) to a select few people (which may well change from time to time). Now I thought that I might create a new mailbox on an exchange server and send mail via this, so that if anyone were to reply to the notification mail it would go back to the mailbox. Therefore, using the exchange server mailbox as my pump for shooting off mails all over, I could create an email rule which would forward anything from my asp pages to the relavent people.Couple of questions 1) is this a logical approach 2) if the answer to 1 is yes then what is the best method of shooting off emails from asp scripts to the exchange server?? (would it just be using the SMTP service)

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ASP And MS Exchange

I have written a asp form and i'm trying to figure out how i can connect it to send out an email.

The form is running through the process & isn't showing any errors, but it isn't sending out the email either from the form. I know that our IT guy is running MS Exchange for our email, but I believe that it is on a seperate box as well. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

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CDO Through IIS Or Exchange?

I am trying to configure CDO at my facility and wonder if I should use it
through IIS or our Exchange server? Can anyone point me in the right
direction? We are using Windows 2000 Server with IIS and Windows 2000
Server with Exchange 5.5.

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ASP / Exchange 2003

I am writing a small CRM at the moment and would like one of the features to be that the first page picks up mail from a 'info@' mailbox on a locally hosted exchange 2003 server.

I am finding it a nightmare to track-down either how to do this or find the right info, I think partly because the methods may have changed with server upgrades.

Is there a definative method I should be using and any pointers to documentation etc.

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Link Exchange

i have started software and web Development business. But I dont have an idea about Link Exchange what is this.When i develop website for my client how i use Link Exchange in my Client's Website.

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Query Exchange

I have developed an asp application and I would like to add an e-mailing feature. I have code to send an e-mail but I want to be able to query exchange 2000 or active directory for the users e-mail address. Every users e-mail address is listed in AD and Exchange 2000. I will only have the users username to search with.

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Asp Connection To Exchange

I need a code in asp that connect to the Exchange and write the new mails to sql.

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Support For OWA On Exchange 5.5

I would like to start using Outlook Web Access on my IIS 5.0 server. It has PHP and MySql on there along with their ISAPI filters. Everything works great. It has the ASP support taken off and I would like to re-add this support back to the server.Where is the ISAPI filter located at on the Server?

I am hoping that this would be the only reason that OWA will not work.

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Exchange Server 5.5

I require an Asp script that will enable me to get all sizes of mailboxes held on Exchange Server v5.5. What I want to achieve is to list all users with a mailbox over a certain Kb size.

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ASP And Exchange Server

I am an intermediate with ASP and i'm not sure if this is possible but i'll give it a shot. I am creating a Listserv (newsgroup) and I want them able to reply to messages in there email. Right now I have sign up form online which connectes to an access db which stores the emails. The admin uses a web based form to send letters and if the subscribers want to send a message or reply they have to use another web form. How can I use exchange server to eliminate the web based forms?

So basicly I want them to reply in like outlook, but the emails are all in access. So when they reply to the list email (, somewhere in the exchange server the server will read the db and send the message to the subscribed emails.

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ASP - Exchange - AD Login

We have a client who have exchange servers and they use active directory. From their intranet (asp) we need to have a link to the exchange server but we need to pass the window logon credentials, so they don't have to log in again on the exch server. How do I go about this?

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Add Exchange User

I am wondering if it is possible to add an exchange user/mailbox via ASP (or ASP.NET).

I've seen some examples using ADSI, but I am wondering what the simplest way of doing this is.

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MS Exchange Data

Our company currently has a SQL Server 2000 database with various client information, accessed through an ASP driven intranet. We also use Exchange 2000 and a shared contacts folder. Many of the contacts are also in the SQL Db and when we get a new client, information is often entered in both places.

What I would like to figure out how to do, hopefully via ASP is create a user-defined field in the shared contacts which is their recordid in the SQL db and then be able to grab info from Exchange where needed so we would not have address & telephone numbers in both Exchange and the SQL db.

I've done a little research on using MAPI with ASP but most of what I've found relates to sending mail, not to working with shared contacts.

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Exchange Of Files

Is it in ASP possible to make a webpage with folders and
subfolders where people (if they have the right password) can
download and upload files. An uploadet file should appear on the
webpage for others to use as soon as it is there.

There is probably a name for this system. I would prefer if it
could work like the Total Commander, on the internet.

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Getting Exchange Mailbox Size From ASP

Is it possible to get the size of a users exchange 2003 mailbox from ASP?

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Sending Email Using ASP (CDO Or Exchange)

I have worked with CDO mail before at a different job, but at that job I was developing internet sites, and now I am developing Intranet apps. We have the following setup, WWW/SQL on 1 server, mail server, PDC and SDC (and Proxy), all OS's are Windows 2000 Server (except Proxy, it is NT4).

What would be the best way to allow sending emails from ASP?

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Accessing Exchange Via ASP-file

I have an application where I access Exchange server via an ASP-file whit
the following code:

objSession.Logon "", "", False, True, 0, True, "ExchangeServerName" & vbLF &

This works fine for years on one server. I now want to move the application
to a new server I get error code number 424. I use the same Exchange server
and the same mailboxUser but from a different server. Anyone knows what the
error code 424 means?

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Accessing Exchange Data Using ASP

Does any one know how to access Information from a Corporate Network's Exchange Server, such as an Address Book or Address Entriers for a user curerntly logged on, by means of COM (CDO) using ASP (VBScript)

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