Banners Disappear Randomly From Pages

We have 2 copies of our web application - Development and Checkout. We have
noticed that when the QA quys go through our QA version, they will sometimes
find that pages are missing the banners. The banners are created by VI
using the themes and layouts.

All of the other theme/layout information is
fine, and both sites are using identical Site Diagrams. We have even tried
copying the site diagram over from development to QA again and recalculating
the site, and the banners stay missing. Can anyone tell me how to fix this
and what is happening?

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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Pages Hang Randomly

I have a Windows 2003 Server Web running 5 web sites. Every few days, the ASP pages stop responding. There are no events in the event log. The HTML pages are still served successfully. These pages have no database interaction (others use MySQL). I have to restart IIS in order for the pages to work again. I haven't been able to find anything about this issue on the web. Has anyone seen this before? Any idea how to fix it?

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Rotating Banners

I am looking for a ASP script that will allow me to rotate banners on the results page when called from a database. Would like to link the banners with the subject called from the database i.e. if someone looked for results on travel the banners would be travel related and so on. Anyone know of a good script out there, dont mind paying for it.

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Using Admentor With Flash Banners

I am having difficulty getting admentor using flash isn't redirecting the ads to their get urls, am using just a a standard "clickTAG" in the get url feild.

on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") {


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Placing Banners On Different Web Sites

How to place advertising banners on say 10 different sites? After clicking on these banner, the control should go to a particular web site. Here do we hv to do coding in 10 different web sites or is there any other procedure?

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Session Cookies Disappear!

I recently discovered that my session cookies on the web host disappear within 30 seconds. I created some very simple asp scripts (it took me a while until I
discovered why my shopping cart acts very weird...) to check the session

On one asp page I set up cookies:

Session("TransactionID") = 15
Session("CustomerID") = 1

and on

response.write "Session(""TransactionID"")=" & Session("TransactionID") &
response.write "Session(""CustomerID"")=" & Session("CustomerID") & "<br>"

The same asp pages run on my XP Pro show that the session cookies don't
expire as long as I close the browser, while on the remote web server, if I
do a refresh on readcookie.asp after 30 seconds, they are gone.

I run ASP on the server and all I know is that it is a Plesk server. No idea
if it actually a Linux server or a Windows one...

Do I have to setup expiry time or something for session cookies?

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Session Variables Disappear

I have just moved to another isp host and some of my pages use session variables. I have a session variable, amongst others that hold the username and customer number to display data. The session variable value keeps disappearing giving me ADODB.Fielderror '800a0bcd' errors. If i hot the refresh button a few times the session variable data comes back. Somebody please tell me they've experienced this 'cos i'm losing my mind ! I've updated the page to show the variable, and it does and i've removed underscores from filenames (apparently a possible problem with IIS 6)

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Session Variables Disappear In NN 7.2

My page works fine on IE but nn (7.2 is my test version) seems to drop my
session variables. I have the lowest security settings allowing all cookies.

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What Can Cause The Value In Application Variable To Disappear?

We have ASP application running on IIS 5.1 and Windows 2000 server. The ASP
application has few Application variables setup in global.asa. Something like


There is no other code in the ASP application to change the value in the
Application variables. It's only set in global.asa and the rest of the
application just read it with code similar to this:

The application had been running fine until we deployed a COM DLL to the web
server few weeks ago. Loos like the ASP application started to loose the
value in application variable few times a day. Restarting the web service,
which means re-initialize the value in Application object, fixes the issue
but the value will be blanked out again after few hours.

The COM DLL is written in .Net C# to handle some task. This COM has "private
static" variables in public class. The purpose for "private static" variables
is that the value will be maintained until IIS is restarted.

Is it possible that the memory space for .Net run-time conflicts with the
memory space of ASP Application object? Can someone help me understand what
can cause this to happen?

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Session Variables Disappear

I have an ASP program that uses session variable to keep data between pages. The program worked fine under IIS 5, but with IIS 6 these variables randomly disappear. Note, the problem seemed to start when Windows Share Point was installed on this server.

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How To Select Randomly

how can I do a "select" action and select lines randomly, for example:
"select * from items where views>100" and to choose from that 5 objects randomly.

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Randomly Generated Strings

I used to have a piece of code that would generate a random string of
8,16,24 or 32 characters in length.

I got it from this group, does any one have this piece of code?

It will be used for a double opt-in email newsletter.

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Randomly Generated Filename

How could I create a random filename for a single-use download? So, if a user was to download a file from a site it would send them a unique filename that could only be used once. That link would not be available after the download completed.

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Randomly Generated Variables

I am relatively new to this generation of variables in ASP. I am unable to proceed from here. Can somebody advise?

Challenge :

I get number of participants in an exam, from a sql statement and stored into a variable called headcount.

After that, I am using the following to initialize randomly generated variables. For example if there are 4 students in the class, I intend to get student1, student2, student3 and student4, all of them initialized to 0.

For j=1 To CLng(headcount)
Eval Execute("student" & j & "=" & 0)

Now we are trying to find out question wise defaults in the test. I have a for loop that does traverse through all the questions in the test. As I go question by question, if there is any failure I would like to increment the errorcounter of that participant.

Which means .....

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Choose Data From DB Randomly

i need to choose a data, randomly, in a database based n category (cat1, cat2, cat3, cat4, cat5, cat6). i only need to show 1 data of each category in the html page. kindly inform where to find a sample tuts for this.

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Randomly Select A Name From A Csv File

I've got a csv file with names, addresses, emails, etc. I've been asked to randomly select a name from a csv file. I've found plenty of RandNum examples, but I'm not sure how to apply it to these names. Can anyone point out a sample I could use?

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Randomly Generated Validation Code

I would like to incorporate a Randomly Generated Validation Code Immage into my New Registration page (so when users register they have to enter a validation code produced by the immage).

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SQL Randomly Select A Record Using Access

I want to select a random record from a table within my Access database, however I am running into problems. When the page is executed, it always shows the same record. Code:

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Select 4 Records, Randomly From Database

Is this do-able with ASP / VBscript?

-- I have a database with user records (name, photo, etc. etc.)

I want to use asp to generate (on the homepage) a series of 4 randomly selected 'user records' from the database -- say just the headshot photo or name from the database.

In addition to the recordset being randomly generated (i.e. our of about 50 records, only records 4, 18, 23 and 26 are displayed) I need to MAKE SURE they are not duplicated (i.e. out of the 50 records, records 4, 18, 23 and 23 -- where the last two are duplicates).

Is there a way I can pull this off and how do I go about it exactly?

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Session Variable Randomly Mixed Or Lost?

Windows 2000 Server SP3
IIS 5.0


Antivirus deactivate

No changes on main files (web.config, machine.config, in)

No exist Active Directory (changes in ACL are not exist)

In machine.config LogLevel="All"

No events registered in Event Viewer.

aspnet_wp.exe not recycled never.

Web site accessed by multiple users at the same time. Some user data are
stored in a session variables. Randomly one user view data of another

It ocurrs in two different machines.

What can be?

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How Can I Randomly Update Access Database Content

I am trying to get an access random image script to simply update the content from a folder on my server...... Automaticlly without having to go into the database to add a the new image and location, i just want it to randomly select one. is this possible?

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Input A Randomly Alpha (letters) In A Specific Field

what i want to do is to put 2 fields in my table , username and password

what iwant to do is to create a page that ask you to unter your username only ,and when u click submit the other page will add new record for the username u enter and will input a randomly alpha(letters and numbers) to yr password field , so how can do this random thing throw the asp"!?!

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Old Pages / Cached Pages

I am always getting cached pages even contents of the page changed on the server but I am getting old page (data).How to solve this.

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Creat Pages Using Other Pages

is it possible to create pages using other pages. Here is an example... Can I make a page that has a menu on it, but the menu is actually a seperate page that I call with ASP?

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ASP Pages

We run a website with pages that are created using ASP. The website is
used by different people from different networks. For some people, the
pages are stuck. It looks like the were able to open the page, but it
is not displayed on their browser. We think that it might be something
to do with their proxy. Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

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IIS 6.0 404 Pages

I had a 404 page set up in IIS 5.0 that would the the URL of the requested page from the query string. i recently upgraded to IIS 6.0 but it doesn't seem to put the requested URL in the query string as it did in IIS 5.0 and 3.0. Does anyone know how i can get the requested url property in IIS 6?

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I have a bout 5 different pages of which each will contain a form requiring users to complete. These forms are all related as one project. It is necessary that if the user was to only complete the first form they could theoretically quit, come back later (time not dependant) and complete the remaining pages. Therefore I think the best way to do this is to write the values to the database upon each click of the next button. The only other issue with this is that the user will also be receiving a pdf file at the end of the full form submission with all their information inserted into this pdf and finalized. Now. I am aware of pdflib in which I need php but my choice was to do this in asp. What are my options here? Should I combine them, should I draw all the info from the db at the very end with php and then create the pdf, should I use sessions during the entire process

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When pages are made in, loading on the
local host displays the labels all in the top left corner
of the screen. Also, all textboxes and image buttons are
not even displayed at all. If pages are made on a remote
server, they load perfetly fine, it is just the local host
displaying them incorrectly. Is this a common problem?? I
have iis 5.0 installed with windows 2000. i use the full
version of to make pages.

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ASP 3.0 Pages

I have a web site I've recently moved to a new provider.It has
worked for years.On the new provider's servers ( Win2k Server .NET 1.1 )
my asp 3.0 pages often don't completely execute.
Here is what happens: Most of the page starts displaying in the browser,
then you see some HTML, then nothing.
If you refresh a few times, the page finally completely loads. There is
never an error reported during any of this.

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Cannot Run ASP Pages

I have installed IIS 5 on Windows 2000 Server and have applied all the neccessary updates and patches. I am unable to run any ASP pages on the local server. I am able to view the HTML pages though. I have checked everything but cannot seem to figure it out. I end up getting HTTP 500 for all the web pages.

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I am trying to setup a demo server for an web site that is working on my real website. The demo is Win2K and I have installed .net framework and IIS, both successfully,I think.
The problem is that when I try to access the demo site, the pages are not being served correctly - only lables are displayed, and not as configured. HTML pages display correclty. I tried to run aspnet_regiss, but get an unkown function error.

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How To Do ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) Pages

i can make a database, add entries to database, delete from database, but the only thing i want is "How to divide entries in Pages" like we can see in the guest-book etc Scripts.
This is an Example: Quote:

Entries: 500 Pages: 1|2|3|4|5

how to divide the entries in pages, like 10 entries per page..?

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