Basic User Control

I am trying to add a basic user control to a web site; coming from visual studio 2003 this was extremely easy. I would just add the user control and then add the controls that I want on that user control, but I am not able to get a basic link button to click.This seems so ridiculously basic, but I am not able to get this to work.What am I missing?

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How Can I User Calendar Control In Asp

I need to include Calendar Control in my Web Site.How can i use it.

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How To Control The User Name Throughout The System?

I want to control the user name which is loggin into the application. Once the user is logged in, the username should be saved through out the system until the user logged out.

For that matter, how can i keep the user name? Should i use cookie or session? How is the difference and which is better?

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User Control W/ Text

Basically I want to be able to create a user control that is more or less just a Panel. I want to be able to set properties like background color, border, etc by default within the user control and then do something like <mynamespace:mypanel>Text and stuff to go in the Panel</mynamespace:mypanel>.

I would like to be able to put links, tables, and any other kind of HTML stuff inside the Panel. What property of my class/user control would the text part be? Am I going about this the entirely wrong way?

All I really want to do is to be able to set some properties of my Panel automatically without having to type each property over and over again every time I create a Panel.

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User Control Content

I have one userControl containing some static HTML (div/tables) all havind unique id's and i want to collect them within one array in the Code Behind file, how would i do this through a foreach or for statement counting the items, i searched the framework, google and SP but i still haven't figured it out

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Display Aspx Page Or Reporting Services Page In User Control

What I want to be able to do is create a user control that will display an
entire page page within it. Does anyone know how to do this or better yet
have any same code?

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Form Control; Want A Little More Control Of The Name Attribute

I would like to be able to control an asp text box control's name attribute.

I know i can manually type the whole string
<input type="text" name="username" value="" />

but then i can't use the validation control on the inputs. [free javascript ]

PHP Code:

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FTP Put Via ASP Using Visual Basic

I've read hundreds of posts regarding this, but haven't got a working solution yet. Does anyone have a working snippet of code from an ASP page that can be used to upload a file to an FTP server? I read all about INET, but due to some licensing issues it won't work....

View Replies View Related And IIS Basic Question is that what is used to create web pages on a server such as IIS? is part of visual studio, what software package contains IIS?

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Basic Authentication

I have an XML file which I access from a remote server like

Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET","",false
strXML = http.responseText

The real server is password protected with, I think, with basic
authentication. How do I pass it the username and password.

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Basic ASP Problem

This is ALL the code that i have..

response.write("This is a test")

the file is saved as test.asp

I have uploaded it, and when i run it, I get the code being displayed ie.
response.write("This is a test")

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Basic Search

I am having one asp page in which a table is displayed. The table displays the values in textboxes.when the client uses search functionality it searches in the whole page but doesnt search in the table. Can any one tell me about how to search the values contained in textboxes in the table.if possible give me some code

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Basic Update

However I have a complicated update page so I am going to hand code it. I started by breaking down to the basics of Updating but I keep getting a 'Syntax error in UPDATE statement' error. Can anybody see where I am going wrong?:

<!--#include file="../Connections/Publishing.asp" -->
<% If Request("Submit") <> "" Then %>

set Command1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Command1.ActiveConnection = MM_Publishing_STRING
Command1.CommandText = "UPDATE Test SET Value = Paul WHERE ID = 2 "
Command1.CommandType = 1
Command1.CommandTimeout = 0
Command1.Prepared = true

<% End If %>

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Visual Basic

Is there one? I need to hash a sensative string before inserting it into the sql server database. It HAS to be done in the ASP code, because it is also stored in a cookie. Any ideas? Server asp code is vbscript.

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MSN API In Visual Basic...

I need source code for a simple MSN API example, something that interacts between MSN's controls. I want to break it down test it and use it for my own applications.

Or can people even suggest free source code sites for VB. I can search for them there. Planet-source-code had an AMAZING app, but it wanted an ocx file which I obviously didn't have.

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Basic Question

I have two simple problems which I think are related(?) I have a form with the folowing code:

<form method="post" action="sendemail.asp">
<input name="submit" type="button" value="SUBMIT">

when I click the submit button it does not go to sendemail,asp I have tried adding the full/parstial path infront of the sendemail.asp but no luck

Similarly I have the following code which I have taken an asp file from another project and changed the name accordingly but the image does not show Code:

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Basic Authentication

I'm using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to get a web page using an url with basic authentication (e.g.

Microsoft denied basic authentication within Internet Explorer URL (see KB 834489) so I'm unable to get the page contents.The client-side workaround is to change some registry settings (see, anybody can help me with a different solution ?

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Basic Chat

How to create a basic chat?

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Another Basic SQL Statement

I've got a field in my database called notes, where they of course are leaving notes for certain orders. I'd like to create a page that lists all orders that have notes left in them but I'm having trouble figuring out what sql statement to use. In my words it needs to say "select everything from the table where notes does not equal null"

I guess I just don't really know what to put for the null part. I'm thinking it'll be somehting like..

SELECT * FROM requests WHERE notes <> ...??? this is what I dont know.

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Basic SQL Statement

i am trying to pull records using a partial name, here's what i have

PlayerName = "'" & "%" & txtFindPlayer.Text & "%" & "'"
this part works fine, for example text is 'ric'

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM EVENT_SCORING_TBL WHERE PLAYER_NAME LIKE " & PlayerName & "")

no record containing 'ric' is found, but the syntax seems to be ok. Am i using the right wildcards? there is definatly an Eric in the database, but it doesnt pull. any suggestions?

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Basic Instructions

I'm having some problems to perform select on sql statements just cause I'm really confuse on how to refer some variable I got by request.querystring or request.form or even inside form variables...sometimes just using "var" others using "&var&" others '%"&var&"%'...

Does anyone have an article link or some tips regarding this kind of issue?

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Setup Basic Authentication

I have setup basic authentication on one of my web sites. For some reason, I get challenged when I navigate to some of the ASP's within the website. I have checked all the pages and made sure they all have authorisation set to a specific group.

What can be causing this?

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Basic Global.asa Thingy

I have login-page where i set the column LoggedIn = 'Y' when a user logs
in, i was wondering if you guys could help me set up my global.asa so
correctly so it sets LoggedIn='N' when Session("UserID") times out.
what is needed besides:

set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") connstr
sql="update users set loggedin='N' where userid="&session("userid")
set conn=nothing

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Create A Basic Forum

Could somebody please outline the steps needed to create a (very)basic forum from scratch?
ie. the pages that are definetely the sign-up and log-in pages... and a very basic admin page.. also, the structure of the database?

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ASP - Basic Security For Back-end...?

I have a ASP site. Very basic, few pages, 2 includes. There is no user input from the site, no fields they can insert SQL statements.

I also have a login where the Admin can add/edit/remove news items, which are stored in a DB. What are the security issues linked with these?

My login isn't querying the database, but should I use the sha() function to encrypt the pass? Although it's just 1 user adding to the system, should I "clean" up the input(add news/edit news) before it's stored in the Access DB?

Should I restrict IPs solely to those within the building they use?

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ASP And Visual Basic Interview

ASP And Visual Basic Interview questions and answers
I have listed over 100 ASP and Visual Basic interview questions and
answers in my website

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I would like to know the Pros and cons for using ASP VS Visual Basic for intranet, in terms of time development and customization. The project that we will use it is a basic Information Management System.That could be used for offline and online using IIS and MYSQL.

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Asp Doc, Login Twice With Basic Authentication

I have a secure site and created an asp page to create a word doc header and footer, when a user goes to the page they get prompted to login then when they click on open they get prompted to login again.

Im guessing its something with the basic authentication and the header footer files being in different locations.

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Visual Basic Program

I know we can write ASP with VB Script. Some people told me the big ASP
projects usually use Visual Basic for the business logic. Is that the case?
What I mean is an ASP project is the combination of server-side ASP code and
Visual Basic components (.cls)

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Basic CDONTS Question

objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

How do I know whether the "Send" command from a CDONTS object actually was

Is there a status variable that can be checked? Or a log file that can be
written to?

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Login Using Basic Authentification

I need some simple component (COM+ or just DLL) source to perform Basic
Authentification for ASP solution.

Short explanation what I mean:

In non secure area I've a form with fields Login name and password. After
pressing submit button that component has to redirect to page in secure area
(https://) and perform NT Basic authentification [ or redirect to another
page saying about failing).

That has to be replacement of that standard 'green pop-up' asking to enter
loginname and password.

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Basic Contact Form

i have a basic contact form on a website and im trying get an asp script to send an email off to the sites sales people.

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Basic Search Engine

I have a static website. I put up for a friend using a few dynamic classic ASP scripts.
How do i incorporate a search engine on the static website ?Are there any ways of doing so, without using google ?

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