Basic Error Checking Within ASP In A Form

how to create a form that would handle basic error checking within the ASP itself?

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Error Checking A Form

i'm making a forum, and previously i was submitting the form to an asp file, which would check for errors -- if there were errors, it would redirect back to the form with error messages to be displayed -- if it was error free, the message would be written to a txt file.

but then i wanted to put in a preview message page, and so error checking and passing values between the three pages is becoming tricky. so i'm at the point where i'm starting to use javascript to error-check, which works fine for making sure the input is good, but i don't know a good way to notify the user that there are errors with javascript. alert messages are unprofessional, and i can't just add text to the page using javascript.

i'd prefer to use only asp, and i'd prefer it if i didn't have to use an extra asp page JUST to error-check. as it is now i have these pages involved in adding a new subject:

post subject (has the form for the subject and message; the user can click either post message, which will directly write the message, or preview message, which will bring them to a page which displays the post as it would appear once written)

preview message (regardless of what the user clicks, it would come here first to do error checking, and depending on what the user clicked it would either redirect to the page which writes the subject, or display the message;

the problem is, if there are errors with the form, i need to point the user back to post subject without losing whatever info they have already entered. the only way i know how to do that is by submitting a form [i can't use a querystring because it won't maintain the message if the user entered multiple lines in the message])

add subject (this does the backend writing of the message, and is only accessed if the fields have made it through the error-checking)

any solutions in mind on how to pass the field values between these three pages?? or is there a better way i can do error checking??

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Basic Contact Form

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ASP.NET Exporting To Excel - Basic Error

The code below (partial) should export a file as Excel when the button near the bottom is clicked. The example I pulled the concept from uses a GridView for binding. I don't need to display it, just export it, so I created ExcelGrid visible=false at the bottom. The Response.Write(strQuery); is never getting executed. I get:

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Control 'ExcelGrid' of type 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

I'm almost positive (from what you see below) that my ExcelGrid is inside the form tag, which contains the runat=server.

Any ideas? It works when you pull that code and just run the rest of the form so the runat=server is working for all of the other controls! Code:

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Form Checking With Reg Exp

The script is designed as a form validator which checks fields for various criteria and then sends a mail with the form contents. Since 40 different forms will be plugged into this script, there needed to be complete seperation between the two.

I've managed it so far by checking for required fields by putting the word 'required' into the name of the field. The script then sources out any fields which has this text and checks them to see if they are filled out.

The problem I've come across now is that I need to check for field length. My idea was to put the amount of characters needed into the name of the field in the form and then have the script check with a Reg Exp. However, Im not too sure of the regular expression needed to check for this.

Can someone suggest one? The one I have at the moment is [1-14] but say I had a field like this: <input type="text" name="passwordrequired12"> That would match bout for 1 and 12. Any ideas?

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Now of course, the IP can be as large as 4 groups of 3 numbers, so I can't check string length. how would I check this and validate it on my asp processing page?

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I thought this would be rtight, but doesn't seem to work

If rsTeddyCheck = Request.Form("PersonalID") then
response.redirect ("Error.asp")
End If

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Checking For Nothing Entered In An Asp Form Post

How do you check for a empty value from a form?

lservice = request.form("pservice")

if not isnull(lservice) then <== this doesnt work.
tried "" empty string and it still didnt work.

I'm having problems with the fact the user didnt enter anything. The field is optional.

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ASP Error Checking ...

I am writing a script that lets me brows the contents of a web server. The problem is the account that is running ASP does not have permissions to every folder. Don't ask me why ... I have no idea but it can't be changed.

What I would like to do is perform a check for:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046':Permission denied

And if this happens display an error message saying they do not have permission to view this directory. Code:

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Error Checking Fix

How to re-write this so it can error check for each individual field. Username, email, password etc.

This is written and validates if the user already has an account in the Database. then it returns the messaage below. But I would like to indentify if it is the username that exist or the email or password. Code:

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Error Checking

why this string fails to check if a user does not enter any data in a field?

' Declaring variables
Dim make, model, description, price, data_source, con, sql_insert
' A Function to check if a field is empty
Function ChkString(string)
If string = "" Then string = " "
ChkString = Replace(string, "'", "''")
End Function

' Receiving values from form
make = ChkString(Request.Form("Make"))
model = ChkString(Request.Form("Model")) and so on and so forth...

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Error Checking

what would be the best way to error check a page after I clicked submit but before I go on. Example:

I have a page that dynamically puts text boxes & lists on a page depending upon which button I click on the main menu. What I want to do is check the text boxes for correct values (most likely before I go to the next page which is the Update page). But since I am dynamically creating the page & text boxes I don't know what the names are... I am doing the dynamic page through server side script.

This means that almost all my variables names and anything associated with the dynamic page are in the Server Side script and can't be reached by Client Side script. ok long story short which is best to error check a dynamic page before updating the info on that page. Server Side | Client Side script?

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Checking Error Code

I'm setting up a simple competition entry system in ASP where users can enter their name and email address to be added into a prize draw. It's pretty simple stuff, with the data being added into an Access DB table.I've created an index on the 'email' field to stop the same person entering more than once (unless they have more than one address, but let's pretend that's never the case ).Instead of doing a SELECT query to find whether they've entered before, I simply want to attempt to INSERT the data into the table, and if it returns an error along the lines of "no duplicate values in the index" it would give the user an error.My question is, is it possible to display a user-friendly version of the standard ugly ASP generated error message when this error is detected? Or am I stuck with the incredibly unattractive error message we're used to?

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Error Checking In ASP Code

In Kevin Yank's book, he shows how to put in error checking at various stages of working with a database: connecting, querying, etc. I presume the same general principles apply to ASP/SQLServer but I don't know the code. Can someone tell me at what stages I should be checking for errors and some generic code that I could use at each stage?

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Form Validation(checking For Digits And Blank Spaces)

i have a form for users to enter their name password and e-mail,i am currently using javascript to check that all details have been filled,

alert("Plz enter a first name")
return false

This works if the field is left blank however if the user enters numbers(1,2) or spaces i.e.(" ") how do i deal with these,i also need to check that the e-mail contains "@" and "."

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Error-checking And Query-results After Execute

After commands like:

tmpDBconn.Execute("DELETE * FROM mytable WHERE rc_id = 10" )
How do I check for errors?
Is there a way to check the results?


Set rsCatCount = tmpDBconn.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cat WHERE key_id = 10 AND cat_id = 6")

How do I get the count? Do I use rsCatCount(0)?

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Basic Authentication

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Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET","",false
strXML = http.responseText

The real server is password protected with, I think, with basic
authentication. How do I pass it the username and password.

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Basic ASP Problem

This is ALL the code that i have..

response.write("This is a test")

the file is saved as test.asp

I have uploaded it, and when i run it, I get the code being displayed ie.
response.write("This is a test")

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<!--#include file="../Connections/Publishing.asp" -->
<% If Request("Submit") <> "" Then %>

set Command1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Command1.ActiveConnection = MM_Publishing_STRING
Command1.CommandText = "UPDATE Test SET Value = Paul WHERE ID = 2 "
Command1.CommandType = 1
Command1.CommandTimeout = 0
Command1.Prepared = true

<% End If %>

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Visual Basic

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Or can people even suggest free source code sites for VB. I can search for them there. Planet-source-code had an AMAZING app, but it wanted an ocx file which I obviously didn't have.

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Basic Question

I have two simple problems which I think are related(?) I have a form with the folowing code:

<form method="post" action="sendemail.asp">
<input name="submit" type="button" value="SUBMIT">

when I click the submit button it does not go to sendemail,asp I have tried adding the full/parstial path infront of the sendemail.asp but no luck

Similarly I have the following code which I have taken an asp file from another project and changed the name accordingly but the image does not show Code:

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Basic Authentication

I'm using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to get a web page using an url with basic authentication (e.g.

Microsoft denied basic authentication within Internet Explorer URL (see KB 834489) so I'm unable to get the page contents.The client-side workaround is to change some registry settings (see, anybody can help me with a different solution ?

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Another Basic SQL Statement

I've got a field in my database called notes, where they of course are leaving notes for certain orders. I'd like to create a page that lists all orders that have notes left in them but I'm having trouble figuring out what sql statement to use. In my words it needs to say "select everything from the table where notes does not equal null"

I guess I just don't really know what to put for the null part. I'm thinking it'll be somehting like..

SELECT * FROM requests WHERE notes <> ...??? this is what I dont know.

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Basic SQL Statement

i am trying to pull records using a partial name, here's what i have

PlayerName = "'" & "%" & txtFindPlayer.Text & "%" & "'"
this part works fine, for example text is 'ric'

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM EVENT_SCORING_TBL WHERE PLAYER_NAME LIKE " & PlayerName & "")

no record containing 'ric' is found, but the syntax seems to be ok. Am i using the right wildcards? there is definatly an Eric in the database, but it doesnt pull. any suggestions?

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