Binary Access Read/Write In ASP

Im writing a web interface for a CRM product which has the ability to store files within a database... Now, the problem is, these files are binary files, and VBScript doesn't have support for binary files (as far as i know...)...

To overcome this i wrote a component (ActiveX DLL) in VB6. This component works fine, but as soon as i use it in ASP, my computer beeps and then sits there looking like it's doing something forever...

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Binary Read?

Does anyone know of a "pure ASP" upload script that does not use the binary read? I am sure many people are looking for this as you cannot use the binary and request.form in the same script. I am trying to integrate a file upload into an already built script using request.form.

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Using Binary Write

I am having trouble trying to output an image using Binary.Write. I have a page which displays a record. One of the fields is an image and I want to display this on the page.

My question is this: Is it possible to use the Binary write command i.e. Binary.Write("MyDatabaseField") on the same page that I want the image displayed on?

If not Is there a way to nest it inside an image tag as follows:

Response.Write("<img src=" & binaryWrite("mydatabasefield" & ">")

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Binary Write

I'm having problems with a simple binary write. The page is just supposed to write a JPEG back to the browser but the image does not display (the "X" image shows).

Any help is appreciated. Here's the full code:

Response.Expires = 0
Response.Buffer = TRUE
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fl = fso.GetFile("c:afterWF.jpg")
Response.BinaryWrite fl

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Read Binary Data

I write the code as follows. But I cannot print the binary data as meaningful data format. any idea?

Response.Buffer = True
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Type = adTypeBinary

response.binarywrite rs("abc")

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Read Binary File As Hex

I'm using ASP to generate an RTF (rich text) file, via the FSO. No problems with text, but when it comes to inserting images, the files have to be embedded as either binary or hex.

Try as I might, I can't get binary to work (Word b0rks trying to open the resulting file). When I create a simple RTF in Wordpad and then view its source, Wordpad seems to be embedding the image as hex. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I could read an image file off the disk in hex format for writing into my RTF?

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Failed To Read Binary Data.

DXUpload.Form.1 Error '80020009'

Failed to read binary data.

/backoffice/album/album_save.asp, Line 29

29: Set objUpload = Server.CreateObject("DXUpload.Form")
lAction = objUpload( "ACTION" )
lAction = request( "ACTION" )
End If


here's my code... I can't see why this error occured...

any advice to sort it out?

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Convert Binary Read PHP Code To ASP

Can anyone help me convert the following php code to its asp equivalent? Code:

if(file_exists($file) && ($ext==".mp3"))
header("Content-Type: audio/mpeg3");

// open for binary read
$fh = fopen($file, "rb");

while (!feof($fh)) {
print (fread($fh, 10000));//filesize($file)));
print("ERORR: The file does not exist");

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Trying To Write To A Binary File

When I run an asp script, I can view the contents on the screen in pdf format. But instead of displaying the information to the screen, I want to be able to save the same information into a binary file with a pdf extension.
Does anybody know how to do that?

I have listed the coded that writes it to the screen, but now want to be able to write the information into a file ....

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Write Data To Binary File

I have one EXE file that customer need to download from my website. But I
have one text file of Max 250 bytes of text in in that I want to append to
the END of the Binary EXE file and give that for download to user. How can I
do that. Please suggest. I think we need to go for some BinaryWrite kind of
procedure using ADO Stream.

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Read Binary Record From Database With ADODB.Stream

I wanna read binary data from database with ADODB.Stream object. So I wrote code..

query = "SELECT * FROM Categories"
adoDB.DefaultDatabase = "Northwind"

adoRs.Open query, adoDB, 1

Set rec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Record")

'read [Picture] column.
rec = adoRs(3)

And the 'rec' TypeName() is 'Byte()'

But I can't get it to ADODB.Stream. How Can I do? Or Can I read binary column to another way?

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JPG Stored As Long Binary In Database: How To Write Output As Image In Asp?

For a while I am working with ThumbsPlus ( ) as manager for pics.
The benefit of the program is that it stores all kind of information in a central Microsoft Database that easily can be manipulated. A thumbnail of the picture is also stored in de MDB as long binary (jpeg format)

I made a small script that extracts all kind of information of the MDB by use of queries and ASP. This works perfect for string/numerical information.

I am wondering if I can also write the stored (jpg)thumbnail to the asp file so that I have a preview of my picture.

Can this be done? What is the syntax?

I tried already:

Response.BinaryWrite BinData

Where BinData is the contents of the Thumbnail field. When I take a look at the MDB table in design view, the DataType of this field is "OLE object", if I open the table, the contents of the field displays "long binary data".....

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Write And Read From Textfile

Alright im tryin 2 write 2 a text file and then read from tat text file on the same page is this possible this is what i got so far. Code:

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ASP Read/Write .TXT Files

How can I use ASP to both read and write to a TXT file?

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Write/read Txt Files

I need to do something very basic in asp. What I want to do is have one page that has a text box, and a button... the user can type whatever in the text box, and click submit, and it will create a txt file. Every time the button is pushed it overwites the file...

Then on a seperate page, whenever the page is loaded, it reads from the file and posts it on the page..I think this is very basic, but I'm very new.... I need to write it in standard ASP. One other thing that would be helpful is to have a limit on the amount that the text box will hold.

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Can't Read Or Write To A Page

I've just re-installed my PC with IIS (WinXP w/ service pack2) and now when I try to access or write data to any .asp site locally I get this error.

'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use '(unknown)'; file already in use.

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Read / Write Ini Files

im making a proj. that would read ini or txt files.. and would display the content of that file in a combo box..


im currently using this "<!--#include virtual="//path/filename.ini"-->" but the problem is, it would display all the text on that file..

is it possible to retrieve the content and display it in a combo box per line?

line 1 : aaa = list.index(0)
line 2 : bbb = list.index(1)
line 3 : ccc = list.index(2)

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How To Read/write To Csv From Web Page

I have a csv file that has 2 columns - Name and Team. I want to display both of these on a page in seperate dropdown boxes..Ideally I would then like to have an option where the user of the page can click a button to change which team an employee is a part off, in effect overwriting that line of data but not deleting everything else in the file

The code below lets me see each column from the csv file on a page in a separate dropdown box but I don't think I have the logic right to do what I need..I've checked Google and w3schools but I must not be searching for the correct thing as I can't find a way to do this... Code:

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Read/Write Connection Gone AWOL

I was working on my site yesterday -builiding on laptop -and was able to add/edit data to my database fine.

Today i get "Operation must use an updateable query."

I've checked the lit. and it seems the most likely explanation is that the folder or the DB has read only permission set.
So i checked out this in IIS and it seems everything is OK - i enclose pics of the setup -

I can't see what else is causing this.

I made a cut down page just to test the query and the same problem is occuring. I even rebuilt the database - access - just in case it was a corruption of some kind but nothing seems to work. I can retrieve data no problem just can't write or edit.

I've enclosed the code that i have used as a test just in case i'm missing something. Code:

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Read/write DBase IV Files

I've got to learn how to read/write dBase IV files fast. Please provide a good quick start / tutorial and / or some good links here.

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Read/Write To A Text File In ASP

I am working on a safetywear deduction system and i need to perform the following functions: write to a text file and read from a test file and wrute to a table in the database. I need code to write and read to a text file in asp please.

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Read And Write To Excel And Word On Client

I'm converting a VB6/SQL Server application to a web application. I need to
read data to and from Excel and Word. I'm not allowed to install Excel and
Word on the server, only on the client. Is there a way to use client side
scripts to read from and write to Excel/Word files?

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Read And Write Datas Into Excel(.csv) File

how can i read the datas in specific columns and rows from excel(.csv) file and then use that datas to calculate the min(example) and write the results into the same excel(.csv) file.

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Calling All Robots On Read/write Permissions

i need to set read/write persmissions on an Access DB, can access IIS folder permissions -> not alleviating issues can't access explorer security -> why is this? ad infinitum require UPDATE operation on access DB, this erroring out with : Operation must use an updateable query.

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Binary Read With Request.form("var")

I am passing file through aspSmartUpload by using input file form control in my form. But I cannot use Request.Form("Variable") command in my called asp. And it says you cannot use it during or after binary read. I guess aspsmartupload my have resolution for its problem.

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Read Data In An Excel File And Than Write It In The Format Of XML?

How can I use ASP to read data in an Excel file and than write it in the format of XML?

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How To Read An SQL Server Into A ASP Page And Then Change, Add, Delete And Write It Back To SQL Server

I need to read a SQL Server table into a Web Page and within the Web
Page to permit my users to make changes to the records, delete or add
new records and then save the entire contents back to the SQL Server
table back.

The functionality I am looking is almost the same as In the SQL
Enterprise Manager whereby I can choose a table open the table and
then return all rows and I can maintain the same and save it back to
the SQL Server table. I want almost a similar web interface to such a

Even if not a generic functionality as the SQL Enterprise Manager
table maintenance appreciate if somebody can share the code with a
sample how I can do it in ASP pages + T-SQL if need be.

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MS Access DB Read-only

how to modify this script to make the connection to the MS Access database read only, so that writing to the database directory is no more necessary (currently, I have to give IUSR write permissions so that the .LDB file can be created... but I don't need that because I want the database to be read only, and I don't want to grant write permission to IUSR).Code:
cst = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" &_
"Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("/database/riviste.mdb")
set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Mode = 1 cst
strSQL="SELECT * FROM riviste ORDER BY Titolo"
set rs=conn.execute(strSQL)

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Read Ms Access Database

I need to be able to find a record by a unique code from a ms access database,take the value of the price field in that record,then store the value in a JavaScript variable.
These variables are being used for calculations.

So can I change the hard coded JavaScript code
var price1=(229); // 229 being $229 the price for item1

var price1=(item1); // item1 = 229 - value read from database and stored in variable price1.

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Read Excel File With Asp And Stored It In Access Db

Anyone know how to read excel file with ASP and stored it in database?

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Error: Access Database Or Object Is Read Only

I have an asp app that connects to an Access database. It works properly at my work on XP with IIS5.1 running.

I zipped up the asp pages and the Access database and emailed it to my home, which is XP and runs IIS5.1. When I recreate my work environmnet at home and try to update the database I get the following error when the code hits my AddNew method.

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.

I've tried going into Access/Security/Tools/User and Group Permissions and setting all the tables to be able to update. I've even created new ODBC drivers, but neither has worked. The database is not set to read-only.

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Is it possible to write from FLASH SFW file to ACCESS via ASP as they write to MySQL via PHP ?

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Allowing Write Access Without Using IUSR

Is there any other way to write files to a directory than allowing the
IUSR write access. We have a website that will be writing XML files and
Label files to a directory outside of our website directory but I am
hesitant to give the generic IUSR account write access to anything and
wondered if we could asign a different account or if there was some
sort of ASP script we could use. These files will be created based on a
received XML string (used for label generation) then saved to the
server for archiving and/or recreation of the labels.

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