Binding 2 Text Fields On An Online Form

I am trying to bind/link 2 text fields on my online form.

So they both should show the exact same text entered in them.

When text is entered in one of them I want to see it in the other text box and vice versa and when text is deleted from one of the boxes it should also be deleted from the other one aswell.

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Form Submission With Same Text Fields

I have 3 fields in my form and one of them called ID with multiple text fields e.g (there are 10 text fields for ID) and when you submit the form all the 10 ID's should be submitted to the DB for that particular record with a single space inbetween the 10 ID's. Can any one tell me how this is possible.

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Form Including File And Text Fields

i want create a form that include many text boxes and an fiel field for upload a file to server but when i add "enctype="multipart/form-data" in the form tag i cant get the texts . how can i do a form working with file upload and text fields.

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Online Calculator Form

I need to design a form that does pre-retirement calculations and which I could post on my company website.I'm really not well versed at all with this language so my question is this:

1) Is this a type of calculator I can design myself? If not, what avenues do I have available?
2) If yes, what type of software/freeware is available?I only have MS Info Path on my PC, not really sure if this would be useful
3) What is the easiest way to develop such a form? asp alternatives?
4) The Form is not going to be pulling data from any back end source.Individuals will manually enter their own numbers,this data will not be saved anywhere,users will be able to get a rough idea of their retirement benefits.

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Online Form Solution

I manage one of our company's intranet sites. We're using RoboInfo software. I basically just publish documentation for our users. I want to add online forms to my pages so they can be filled in and I can receive in my inbox. I am looking at the best solution. I did have a basic html form online using POST, but the user gets those annoying popup warnings (one from IE, one from Outlook).

I wanted to create a php form, but my IT department says they can't install php on the server. Now I'm looking at an ASP form, which should work on the server. I've found scripts here that seem simple enough to set up. Do I need to know the smpt and port # to get an ASP form working? Anyway I can determine the smpt without contacting IT (they probably wouldn't tell me!). Any other solutions I can look at in creating online forms?

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Dynamic Online Logging Form

Basically i want to pull a record from a table and based on a few records build a input form.

The idea: I want to be able to design a online logging form, using 4 fields in the table inc_label, inc_group, inc_required and inc_type.

Inc_Label is the name of the item.
Inc_Group is the name of the Group.
Inc_Requried is if the item is required.
Inc_Type is the item type.


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Convert Email (online Form) To Fax

has anybody implemented the functionality for users to fax an online form instead of emailing? Do I need to go through a third party (software or company) to get it faxed or is there some code out there which can do the conversion?

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Creating An Online Applicaiton Form

I run a small finance company and would like to add an online application form that potential customers could fill in.

at present all they do is email me asking for a loan, but if i could create some sort of form where they enter their details in each box, then click submit i think this would look alot more professional. Does anyone know of any tutorials or anything that may be able to help me along my way?

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Binding Treeview In Datagrid

We have a Datagrid and we are using third party tool treeview control. it's like we have to add treeview control in the datagrid dynamically, such that each cell will have a tree structure then we have to populate the data from the database according to the id.

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Binding Data To A Textbox

I've got an application that has users select from a dropdownlist. I want to run a query based on their selection to populate a textbox.

I'm not having any luck sending the results of the query to the textbox. I can bind the result to a datagrid or even another dropdownlist but not to a textbox.

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Updating Multiple Records Via Online Form

I have a database generated form that I would like users to be able to update by selecting a checkbox. Say the page displayed has six records on it and the user wants to delete one or more of the records. They would click the checkbox and hit a "delete" button.

Then the database would be updated and the user redirected back to the page that would now show all the records that weren't deleted. Sort of like Yahoo mail, you get a list of all the bulk mail, select the ones that you want to delete, hit a delete button, and the page is updated to show what e-mail is left. How do I do this using ASP?

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Splitting Text Fields

I am about to show a text field from SQL7.0 database, but need to display x number of images spread out amongst the text!! Basically similar to how display news articles....

I am wondering the best way to do this...

I was considering splitting the text into variables and then to display these sections next to the images.

Anyone else done this?

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Disabling Text Fields

i have a form that has a multiple fields,when a user chooses an option from option seleect then it should disable some part of the form and i have no idea how to do that.

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Converting Text Fields

Using ASP,VB Script,Access 2000. I have a macro which imports Fox Pro 2.6 databases into Access on a daily basis and then these tables are uploaded to the website.

When the tables are imported the fields which store numerical values with 2 decimal places are converted to text fields and it drops any zeros after the decimal point (e.g 124.40 becomes 124.4 and 110.00 becomes 100).

I am querying these new tables in my ASP pages but I want to convert these text fields back into numerical values with two decimal places. This is so that product price list on my page is all formatted the same. Is there a function I can use in my SQL statement to achieve this, or will I have to run a macro which re-designs the tables before I upload them to my website?

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Numbers And Text Fields

I have a form where you input year (number) and a Ref (number) and a section (char) and then submit to output a record, i added an if with a messageto prevent the eof and bof , and it is working if i inputed wrong numbers, but if i input text in the year or the ref, he will give the following message, how to prevent users from entering text into numbers fields, because in the database they are numbers, or what else could i do.

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
/iri_site/Importer/auth.asp, line 27

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How Can I Have My Page Email A Csv File Created From An Online Form?

My company needs an online form that user's can enter information into and once submitted, will dump the user-supplied info into a csv file and email it to the person who heads up the project. Initially, I thought they wanted the form to save the data to a database, and after playing all weekend, I was able to do that. Today I learned that they prefer the emailing a csv file method instead. Any links to tutorials on this subject or sample code with explanation would be greatly appreciated!

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Binding Textfield To Drop Down List

How to bind a drop down list to a textfield??? I want the textfield value to change for every different option selected in the drop down list.

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ASP Repeating Form Fields In An Email Form

Would anyone be able to give some guideance in ASP code as to how I would repeat a section of input fields in a form based upon the number of guests that are attending an event?

Basically, what needs to happen is if 3 guests are attending, I need the Name, address, city, state fields to repeat so they can be filled in with information.

Then all of the information from the whole form is submitted which returns an email to the administrator of the event.

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Single Quotes In Text Fields

I have an events calendar on my site, allowing local people to post events there. Two problems have come up:1. In the details section, people will naturally want to include apostrophes (single quotes) from time to time. This fails, because VBScript sees them as delimiters. Is there any form of quote marks I can use to make sure this doesn't happen?

2. The same field is defined in the Access db as Memo, which normally gives up to 64K of text, as opposed to Text, which only allows 255. Despite this, text over 255 is ignored, leading to the text being truncated.

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How To Create Multiple Text Fields

How to create multiple text fields and will be submit when press a "enter key" ...

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Hide/Show Text Fields

I have a form that has a drop-down select box which is linked to a database table, and also tow text fields. I would like to show or hide text fields according to the value selected in the select-box without refreshing the page.

If I select TEST from the select box I want to show the RESULT field and hide OTHER field . If I select anything else I want to show the OTHER field and hide RESULT field. I'm interesting code in ASP and PHP.

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Breaking Text Up Over Multiple Fields

Is there any way that I can break up text in a text field to spread across multiple fields in an access database? I've got a FAQ section that I want admins to be able to edit via an online interface. Unfortunately, it often doesn't fit into the 255 character restriction that access has. Any ideas?

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Populating Text Fields Based On Drop Down Box Selection

I am working on a small application for senior users, so I want to limit the option for incorrect input whatsoever. I have a drop down box that is populated from a query and I want to make it so that when an option is selected, the pertinent text fields are populated based on the selection.

All the info I need is already being extracted from the query so its just a matter of displaying the right info based on the selection. I have been looking for examples of code but they all seem to use javascript. I am not too strong in javascript so I kinda avoided those. if there is a pure asp example, that would be fine!

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Accessing Text Or Large Varchar Fields In SQL Server

I have read that there can be a periodic problem when reading large varchar or text fields from SQL server (or memo fields from Access)--they can sometimes come up as empty strings.

What I have been unable to find out is whether this problem is still around in recent versions of MDAC (>= 2.8). Does anyone know whether this problem still occurs--is it still necessary to follow the steps in that aspfaq article?

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Form Fields

I have an asp page which has a number of form fields on it (about 50). 2/3rds of these fields are used to store username (windows username) and date (todays date). I want these fields to be locked so the user cannot enter any info into them. The infor will be grabbed from the current user and the current date.

However, I only want these fields to be populated only when the left most field is changed. Once the fields have been populated the username and date fields will change with however is logged in and the new date.

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Form Fields

I have a form that will be filled out by users, what I would like to do is when the user selects a state from a dropdown list i want to have the City field show select options based on their state. I know this can be done but I dont remember how.

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Form Fields To 1 Variable

I need to loop through all submitted form fields and place them all into 1 variable but i have no idea how. Here's what I have so far:

for each item in request.form

myVariable = "formfieldname:" & item & "formfieldvalue:" & request(item)

The problem with that is that response.write(myVariable) only prints the last field in the form.

I know that if I move the response.write(myVariable) INSIDE of the loop it will print correctly but I am not trying to print the form fields BUT I AM TRYING to store them in ONE variable.

For example:

myVariable = formfield1name:formfield1value:formfield2name:formfield2value:formfield3name:f ormfield3value:ETC ETC

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Not Getting Form Fields Thru ASP (CDOSYS)

Code to email form data via ASP. Forced to use CDOSYS by 2003 server at host. It sends an email fine, but the form data is missing. Where my going wrong? Could it be the html file's form actuating the .asp file? Could it be an enctype issue? Or bad ASP syntax... Code:

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Bunch Of Form Fields

Can someone tell me how I can take a bunch of form fields using Request.Form, and put them in a array. And then, how do I send that in and INSERT sql.

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Insert Form Fields

I have about 30 names of workers (and their IDs in hidden fields, that depend on their departments) in one form, beside them there is one dropdown list for each worker, with same items. I want to select item from dropdown list for each worker, that will write item ID in another hidden field... and then I want to submit worker's ID, ID from dropdown list etc....into another .asp page and sql db.
If I use next way :
FOR EACH name IN Request.Form
I get only values of IDs from dropdown lists. But I need workers' IDs, too.

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How To Send All Fields Of A Form Without Specifying Each One

how can I send the whole form using the script below, without listing every NAME of the form. Basically I wondered if you can just put a certain code in that will send all the fields of the form without putting each NAME of the fields down indiv individualy??

My forms Name is 'conf', so I was wondering if there was a code like SENDWHOLEFORM="conf", (I know it obviously won't be that, but just to put the point across!)

DIM strNAME, Mailer
strFirstName = Upload.Form("NAME")

Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")

JMail.ServerAddress = ""
JMail.AddRecipient ""
JMail.Sender = ""
JMail.Subject = "Submitted Item to sell"
JMail.Body = "Name: " & strNAME

Set JMail= Nothing

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How To Loop Through More Form Fields?

I have about 30 worker names (and their IDs in hidden fields) in one form, beside each worker I have a dropdown list with same items. When I select an item from dropdown list its ID is written in another hidden field. I want to submit values from hidden fields into another .asp page and sql db. If I use :

FOR EACH name IN Request.Form

I get only values from dropdown lists IDs. how to loop through all fields and get IDs of workers, too.

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Dislpaying SQL Fields In A Form

I have the following asp code:

response.write "<td align=left colspan=2 class=text>" & _
"<input type=text name=ProjectDescription STYLE='width:465px' value=' " & ProjectDescription &" '>" & _

The problem I have is when ProjectDescription contains a ' the data gets truncated. How can I resolve this.

i.e. ProjectDescription=doesn't

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