Breaking Out Of Frames

I need to break out of the frames in the following line, or a line that does a similar thing:

Response.Write("<meta http-equiv=""Refresh"" content=""2; URL=http://localhost/MyWeb/Loanerz.asp"">")

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Breaking Into .net

Im new to ASP.NET as well as classical asp. To become strong in .NET, should i learn vb verywell (because im relatively new to it but it doesnt look that foreign working with vbscript) or the .net framework such as classes and server controls?

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Breaking Up A String

I am wondering if any body can guide me on how to break up a string so that i can use the first letter as a querystring.

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Breaking While Loop

How can i break out from a while loop or for loop in vbscript.

in jscript we can use break etc..

in vbscript how can i do it. can i go to statment.

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Breaking Down String

I have a string of text which I have managed to seperate with commas

e.g. test,test1,test2,test3,test4

if anyone knew how to split this up into individual words. so i can write them to a databse.I have been stuck on this.

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Line Breaking Off

I am trying to merge 2 strings together from the database to create a meta tag. It comes up as

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="description" content="Looking for Architects in NY? Click here for Architects in New York."><meta name="keywords" content="architect, local, builders, home design, remodelling, construction, Albany County, Albany, Colonie, Saratoga County, Rensselaer County, Troy, Schenectady County, Schenectady, Montgomery County

It works fine, however the the last "> breaks off to the next line which shouldn't be happening. I tried searching for "<br>" and chr(34) (the carriage return),but there's nothing.

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Non-Breaking Space Problem

I have a script that allows you to edit an html page (the html being stored in a database). The problem is that any &nbsp; characters in the html disappear when viewing the page for editing. Is there some way to escape them?

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Having Trouble Breaking Loop

I'm trying to break this loop for 4 different contacts to be inserted into the system.

For new inspections I want to be able to search the DB for the Owner, User, Contractor, and Cert_Recipient for new boilers the certificate will be mailed to the contractor which will be the Cert_recipient first.

then for annual inspections I want to be able to search for Owner, user, and Cert_Recipient for annual inspections I will have to search the DB for either the owner or User as the Cert_Recipient

For some apparent reason I can't stop the search, it keeps going thru the loop. I must be missing something. Code:

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Pages Breaking Out Of Iframes

I would like to prevent a page from breaking out of it's iframe when indexed by a search engine. I would like to use asp (which I am just starting out in) and I know it is somewhere along the lines of "yourframespage.asp?id=pageid".

Can anyone give me a rundown of how I do this exactly because I cannot seem to work out how to do it.

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Session Variables And Cookies Breaking

The login state in my site relies on a combination of session variables and encrypted cookies. Some of my users are reporting that they are being "logged out" by the system - which seems to be related to their cookies being blanked out. I've checked all of the code and now that it's not being overwritten by my ASP.

The weird thing is that my site has two domain names, both pointing to the same pages and directories (no redirect). If this problem is happening to them and they switch to the other domain name and log back into the site, they stay logged in no problem. It also seems to not recur if the person is "logged out" and then logs back into the site on their own.

I had one problem like this in the past, because I had a tracking cookie that was being written on every page, and found that some browsers (don't remember which) had a limit of how many cookies could be written - and when they hit the limit the oldest cookie was tossed out. However, I don't have any code doing this now.

Anybody have any ideas what could be going on? Are there any session variable/cookie limits on the server side?

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Function Return Breaking For Loop

Can anyone tell me why the funciton checkCode returning in the middle of the for loop breaks the for loop? ie. If I remove the section:

if checkCode("0011") = 1 then
response.write "<br />Passed submission of user code"
response.write "<br />failed submission of user code"
end if

from the code snippet below, then the code will successfully loop through and print out all the post var fields (there are in fact 4).

If however you leave this in, the function returning seems to break the for loop from continuing through all the other post variables after "user_code" Code:

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Breaking Text Up Over Multiple Fields

Is there any way that I can break up text in a text field to spread across multiple fields in an access database? I've got a FAQ section that I want admins to be able to edit via an online interface. Unfortunately, it often doesn't fit into the 255 character restriction that access has. Any ideas?

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Javascript Form Image Replacement Breaking In ASP Classic

I skinned an LMS (Learning Management System) using CSS and Javascript. The forms were skinned with niceforms.js, the site works perfectly in FF, IE 7 and IE6 but in ASP the javascript doesn't replace the images with the skinned elements. All the javascript functions initialize but the images are not placed in. Code:

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If I have existing code that has a drop down box to select department. This then brings up the Access database based on a field passed from the drop down selection.

How can I get the database to show up without getting rid of the table display from the selection. This way I do not have to go back adn forth for every selection.

Shold I create Frames? How do I do that?

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Using Frames

I want to print a page, with a header(image in another frame).

Is there a way where i can specify what i want printed as a header?

Or can i specify only certain frames to print.

I'll need to do this in the coding because there is other frames on my page as well that i don't want to print.

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Asp And Frames

I am trying to use frames in asp page. Well I am aware that frames are on client side etc.. what I need is following. Let me explain using the main page which have
the frames skeleton :



<FRAMESET ROWS="50%,50%">
<FRAME SRC="which.asp" NAME="which" FRAMEBORDER=0 BORDER=0>



1) on page what.asp i am extracting value from database in a table

2) when any row in what.asp is clicked the value should change in

3) Finally I should be able to submit the whole FRAME.asp when the
update button on what.asp is selected.

Tried to search for examples on the net but unable to find any.

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Asp Frames

I have an ASP programme which calls functions to display a list of tables from an access database



Ive also created the frames page dividing the page into two vertical colums 30% and 60%
Ive created a menu in the left column and when clicked upon want to have just a single table displayed in the right column, how do i do this?

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ASP And Frames

I am having an issue using ASP and frames. I am required to use frames
so NOT using them isn't an option.

Problem: When a user enters the site they goto survey.asp (this is the
frameset page). However when an ASP script redirects to the survey.asp
page I get double frames.

Meaning, that when the user is returned to the page the orgional frames
exsist and then ANOTHER set of frames is set within those!

Any ideas on how to fix this?

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I just wonder what are the implications to use frames to build portal. I've
seen some sites that are quite fast with frames but I just wonder if there
are hidden "costs".

I've tried to use in the past and I run into a lot of problems when I worked
with environment where there were frame and no frames pages.

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Three Frames

I have a page with three frames. One on the top, one on the left and one on the right.I use the frame on the left as a list of selections for the user (ie a menu). When the user makes their selection, the frame on the right shows the relevant page.I want to give the user the option of hiding and showing the frame on the left, by click on a button.My experience with frames, is nil.

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how could display one background image on a web page that is divided into 4 seperate frames.

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ASP In Frames

When I put my asp files in frames and call the frame from browser, I get a message to save the files. The files aren't actually displayed. How can I see the asp files in frames?

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ASP & Frames...?

i have an HTML page (Index.htm) which has 4 frames in it. each frame is a different ASP file.

How can i access one frame from another? is there something like HTML-DOM which i can use with ASP? any other ideas from accessing different frames?

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Hyperlinks And Frames

Say for instance that I have 2 frames and I have code in one. That code is returning information from a database. In that database there are hyperlinks to images. Upon clicking that hyperlink how do I force the image into the other frame?

At present It opens appears to go to a new page, but everything is coded in one ASP page. So I have to click back to select another image? I want to be able see both the database and image so I dont have to go back and forth

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Asp Code And Frames

is it possible to include asp code in a page so that it only executes if frames are used by the browser?

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Pass To Two Frames

I want to pass the value to two frames and two pages after hitting the
submit button If my form I have this:

<form method="get" action="search2.asp" target="fSearch2">

I want to pass crPN to below as well
action="search3.asp" target="fSearch3"

I am having a little problem figuring this out.

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Can I Emulate Frames Somehow?

I can build a nice looking website in HTML, but I have to admit that I don't know a ton of other code beyond that (i.e. ASP, Javascript, PHP, etc. - although thanks to Sitepoint I have incorporated a tell-a-friend and contact form using ASP)

My client currently subscribes to a service for selling his photographs where he uploads his images to a "sales site" that establishes a gallery for him where his clients can select and purchase images online. He would like to incorporate the "branding" from his site (header, background, footer, etc.) around the pages for his image sales site. My first thought was to use frames and to direct the main frame to the sales site pages, however the "padlock" icon in IE that indicates security to users when purchasing disappears because it's just a page within the frameset and he feels that his clients won't be comfortable purchasing from his sales site if they can ensure their online purchase is secure (apparently that padlock icon eliminates a lot of stress for his shoppers).

I then considered using CSS to try to accomplish the same result, but have come to find that IE doesn't support the function of CSS that would allow me to "call" information from a different URL. Code:

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HTML Frames

i have these framesets.Code:

<frameset rows="*" cols="171,*" framespacing="0" frameborder="NO" border="0">
<frame src="index_left.asp" name="leftFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize>
<frame src="home.asp" name="mainFrame">

at index_left.asp there are menus and above the menu table, there is another table for me to display user's name once he/she logs into the system. to see the login page (login.asp), user has to click Login on the left and login page will appear on the right. but after user has logged in, his/her name never appear on the right place unless i refresh the page.

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I have a frameset on domain X in which an ASP-page is loaded from domain Y
into one of the frames. It seems that the ASP-page is not handling any
cooky's. After each load the session-object is empty. When directly opening
the page from domain Y (without the frameset) everything works ok. Does
anyone knows why this is happening en what can be done to make it work?

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Css Buttons With Asp And Frames

on a single webpage i know howto highlight the current button in a css menu with something like an ID in the body or in the li of that page.

I create a website with frames.

how can i highlight the current button the left frame when it shows the page in the rightframe Code:

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Loading Frames

I've got an asp page that is set up in with two frames. The problem in question pertains to the main frame which contains a simple 'response.redirect' line that redirects the visitor to a different location. Other than this line, everything else are tags and no asp-oriented code.

I've tested this on a couple of computers, and it works fine. However, there are a few other computers in my office where the redirect just hangs and doesn't load the redirected page (i.e. the status bar states 'Open' and stays like that)

Is this a problem with using the asp line, or is it a computer setting/browser setting I'm overlooking?

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Changing Frames

My site uses frames.I have a header frame, a menu frame and a main frame. When the page opens, the header frame and the main frame are generic. The main frame has a log-in dialog. Once the user logs in, they are taken to a 'main' page and I want to replace the header and menu frames with other frames .

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No Cache - Frames

I have a frameset with 2 different pages. When a user logs in the page is setup based on that particular user. The problem I have comes when that user logs off (killing his/her session) and someone else logs in one of the fr4ames does not always refresh with the new users info.

The user actually has to right click on it and click on refresh. I am killing session with �Session.Abandon� (this seems to be working). I have the following statements at the top of the page that is not refreshing: Code:

Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"
Response.Expires = -1

Anyone have any idea why the frame is not updating?

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