Bring PROMPT() Information To Next Page

I have an ASP page that contains an A HREF tag. This will load a new page and carry some variables to the new page. What I want is that, whenever a person click the item,the prompt box comes up and ask "why are you not working item." Whatever the person types as the response, I want it to be also carried over to the new page and stored as a variable.

I think that JAVASCRIPT could achieve this, but I do not know how. Can anyone tell me the script that willl accomplish this? The information I have in the page itself is as follows:

<a href="somepage.asp?repp=<%=avariablefromthepage%>&pot=<%=anothervariable%>&wantfix=n" value="no" onClick=''whyNotDone();''>Not Done</a>

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Connecting Dos Prompt To An ASP Page

we are developing a system that we want to connect the Command Prompt to an ASP page simultaneously. like that on VB. can it be possible?

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Prompt To Print Page

Is it possible to prompt the user to print an asp page? For example, in this instance, I have created a job logging and monitoring system. At the completion of the job, I would like the user to be prompted if they want to print the job. If they say yes then the page is printed.

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Passing Information Back To ASP Page From Another Page

I have an application which allow users to search our database. Quite a lot
of search fields pull data from other tables. I don't want to populate the
dropdowns (total 14 of them) from the database everytime as it slow the page

Instead I would like to have a link next to the text field which a
user and click and the choices can be displayed and whatever the user click
in the pop up I want to transfer it to the text box and close the popup.

For example there is a Textbox called country. The user can either type in
the country name or click on the link which will pull all the countries from
table in the database and which ever country user selects, the textbox is
popluated with the country name and the pop up closes automatically. Code:

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Get Information Within A Page

If i have a combo box, automatically when the user changes the item, i want to display information from the database within a textbox, without having to go to the next page.
Currently i only know how to do this by going onto another page.

In VB it was a simple case of calling a procedure, how does it work in ASP? If i need to call a procedure, how would i do this in ASP. The example in w3schools passes the variables, can i do it without it?

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Posting Information To Asp Page

Usually when you post information from a form to another asp page like this:

<form method="post" action="someASPPage.asp">

It will redirect you to 'someASPPage.asp'.

I was wondering if there is a way of posting information from a form to another asp page, but not actually going to that asp page.

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Adding IM Link To An ASP Page From User Information

I have a user based service where each user has their own information, user settings, etc. I want to be able to add tables in my user settings and allow the users to enter in their IM Service (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc) and their screen name/user name.

That is the easy part.

What I do not understand or cannot figure out is how to link this information to the icons for each service they enter that will open up the appropriate service with their correct IM name, etc.

Basically I want to provide a way for my members to IM another member when they pull up that users information, or associated information, etc. Basically I need the script to make the Icon execute the correct IM service if the user clicking on it has the service installed as well. The majority of my members use AIM.

Where can I find information on how to install this kind of script and associate it with the users information and an icon?

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ASP Page Loads Slow When Getting Information From The Access Database

It all seems to work well, but takes a large amount of time for the entire page to load, I guess due to the amount of records that get displayed, or maybe its the repeat region. So, Is there anything I can do in my asp code to speed these things up. Code:

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Hover Over Text To Bring Up Text

I have text - ARI Promise, when I hover over the text I would like a box to appear with the Promise information. It would be several paragraphs that need to be formatted with paragraph and bullets. Is this possible to do? If so how would I go about it?

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Prompt() Into Textbox

How do you get a javascript prompt() box to put whatever you enter into the prompt box into a text box. So for example you would be typing in a textbox and you would want to add a word in bold, so you click the a button, a prompt box appears and then you enter the word you want in bold and then click ok and it adds it into the box where the cursor is within the box with the tags <b> </b> .

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DOS Prompt Bad Command Or File Name

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I called the folder "a"):

egsvr32 GetURL.dll

and the answer was:

Bad command or file name

This is to register the component.

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Login Prompt Always Pops Up

everytime i access my localhost it always prompts me to enter my user name and there a way for me to access my asp page which is mssql database driven with going thru this username and password thingy?

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Determining Command Prompt Error

When I run the following code, i get an error:

80070002 corresponding to line18: (name).

When I copy & paste this command to prompt it works fine. Have tried other simple commands such as ping as they work fine. Any idea what error number could be or how I could output the error the prompt might be giving. Code:

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Basic Authentication No Prompt Login Box

I have a problem with basic authentication. I redirect a user from a page to another.
I don't want to get the NT prompt login, I want the user to be logged in automatically.
I want to send the username/password to the page.

I have read something about cookies and sending username/password through
the header.

With the new Windows Update 832894 it is no longer possible to use

Is there any other way to redirect to another page and pass the username and

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IIS Basic Authentication Login Prompt

IIS raises login dialog box prompt on browser for resources protected using basic authentication. That login prompt gives user 3 attempts to enter correct userid/password. IIS throw 401.1 error if third attempt fails. Does anyone know how to change this number of attempts. Is it possible or impossible to do ?

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XMLHTTP To Prompt File Upload

I am trying to upload a file on my web server to another website using XMLHTTP. My code logs onto the other website automatically and navigates through about 4 pages to the file upload screen.

If I were trying to post regular form data to the site it would work fine, but I have to some how mimic the <input type="file"> box and enctype="multipart/form-data" parameter of the form within the XMLHTTP post. I know I have to turn the file and other form data on my server into a binary stream and send it to the receiving website.

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Auth_user :: Get Username From Windows Showing Prompt Box?

I use auth_user for get username from windows, when I upload that page on server and user open the page that contain this code ,it shows a prompt window and wants username and password ,it's common or it must get automatically from windows?

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Prompt "Save As" Dialog For Image

I'm trying to force save as dialogue using this code in download.asp..but
when it runs it prompts for download.asp to save or open.

code snippet (from

Response.ContentType = "application/x-unknown" ' arbitrary
fn = "wallpaper_1_1.jpg"
Response.write "<br>" & Server.MapPath("wallpaper") & "<br>"
FPath = Server.MapPath("wallpaper") & fn
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=" & fn

Set adoStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
adoStream.Type = 1
Response.BinaryWrite adoStream.Read()
Set adoStream = Nothing

I want this page to prompt save image option, not page itself.

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Password Sessions - Prompt Password Change

I created sessions to authenticate username and password. How can I utilize this same script to alert the user to change password at 3rd login? In other words when a user logs into a site after the 3 or 4th time which ever, they are prompted to change their password. Code:

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Self.print Without Browser Print Prompt

When I use self.print the browser launches the print prompt, then I have to manually press print... DOes anyone know how to get around this.

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Row Information

I have a database page with a table. I am using ASP and MSSQL on a Windows 2003 machine.

When I get the database information displayed in the table, I have something like the following:
The table has a total of 167 row that would be divided into five categories.
How can i get the above table to show:

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Updating The Information

i'm trying to add the data of such client, some of his data have been added already but if i'm going to add or update his data (additional info.) what happened is the data is being added into new row not on the specific client. Code:

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Error Information

I would like to email detailed error information from my website when an
error occurs.
I tried to use "On Error Resume Next" and if an error occurs check the Err
object and the AspError object returned by Server.GetLastError(), but I
didn't get the same amount of details as I can see on the browser's window
if I don't set "On Error Resume Next".
Is there a way to get detailed information from IIS ?

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Status Information

I'm have a page which requires considerable database processing before writing the results to the page. I therefore wish to have a "Please wait message" up on the screen whilst the main page is processed.

I've tried Response.redirect hoping that the previous page will stay until all processing on th main page is complete and id drawn but this is not the case.

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Clear Information

When I submit information i post it to a page and when it’s reloaded it runs as code accordingly if I refresh it re runs the asp because the information is still posted. How do I clear the posted information? Or possibly after it runs the asp code alter a value in the posted information.

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Sending Information In A URL

I would like to have my application send a 'request' to an ASP page on my server. something like:-"Fred"&age="25"

The browser then displays the full URL including the
parameters: name="Fred" and age="25"

Is there any way I can send the parameters without them appearing in the URL.

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Retrieve Information

how can i retrieve information on a form page that once previously submitted by the user so that when the user goes back to that form page it will remember what they inputted instead of having them to retype it again? do i have to use session? can somebody please help me... what would be the easiest and most efficient for a newbie to tackle this problem?

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Update Information

I have an update page, when user changes their info. Click update button then go to the update.asp:Code:

LastName= Request.Form("LastName")
Conn.Execute "Update UserInfo SET UserID='" & UserID & "'

'Send an email to confirm…
'Thanks for updating your information

If I refresh the page, it keep sending email. How can we prevent sending email if he/she keep refreshing the page (do not want to disable the refresh button).

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Secure Information

I've an ASP page in wich the customer write his card number for the payment. How can I make this information secure when it's sent to the server?

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Information Encrypted

I have a login page, which is not in SSL. However, the script that processes this information is. While that information passes to the login page to the page that processes this information, is this information encrypted?

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Hardware Information

I'm trying to make a web site that get user hardware information (processor's id and motherboard's id, one of them at least).there's been already one week and nothing yet.I have 2 servers:

windows 2003 server
windows XP professional
both have wmi and iis

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Information Using SOAP?

I am looking for tutorial and/or help on regards to accessing information using SOAP using ASP. I'm proficient in ASP, but know ver little about SOAP and XML.

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Two Bits Of Information

how do i insert two bits of information (email and emailend) into the one database field "email"?


SQL = "Insert INTO users (uid,pwd,firstname,lastname,email) Values ('" & uid & "','" & pwd & "','" & firstname & "','" &
lastname & "','" & email & "')"

how can you do that?

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