Browser Compatibility In ASP Doesnot Support By Netscafe And Mozilla

i want some points, that is browser compatibility in ASP doesnot support by netscafe and mozilla.

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If The Client Doesnot Support Cookies

i am using cookies and iam confused what will happen if the client browser disables the cookies....

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Browser Compatibility

Does anyone know of a newsgroup or reference where I can determine why certain elements render differently between say, Internet Explorer and Mozilla? Our site has some of the worst HTML I've ever seen and some of it renders terribly. I think I'm finally through repairing all of the "IE Only" CSS tags.

Another problem I'm having is that when I use JavaScript to hide/show a row in a table, it works fine in IE but colspan formatting seems to be lost on Mozilla/Firefox in this scenario. Anyway, I'm really just looking for a decent newsgroup for HTML related problems.

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Browser Compatibility

i want to know how i can make my page suitable with for example netscape and mozilla firefox? now my page just suitable with internet explorer. when i use netscape my page doesnt go well.

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Browser Not Support Cookies?

If application deals with browsers that do not support cookies, then what I will have to use other methods to pass information from one page to another in your application in the ASP.

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File Doesnot Gets Downloaded

I prompt the user to enter a path where he wants to download a particular file but when the user enters the path on which to download the files, the file gets downloaded on the computer on which asp pages are created not on the users computer. So how to download the file on the machine on which the user runs the site.

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CDOSYS Compatibility

If I code automated email sending functionality for website using CDOSYS it will work only for users with Windows 2000/XP. Is it correct?

Or Windows 2000/XP requirement is only related to the server side software and all my users will not have any problems using other systems on their computers?

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ASP Code Compatibility?

Well then, I have a bit of a problem (rather obviously). Okay, for some reason or another, it has been decided that my ASP code, written under a Windows environment, should work under a Linux one on a webserver. Fortunately, said server does have ASP capability in the form of SunONE ASP 3.6.2. The question is, will my ASP code work there, especially given there's a fair old chunk of VB. I mean there's nothing too complicated or fancy, but I'd rather not have to rewrite the code in php (which would require learning php).

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VBScript And Compatibility

How does VBScript work in Netscape and other browsers? Does it work well or is there a required plug-in for netscape for it to work well?

If there is a plug-in is there a way to check to see if they have it and if not point them to the right address to download it from?

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Server Compatibility

i'm using PWS as my server. the problem is does this server compatible with the Session.Contents.Remove? cos i always get an error that this object is not a method or property. i install the VBScripts 5.6 runtime.

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the meaning of the " H010818" which has started appearing in my log files?

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ASP Treeview And Mozilla

This works perfectly on Windows IE 6.x and Mac IE.
However, in order to be cross-platform compatible, I need to make this work
on Mac Safari and Mozilla Firefox. Could someone point out how to fix this
code to make it compatible with those aforementioned browsers?

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Localhost On Mozilla

I try to run localhost on other browser other than IE, in this case i run on FireFox Mozilla.Can anyone tell me why does the browser popup with the security windows where i need to type a Username and password. However, that wouldn't happen if i run on IE. Is there a special setting where IIS can check whether a user run scripts on that type of server on other browsers than IE.

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Session Problem In Mozilla

I have encountered a strange problem. I m making a playlist (asx file dynamically) from database after the user selects a few songs from a checkbox list. The data is stored in a dictionary object and is saved in session variable across pages.

This works totally fine and perfect in IE but in mozilla ff/netscape, the code crashes. Actually, if i don't run the media player(not wrting the content), then code runs fine but if i use response.write to c wht's happening, it doesn't write anything but veiwing on page source, the code actually worked fine.

However, the moment, i provide the contebnt type for media player, it crashes showing error that session variable is empty or some other key error which seems totally irrelevant when running IE.

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Session Objects In Mozilla

I am trying to pass sessions (namely an XML object stored in an ASP session), which work fine in IE, but fail to pass in Mozilla 1.7. Is there a way around this?

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Destroy Session Mozilla

I am using sessions to check if user is logged in or not and on the basis of that i redirect to the main page. For the matter iam using frames and based on condition i change the src. The session gets killed if i use the logoff button provided on the screen or when i close the browser and restart it default property,This works fine in IE.

But when i tried it out in mozilla and other browsers which support tabbed pages i encountered the problem when user closes the tab page directly, since the browser hadnt been closed ( only the tab page ) and if i type the web site address as the session hasnt been destroyed it shows the main page directly bypassing the logon page.

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Tree View In IE And Mozilla Part 1

I am trying to generate a tree view in asp 3,0 using sql server.Whats happening is its not pulling the data from the database i can only see folders and the gifs but not the actual data. Code:

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.SaveToFile Fails In Firefox/Mozilla

I have an upload script that seems to fail in Firefox and Mozilla based browsers when it hits the .SaveToFile Method. It works fine in IE. Is this a documented bug? Is there a work around?

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Carriage Return Does Not Display Properly In Mozilla In A Title Attribute

Am facing a problem when trying to display a carriage return in firefox in a title attribute,i ve tried using VbCr and chr(13) ,in either cases a strange character appears instead of the carriage return. does anyone know about this error. The code looks like this:

titles(iday) = titles(iday) & chr(13) & objRS("event_title")
<a href="javascript:showevent('0<%=links(i)%>')" title=" <%=titles(i)%>"><%=i%></a>

Am not having this strange character when running it on explorer.

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Asp Support

Does anyone know when MS is going to phase out suppport
for ASP (not asp.NET, but classical ASP) in their
operating systems/web servers? For example, they have
already stopped mainstream support for the main tool used
to build ASP pages (Visual Interdev). It is very much
possible that in the days to come , they come up with a
version of IIS which does not support classical ASP.
Does anyone know when that is supposed to happen?

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ASP Support SSL

Can ASP support SSL ?Any tools is required ?Or any things has to be installed on server side ??

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XML DOM Support

I've been trying to write a an RSS feed program in ASP, but I cant find any decent or much reference to a good asp/dom/xml example. I want to be able to read AND write XML to a file system on a server. Does DOM support exists for ASP. I want to have full control over the XML like you can in PHP for example saying Node node = root.childNodes()

and then saying somthign like "for each node get child nodes" and attributes and what ever else I can get. The things I found so far are very limited. Does anyone know of anything like this. I've spent all yesterday and today looking and I still havent made much progress.

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Support ASP Files

How do I enable my server to support ASP files?Am I even posting in the right thread?
I am running windows server 2003.
Could I enable this server to support ASP files?

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How Do I See If My Server Has ASP Support

Like IIS installed on it. Its not my server, so i dont know all about it or exactly what the company is, but i can upload whatever i want onto it. Im a complete beginner, so can anybody give me some sample code to test if it supports asp?

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Customer Support

I have been using ALS for a while, and I want to be able to create my own version, But the only issue I have is being able to track users realtime, ie get what page they are on, how long they have been online, and being able to contact them by throwing a pop-up.

ALS does it but i've tried scoping the coding, but can't find anything.

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Support Updating

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CB3)
Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.
If checkAttemping = FALSE Then
objRst("Ended")= FALSE 'reset old attempT

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Support For OWA On Exchange 5.5

I would like to start using Outlook Web Access on my IIS 5.0 server. It has PHP and MySql on there along with their ISAPI filters. Everything works great. It has the ASP support taken off and I would like to re-add this support back to the server.Where is the ISAPI filter located at on the Server?

I am hoping that this would be the only reason that OWA will not work.

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Multilingual Support

In my ASP page I set the charset to UTF-8

But all the javascript functions included thourgh a .js file does not work. This happens only on IE6.0.28 and works fine on IE5 and IE6.0.26 also. If anyone of you guys have worked on mulitlingual support if u could mail me your ASP page,which uses a charset mail to me.

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Apache Support ASP. Net

Is it possible to configure Apache to work with ASP.Net? If so, how do i do it?otherwise, do i have to use IIS for ASP?

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Object Does Not Support

I have the following code:

<Script LANGUAGE=vbscript RUNAT=Server>

for i =0 to document.form1.elements.count-1

response.write "test"



When it gets to the line for i=0.... the error message pops up stating that Object does not support this Property or Method.

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Make Support ASP

I have Windows 2000 Server. Running IIS 5. I created a ASP file that connects to a database and when i go to view it, It either says that there is a error in the code on like 106.

Which is only an "End If" command, Or it will say that this page needs to be posted on a web server that supports ASP. Well.. I have indexing service running, And I know for a fact that the code in the page is correct because it works on other 2000 server.

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MultiLingual Support

I need to support my web pages both in english and spanish. Is this possible in ASP. Can u please point to some places(websites)/articles which will show that. Or if you have any code Or any leads into it that would be great.

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Please observe the pages below:


Response.Redirect "session2.asp"


Response.Write Session("test")

Those pages does not output any thing if I use IE and If I access the pages
from machines running Windows 2000 Server, XP or Windows NT Server. Opera
outputs as per session variables name.

IIS server is running Windows 2000 server. I've checked the cookie settings
which was set to accept cookies.

I tried IE 5.0, IE 5.5 and IE 6.0

What could be the fix?

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