Bubble Sorting A Multi-dimention Array

What I need to do is sort an dimention array by the name field and the best way I can think of to do this is by a bubble sort. However, I'm running into a problem with the bubble sort and I'm sure I'm just missing something simple.Here is the code I have Code:

Dim objAllBrands, objBubbleArray, a, i

For i = 1 to objAllBrands.count
For a = 1 to objAllBrands.count
If objAllBrands.item(a).Name < objAllBrands.item(i).Name then
objBubbleArray = objAllBrands.item(i)
objAllBrands.item(i) = objAllBrands.item(a)
objAllBrands.item(a) = objBubbleArray
End if

It doesn't like this line objBubbleArray = objAllBrands.item(i) and I'm sure there are other problems. Can anyone give me a hand with this?

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2 Dimention Array

I am trying to return a 2 dimensional array from a VB component, with no
I get the array, it has the right Ubound for the first dimension, but 0 for
the second.
it works find when called from VB but fails when called from ASP
Can this be done?

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Bubble-sort Routine Changing Array Values

I have part of a keyword search function that is acting supernatural - I have a bubble-sort function that sorts the content of an array, then returns an array containing the item numbers of the original array, arranged in order according to their content. Code:

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Array Sorting

I need a array with x numbers (1 to x) mixed. Like this:

Using 4 numbers (1 to 4), i need:

array(1) = 3
array(2) = 2
array(3) = 4
array(4) = 1

This is random. I make this: Code:

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Re-sorting An Array

point me to a good online tutorial (preferably for slow learners) about advanced handling of arrays, like re-sorting the data, etc.?

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Sorting Multidimensional Array

I am trying to sort a multi dimensional array but am getting an error. Can someone please help me out. Here is a sample of the array (it is created dynamically from the db): Code:

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Sorting Values In An Array

some ready-made code that will loop through the values in an array and sort them in ascending or descending order? I'm about to start building some new functionality that will need to sort the values in an array and then present them in ascending order. My initial thoughts are to loop through the initial array, find the lowest value and then load that value (and all associated values) into a new array.

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Sorting Integers In An Array

I have an array, PositionArray(), which contains a variable number of integers. I need to sort these array elements numerically. Seems I've done this before in VB, but I can't seem to get my mind around it now. Does anyone have a simple bubble-sort code, or is there an ASP way to do this?

My ultimate goal is to take a chunk of text, and highlight (bold, color, whatever) words that are contained in a string array. My thought is to find the position of each word with the InStr() function, then find out which position occurs 1st, which position occurs 2nd, etc., then build a string from the beginning of the text chunk to the position where the first word begins, add a bold tag, add the word, add a </B> tag, and continue until the end of the chunk.

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Sorting A Multidimensional Array

i have a sorted array of 43 columns. dynamically altered the array and added a new row to the existing array. i need to sort the array based on 2nd column. how to sort a multidimensional array?

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Sorting And Displaying An Array

I have some information that I want to put into an array and display the next 3 events based on the date.

I don't want to display any events that have already have already expired. Also, I ONLY want to display the next 3 events...nothing more. So how do I go about this? I am a HORRIBLE ASP programmer, so consider me a newbie. There are 4 pieces of info that I want to display with this..."Show", "Location", "Booth", and "Dates".

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Retrieve Multi Dim Array Value

I needed to print the values of a multidim array. I know it can be done by saying <%=array(i,j)%>. But my array is three dimensional and doesn't print any values if i say <%=array(i,j,k)%>. This array was declared as Dim vretdata and what it does it retrieves data from the database through a function. Code:

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Retrieve A Particular Multi-dim Array Value

I needed to print the values of a multidim array. I know it can be done by saying <%=array(i,j)%>. But my array is three dimensional and doesn't print any values if i say <%=array(i,j,k)%>. This array was declared as Dim vretdata and what it does it retrieves data from the database through a function. Code:

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Multi Dimensional Array In Form

what i want to do is have a (multi dimensional?) array, so that each second dimension represnts a row of radiobuttons. The trouble is i don't know what to name the arrays as. Obviously for each row the names for the different radio buttons will be the same, meaning you can only select one.

in php you could do it with a single array as you name each row of radio button differently:

1st row:

in asp it doesn't look like you can do it this way, because to create a similar array you'd do something like
1st row:

then use split in the recipient script. This does not work however, because each radiobutton (on all rows) has the same name, and therefore when you click one all the rest on every row are unclicked..

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Multi-Dimentional Dynamic Array

I want to save the details of a SQL search into an Array, Im dabbling and tryin the script below but i get an error Script:

SQL = "select item, number from table"
Set rsTarg = Conn.Execute(SQL)

i = 0

Dim TargArray()
Redim TargArray(i, 1)

do until rsTarg.eof

TargArray(i, 0) = rsTarg("item")
TargArray(i, 1) = rsTarg("number")

i = i + 1

Redim Preserve TargArray(i, 1)



i = i -1

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String Bubble Sort

Can u tell me a bubble sort for strings using ASP? I have a text
file of words id like to sort and count.

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Sorting XML

I've had an ASP project dumped on me written in VBScript. I'm actually a
C#/ASP.NET developer and am struggling trying to find a way to sort the
result of a XPath query executed using SelectNodes?

I'd rather not rely on external XSL files if possible.

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I have this database that contains four columns (ID, Name, Qty1, Qty2). I can display the data on an ASP just fine but what I want is to display the data in Ascending order of the total number between Qty1 and Qty2 of each record (Qty1 + Qty2 = QtyTotal). Obviously the total number is not stored somewhere in the database. So how can I accomplish this?

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Sorting And Paging

I try to find a script in ASP that combines sorting and paging. I already found various scripts that do one or the other but none does it both. I know I should combine them, but it is very difficult at my level of asp knowledge.

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ASP Sorting Problem

I wanna ask how to do the following sorting function, for example

Name Age
Brian 22
Alice 17
Patrick 21

when click on name, it will sort by

when click on age, it will sort by

Is it execute the SQL by hyperlink..? Can anyone give me an example?

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Sorting On Fields ?

I created a script which suppose to sort on 2 fields. Everything works fine with no errors except when I click on the field that suppose to sort the data it does nothing.

This is the code: Created on test table name Reports2 3 fields id, r_date, r_doc_title


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Column Sorting

Can someone please explain to me why the hyperlinked column headings will sort in Firefox and IE 7 but not in IE6. Code:

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Sorting Problem

I have a set of records which are sorted AtoZ in display. Problem comes is like:


Actually A.10 is required after A.9 and A.20 after A.19.

I have searched for this, but found that on every page it sorts records like this. Also, I can not sort items based on ID (auto increment) because certain items are added at later time and some first.

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Database Sorting

I'm programming as ASP site to show the results of dynamically querying a MS Access database and outputting the results in a table. I've got that part to work. But, what I can't get to work is for the header row of the table to be links to sort the data ascending or descending by that particular field. All I can get to work is having a little +/- next to the column header and those sort it, but I can't figure out how to get the headers themselves to do both sorts when clicked.....can anyone out there help??? Thank you in advance!!! Also, if anyone knows about Access 2000, I've never tried doing this in it before, but I need to export one of the field to be links to HTML pages that describe those seminars, has anyone done that? Just figured I'd ask while I'm typing this

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FileSystemObject - Sorting

Is there any way to sort the files and folders according to different things (i.e. size, date, etc.)? I'm using For...Next loops.

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Sorting Recordsets

I have never sorted a recordset - using rs.Sort - i have no problem sorting it in SQL.
All the tutorials i get say that i have to use a client cursor location, so this is my code:

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Recordset Is Not Sorting

I have the following code which connects to an access database table and prints out each record. For some reason, the ASC is not sorting the records for me. Can anyone see the problem? Code:

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Sorting By Recordsets Value

I have a table that is just dumping an entire database data. I would like to have the values of the columns re-sort the data. Not the column heads for the data displayed under the column head varies.

For example, one column, Components, displays 80 components types and another column, Category, displays 40 categories types. When a visitor clicks on one of the component values, it should then display only that data. I've done this before but, it has been a very long time. I remember creating a link surrounding the recordset in my table but what was written.

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Record Sorting

I'm trying to display number of records query and the results I'm getting are only for 10 and not the total number of records queried. For example if I query field "CA" and I know California has 12 records it still only gives me 10 records. Attached is the script.

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Paging And Sorting

can you tell me how to sorted table, and how to make the paging?

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Sorting Alphabetically

I am trying to create a query to list products alphabetically. I want to have the letters of the alphabet on the web page and when someone clicks on the letter A for example, I want to list all the products beginning with the letter A. For B, all the products beginning with the letter B, and so on.

In my query, I know I need something like WHERE (((Product) Like "A*")), but how do I structure the query so I'm not listing Like "A*" for each of the 26 letters of the alphabet.

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Sorting Record Set

On my webpage I am having people search for house listings. www.fsbowesternwisconsin.com/buy.asp). They get done searching and they get the results. After the search has been done I want a drop down menu where they can then sort the results (bedrooms, bathrooms, location, etc etc). Its like how eBay works.

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Dynamic Sorting

How can I dynamically sort the results from a Stored Procedure? Or more importantly, what is the fastest and most efficient way?I know I can do the sorting within the recordset in ASP, but AFAIK this is not the most efficient method.Ideally, I'd like to pass a parameter to the SP to indicate sorting field order.How do you guys go about this?

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Sorting Data

I'm trying to display data from a *.mdb database. I want to display new entries into the database within the last month. Currently the access database does not have a date field setup.

Is ther anything special i have to call a field to store dates and also what command would i need to use to call only items that have a date within the last month. Currently to display data i use "SELECT * FROM FilmInfo ORDER BY FilmName ASC" to pull data from the database.

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