Build FAQ With ASP & MS Access Tutorial

I've been following the building an FAQ tutorial and have uploaded all my files to the server but get a message saying the page cannot be displayed when I try to access it.

Can anyone tell me what obvious mistakes I might have made? I've checked the code over and over again but the only thing I'm not sure about is the connection to the database. How do I know the path to my database?

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How To Build A CMS?

Anyone got a good tutorial on how to build a CMS with ASP?

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ASP Tutorial

It seems the first tutorial I posted was pretty popular.
Would you like me to create another one?
And if so, what features would you like included in it, such as recordset paging, CMS system, etc...
I'll let this poll run a couple of days, then depending on the total votes and the suggested features, I'll create another tutorial containing what everyone suggested.

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ASP Tutorial

I am looking for an ASP tutorial (VBScript) that I could download and print. A .doc or PDF file, no online stuff please. Anyone has a suggestion?

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ASP.NET Tutorial?

I am looking for some good tutorials on ASP.NET, something like Kevin Yank's original tutorial (like 7 or 10 part) on PHP. I am currently programming in PHP, and I dont really need the basic basic stuff, as I code often in Visual Basic, C/C++, and PHP. I am just looking for a WELL written tutorial or something on ASP.NET...I have to switch from PHP, ASP.NET is just that good, I never though Microsoft would turn around the way they have, but i love it!

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Asp Tutorial

where can I find a good ASP tutorial
that has listing of all available methods in ASP for e.g
for Response and Request objects etc.

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ASP FAQ Tutorial

i have been using the ASP FAQ tutorial on and my code is practically the same. however, i cannot use PWS to run my scripts but i can use an ODBC. the problem is, i don't know how.
i've read so many tutorials but when i try them, my code doesn't work.
can someone please let me know the exact changes i would need to make to the FAQ tutorial code in order to view my ASP scripts using an ODBC?
the tutorial is at:

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I have attached an ASP Website Tutorial to assist ASP programmers. If you have any questions, please refer to the readme.txt file.

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ASP Tutorial

in few days how can we learn ASP, i know PHP so why i can understand ASP easily. but i need any such tutorial is thier to help me out.

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Looking For ASP/XML Tutorial

Everyone comes through with great reference links here, so I thought I'd give this a shot.I have an xml file that drives a calendar application. I'd like to write something in asp that will enable users to edit event information, but can't find any good references to get started.

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Fso Tutorial

give me a url for a good tutorial/overview of the filesysystemobject. I know there are a lot out there but I just cant seem to find one which covers everything.

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.NET Tutorial Now Available

I have finally had the time to create a simple .NET tutorial.

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XML --> ASP Tutorial

I'd like to take the contents of an XML file and bring the data into an ASP document as an array. Sounds pretty simple (and even though I primarily use ASP, I was able to figure out PHP's SimpleXML in about 10 minutes to do something similar). Anyway, I'm having a terrible time finding an online resource to walk me through it.

I know I can connect the XML file and retrieve the data in a fairly static manner using Microsoft.XMLDOM, but what I'd like to learn is how to cycle through all of the child nodes and populate an array in one swoop, but I can't find the proper syntax for it.
Most of the online XML resources seem to focus on .NET or other non- Classic ASP systems.

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Dynamically Build

I have the following piece of code:If RS.EOF or RS.BOF Then
Session("Authenticated") = False

Response.Write "Sorry, your userid or password did not match"
Response.Write "<BR>"
Response.Write " or you have not registerd yet, please register"
Response.Write <a href="default.asp">Clik here
Here, I need to build the line (Response.Write <a href="default.asp">Clik
dynamically, so that the html output from asp page
gives us <a href="default.asp">Clik here

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Build Recordset With Asp

I have a situation where I have to update a single table with information from a bunch of fields. So I can explain better this is a sample table with some data... Code:

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Query Build

I am having trouble with structuring my query for searching using "LIKE". I
return no records with my current SQL statement.
Here is the string I am sending through ASP using VBScript as my language.

Other piece:
strClass = Request("SiteLOCCode")

String from ASP page:
"SELECT * FROM LDSWSNames WHERE WSName LIKE '" & strClass & "' "

Output string from ASP:

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How To Build An ASP Dropdown

I want to make a dropdown using a column from my table in the list of the dropdown.

What's wrong with this?

<select size="1" name="D1">
<option VALUE="0" SELECTED>chapter</option><br>

<%Do while not RS.eof
ResponseWrite "<option VALUE="" & chapter & "">chapter</option><br>"

' Exit the loop when reaching the end of the recordset
'If rs.EOF Then Exit For end if
'end if%>

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Build A Dropdown

I want to make a dropdown using a column from my table in the list of the dropdown. What's wrong with this? Code:

<select size="1" name="D1">
<option VALUE="0" SELECTED>chapter</option><br>

<%Do while not RS.eof
ResponseWrite "<option VALUE="" & chapter & "">chapter</option><br>"

' Exit the loop when reaching the end of the recordset
'If rs.EOF Then Exit For end if
'end if%>

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Cannot Build A String

I'm facing a crazy problem:

spc = "<abcd"
response.write spc

will not work, spc is empty.When I replace <abcd with ab<cd, then spc contains only ab.
Where do I make the mistake ?

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Build A Dropdown

I want to make a dropdown using a column from my table in the list of the dropdown. What's wrong with this? Code:

<select size="1" name="D1">
<option VALUE="0" SELECTED>chapter</option><br>

<%Do while not RS.eof
ResponseWrite "<option VALUE="" & chapter & "">chapter</option><br>"

' Exit the loop when reaching the end of the recordset
'If rs.EOF Then Exit For end if
'end if%>

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ASP Tutorial Site

I just need a simple ASP tutorial site for beginners.

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ASP Forum Tutorial

Can anyone direct me to good tutorial site on how to build an online Forum with ASP.

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DrDev Tutorial

I found a link to a nice short guide on how to insert into more than one table:

I think I've got it all setup correctly, but I'm not sure what to put for the action of the form. The tutorial there doesn't really get into that part.

When I use the DW insert record behavior it puts the variable MM_editAction in for the action and has:

MM_editAction = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))
If (Request.QueryString <> "") Then
MM_editAction = MM_editAction & "?" & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString)
End If

Do i need to do something similiar to this or how do I make this work?

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Any ASP Exercises Or Tutorial?

im an intern with an IT company and im pretty new with ASP. I've learnt the basics like CRUD, sending email and uploading files and currently im quite free. i wish to make use of this time i have to brush up on my ASP. Any website to recommend tht provides examples or tutorial i ken try out and learn from?my supervisor is so busy with his projects, everytime i finish the task he assigns im left with nothing to do. Im really keen on learning. In fact i jus downloaded the tutorial by Sticky. However looking at all the files, i dunno wat to do with em. Mayb some kind soul ken assist this lost child?

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Typing Tutorial

anyone has an idea how to make a typing tutorial using ASP?
that will compute the Words per minute, characters per minute
and the errors

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Session Tutorial

I am wondering if people could point me towards some good tutorial and code samples that deal with setting up sessions once a user logs in? I know absoloutly nothing about them.

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Upload Tutorial

I am trying to learn how to upload a file not using a component as I can not install any on my server....

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Tutorial Request

I would like a tutorial for ASP / VBScript with an Access database on how to send a private message to a user. something like a populated MEMBERS table and an unpopulated COMMENTS table so a member who is logged in can send a PRIVATE COMMENT to any other user on the site/database.

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Need Tutorial/examples

here i need a help to search tutorial/example for check date valid or not. because i have a form that user write the start date & end date. i want to check the end date if it is before start date or vice versa.

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Trackback Tutorial?

I am interested in adding a trackback feature to mysite and I recently found an article explaining how to do this if you are using, but I just want to create one for ASP.

I have fairly limited knowledge of ASP, but if it is a tutorial or a site showing examples and such, I am usually able to create the script with some major trial and error.

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Dynamic Menu Build

I need to get my name value "MenuSubCat" to act as athird level menu. This is a dynamic menu and it only does Code:

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Build SQL Search String

I am creating a search page and need help writing the code to build the sql

I have 3 fields on the main page which a user can choose to enter search
terms in any of the 3 fields. My question is how do I write the logic so it
only includes the fields in the search criteria where the user has entered

Fields are

Production No
Production Title

The user may enter any, all or some of the search teams in the fields.

On the search page I am using lots of if conditions to build my sql string

strSQL = "Select * from Productions where "

now after where there are lots of permutations and combination like
production no could be empty or it could be filled in and the other fields
might be empty or filled in as well.

Does someone has a simple logic to build the correct sql String?

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Build MS SQL Database Using Scripts

I'm about to start building a website which has a MS SQL back-end database. The host annoyingly won't allow me to connect to the database through Enterprise Manager, so he's advised that the database be created entirely though scripts.

I'm not particuarly good with T-SQL, so is there a tool I can use to generate the scripts from a database I have built? Can Enterprise Manager output the source code to build a database once it has been built? Could I set up and test the database on a different MS SQL server, then export the entire script and contents into a SQL query which could then be run through an ASP script to build the same database on a different server?

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