Building Dynamic Strings From Database Values

We use an ASP application in which we send out emails using cdo for various

At present the email text is hard coded into the code. for example

strMessage = "Dear " & rs("firstname")
strMessage = strMessage & "Your request has been approved with reference id
" & rs("id")

This causes an administration overhead as everytime the text of the message
needs to be changed we need to alter the code to incorporate text or
database values.

What we want is to store the message text into a table so it can be altered
by the application administrators through GUI by adding the text through
freetext entry and field names though a dropdown. Code:

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Dynamic Form Building

I have a lot of information to fill out on this form. So I'd prefer not to do the submit to itself everytime to rebuild it. I've seen many java script examples on how to dynamically populate a checkbox, combo box etc. but is it possible just to not have the box there at all?

I've seen a .visible=false on spans in aspx, but can you do something similar to this with plain old asp?

Example, i have a combo box, and let's say i select a few options and write a "on change"..... i call a function that makes an attribute .visible false. Is this possible to make a text box disappear off the page without resubmitting the from? If not, any other bright ideas on how to do this one?

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Building Dynamic Bar Graphs

Does anyone have any experience building bar graphs or charts in asp? Or has anyone used a dynamic bar chart generator that is easy to use and easy to integrate into a webpage?

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Retrieving Data Strings From Database

I am submitting data to a database field, and the data is being submitted in the following manner to a table in the database:


It's all comma delimeted. Now, what I would like to do is have an update page in which a user can update these values. I am trying to place the values in a repeated text box that corresponds with a repeated question.

The questions that I am displaying are in a repeated field and each question has a text box that will hold the value that corresponds to. I would like to be able to bring in each value into a repeated text box. Right now, each repeated text box contains the above information. (5,3,4,4,3,3,4,5,4,5,5). Is this possible?

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Add Dynamic Values Into Css

if you can add dynamic values into a css. I have an image which i want to set as a backgroung image but depending on who is logged in will depend on what image is being pulled out. I dont want the image to be repeated though out the region it is in so i have used the following syle sheet code. But i have had to adda an actual image name in. Is there any way to make this dynamic image value or not. And if not is there another way i could create a similar effect? Code:


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Get Values From Dynamic Checkboxes

I am generating between 5 - 15 dynamic checkboxes in a specific database search. The user will at most only select 1-2, maybe 3 checkboxes at a time. Through a form, i want to find out what checkboxes were clicked and get the value contained in the checkbox.

Can any of you suggest a suitable method of doing it? i assume i'd be using a 'for' loop, if i can get a foot up on how i'd go about doing this

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Dynamic Form Values

If I have say 10 fixed variables, how can I set their values = to that of a form that is built dynamically?




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Textbox Hiding/unhiding With Dynamic Values

i want a tutorial for hiding/unhiding textbox with dynamic values when checkbox is clicked and vice-versa.

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Dynamic Selectbox - Passing Corresponding Values To What Is Selected

if I create a dynamic selectbox from the table tblRewardsDetail - I can submit what is selected to tblLineItems BUT not the corresponding values.

For example if I select Item2 the corresponding value associated with that Item 50points does not write to the tblLine Items but ItemIden2 does. Code:

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Submit Dynamic Cell Values To Asp Page

I have an asp page where im creating dynamic rows on an onclick function and textboxes are created in the dynamic rows and when i submit the asp page it goes to another asp page, where i whant the values entered in the textboxes of dynamically created row of the previous asp page. Code:

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Adding Values To A Dynamic Jump Menu

I've writen the code below which displays a drop down select menu and can be displayed by writing the variable 'sjobs'. The code works fine as it is and the menu is populated with the requested info from the database ok. The problem I'm having is adding url links to the menu values. Code:

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Insert Checkbox Values From Dynamic Record Set

A page displays the Product literature that a customer can request to receive by postal mail by clicking a check box. The literature selections are created by a dynamic record set based upon what the company enters into the Literature table (currently 10 selections). The checkbox form tags are:

<input type="checkbox" name="LiteratureID" value="<%= rs("LiteratureID")%>">

LiteratureID is the Access autonumber primary key field. I can use the LiteratureName in the "name" attribute if it is easier.

The form processing page needs to Insert each selection into its own record in another table. This "requested" table also inserts the database ID for the customer that is created after first inserting the customer contact info. In other words the "requested" table needs to record the customer autonumbered db ID and each selected checkbox value.

Here is my current code:

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Dynamic Checkbox With Database

i have list of items as a list.Now user can select any item in that list. Now what i do is create checkboxes to enable user to check the item which has to be selected.

1. Checkboxes are dynamic.

2. I create checkboxes with one name assign value = Itemcode value so that when form is submitted i can get the itemcode value as a comma seperated list and which would be easy for me to put it in a database query.

3. the part i have problem is i have to display those checkboxes ticked back to user , ie after form submit i have to make the checkbox which are previously checked, to be in checked state.


assume this is an arrray i am getting from form element.what is the easiest and efficient method so that i can make those checkbox checked again.

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Dynamic Drop Down To Database

I have this code which works fine except the information in the second box is not submitted to the database. Code:

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Update Dynamic Asp Forms To Sql Database

I have created a form dynamically which displays questions and a selection of possible answers. These questions can come in many forms ie radio buttons, select box etc this is controlled by the entry in the database. My problem is how to update the database with the results entered. I am confused as they all have the same name for question and selection and there can be up to 10 questions. Code:

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Dynamic Display Of Database Records

I am rewriting from scratch some code done by previous programmer on a glossary for our website. I have a database with three fields, ID, Term, Definition and a table called glossary. I need to be able to display everything to the *same* ASP page.

I have already successfully created the db connection and the records display according to the SQL statement, i.e. where Term like 'a%'.

What I would like to do is to display each letter of the alphabet dynamically from the Term field as a hyperlink that will display the terms beginning with that letter, i.e.

A B C D .... Z

The terms would be displayed as hyperlinks and when clicked will display that term and the definition. If A were clicked: Code:

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I-frame And Dynamic Data Via Database

I am having some problems with setting this up. Included in my main index.asp page is an iframe like below:

<iframe src="iframes/iframe.asp" width="425" height="225" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>

Basically I want the text in the iframe to change depending on the pid value. (pageID), I have all this set-up previously in my functions page. Except the only way I can see any action is by running the iframe directly and passing the querystring like iframe/iframe.asp?pid=4 and this works fine, but in my main window index.asp it does not change.

I have an idea that when i type index.asp?pid=3 its trying to get the querystringbased on the index.asp not the iframe.asp, so does anyone know how I connect these two up so that my content will change in the iframe held within the index.asp page.

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Writing Values To Database.

I'm a newb - so if this is a stupid question, my apologies.

I have a simple form that users fill out and then that info is written to a database. What I'd like to do is perform a calcution on a number and then write those numbers to other records in the database.

So for instance, if someone enters 12 in one field1, it would multiply that by 3 and that would be saved as field2, then mulitply it by 45 and that would be field3, then add field2 and field3 and save that as field4.

I was thiking of passing the form variables to a second page instead of writing them to the database, then using variables in the second page to perform the calculations and then have the second page write all the info to the database, but I thought there had to be a better solution.

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Update Values In Database

We have a fairly large datbase containing thousands of part numbers, product names and pricing. We used to update new pricing changes individually by hand. However, now that our database has grown substantially, I'm wondering what the best method would be to keep the pricing current on our database?

We can obtain new price lists in excel format, however, the part numbers the mfgs use may not necessarily coincide with the part numbers we have. Should I just write some SQL script? Look into using XML? What would be the most efficient way to tackle this problem?

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Grabbing Values From Database

I was playing around in FrontPage and I noticed that you could insert an ActiveX control for a calendar. I would like to be able to use this to integrate with a database - for example, I would like to be able to click on a day of the month and have the page display all data associated with that date (sort of a select * from database where date = "date_clicked_on")

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Random Values From Database

Suppose I have a table named as tblfriends and there are 3 columns with several row. Column names are: name, email, phone

I want to pick 5 names randomly from the table each time my asp page refreshes. How can this be coded in classic asp?

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Adding Up Values From A Database

I am trying to add entries in a database together and place the summed value into a text box. Like a total ordered type function for an ecommerce site. I have a field called ArmChairs in my database and based on how many people buy them, I want to know how many I need to have shipped.

I am really struggling with this last bit and would be really appreciative if someone has some code examples.

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Getting Values From Access Database

This is my error in ASP. In my database i am having one field called title which contains some string including spaces . when i get this value into textbox in my web page
value is displaying but after space is not displaying .

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ListBox Values From Database

I want to populate a listbox from a database. This listBox will contain the value of the Table PK. Whenever i chose an ID the input fields in the form below will change corresponding to the PK.

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Show All Values From My Database

I have a problem with show all values from my database into my html page! Code:

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Dynamic File Upload W/ Access Database

I have two forms, the first of which has a dropdown with which the user specifes how many banner ads he wishes to upload for a client. So say he enters the client info and wants to upload 5 banners. The form passes to another page which uses a loop to output form fields. Each form field name is something like name="msg<%= count%>" or name="url<%=count%>".

In the 3rd-Party script I am using I then have this script ....

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Dynamic Table Genrated From Satatic Database

I have a dynamic table, with a column named "player" in this column is NBA player names - generated from a statistic database.

I am hoping to be able to create a link on the players name that will direct the webuser to a profile page like the following: Code:

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Dynamic Link Breaks When Database Gets Too Large

I have an asp page that returns a table from my database. Only about 6 columns from the table are shown on this page. I have the ID column set up as a dynamic link to a 'details' page, so a user can view the rest of the record data.

My database has been growing rapidly, and now when the page is run i get the error "page cannot be displayed".

I believe this is due to how large my database table is because if i delete records the page works fine, as it did when the system was first running. Right now there are 4600 rows in the database and will be growing.

How do I fix this problem, I cannot get rid of any records.

Oh yea, and if i delete the line of code that contains the link, the page works fine and shows the entire table.

Here is the code for the link:
<A HREF="details.asp?<%= "JOB_NO=" & rsResults.Fields.Item("JOB_NO").Value %>"><%=(rsResults.Fields.Item("JOB_NO").Value)%></A>

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Inserting Dynamic Text Box Data Into A Database

Does anyone know how I can insert daynamic text box data into a SQL Server database? I have text boxes that are being generated dynamically and I want each of those values inserted into the database that hold the results. I'm not sure how to write my loop statement.

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Create Dynamic Hyperlink From Database Field

I would like to create a page of hyperlinks that are constructed from the contents of a database field. When the user clicks the link they are taken to a page that will display all fields from that particular record.

I already have the page structures in place. There are two pages, one with the links and the other to display the record. Code:

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Get Database Values And Change Them To A Letter

I have a dynamic table asp/vb that is returning records as expected. There are 7 fields that are returning boolean values based on whether there is or is not a meeting on those given days.

My table is returning TRUE and FALSE and all I want to do is create an if or select statement that will detect the values in these fields and change them as follows:

If true, then field = "R" (Wingdings2 R is a checked box)
If false, then field = "T"(Wingdings2 returns a x'd out box)

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How To Retreive Nonrepeatable Values From Database

I have a problem with retreiving non repeatable values from database.(this is a shopping cart application)I wrote the query as below,but it didn't work

sql="SET ROWCOUNT 10 select distinct(product_name),pdate from addcart order by pdate desc".

Actually iwant to see recently viewed produts name (max 10)
for this iam retrieving values from addcart table.
By executing above query iam getting 10 products name but they are repeatable.

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Retreive Checkboxes Values From Database

I have a form that users use to register with the site. On this form there are checkboxes all with the same name but different values. I am creating another page that will allow users to login and edit their information.

Since all the data from the checkboxes are stored on the database under the same field name and separated by commas; how do I dynamically create a set of the checked checkboxes that the user originally entered along with the other checkboxes the user did not click?

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