Building Enterprise Systems

I just got a new offer of a company to build them an application framework with a supporting IDE front-end, now the problem is i come from the PHP boards and already checked what Java could do for me but now i find they want it all done in ASP/.net.

Now i know some c# and already read some part's of the books i had at home but i know nothing about ASP, so i bought some books but they cover programming basics which im already familiar with.

Are there any pages that cover patterns done in ASP, schema's or anything i tried the microsoft MSDN page but that's just tooo much information if your not sure of what information you need to contain. Anyway, are there ppl who can send me into the right direction so i can start learning about framework development in ASP or do i need to look further then my nose is long ?

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File Systems

If I had a web-server and a file server is it possible to have a secure file system where the web-server lists all the files on the file server. If the file server has shares e.g.. //file-server/joe.smith/ with their own user name: jsmith and password: ***. Can the web-server have a log on script which then accesses all the files and folders in the share?

Is there anyway of doing this securely and if so can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Retrieve Systems DateTime

I am developing a website which run on the server and i want to make a database having date and time of the client machine. How it is possible in ASP, VB Script.

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Change The Systems Output

Currently, all my outputs via Response.Write asp command are in Times New Roman size 3. How can I changes to the systemwide default with something else such as Arial with size 2?

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Content Management Systems

I'm looking for a content management system, which integrates with asp. I could write my own bespoke asp website but why re-invent the wheel? The site is of small scale, bookings, events etc. to run on win 2000 server. Would somemone be able to help with this and make some recommendations.

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Using Enterprise Manager

im using enterprise manager and on my courses table, i have an id that increments the number with each e.g it has soemthing like this.

1 kings england bourenmouth italian £2300
2 mine england christchurch spanish £1000

so it increments the id by one each time, im using this so i can delete rows using the id so i dont delte similar rows, however, say i delete a row all rows and there were 4 of them, well the next time i add a row it starts at 4 and not one, how can i change this?

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Enterprise Manager

I have a stored procedure in enterprise manager that generates sql inserts of selected tables. What I need is ASP should call the stored procedure and outputs the result in a textfile as .sql file.

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Where To Download Enterprise Manager From ?

Does anybody has an idea where to download Enterprise Manager from?

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Enterprise Manager Port?

I'm trying to use Enterprise Manager to manage my remote SQL database, but I can't seem
to get a connection. I think my cable ISP Comcast may be blocking the port EM uses.

What port does Enterprise Manager use to communicate with SQL?

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Sample Enterprise Web Solution

I'm looking for a sample ASP.NET enterprise web solution. There are many issues and questions I have about how a large web site is constructed with multiple developers.
How global settings and constants are managed. How global navigation and other global page settings are implemented, etc., etc.

Is there a complete sample "REAL" ASP.NET web site project created in VS.NET/C# available anywhere for me to download and learn from?

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Building An Intranet With ASP.NET

My work has decided to give me the job of building them an intranet. Being pretty new to .NET and ASP in general I was wondering if anyone knew of books or sites I should take a look at that might help me get started.

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Building An ASP Hyperlink

I built an ASP Form and I'm using CDONTS to e-mail the results to me.
After the user clicks on the "Submit Form" I use ASP to send a ConfirmMsg
back to the user.

At the same time I would like to send back a Hyperlink .

The Hyperlink will take the user back to some other part of the site, For
Exampe I want to send a hyperlin to

I want the link to appear after the Server processes the ASP Form.

Can anyone help me with the ASP code fot a hyperlink.

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String Building

When assembling an HTML string from a database before sending it to the
client (ie keeping the connection as short as possible), adding to an
existing string (strOut=strOut & strNextLine) takes time and can defeat the

Is putting each line into an array, and re-dimming the array by +1 each time
quicker? Is there a better way?

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Building SQL String

When i make a menu box i forms(where you can select multiple options) the result from the form will be something like :

value1, value2, value5, value7

How do i easily build a sqlstring like "select * from tablename where record="value1" or record="value2" or record="value5" or record="value7"

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Building String

Here is a line of code I have:

matchmakerdetails=fullname & "&nbsp;(<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='clearmatchmaker();'>Remove</a>)</p>

This works just fine. BUt what I need is to add code to the onclick such that


THe darn quotes/syntax are messing me up and I can not get to work. The challenge for me is that this is part of an asp string assignment to a variable called matchmaker details.

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Building A Javastring

<input name="Name" type="text" value="<%= Server.HTMLEncode(Name) %>" size="50" maxlength="50" onchange="GetName(,this.value)"/>

Email Address:

<input name="Address" type="text" value="<%= Server.HTMLEncode(Address) %>" size="50" maxlength="50" onchange="GetAddress(,this.value)"/>

<a href="javascript: UPDATE(<%=rs("Id")%>)"><img src="SomeImage File" border="0"></a>


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Building <form> From Recordset

I have a database of quotes on my website that uses an Access 97
database (I'm cheap...I have an old copy of MS Office). I have one page
that builds a form <select> from a SQL statement that looks like this:
SELECT DISTINCT last, first FROM quotes ORDER BY last, first;

The results are 1,250 records from a 3,700 record table.

I loop through the records, using each to build an <option> for the
<select>. When loading the page, it gets to the <select> and then it's
like someone issued a response.end, because it just dies after about 3
seconds. and I get an incomplete page; looking in view source it is
literally truncated right before the form <select>.

Of course it works at home, but not on my "production" site.

I've tried all kinds of things like executing a stored Access query as
adCmdStoredProc, but it didn't help. I'm not even sure if that method
was even any faster when I ran it at home.

Is there anything else that you folks know of that I could try, or am I
just going to have to bite the bullet and come up with an alternative
way to let my users select the source of the quote?

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Building An INSERT Statement In ASP 30

I have an old web app that ues an Access database and ASP 3.0. I need to build an INSERT statement based on the contents of a form. What is the best way to handle blank text boxes that are submitted with the form?

For example, I collect all my name/value pairs that are submitted with the form like this... Code:

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Building Photo Upload

I am building an application via ASP that uses an MS Access database to hold inventory for large truck dealerships. I have two columns in the database, one for thumbnails and one for regular (about 450 pixels wide) sized images. The columns in the database hold the URL's to the images in the folders.
I need to create a photo upload that accomplishes the following things:
1. Will re-size and rename the photograph regardless of what the user has it named and sized as. I would like to be able to have the code create the thumbnail and the larger image if that is possible.
2. I need to be able to have that photograph attached to the inventory information that goes with it.
I have a very basic page built, but of course, it does not do any of the "fluffy" stuff I mentioned above. I am not very good with VB and most of what I have seen out there is really contingent upon knowing VB. I tried using a 3rd party application, but to be quite honest, it sucked. Having said that, can any of you point me in the right direction toward having the above features?

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Building A Link Syntax

I build the above link dynamically from the customer's input. It works fine
until they put inthe '#' symbol. The result is the string works up to that
point, then breaks. The trailing information is lost. I use the above to
fill-in form boxes. What can I replace '#' with that will allow the string
to continue? ... and of course, be placed in the form box correctly.

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Table Building Logic

I am working on this for someone: the user sees a list of chocolates which they can click on to add to a virtual chocolate box.

Each choc. is represented as an image of the choc - clicking on the image adds that choc. into a db. storing the product id of the selected choc. The user can select 8 chocolates. When the box is full, they can select no more chocolates.

I loop through the db. to display the number of chocs in the cart, like this: Code:

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Building Solution Bugs My ASP

i recently started learning ASP and now i am trying to do some on my home computer.

After doing a few things in my ASP.Net application, i click Build -> Build Solution and then it says this in the output window:

Preparing resources....
Updating references....
Performing main complation....

and then it stays bugged at that section. Then i can go back in build and cancel the building process...

Anyone know what might cause this, my computer is fairly recent and i did re-install Visual Studio .NET to try and fix this problem without any success... I also tried making other applications and it does the same thing...

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Dynamic Form Building

I have a lot of information to fill out on this form. So I'd prefer not to do the submit to itself everytime to rebuild it. I've seen many java script examples on how to dynamically populate a checkbox, combo box etc. but is it possible just to not have the box there at all?

I've seen a .visible=false on spans in aspx, but can you do something similar to this with plain old asp?

Example, i have a combo box, and let's say i select a few options and write a "on change"..... i call a function that makes an attribute .visible false. Is this possible to make a text box disappear off the page without resubmitting the from? If not, any other bright ideas on how to do this one?

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Building Dynamic Bar Graphs

Does anyone have any experience building bar graphs or charts in asp? Or has anyone used a dynamic bar chart generator that is easy to use and easy to integrate into a webpage?

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User Has Left The Building

How do I register that a user has left the website or page? I'd like to show "users online" and "users on this page" counters.

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Dynamicaly Building Includes

i want to generate the an include file such as

<!--#include file="nav/nav_1.asp"-->

but by calling the number from strNav

<!--#include file="nav/nav_<%=strNav%>.asp"-->

i have several combinations of quotes etc but cant get it to work . is there a way?

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Building A Select Statement

I wish to build a select statement with the "WHERE" part is a variable. I know how to do
Select * FROM table WHERE colum = '" &variable& "' But what if I want the whole part after WHERE to be a variable? with acutal other variables in it.. for instance....

Dim rs, var1, var2, QryString
Set var1 = 1
Set var2 = 2
set QryString = colum1 = '" &var1& "' AND colum2 = '" &var2& "'
rs = Conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE QryString")

I am looking for the correct syntax in this case... assume my database connections and such are correct.

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Building Up Complex Search

I am currently using a single list box and select case to carry out a search for resources on my website. I would like to improve my search by adding two or three more drop down menus to achieve a single, more detailed search.

Hopefully this will help the end user find what they are looking for. unfortunately the current search is rather broad and i need to narrow it down. How do i go about achieving this?

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Building A Web Based Email Client

My ISP provides a web based email client, but it is not brandable and the features are not that extensive. I'd like to build my own. Has anyone done this, or is anyone aware of any tools out there to do this?

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Building Hidden Input Field From Loop?

I could do with a little help with the code below,

<input name="order" type="hidden" value="prod=<%=RS("product_name")%>,item_amount=<%=RS("product_price")%>x<%=RS( "cart_quantity" )%>;prod=SHIPPING, item_amount=<%=postage%>">

I am trying to build 1 hidden input field only, the input is inside a while not EOF loop,
currently the code above is building an input field from each product record, so i get one hidden input from each item, what i think i need it to do is build a string from the records and then put it into the input field i.e. the final input field should look like this: Code:

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Building Dynamic Strings From Database Values

We use an ASP application in which we send out emails using cdo for various

At present the email text is hard coded into the code. for example

strMessage = "Dear " & rs("firstname")
strMessage = strMessage & "Your request has been approved with reference id
" & rs("id")

This causes an administration overhead as everytime the text of the message
needs to be changed we need to alter the code to incorporate text or
database values.

What we want is to store the message text into a table so it can be altered
by the application administrators through GUI by adding the text through
freetext entry and field names though a dropdown. Code:

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Problem With Building Sql Statement To Handle Single Quote

I have a asp page where part of the code is as follows. This builds up the sql statement partially.

sql01 = "UPDATE EquipmentTbl SET "
sql01 = sql01 & "SerialNumber = '" & request.form(strSerialNum) & "', "
sql01 = sql01 & "Description = '" & request.form(strDesc) & "', "
sql01 = sql01 & "Location = '" & request.form(strLoc) & "', "


UPDATE EquipmentTbl SET SerialNumber = 'A83737', Description = 'Video
Conferencing Equipment', Location = 'Conference Rooms cabinet',

Now, in the above, I would like to be able to put the location field as 'Don's room'. In other words, I would like to handle the aprostrophe after Don. With this in mind I am changing the code as following: Code:

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Building A "page Grabber" To Saveout Text AND Images?

My well-heeled clients would like a tool that I could build into a web application that would suck down the entire contents a remote webpage and store it on a local filesystem.

I know how to scrape textual content from places on the web using MSXML and assorted scracping widget. That doesn't help me for photos, nor does it answer how to encapsulate the photos in a form that I can see them.

This would probably only find use in intranet-type situations, so a IE-only ..mht-type encapsulation of the page might be OK.

I have OK skills working with the FSO, so if there's a widget or method by which the retrieval can be done, I can probably figure things out.

Has anyone done anything like this? Can someone suggest widgets and/or a design approach?

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