Bulk Insert - .dbf File

Can we use BULK INSERT for .dbf files

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How To Prevent Duplicate Values When Using BULK INSERT To Insert CSV To SQL Server?

How to prevent duplicate values when using BULK INSERT to insert CSV to SQL Server? Code:

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ASP Bulk Emailing

I am currently working on script which needs to be able to send personalized emails.

The number of emails needing to be sent at one time could be anywhere from 100 to 100,000.

I would like to provide this as a background process. IE The administrator clicks on the "Dispatch Emails" button, is able to continue with his work, and then sometime later a popup windows shows up telling him the emailing was successful.

The script is currently using a sendmail function using CDONTS. Will this be able to handle a large number of emails? What about being able to somehow have the sendmail functioning in the background?

I have never worked with ASP send mailing features before and I guess I am looking for suggestions as to how i should go about this.

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CDO Bulk Email

Novice here, I am doing bulk emails using CDO, connection to a smtp
server at another location. I am trying to streamline my script, or
through it out and start over to make it faster.

I know that I am doing something wrong and that messages should be
sending much faster.

Set objConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set Fields = objConfig.Fields

With Fields
.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod)= cdoSendUsingPort
.Item(cdoSMTPServer) = "blah.com"
.Item(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25
.Item(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = 10
.Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoBasic
.Item(cdoSendUserName) = "blah@blah.com"
.Item(cdoSendPassword) = "blah"
End With

Set objMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set objMessage.Configuration = objConfig

' Open database here

objRS.Open SQLString, objConn,2,2
I = 0
With objMessage
.From = "Blah Mailer <blah@blah.com>"
.Subject = Request.Form("Subject")
.TextBody = Request.Form("Body")
Do while not objRS.EOF
.To = objRS("Name") & "<" & objRS("Email") & ">"
I = I + 1
End With
Set Fields = Nothing
Set objMessage = Nothing
Set objConfig = Nothing

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Bulk Inserting

I have an error as follows:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not bulk insert. File 'c:mydata.csv' does not exist.

My mydata.csv file is inside the directory i stated. But why does the server complains that the file is not fould?

My codings:



Response.Write ("test")
Set oRS = conn.Execute(strSQL)

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Bulk Updates

I have an Employee Database in MSAccess with more than 10 tables. The updates of employee is done frequently and is done in bulk. The fresh data arrives in Excel worksheets (more than 50 records).

I have created a user interface in ASP to update these records in Access. But the user ends up doing more work updating. Importing Excel worksheets to Access is one way ...but then the column names and types have to be adjusted evrytime.

Can i build a datagrid in browser using ASP, so that the whole table gets displayed and the user can update the data in bulk. And is there any way I could copy paste the Excel records in such datagrid?

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Bulk Emailing

I need to send an email out to about 800 members of our organization once every month. I've been using a 3rd party listserver, but that's been cumbersome at best, trying to keep the two email databases in sync and all.

I know how to write an asp loop to query our database and send an email to each of the 800 recipients, but I'm not sure if this is the right approach. We have an sql-driven website that's tied in as well, so ideally what I want to do is use asp to grab some website data from the sql database, generate the email text, then cycle through our membership database sending it to each member. Is this a good method, or what would be a better approach?

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Sending Bulk Emails

I have a Client Mailer page which basically sends emails off containing information specific to each client = email address found in the relevant database. I basically get this to simply loop through the client recordset (recordset.moveNext), and on each loop it sends an email to the relevant email address via CDOSYS.

Can I just check that this is ok, and this could :

a. Not have a maximum amount of clients this could send to, and basically be too much for the page to cope with if there were too many clients to loop through?

b. This could not cause some sort of Email block due to the server thinking it is spamming, etc.?

This was something someone mentioned, which I just wanted to check out!, as they suggested changing it to a Javascript refresh page, whereby it will send an email every 6 seconds for example by refreshing the page with Js, but I don't really want to change it to this unless I have to... as I was hoping the way in which I have it with the recordset loop, that it would be ok.

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CDO Attribute For Bulk Mail?

I was wondering if there was a CDOSYS attribute to mark the importance of mail messages. I'd like to set their importance to "80" so the CDO Generated messages are treated as low priority by my mail server.

I was wondering if their was an configuration attribute like the following which I could use.

ObjMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing")=2
ObjMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") ="mail.domain.com"
ObjMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport")=25

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Sending Bulk Emails

We are having large database of 3000 emailids and we want to send the newsletter to all these ids at a time. The program works for 20 to 30 email ids but when we are trying to send for 3000, the page cannot be displayed error is coming. When it is run in local system server.scripttimeout error is coming and the mail is going to 2000 mailids.

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SOS! Bulk Email With Cdonts

I am building a web script that will enable a user to compose an email and send it to potentially thousands of subscribers on their mailing list from a DB. The ASP script will use CDONTS or Jmail.

Problem is that I told my host about the app and they say they only allows 1000 emails to be sent daily from my server. The script will possibly send thousands of emails daily. Any body have experience with using ASP for bulk emailing, and how to get around server limitations?

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Bulk Email Advice

my web host offers ASPMail - which works fine for sending individual emails, but I'm not too keen on using it to send out bulk emails because generally it times out, and then I am left with having to work out who has received their email, and who hasn't.

Anyway, just checking to see if anyone here has any advice about what options I could use to send out bulk emails. My idea of "bulk" is anywhere between 300 and 1400 at a time.

I know there are lots of free services on the web out there which offer free email newsletter services - do people have any recommendations for any of these, or any ASP based components or scripts which I could use on my site to get around this problem?

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Insert Name Of File

I have a form that uploads a file (i'm using Freeaspupload) and I wish to insert the name of the uploaded file into the database.
I'm just a little unsure of what code to use from the upload script to insert the name of the file.

updatenewssql = "UPDATE news_tbl SET news_image = '" & Upload.UploadedFiles(fileKey).FileName & "' Where news_id = " & Request.Form("news_id") & " "
set updatenews = crofts.execute(updatenewssql)

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Bulk Upload Of Files Using Persits

how can i upload all the files of a folder which is selected by the user using persits.upload

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Creating Bulk Email Through Cdosys.dll

is it possible to rn a client side vbscript to send messages using cdo.message and cdo.configuration? what are the requirements to do this? my wks are xp and 2000 and all have cdosys.dll registered. do i have to have outlook express loaded.

i have workstations that don't have outlook but rather lotus notes and want to send email to an smtp server. these emails have local attachment thus the need to run client script versus server scripts. is this possible or am i on the wrong track.

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Multiple File Name Insert

I'm trying to make a form that allows the user to select multiple files from their computer, and then INSERTS those file names into an access database using ASP. I also don't want to have a seperate <input = file> tag for each one??? Is this possible?

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Insert An Image In An RTF File

I'm using ASP to gernerate an RTF file as the result of a form. But, I need to have an image be at the top of the first page. I'm generating the RTF file from an example that I found on Microsoft.com using statements like below...

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Insert Frame In An .asp File

I would like to split my gui into 3 parts. First 2 row and then at the second row, into 2 column. How do i code so that the button form column 1 can result in the change of page in column 2.

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Insert Into File.filename

how do I insert file.filename into the access database when i upload a file it saves to uploads folder see code that doesn't work below

file.SaveAs("/johnny/Uploads/" insert into pics1 set rspic = '" & file.filename& "' where author = '" & session("variable") & "'")

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INSERT Statement Error In .asp File

I am making a masters page with delete, update , and insert fuctionality, i am using the insert.asp page with a form to submit the data and insert it in the database by prossesing a seperate page called insert_prosessor that has the Insert Statement to insert the data.

Now i am having trouble with the insert_prosessor as it's ERROR message reads" syntax error in INSERT Statement" I cant find the problem.. Code:

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Stripping File Path Name Before Insert Into DB

Does anyone know of a function that will take the file pathname and just keep the file name before doing an insert into a database? Code:

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Parse Csv Text File Using ASP And Insert It Into Database

I am trying to create an application feature for an inventory database and I am
wondering about the most efficient way to process the updates. Here's the background information: Code:

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Insert Into A Db...

Our graphic designer has just finished redeveloping our website. On the
site, we use SSL to secure the area where a user enters their personal
information to order items from us. (we do not do many transactions - maybe
1 per day...) We are a log home mfg company so they would only order plan
books, maybe a video etc...

When the user clicks "Submit Order", we want to encrypt each data item
(because of new legislation governing customer personal info etc...) and
write a record to an access db. From here it will be imported into our
Customer DB leads database...

I do not use ASP but program in VB 6 and Access 2000. ASP looks similiar in
many ways...

Does someone have a good ASP script for encrypting data? And, if so, is it
fairly strong encryption?

Also, is there any trick to writing an "insert" SQL script in ASP or is it
exactly the same as I would do in VB or Access? Maybe someone has an
"insert" script handy they could pass along including the command to
actually execute it?

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Insert In SQL ASP

i have got a data base which contain more than one tables
one for student one for teacher and one for books

i make a fourm to read the input from the user Code:

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Insert All At Once

mySQL="INSERT INTO products (sku, youtube, description, details) VALUES ('" &pSku& "','" &pYoutube& "','" &pDescription& "','" & pDetails& "')"
call updateDatabase(mySQL, rstemp, "insert1")

that's shortly the way i'm inserting new records.
using mysql and asp functions.

The prob is that inserting only one record every time.
if i got data for 3 records how can i make it at once
to add 3 new records in some given order into the db

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ADO Insert

What is the best way to see if a record has inserted correctly into the datase in ASP?
Also, how to tell the user what the error is.
I am inserting like this with the ADO command object:
Dim sInsert, objCmd
set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
sInsert = "sp_ADS_Insert_Driver_General_Data "
on error resume next
With objCmd
.ActiveConnection = oConnEnergy
.CommandText = sInsert
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords

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DB Insert

Application X has three screens. The user captures information on screen one and then clicks a navigation button to go onto screen two.He does the same on screen three. At the bottom of screen three is a submit button. When this button is clicked the system does some calculations with the information that is supplied and then uploads all the info that was captured on the screens to the database.

Should the data be uploaded to the database all on one go when the user clicks the submit button or should it be uploaded after each screen - ie when the user clicks the button on Screen 1 the data is uploaded to the database and then screen two is displayed.

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SQL Insert Into

When the following code runs it produces no errors but doesn't give proper results:

sql = "INSERT INTO TableName (Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4) VALUES ('" & lines(0) & "', '" & lines(1) & "', '" & lines(2) & "', '" & lines(3) & "')"
SET RS = Conn.Execute(sql)

lines() contains nothing but strings and is never empty.

The Response.Write(sql) shows the proper values going into the proper locations.

However, only Lines(0) actually populates the table. Line2, Line3, and Line4 never receive any values despite the SQL showing the proper syntax.

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i have this insert statement that is giving me trouble, the problem is with expiration_date field the error i'm getting is:

Syntax error in date in query expression '##'.Code:

SQL_Insert = "Insert INTO TableName(ColumnX, ColumnY, ColumnZ, ColumnZZ, ColumnXX, ColunmYY, Expiration_Date) values ('" & _
ColumnX& "', '" & ColumnY & "', '" & ColumnZ & "', '" & ColumnZZ & "', '" & ColumnXX& "', '" & ColunmYY & "', #" & Expiration_Date & "#)"

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Odd Insert Into MS SQL

I have a column call UserDate and it's properties are this : varchar(50) . I have a function which updates the column with todays date. for some reason, if I manualy give the value to be inserted a value of '10/10/2006' or use date() it inserts a value of 0 if I give a value of 4 to be inserted it works?

I have been working on a project for 2 days and this is the last piece to get it to work, can anyone point out where I'm going wrong. P.S I have tried giving the colum a date format but unfotunately the format is american and I need it in english to compare with something else I'm working on.

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Get Last Insert?

How can i get the last inserted record in an ASP ACCESS combination? Code:

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Insert In DB

I'm looking for tutorials on how to upload a file (.doc or .pdf),insert in database and retreive from database. i'm using pure asp and sql 2000.

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I'm getting a syntax error when I try to run this SQL Insert statement, can anyone tell me what might be wrong? Before I was getting a data type mismatch error then I removed the ' quotes around the intPhone variable. The error occurs on the line after the SQL statement.

strSQL = "INSERT INTO candidates (Name, Grade, CivilService, Branch, Department, Sector, Town, EmailAddress, PhoneNumber, LunchReq, SpecialReq) VALUES ('" & strName & "','" & strGrade & "', '" & strCivilService & "', '" & strBranch & "', '" & strDepartment & "', '" & strSector & "', '" & strTown & "', '" & strEmail & "', " & intPhone & ", '" & strLunchReq & "', '" & strSpecialReq & "')"

Set rs = cn.Execute(strSQL)

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