CDO/CDONTS And Truncated Attachments

On our previous production server, we used CDONTS to attach jpeg image
to the mail. On our new server (both are Win2000) attachments are
truncated to ~108B (that's what outlook shows), or 0 bytes when I try
to save to disk from Outlook.

I'm sure that files to be attached are
accesible, because security is set to allow for Everyone. I suspect
something with SMTP config, but what? Because I couldn't find what's
wrong I moved to CDO, but the result is still the same in the end. Any

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CDONTS - No Attachments

I am using cdonts to send mail messages with an attachment. The problem I am having is the messages are going through OK but the attachments are not there. Any ideas? I have tried my code elsewhere and it looks.

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Emailing Attachments With CDONTS

i'm still kind of new to ASP all together but i need to make a web form which will email the information to a specified email address. i've gotten the form to work flawlessly. however, i would like to add an attachment field so the user can upload attachments for us. how do you code attachments? our server is currently using CDONTS.

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Multiple Attachments Using CDONTS

how to do this ?

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CDONTS: Email With Multiple Attachments

i've finally integrated a way to send multiple attachemts from within an asp page and it works!!!!!

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String Truncated

When i try to add a string to an Access db field it is truncated? here is the code :

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Data Truncated

I am gettina an error that says "String or binary data would be truncated." I can't figure it out.

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Data Getting Truncated

I'm submitting data through a form with multiple rows on it, that goes out to a processing page, which then scrolls through the data row by row and sends it into a database table.

It is truncating one of the strings, the book tile string, so that if there are three words in it, only the first is getting submitted to the table. I have a feeling that it is because I have numbered the fields that are being submitted to the processing page, and therefore the field is cutting off the first word. May be wrong though about
this. Here's the code:

for x = 1 to endvalue

title=request.form("title" & x)
rest of loop code here

I have to do this in order for the procesing page to count and get the right text boxes and fields. Is there another way I can do this?

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Truncated Html Email

I am creating both a text and html version of the same newsletter and
sending using CDOSYS.

Both of them incorporate a list of stories drawn from a database which are
assigned to a variable storyloop.

The text version works fine, but partway throught the html version when
viewed in Outlook 2000, it goes wrong. View source shows nothing obviously
wrong, except that partway through the storyloop, it just stops and then
goes onto the next section on the email.

Outputting storyloop to the browser gives perfect results, but if I remove
all parts of the html email and just assign storyloop to the .htmlbody, I
see that after exactly 1024 characters in the resulting email, I get ------

Does anyone know why this would happen, and more importantly, what I can do
to correct it?

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Mail Body Get Truncated While Using CDO In ASP

i ve upgraded my asp application to windows 2003 +IIS 6.0 + virtual
SMTP server enabled environment from win 2000.

so i need to update the mail procedure too.(becox i used CDONTs
previously which is not supported in win 2003 by default).i have coded
my mail sending script using CDO. The problem i am now facing is the
mail message which is generated by my application is get truncated at
the receiving end..

Also i want to mention the way i coded my mailing module.
i have a vbscript function to send email that uses CDO now
and mailsending script is being called by a javascript block where i am
concatenating the mail body.

Also i dont receive mails at some personal domains. at the same time
mail reaches free domains like yahoo,hotmail gmail.

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String Truncated Error

I'm getting a "string could be truncated" error at the line where my
strSql is executed ( my_conn.Execute (strSql) ), but it doesnt happen
all the time, just periodically. I used to have this pointing to an
Access db, but I changed it over to Sql, getting rid of the # datetime
delimiters and replacing with ' . Wondering if the first StrSql string
in the if statement if too long: Code:

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Memo Field Truncated

I have several asp pages that display information from an Access DB. Some of the fields are memo fields. If I use simpler queries such as:

SELECT * FROM " & MyTabla & " WHERE " & MyCriteria

the memo fields are retrieved and displayed Ok.

However, if I use more "complicated" queries such as:
SELECT " & selecti & " FROM " & MyJoin & " GROUP BY " &grupi & " HAVING " & MyCriteria

the memo fields get truncated after the first 255 characters, i.e. only the first 255 characters are returned, but the fields are larger and get retrieved ok if I use the "simpler" queries!

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

i have the following update statment that this error is coming from i dont realy understand why it is thorwing the error up becuase when i was testing it i change the letter 'c' to and 'a' so not sure why it would need truncated. what does this error actual mean or what do i look for Code:

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated Error

Can't find anything in MSDN that explains this ASP error; I'm trying to post data into sql dbase, and this error points to the SQL execute line. Code:

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Attachments In ASP

I am using an upload page that I found from another site to upload a scanned copy of a document. What I want is to be able to associate each document to a field in the database.For example - I create a new record in the DB. The last field will allow me to upload an attachment to the server. Once that file is uploaded - it will associate that file to the database record so that when I use my view page, I can click the attachment and open it.Can anybody assist me on this? I am just not sure how to reference the attachment in the database or how to automate it to maybe an autoincrement field that will change the file name as well.

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is it really difficult to create a code that allows people who visit a certain paige to add an attachment to it?

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Multiple Attachments

a FREE mail script which allows multiple attachments?

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Form Attachments

I need some guidance in regards to asp forms w/attachments. Im trying to make a form where you can upload a CV and this CV as well with the form gets sent to an Admin.

I'm using CDOSYS, and the code from microsoft etc is working to a point, the form is sending fine, but email attachment is giving me some random file name with a (.dat) extension.

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Manipulating Attachments

I've read about how to use CDO/CDONTs to manipulate mail sent to a server computer, and how to configure DNS so that the SMTP server will get the mail that you want it to.

Using CDO/CDONTS, can you programmatically access attachments to the mails that are sent to and stored on the server? What is the syntax? Is there an object reference or somesuch that I can look at that will point the way to the answer?

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Email With Attachments

I'm using this code to send a e-mail with attachment:

Dim oCdoMail
Set oCdoMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
oCdoMail.From = strFromEmail
oCdoMail.To = strToEmail
oCdoMail.Subject = "Job Information"
oCdoMail.TextBody = "This is the email notification"
oCdoMail.AddAttachment strFileName
oCdoMail.Configuration.Fields.Item=<My mail server IP>

This code scuccessfully send mail with attchment on my local. But when we uplaod this code to the web server this is forceing error. If i mark comment the folowing code
"oCdoMail.AddAttachment strFileName" this will work fine on the server, but i need to send e-mail with attachments. how it could be possible ?

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From Client And Attachments

Is it possible using mailto: to create an email with everything except an attachment
and then when a user clicks on send intercept that form and recreate the email on the server and add a file to it?

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Can't Attach Attachments In Email Using ASP CDO

I try to grab the checked files from HTML page and then send those PDF
files as attachments. It can just send email, there are no PDF files
attached. Can anybody point out my error?

My idea is:
When people check the check boxes in HTML page for the PDF files, it
will transfer the files' name to ASP page. Then, it will attach it in
the email. Code:

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SOAP With File Attachments

I have been using the MS SOAP 3.0 toolkit with DIME for pulling data and files from our content server. Now I want to push files into it using SOAP with DIME attachments.

I am able to upload a file to the server and pass the file/path reference into the MSSOAP.FileAttachment30 object using this code:

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Read XML E-mail Attachments

I was wondering if somebody could point me in the right direction on this subject.

Basically, I have a mailbox which recieves emails with an XML attachment. What I would like to do is read the XML attachment on each new email received and then insert it into an SQL database. As it stands I am unsure of which path to take and my initial google searches have come up with nothing so far.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how to approach this problem?

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Adding Attachments With JMail

I’m creating an application that uses JMail to send email. And it works great!! as longs as I don’t try to add an attachment. However, I really need to have my users be able to add attachments; otherwise the purpose of this application is null and void.

I know that the file that is attached needs to be uploaded to a file share folder via FTP then encoded before being sent. My problem is that I don’t know how to code it. This is the JMail code that I am working with: I need some help in getting the code other than (Jmail.addAttachment) for adding the attachment......

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Cdo Email Attachments From Client

Right what I am after is a neat bit of code that wraps up sending a cdo email with an attachment from the clients machine and not the server, so need a built in browser and file upload send and delete facility in the creating and send email code?

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Form To Email With Attachments

What is the easiest, quickest and cheapest way to send an email from a form with attachments in ASP?

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Sending PDF Attachments With JMail?

for some reason i cannot send PDF's as an attachment, every other file type i try sends fine, but not pdf's..

could anyone please tell me why this is, and if there is a work around for it?

I'm running JMail 4.7

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CDOSYS-Multiple Attachments

I am having trouble sending multiple attachments as selected from a select list with multiple="multiple". It will send one just fine and the array is including the correct absolute path but I get a "syntax error" message whenever I try to do this.

Here is my code:

If IsArray(AttachArr) Then
For j = 0 to UBound(AttachArr)
.AddAttachment AttachArr(j)
End If

I am guessing it has something to do with repeating the ".AddAttachment" line. I would appreciate any help I can get!

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Routing Email With Attachments

I have a web form that has a textarea, a input type="file" and a submit Upon submission, it is calling an asp script.

I need my asp to send an email (this is a constant, this email will remain the same).

The email's body will contain the content of the textarea, and the file that was uploaded by the input file should be attached to the email.

Now, does anyone know how to achieve this? I am using CDO in my asp and I can retreive the textarea contentg, but i can never send the file attachment.

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Attachments From Mailing List

We have stored user registration information in an Access database, and we wish to develop an email with attachments like words document and pictures in jpeg/gif format and import the email address from the mailing list in the Access database and to send this to the user.

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ASP Form Mail With Mulitple Attachments

I have found a FormMail type script in ASP that will send 1 attachment but getting any more seems to be a problem.. Can anyone suggest a script paid or free download?

Also the webserver and exchange servers sit on different boxes will this cause any problems?

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Sending Multiple Attachments Via Email

Just want to confirm if you can add multiple attachments like this? Code:

Mail.AddAttachment "C: est.doc"
Mail.AddAttachment "C: est2.doc"

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