CDO Email From SSL Secure Server

I've built a survey and tested everything is working fine - except fo one problem, that i have been told MUST be fixed

I am using CDO.Message to send email message to the respondants of the survey - a lovely thank you message.

It is sending the emails fine to all email address i have tested, except for email address here where I work, and I have been unable to find a reason for this

the web scripts are running on a secure server (SSL certificate)
and all is working great except the email issue.

the actual code that is sending the emails works perfectly on non-secure server, and seems to be fina on the secure server except for the most important(apparently) email addresses.

Does anyone have any ideas why the scripts would not send to one set of email addresses, but seems to work for all other when on SSL, but works for ALL email address when not on SSL.

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Generating A Secure Email....

On our website, a user can order products from us. When they "submit" the
order, the website designer has written some ASP code to auto send an email
to our Exchagne 2000 server. Due to the contents of the email, we need to
secure it... How can we send a "secured" email from ASp script or would
this not be a function of ASp at all but the server the email is being sent
from? There must be something in the ASP code to indicate the email needs to
be secured?

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Secure POP3 Email

I have a client who wishes to have Credit Card details emailed to them from a web page form. The for itself will be on a secure https page but I've never come across a way of safely transferring CC numbers from a form to a POP3 account.

Is this possible or not? I've provisionally advised my client to have the numbers submitted to a database which an administrator can then log in using a secure page to view these numbers. My client would prefer to receive the customer details direct to his email account.

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How Can I Send A Secure Email From A Webpage?

I want to send an email form on an ASP page and make it secure/
encrypted when sending it to the recipient. Does anyone know how I
might easily achieve this - or should I be going through some other
method to achieve this. Maybe writing to a database file and
providing secure access to a page?

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Connecting To Secure Server

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I'm having troubles with connecting using SSL.

I have a website at http://www.*****.com
I have a login form directly on that index page.
When you click sign in it directs to******. However, it fails the first time, then it works the second time. The second time I am on the****** page.

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Are Server Variables Secure?

I'm working on a shopping cart page. In page A (checkout) the user
enters their credit card information. On postback, if everything is
correct, it sends the user to page B (confirmation). My question is,
can I (or should I) use server variables to send CC information to page

My boss doesn't want me to store this information in the SQL
database we're using. Obviously cookies are out of the question and so
is passing info through request.querystring, so I was thinking on using
session variables for this, but not sure if it's safe.
What should I do?

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Regular Uploading To Secure Server Using Asp

I have a directory (folder) in ISS 6.0 Web server. I need to upload to a secure server over an HTTPS connection. What is the best method to upload from this directory to a secure sever.

To access the server via a browser i have to type a password and username.
The file are Cxml files and need to be uploaded on a secure connection.(HTTPS)
I would need to run a schedule task every 2 minutes to check the directory for any files that are there.

What script or method should i use. Is there any particular sample script such as (ASP) i could use. I am sure this can be done in ASP...but does anyone know how.

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Secure ASP And MySQL Database Server

How to secure MySQL Data with encript, any data to encript have ''' and MySQL send Error, how to protect ASP Data o encript the code ?

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File Protection :: Secure Files On My Server

I need to be able to secure files on my web server. I am using asp to secure access to links and pages, for example:

<%If Session("manager")=FALSE Then%>
You are not authorized to view this page
<<<Page Code>>>
<%End If%>

The place I'm running into problems is with files. I have a lot of charts and such in PDF version. I kind of doubt there is a way to secure these files with asp, but I thought it would be worth a try.

My biggest issue is that PDFs are stored in the browser's history, so once the page has been accessed, anyone using the browser can get to thatunsecured PDF. As a brute force fix, is there some way to simply erase the site from the browser history? If not, is there a way to secure the PDF, or does someone know of a better group to post on?

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Sending Email By Using Corporate Exchange Server Instead Of Local Server

I have created a form that sends email thru my local server. What I want to do is send the email thru our corporate Exchange server. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this task? Please advise. Thanks.

P.S. I’m using Dreamweaver MX2004.

The code that sends email is shown below ....

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Email Through CDONTS Using ISP Email Server

I am using CDONTS component to send email in ASP.

The code is some thing like this:

Dim Mail
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail")
mail.From = "" = ""
mail.subject = "Test Email Subject"
mail.body = "This is Email body message"

Now the question is that this code will use the Default Virtual SMTP Server in IIS, but I want to use my ISP's SMTP server. please tell me how to do this. I have used my ISP's email server in Outlook express and it is working fine. Please do not suggest to use "CDO" or "CDOSYS" to use for sending emails because I must have to use "CDONTS".

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Secure And Non Secure Data

i have an ecommerce site that is split across two domains, a secure space that retains cc details and the main site where contact information and order details are held. I need to be able to produce a report that displays both sets of info in a printable document. aside from using iframes is there a better way of doing this?

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Email Server Name?

now that I've started my migration to CDOSYS from CDONTS.. how do i find what my email server name is??

locally, I'm on win XP...I'll ask the hosts for the other details, but i need to test everything locally.

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Exchange Server, Email Is Never Sent

I'm sending email from a networked computer that uses an exchange server on yet a different computer. With the two different types of code posted below, the email will only send successfully on my computer. When I step into a colleague's office (using the same exchange server), no email is ever sent....

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Use CDOSYS To Send Email On Different Server

I've set up a website contact page which uses CDOSYS to send form details to an email address.

However, the domain is set up such as the client is using their own mail server, and using my server only to host the website.

Ordinarily I would set up hosting with email and change the nameservers of the domain to point to my server, but in this case the client is keeping the nameserver details the same, but just updating the A record to point to my server to display the website.

Trouble is, the CDOSYS email doesn't seem to work with this set-up. Do I need to hard code their mail server IP somewhere to get it to work?

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Processing Email Server-side

I am running a rather large email list and want it to be processed directly on the server. I have been using ASPEmail from Persits, which has a SendToQueue function, but it still requires a lot of processing time in the browser, and often times out. Can anyone tell me the best way to do this?

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Send Email Using ASP At Linux Server

I need to send a email to my clients from my website using the email object. I developed my site in ASP, and the server is linux, thats why i cann't use CDONTS object to send emails bcz server is not IIS....

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Using SMTP/server-side Email

Is it possible to set up server-side mail services such that when someone
e-mails to a certain address, the contents attached to that mail are
processed and the processed content is returned to the user, again, as an
attachment?I installed a server-side component for managing graphics. "Wouldn't it be
nice," thought I, "if untutored staff could email graphics to a certain
e-mail address to have them resized and returned to them.")
I understand how to handle the graphics processing and the sending. I don't
understand how to set things up so that e-mailing to a certain address will
trigger the start of an application. Ideally you could do this all within
ASP. Is this possible?

View Replies View Related Sending Email Using Exchange Server

Is there any difference in sending an email through using Exchange Server rather than the normal way?

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Send HTML Email From External Server

how to send an HTMl email from an external server. I am trying to Send email using CDOSYS
this i what i have tried but cant get it to work.

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Declare Smtp Server When Send Email

My question is do ASP need to declare smtp server when send email using CDonts function?

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Upload, Email And Delete File Off Server!

I have the setup working close to what I am after. The upload script I am using has been supplied by 'Lewis Moten'.

Basically what I am after is.

A job application contact form. that includes a input="file" element allowing the user to send a CV, to the address related to that job.

So far locally I have the file uploading, the file sent, and then the file deleted all working fine. Althoug this may well work locally I feel I will have problems when I come to trying this live. Mainly due to timings.

Surely the script would need to know when the file has been uploaded completely, also when the file has been sent completely before delete....

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ASP Page - Alerting User That They Have An Email On Our Exchange Server?

Is it possible to create an ASP page that can notify the user that they have an email on our Exchange server? And that will list the number of unread emails they have waiting in their inbox.

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Login Script Based On Email, IP And Sql Server Backend

My questions concerns building a login system based on checking for the
existence of the user's email address only....

1. Is it ok for me to use IP address to allow user to bypass all login and
registration systems if IP is present in database? I wish to save the user
time....if the IP is not present I will present the LOGIN email screen....

2. I am consideirng using Session variable on each page I wanted I
protected...I think I know how to do this but I am not sure on whether I
should be using the global.asa to handle loggin in or logging out or whether
I should so all the code on the secure page itself.

3. I wish to use a sql server backend to house my tables: tblProspect, it okay to use the following branching
code to switch between my test and production server with regards the
physical database path as I have multiple sites on our remote server which
need to feed off the same database....I am thinking about something like

If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"), "") > 0
' Set Public Server Paths
' Set Private Server Paths
End If

Can this work?

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Problem When Send Email With Attachment From Diff. Server.

I want to send email with attachment. I have no problem if the file is located on the same server but i got error when attach file from different server. This is the code,

set mail=server.CreateObject("persits.mailsender")""
'mail.addattachment "c:attach est.txt" ' no problem with this
mail.addattachment "websvrattach est.txt"

I got this error,
"Persits.MailSender.4 error '800a0007'
Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."

when i changed the servername to static ip address also got the same error.
any idea? fyi, this user has an administrator rights to the server.

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Email Send Failed: The Server Rejected One Or More Recipient Addresses

I am using ASP formmail from I keep getting this error message:
Form could not be processed due to the following errors:

Email send failed: The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550

The email address in the form is correct and does work. I have changed the settings to different email address and SMTP servers to try to figure out the issue. However I still get the same error. Here are the basic settings:

referers = Array("", "")
mailComp = "CDOSYS"
smtpServer = ""
fromAddr = ""

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ASPPop3 (Server Objects) Fails To Return Email Details

Can anyone tell me why this code doesn't work? The original came from
an example in this group, but was modified slightly when the original
failed to return message details.

I am able to connect to the server and see the number of messages on
the server, but message details (sender, subject, body, etc.) are not

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How do I stop pages being active in the history.
I have tried this,

<% Response.Expires = -1 %>

But the pages are still active in the history and are being cached somewhere on the machine win2k.

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If I create a simple login page and then store the UserId is a session and check its validity in the subsequent pages, How secure will the site be. I know the same question has been asked in the PHP forum

But how can I make my site secure enough in asp

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I may be in over my head on this one... VERY new to ASP. I have a potential client which is a marine loan broker. He wants an online credit application for the boat dealers he works with (20 different ones). He wants the credit app to be co-branded. Dealer/LoanCompany logos at the top would be sufficent. The dealer would have a link on there own site to the loan company's site but wants it to look like they are "Partners" and not just being shullde from one site to the next.

Is there a way to display different dealer logos based on the referrer URL? I would rather have one creditapp.asp that displays the proper logos depending on the referrer over building 20 creditapp.asp's. He doesn't need the form data written to a database. He just wants the form data emailed to him. (this I can do) How secure is that emailed data?

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Secure FTP With ASP?

Right now, I'm trying to use WSH to run PSCP (command-line version of
PuTTY). I've tested the command I'm using by opening a DOS box
manually on the server, and the test file is successfully transferred.
I've run Filemon and Regmon while running my sample ASP page, and see
no permissions problems. I've tried running cmd.exe and passing PSCP
as the parameter.

I've tried running PSCP.exe directly. I've even
tried using ASPexec to run it instead of WSH. None of these have
worked. I always get the same thing -- error code 0 (success) returned
from WSH or ASPexec, but when I look at the second server the file
never got there, and when I look at terminal services on the Web server
PSCP is still running.

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Secure Login

I'd like to create a secure login from an ASP page to a specific SQL Server
2000 Db. Is there an accepted methodology for doing this? Are there any
resourses that show how this can be done?

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Secure Page

I need to secure my web page, when it is reading a file from the
physical folder.
Say for eg.. I have a page Page1.aspx, which displays a list of links
that corresponds to
the available text files in one of the files. All the other pages are
secured except this
page. So when I click the link, it redirects it to for eg..
But this should not happen. As the user can type this without even
logging into the website.
So I need to know how to stream this file and display it in another
page, rather than just showing it.

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