CDO Mail Error: The Event Class For This Subscription Is In An Invalid Partition

I want to Send mail using the following code but an error appear like this:

Error Type:
The event class for this subscription is in an invalid partition
/tests/a.asp, line 27

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<!-- #include file="" -->
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
'Email to customer ......

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Error: Invalid Class String

I am facing a problem with MAPI.SESSION for server.createobject in a ASP page. I am getting a message as "Invalid class string". I checked up the registry and found no entry for the same. So I used regsvr32 and registered the cdonts.dll file. But even then there is no entry in the registry and I am getting the same error in the asp script.

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XMLHTTP :: Invalid Class String Error

I am trying to utilise xmlhttp for my website. I have been told that it is on the server (don't have access to the actual server so far as installing components etc.).

But I keep getting an 'Invalid Class String' error.

Is there a way to list out the valid class strings or list the components on a server from a normal asp page (so I can see what is/isn't available).

What are the different alternatives to the line...

[VBS] Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")[/VBS]
that may be substituted depending on the version of it? Or is there another alternative to xmlhttp that will provide me with the source of a page on another server that may already be installed...?

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Error: Server.CreateObject Failed, Invalid Class String

I am trying to create a comments form with html and have it sent to my email address from the website via ASP. I keep getting an error message that says:

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/myapp/email.asp, line 3
Invalid class string

I've examined my line 3, and I cannot see the problem. Could anyone tell me whats wrong with the codes, or must I have a separate database to house the contents of my forms as well?

Heres the code:....

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Invalid Mail Address Gives Error In CDO Mail

I'm using CDO from my vb component to fire email. The problem is
whenever one of the email addresses in to, or cc is wrong then none of
the mails are fired even to the correct addresses. It gives an error

The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server
response was: 550 Relaying denied for <>

My code goes like this. Why is the mail server trying to look for the
validation of email ids??I want that atleast the mail should be fired
to the correct email addresses rather than no email fire. Can i
achieve that.

Dim iMsg As New CDO.Message
Dim iConf As New CDO.Configuration

With iConf
.Fields.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
.Fields.Item(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = 10 ' quick timeout
.Fields.Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoBasic
.Fields.Item(cdoSendUserName) = "username"
.Fields.Item(cdoSendPassword) = "password"
.Fields.Item(cdoURLProxyServer) = "server:80"
.Fields.Item(cdoURLProxyBypass) = "<local>"
.Fields.Item(cdoURLGetLatestVersion) = True
End With

Set iMsg.Configuration = iConf
With iMsg
.To = strToEmail
.From = strFromEmail
.CC = strCCEmail
.BCC = strBCCEmail
.Subject = strMailSubject
If strMailFormat = "TEXT" Then
.TextBody = strMailBody
.HTMLBody = strMailBody
End If
If strAttachment <> "" Then
.AddAttachment strAttachment
End If
If intPriority = 2 Then
.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-Priority") =
End If

End With

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Server.CreateObject Error: Server Object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3), Invalid Class String

What do I need to do to enable CDONTS om my macine to make it working

I'm testing the code:

Dim objCDO
Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objCDO.To = ""
objCDO.From = ""
Set objCDO = Nothing

It gives me an error after Set objCDO =
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string

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Invalid Class String

In an asp page in localhost I have this:

Set x = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
And I get this error: Invalid class string
If I omit Server like this:
Set x = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
I get this error: ActiveX component can't create object:

In the same asp page this works fine:

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

In a Visual Basic application this works fine, too:

Set x = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

I reinstalled VB without success. Why do I get "Invalid class string"
in the first case?

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Include From Another Partition

my web files is under C:/ partition.How can I include a file from partition D:/ ??

<!--#include file=w:/sample.htm" --> doesnt work

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AspSmartMail.SendMail : Error 28 Error '8004001a', 504 Invalid Username Or Password

Let me start by saying I'm fairly new to Asp coding. That said...

My ISP only uses AspSmartMail. I've created an online form that uses fill out, which is then e-mailed to the collector of the information and CC-ed to the person who submitted the information.

The error I'm receiving is this:
aspSmartMail.SendMail : Error 28 error '8004001a'
504 Invalid Username or Password

In my script, I've Dimensioned several items, as you'll see below, passing the authenticating username/password to the smtp server, but it's not working. I tried not passing the information by entering in the actual info without it being passed by the diminsioned items. This didn't work either. I of course verified that the username/password I'm usine is correct.

Can someone plase tell me why I can't authenicate? I would really appreciate any help that might be out there.

Relavant Asp code below:
Dim smtpserver,youremail,yourpassword,yourusername,rem oteemail

'Edit these 3 values accordingly
smtpserver = ""
youremail = ""
yourpassword = "password"
yourusername = "yourusername"
remoteemail = "email_address_to_send_to"

Dim ObjSendMail
Set ObjSendMail = Server.CreateObject("AspSmartMail.SmartMail")

'Config remote SMTP server info.

ObjSendMail.Server = smtpserver
ObjSendMail.ServerTimeOut = 35
ObjSendMail.SenderAddress = youremail
ObjSendMail.Password = yourpassword
ObjSendMail.Username = yourusername

'End remote SMTP server config.

'Config E-mail.
ObjSendMail.Recipients.Add remoteemail
ObjSendMail.CCs.Add Request.Form("Confirm_Email")
ObjSendMail.Subject = "Email Subject"
ObjSendMail.SenderAddress = ""
ObjSendMail.SenderName = "SenderName"

ObjSendMail.ContentType = "text/html"
ObjSendMail.Body = strBody
'Note - strBody is Dimensioned elsewhere in my script to build the HTML message body.

'End Config E-mail.


if err.number <> 0 then

response.write("Error n° " & err.number - vbobjecterror & " = " & err.description & "<br>")


Response.Write "aspSmartMail has sent your message with this file as attachment : <br>"
'Response.Write ObjSendMail.Attachments.Item(1).FilePathName

end if

Set ObjSendMail = Nothing

End code

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Email And Listserv Subscription

I'm looking to put a subscribe feature on my site. The user would just put their email address into the subscribe box and press go.

The listServer requires the email address in the message body. How do I get the email address into a hardcoded message?

message: subscribe listname <>

Has anyone come across any tutorials about this? I wasn't sure as to what to call it to do a search.

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Syntax Error W/ Class

I'm having a problem with a class that I made. This page works on the rest of my website, but for some reason gives me this error on my index page. I was wondering if anyone knows what would cause this error. Weird since it works on all my other pages. I would paste code for index but it's rather lengthy.


Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'

Syntax error

/madmax/calendar.asp, line 3

Class Calendar

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Error - Event ID:5 Out Of Memory

I have found this message in Event Viewer on my Windows 2000 server.

Error: File/Test/upload/upload.asp Line 85 Out of memory. Unable to allocate required memory..

It seems to be the cause of a problem I have had uploading and downloading files through an ASP page using Binary Stream Objects. Anyone got any ideas about how to solve this?

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Getting An Invalid MID() Error?

parsing a large .txt file, using a user entered string to find all matches within... Code:

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Invalid Column Name Error?

I am altering an existing asp page,just by adding a new check box, I am going through the code making sure I cover every aspect of the change (there are many check boxes) and situation is exactly the same.'

When I load the page this is the error I get and I don't know why is this appearing,why wouldn't it like a new column, it has been added in the table on the server.
This occurs in my select statement.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'Invoicing'.

Has anybody come across that?

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Invalid Progid Error

I am getting the following error:

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/updatedoc.asp, line 15 Invalid ProgID. For additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at:

This is my code where the error points too: Code:

Set ObjReference = Server.CreateObject("PostTools.GetPostInfo")

I am a newbie with these types of errors so can anybody give any suggestions as to what it means?

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ASP Error Event Information Is Missing The File Name

I am using Windows 2003/IIS 6. The following event occurs during the day. i
want to debug the culprit ASP page which is causing this, but having hard
time without knowing on what page and website where the error occurs.
May anyone have any idea:

1)how to change the server configuration so it will log the page, or
2) is the error log stored elsewhere (i checked
onWINDOWSsystem32LogFilesHTTPERR, but it logs different sort of errors),
3)is there another way to log only errors (we have an internal error
monitoring system, but this error seems to escape it. maybe it's on
global.asa)? Code:

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Error: The SendUsing Configuration Value Is Invalid.

i am testing the sending email when u submit a form .. but i am getting an error:

Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Email Send"
myMail.TextBody="This is a message."

the error is:

Error Type:
CDO.Message.1 (0x80040220)
The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.
/middle/email.asp, line 7

line 7 is ==> myMail.send
so what shell i do .. ?

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Invalid Column Name Error During Isertion

I'm getting this error trying to INSERT information into a database. Its saying that the Invalid column name is TicketNum. I have looked at the field name for the database and it is the same.

cnOperations.Execute("INSERT INTO DailyLog (Bancnum, Problem, Solution, TicketNum, CurDate, Operator, InTime) VALUES ('" & Bancnum & "', '" & Problem & "', '" & Solution & "', '" & Tnum & "', '" & setDate & "', '" & User & "', '" & time() & "')")

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Invalid Path Character Error

I'm getting this error... I think it's on the set rscheat =cheatconn line cuz it works fine as a stand alone...

Server.MapPath() error 'ASP 0173 : 80004005'

Invalid Path Character

/cheatconn.asp, line 4

An invalid character was specified in the Path parameter for the MapPath method. Code:

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Resolving 'invalid Number' Error

I have a page (Page 1) that allows users to select several search criteria. These criteria are then passed via the URL to another page (Page 2) that runs a query and displays the result. I keep getting an 'invalid number' error and I need help fixing it.

To save space I'm only including the query. I created and set up a connection object and a recordset object (rs).

Users may select multiple Project_ID's from Page 1, they are passed in the URL as Project_ID, Project_ID, etc. Code:

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Error :: (0x800A0408) Invalid Character

when I tried to execute my ASP code I'm getting the follwoing error

"(0x800A0408) Invalid character
/aspprgs/show_login.asp, line 24, column 34
Set connobj = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)"

the following is the code.I creatd a DSN and to access from ASP I set it as system DSN...

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MapPath Invalid Character Error

I'm trying to use MapPath on a folder named with a comma in it:

xmldoc.load Server.MapPath(Request.QueryString("fname"))

where the querysting is something like "fname=this, that/this, that.xml".

I'm sure it's the comma, because if I remove it and rename the file and folder, everything works. I believe that a comma is a valid character in a folder or filename,
so why does MapPath barf on it? Is there any way around this still using MapPath? Can someone point me to a source with a list of the valid characters the MapPath accepts?

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Closed Or Invalid Connection Object Error...

I'm working on a quick wrapper so that I can connect to a database, run a quick query, get the needed info and pass it on to the next page that needs it. I've been programming for a long time but not with ASP/VBscript and think it's just something stupid that I've overlooked. Code:

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Invalid ProgId Attribute Error Has Grounded My Project WinXP PRO

I am using WinXP Pro and IIS. For some reason, I can not get any ASP pages to work. All I get is this error below. I have even removed all sites on the server, but I still get the error. Html pages work just fine. All permissions are in order. How do I fix this? When I view same pages on Win2000 machine, they work fine

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0134'
Invalid ProgID attribute
//global.asa, line 1
The object has an invalid ProgID of 'MSWC.MyInfo'.

My OS is XP Pro

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Runtime Error '800a0005' Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

I have been modifying a forum I found on the web for a web site I am developing. Everythiing has been going great ( until I yesterday when I hit a brick wall. There seesm to be an issue with the email functionality. The author wrote a "send_email" function that I just can't figure out why I keep getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'

Invalid procedure call or argument

/forum/admin/functions/functions_send_mail.asp, line 158

In the script for the email function, here is an excerpt of the code (he uses a select statement for various email types...) and a call to the function from a page. Might I just modify that include file with my own CDONT script? I use cdonts on other pages in the site just fine? BUT, I would really like to get this to work.. Code:

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Active Server Pages Error 'ASP 0234' :: Invalid Include Directive

I'm getting this erro.wht does it mean

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0234'

Invalid include directive

E:INETPUBESVC001320HTML../assets/lib/, line 2

Server side include directives may not be present in script blocks.Please use the SRC= attribute of the <SCRIPT> tag.

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Event Calendar :: Event To Be Highlighted

I currently have an event calendar that works fine so far.One thing i would like to improve is that when there is an event on that date,i wish it to be highlighted with a different color. Code:

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CDO.Mail Error

I have these pages running in my localhost, windows xp pro sp2 and constantly getting error. I have spent hours trying to solve the problem, but I am getting no where. I have changed the email address of mine here, but everything is verbatim.....

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Certificate Error : Security Certificate Number Invalid

We have an existing in-house solution that allows authorized third-parties to make internet requests to our web server. (using the inet / internet transfer control). The communication is established over SSL - TCP:443. We have a typical load-balance scenario where the incoming request is forwarded either to IP.A or IP.B.

We have a total of about 5 requests per minute from various third-parties that have connected with us. For the sake of simplicity, let's assume a third-party to connect with an IP - They hit our load balancer's public ip (e.g. where the request is forwarded either to the primary server ( or the secondary server ( Every ALTERNATE request is forwarded accordingly, i.e. Code:

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Error Page E-mail

What i'm trying to do is if a person hits an error page, these are differnt error pages not the 404's or 500's.. When they hit that page i want it to send me an e-mail with all the information that was displayed on that page.

Can i do this in java or asp?

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CDO.Message - No Mail And No Error

while i still have a couple of hairs left on my head i decided to crawl in here on my begging knees and ask all you clevar programming sharks for advice before my needs for a wig becomes a reality.

okay here it goes. I made a function in asp that is suppose to send mails. First i had no clue why the email didn't reach it's destination so i tried every possible variation of the code i could think of, but nothing worked. In my frustration i tried adding and removing text inside the body of the email if i add e: to the end of the text in the body - the email gets delivered every single time... but as soon as i remove it from the text body the email doesn't arrive. I get no error (i disabled friendly error messages) the page loads as nothing is wrong. The event viewer has no errors. there's no mails inside badmail or queue.

The server is a windows 2003 with exchange 2003 installed on it as well.

if there's anything i forgot please do not hesitate to ask.

the email i try to send to is a hotmail account. If i send to an email address located on the exchange server the email gets delivered successfully no matter what's inside of the body.

here's the function i use:

function sendmail(strToEmail, strFromEmail, strSubject, strBody)
Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") _
myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") _
set myMail=nothing
end function

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ASP Form To Mail Error

I have an ASP script that collects information from a form on my site and
sends it as an email. The ASP script is calling CDONTS.DLL which is
registered on a win2k3 server with Exchange server running.

When submitting the form there is an error when it comes to the 'mail.send'
part of the script. I have given all the necessary folders the correct
permissions as per microsoft however I still get the same errors.

I believe it is something to do with permissions because if I disallow
anonymous access to the site and access it through the local network as a
logged in user the script works fine.

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Sending Mail Error

I am using this code to send a mail from a feedback form page, but this code is not working. can anybody tell me what mistake I am doing . My requirement is , the message of feedback form will go as a content of a mail to a specific person.

Set Mail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Mail.Subject="Just testing my script"
Mail.Body="Hey! I am sending this email through an ASP Page, and
guess what? I haven’t learnt much yet, but know that ASP is very
Set Mail=nothing

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