CDO - And Remote SMTP Server

1. I wonder, why do I need to add the following lines when sending forms through mail, using CDO component?

2. If I remove these lines and the form is still submitted as it should, and I get the mail as a result as it should, does it mean I do not need these lines?

3. In other words - How do I know if an SMTP service is installed on the local server, and not in another network (besides asking the admin)? Code:

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Configure CDO To Use Remote SMTP Automagically

this isnt really an ASP question but is related: i'm using CDO to send emails from sites but we have a proper mail server and want to send emails through that. is there a way to get the CDO system to use an external SMTP server by default as opposed to the one on the local machine? or do i have to go through all the sites and rewrite them? (not a simple task, we have lots of sites!)

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Iis 5.0 - Smtp Virtual Server - Smtp Problem

I am working on a listing for sending emails via CDONTS component...

I have installed SMTP service on my machine and tried running the sample code....No errors appear, yet no mail is sent in the long run...All necessary services are up and running (IIS Admin, WWW and SMTP).

Another thing is that i have checked to see if Default SMTP Virtual Server is listed under the Internet Services Manager pane tree, but nothing seems to be there except Default FTP Site and Default Web Site....

The question might seem silly i have to have a Mail Server installed.....?

How can i determine the cause that prevents the mail from being sent...Logs don't help much....Is there a way to detect the actual presence of the component...?

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Using External SMTP Server Vs. IIS SMTP Server

Our network administrator does not want to install the IIS SMTP server on
our intranet. He wants me to use our existing SMTP server
"". Can I do this with IIS?? Is this a setting in an
ASP if I'm not running the IIS SMTP server?

We are running on Windows 2000 SP4 with IIS5.

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SMTP Server

Another newbie's questions

How do I find my STMP server ( I need it to use AspSmartMail)?

My web site is being hosted on a .com , do I have to ask them? Or can I find it by myself.

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Specify Smtp Server

anyone know if this is possible? I need to specify a different one than the default.

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ASP Emails Without SMTP Server?

Anyone has ideas how to send an email through ASP without having an SMTP server? I'm currently building a website which needs emails to be sent when users submits a form, however the web space provider doesn't not have an SMTP server. I'm now using CDO on my local testing server (with SMTP installed) and it works, but I just don't know how to get it working after uploading it because the remote server hasn't got SMTP on it.

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Exchange Server For SMTP

I have no knowledge of Exchange server, and have always used CDO to send emails from ASP in the past. the server in question doesn't have SMTP installed alongside IIS, it has Exchange installed which apparantly does have SMTP capabilities but not like the default ones normally accessbile via IIS.

Has anyone ever used this approach to sending emails? I'm hoping that I dont need a component or anything else, just some changes to my existing email code.

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Using CDONTS To Logon The IIS SMTP Server

Is it possible to logon to the SMTP server that comes with IIS from a machine other than the actual server. Ideally I would want to put some VB Script in an SQL Server Job Schedule or an ASP page that uses CDONTS and use it to pull the emails into the database. The SQL Server is on another machine on the network. Is this viable.

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Using SMTP/server-side Email

Is it possible to set up server-side mail services such that when someone
e-mails to a certain address, the contents attached to that mail are
processed and the processed content is returned to the user, again, as an
attachment?I installed a server-side component for managing graphics. "Wouldn't it be
nice," thought I, "if untutored staff could email graphics to a certain
e-mail address to have them resized and returned to them.")
I understand how to handle the graphics processing and the sending. I don't
understand how to set things up so that e-mailing to a certain address will
trigger the start of an application. Ideally you could do this all within
ASP. Is this possible?

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Programatic Feedback From An Smtp Server

I have an application which sends emails. Currently we use the mailenable web server.
If an email is not sent successfully then we want to update the email address in our database as unreacheable automatically.

In other words we want a mail server that when it gives up sending an email will do an http post, or will somehow communicate with our software so that we can update our database. if ther is a mailserver which will do this?

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Declare Smtp Server When Send Email

My question is do ASP need to declare smtp server when send email using CDonts function?

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Web Forms And SMTP On Server 2003 (CDONTS)

Not sure which forum this belongs in, so here it is here as well as in the IIS forum

I am migrating a Windows 2000 Server Web Server with an older version of IIS to a new Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6.0.....Everything is working properly accept web forms which simply send an email via a SMTP service installed in IIS:

this is the code: ....

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Adding Smtp Server Settings To CDOSYS

i am having trouble getting CDOSYS to work, i have just changed from CDONTS (which was working fine), because i want to be able to email a webpage as my body Code:

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Connecting Web Server And Remote Db Server Via Asp

my prob is i have 2 different computers, one that runs my asp pages and the other my database server (mySQL). im working on my local and trying to connect my remote database with my remote webserver using DSNless connection string as more advisable. Code:

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Local Server To Remote Server

I am not an expert but I am trying to create an application where I need to connect my website to the user's(basically my client) database in access and then I will read the values from the database in the local drive and upload all the values in the database at my webspace. I will have everything like the database name and the how can I do this

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Remote Server

i want upload a txt file to remote server

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Remote Server

I work with dreamweaver 8. I use the tools provided within dw to create my asp features etc. I downloaded a news script to save time since its a very low budget site, but I need to customise how its displayed.

The news script connects using a Server.MapPath connection. I would like to be able to work locally using a dsn. dsn=nwnews; but I would like to be able to change that connection to work on the remote server for testing etc.

This is Dreamweavers Connection file: Code:

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FSO On Remote Server

We're wanting to upload files and save them to a different server on the network (Windows 2000) from the web server. The upload works fine but we cannot copy files, using the File System Object, to this other server folder.

what is required in terms of mapping and registering the folder so that the web server can link to it?

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Remote Server By FSO

I just want to delete a file in a server by FSO. My code is:

Set objFSOD = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSOD.DeleteFile Server.MapPath(".") + "Greetings" + sFileName1,
Set objFSOD = Nothing

When I check the code locally, everything is fine. I have two remote servers. When I check the code in each servers, one is fine and other is thrown a error. But the error msg is in Korean language while I'm not korean, that is why I can't read the error
msg. What would be the error msg about? The sFileName1 was always correct every time I checked.

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Remote Server

Currently we have a site that allows users to listen to mp3 files. It is creating bandwidth issues. So we want to move the mp3 files to an ISP that caps bandwidth usage. Ours is currently burstable.

Now I am able to do the following:

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fs.fileExists(music_file) Then
'show music file
'do not show a link for file
End If
set fs = nothing

Is it possible to do the same thing, but on a remote server?

View Replies View Related Not Working On Remote Server

Localy along with VS2005 when hitting ctrl+f5 the asp application server get's launched, and the whole site works fine, now on my windows 2003 server i installed IIS, it also has apache running and that works fine but the IIS part, i cant get it to work.... i have my inetpub filder on c which has a www folder but when i copy my project to there it tells me it's unable to process the page (aspx), can somebody help me out here please.....

I did the configuration and rule statements in the server manager which now displays working and active, but it does NOT work at all....

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XML Won't Take Remote Locations

Whenever i put in a remote location to, it errors about an invalid character (the colon is what gets it. is there any way to do xml parsing remotely?

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FSO Remote Server Access

Wish I'd found the thread yesterday before spending half the day fighting
the same battle and finding a workaround. But at least it explains why my
final approach worked.I set the remote folder as a virtual folder on the webserver, assigned web rights to a domain user and used fso.copyfile(server.mappath) to copy a
file created locally.I'm not thrilled that access to the remote location can't be controlled at the user level this way but at least access to the calling script can.
Strange though, the problem showed up during a migration. Server A had been
hosting this asp page and connecting to server B sucessfully. I was moving
the application to server C when I ran into the problem. All three machines
are W2K, same service pack, same domain, same users, same access
rights/method configuration. Go figure.

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Database On Remote Server

I try to get data from a database which is on an other server. I can view the files on this server via the directory "t:" from the machine the ASP pages are on.

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=t:database.mdb"

't:Database.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

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Connecting To SQL Db On Remote Server

I need to connect to a SQL db on a remote server but my connection string doesn't appear to work as the page just keeps timing out. The physical url of the db is (not real IP) and the connection string looks like so:

strConn = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=;Database=query;"

What should the connection string look like?

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FileExists On Remote Server

how to use FileExists to check to see if a file exists on a local server BUT what if I want to check if a file exists on a remote server (webserver)? If I enter "http://domainname/folder/image.jpg" it always returns false.

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Asp Forms In Remote Server

im hosting my website in linux i need to develop an enquiry fren is hosting in a windows hsoting server and he have the asp enquiry coding..

is there any way i can do remote coding hosting ...where the enquiry form will be in my php server and the asp coding will be in my frens windows hosting server..

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Remote Access To SQL Server

I was given the following by my host:

Database name: asdfafasf
Server: asfafaf
Username: afafdadaf
Password: adfadf

Every program I use (excluding Enterprise Manager - I don't have it) to connect is unsuccessful. Access Projects for example, when I try to establish a connection, it doesn't ask for IP/Host.

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Access Remote Server

I have admin privileges on a remote server and would like to use a web interface (asp) to manipulate various files. It seems that when I access the remote web pages I only have IWAP and IWAM privileges. Is there a way to automatically send my admin username and password via the asp pages so I will have admin privilages?

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Server Side Vs. Remote

I'm having a problem viewing a pdf file via intranet from the remote location. When I view it from the server side it works. Here is the code and the file name.

This is what the path looks like in the Access 2k database. c:/Inetpub/WWWroot/TEB/Documents Okay this is what happens, when I use this path it doesn't open the file because it's looking for it on my local machine.

But when I use this path f:/Inetpub/WWWroot/TEB/Documents in which F: is mapped to the server where the web site is locate it opens the file. If I use this method this would mean mapping everyone to this server which causes a security issue.

I cannot allow anyone to view or modify my files for the intranet, they may become corrupted. So what I need is some kind of alias or something that. Is there a way that I can capture the c drive from the server using Access 2k without using the actual c: format so that it will read from the server and not the local pc. Code:

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Connecting To Remote Oracle Server

How can I access remote oracle server?. I'm using the following connection string.

" Provider=MS Remote;Remote Provider=MSDAORA;Data Source=XYZ;Remote Server=http://DBServersIP;User Id=id;Password=pw"

Both the web server and DB server has oracle client. I can tnsping, connect using sql * plus from the webserver.

But when I try to do simple connection & query , I get the following error.

" Microsoft ADO/RDS(0x80072EFD)
Internet Client Error: Cannot Connect to Server.

Can someone throw some links or help.?

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Remote Server Drive Space

I have wrote small script that can get local drive information (e.g. size). Is there anyway I can get disk information from server ?

'Get Drive's Free space
dim MyDriveC,MyObject, MySpace
set MyObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Set Object
set MyDrivec = MyObject.GetDrive("c:")

'Free Space
MySpace = MyDrivec.AvailableSpace

'Write msg
'Response.Write("Available space on Drive C: " & MySpace)

code is working fine but when I try to put other then "c:" it says path not found.

is there anyway I can get infromation from server or remote computer ?

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