CDO Message With CC Or BCC Fails

Greetings, I'm using simple code to send customers an email after they submit a helpdesk ticket. I wanted to copy myself on the emails, but when I enter myMail.BCC or myMail.CC, it fails to send. If I comment out these lines, the message sends successfully. I've made sure the bcc or cc addresses are valid. I changed the names in my code to protect the innocent.

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ASP Fails

I've got some ASP-code that uses FileSystemObject to move user home
directories on a DFS-root. When I run this code on the original
Win2000/IIS5-server, it works fine. But when I try it on a
Win2003/IIS6-server, I get the following error:


which I found can be translated as follows

=> 0x80070547 => 1351 =>
"Configuration information could not be read from the domain controller,
either because the machine is unavailable, or access has been denied."
I've tried to run IIS in IIS5-isolation mode, but get the same error.

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Cmd.exe Fails

i mtrying to run a message service using net send via our intranet -
basically the user selects the poeple on the network who they want to
send a message to from a drop-down list on a form and on submit a loop
is run - here's a snippet of the code (inside a for loop)

<% elseif Request.Form("recipients")(a) <> "" then %>
<% NamUsr = CStr(Request.Form("recipients")(a)) %>
<% server_shell.Run "%comspec% /c net send " & NamUsr & " FROM " &
username &":" & Msg %>

(Note : I create the server_shell object outside the loop and set it
to nothing when the loop has finished - also username is basically
Server Variable Logon User)
The problem happens when all users are selected - it sends it to a few
people and then bombs out and then i get a load of application errors
- cmd.exe or net.exe failed to initialize on the server.yet when tested for smaller numbers of users it runs fine

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Asp Fails To Execute

after publishing a web to iis, asp pages based on a
database fail to work. the browzer starts loading such page
and never does- at some point the status bar stops and the
page never loads without displaying any errors. the browzer
shows that it is busy all the time.

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IIS 5.0: CreateFolder Fails

CreateFolder method does not produce a result from IIS. I tried many things including changing file permissions, web server permissions etc. to no avail.

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CreateObject Fails After XP SP2

A custom ASP web application that i have developed has stopped working
after the install of WinXP SP2. The application breaks on:

Set oMaint = Server.CreateObject("efilingMaintenance.clsMaintenance")

with error message: Code:

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Login Fails - Error

I am getting this error. Got it for the first time, so am really not sure why

"[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database requested in login '/dbmckenna'. Login fails.

/Sitter_Registration.asp, line 12 "

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Fso Fails When Connecting To Mapped Drives From Asp On IIS 6.0

I have an asp page (see source code below) running on IIS 6.0 on
Win2003 Server that tries to get file and folder information on a
Novell Server. I am able to successfully connect to the share on the
Novell box if I use the UNC path. But, unfortunately, I need to have
the mapped path for my application.

I created a simple vbs script and
saved it to the server desktop and run it to verify connectivity to the
Novell box. I am logged in to the server with the same user as set up
in my website as the anonymous user. The vbs file runs perfectly. But
as soon as I move the code into an asp file, I get the following error
"Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c' Path not found". If I
go into my asp file and change the path to the novell box to a UNC
format, then it works. Below is the asp file: Code:

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Login Fails Inside A Frame

I have an ASP 2.0 secured website that works fine.My problem is that I need to run this "mini site" inside a frame.We have a domain hosted website and I'm redirecting the frame contents to our IIS server and my MD doesn't want the customers seeing a "messy" IP
address, so the solution was to run the mini-site inside a frame. However, despite the login screen being displayed, when a user logs in, is null and roles are not set.

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.SaveToFile Fails In Firefox/Mozilla

I have an upload script that seems to fail in Firefox and Mozilla based browsers when it hits the .SaveToFile Method. It works fine in IE. Is this a documented bug? Is there a work around?

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Server Side Executable Fails

I am attempting to have an asp page call a batch file. I had it working, I was high on life and then I decided to log off the server. Once I did, the code would no longer work. When I logged back onto the server, I saw:

'The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click on OK to terminate the application.' Code:

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ASP Upload Fails When Files Dimensions Exceed 3MB. Why ?

I'm experiecing a problem with file uploads from ASP pages.

On a Windows 2000 - IIS 5 server we're running an ASP Classic
application that features an upload form for files of great dimensions
(100+MB). Problem is, when we try to upload a file exceeding 3MB we
retive almost immediatly a message such as 'The page cannot be

We do not even reach the page that contains the code for file
managing; when we click on the submit button in the form with enctype
multipart form data the application ends and the error is visualized.

For files under 3MB there are no problems at all.

The FAQ of our upload third party component (ABCUpload by Websupergoo)
state that we could either have problems with our proxy or we could be
stopped by a wrong URLScan setting: we do not have any proxy nor
URLScan is installed on our server.

I may add that all the configuration of the script timeouts on IIS are
correctly set.

Is there anyone who can suggest us a solution?

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ASP VBScript Fails When Response.buffer = True

I have a big asp file that has an error under certain conditions -- totally
repeatable. However, it only fails when I set response.buffer = True at the
top. WHen I set it False in order to debug it, it works every time! I even
set it to True, but did a .Flush just before the error, and the error won't

It only happens when response.buffer is True and no .response.flush is issued.

The error is a string variable turns-up empty and crashes a function
requiring a date. I could test for this before the line where it crashes,
but where did my data go? Why is the buffer affecting it?

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Validation Fails On Copy Paste From RTF Document

If I copy & paste from a RTF document into a field, the javascript validation and field length are bypassed and cause the form to fail.

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ASPPop3 (Server Objects) Fails To Return Email Details

Can anyone tell me why this code doesn't work? The original came from
an example in this group, but was modified slightly when the original
failed to return message details.

I am able to connect to the server and see the number of messages on
the server, but message details (sender, subject, body, etc.) are not

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I'm using CDO.Message to send emails and i'm using the .CreateMHTMLBody to send an html page, the only problem that i have is that when you view the email, you notice all the images that are in that page as attachments !!!! the email loads fine, but is there a way not to show the images in the attachments line

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I have a asp page that sends a excel price list to customers, this worked
fine untill now, but now when i sent one to myself it arrives as a dat file.
Does any one know why, and how to fix it, is it a problem with my emailk
reader (Outlook) or is it some thing to do wih Exchange?

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CDO Message

I am using CDO Message to send mail from ASP page. I find that all the mails sent goes to bulk folder or appear as spam message in both yahoo and gmail. How can i prevent that.

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Message Box

Is There a Message Box in Active Server Script like in
Visual Basic?
The four books I have show it the same as VB but I get a
Message "Permission Denied"
MsgBox "Message"

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Message Box

does anyone knoe how to make a message box in asp vbscipt??

I am using

msgbox hello


msbox "hello"

to try and get a message but i get the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied: 'msgbox'
change.asp, line 17

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Message Box

When I load this script it says, �No record found�. This message suppose to display when I put something in search box and there is no record that matches in database. Everything else works fine. How can I get read of �no record found� message when I load page Code:

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I am using CDO.Message object with code below. When I execute the .Send command, I get the following error.

Error: -2147220973
Description: The transport failed to connect to the server.

Note: The SMTP Server and the IIS Server are the same machine.

Anyone come across this error message in the past? This error also occurs when I use Method #1 where I use the schema reference provided by Microsoft. Here is the code:

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I've created a form that e-mails the response to a person. Problem is that I want to include their name in the From attribute. Unfortunatly, the .From doesn't like spaces between strings. Are there any suggestions how to fix this? Code:

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I use CDO.Message to send mail. The problem is, CDO.Message will send to any malformed address, (eg. and no errors are thrown.

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Message Box

I want to delete a record from sql DB in asp page.. When the word "delete" is click, there will be prompted by message box about want or not to delete the record.

If the message box is clicked "yes" then record will be deleted. If the message box is clicked "no" so the record will not be deleted.

I've tried to use vbscript, but it didn't work, because I don't know how to combine this vbscript with ASP which is should connect to DB too.

If anyone who read this, has a complete coding for solving my problem, n would like to share with me ...

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Does anyone know if it's possible to send an email out in the Session_OnEnd script?
I Know it's possible to create a connection object in Session_OnEnd but unsure if it will create a cdo.message object.

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Message Box

My ASP is limited and I can't recall how to pop up a simple message box
(with OK button).

I want to use them for debugging some code.

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Message Box

im making an online course and on a certain page there are 3 items that each user needs to open and read. I want to check and see if they have opened all of these items before they can continue, so I would like to have a msg box pop up when they try and leave the page if they havent opened all 3 items first.

I have the database set up so if i know if its they're first visit to the page, and it knows when they open each of the 3 items, I just dont know how to get a msg box to appear when they try and leave the page. I know there is no msgbox fuction in, and i have tried javascript alert on page unload, but i get a "Response is not available in this context." error.

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CDO Message

I am using CDO Message Class for sending email.My program is working properly.But some times it sends only part of mail.

I am sending through my mail server using authentication.Every thing is fine.I sending mail in html format.I am not understading the reason behid this there any limitation of size of message to be sent?

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i recive this error when sending the email that uses cdosys

CDO.Message.1 error '80040213'

The transport failed to connect to the server.

/admin_SubscribedCust_email_processor.asp, line 42

line 42 is --> myMail.Send

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Can someone explain the with/end with operative used with cdo.message.I havent come across this before.

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Message Box

I have created a page which loops through a recordset and creates a new row for each record.This row contains an image which the user can click to delete the record that is displayed in that row.

When the user clicks the delete image (link) I wish to make a message box appear with YES/NO buttons and a "Question" Icon.The message box will display "Are you sure you want to delete record x from the database?"where x is the primary key from that table (objRS.Fields("RecordID") )

If the user clicks YES it will redirect the user to a page.If the user clicks NO no action is performed.

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Message Box In Asp

How do i insert a messagebox in asp?

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