CDONTS - Administration Of Feedback From SQL Database

I have a feedback form on my site that processes the feedback into a SQL database and also sends an email to my inbox.

What I need is to create an administration asp page that retrieves the records from the database and displays them on the page and then have a mechanism on the page for deleting the records and refreshing the page.

Has anyone seen any examples posted on the forum or may be able to point me towards some useful links.

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Database Administration Program

I'm looking for a free ASP database administration script or program that will allow me to enter some basic server details and then connect to the MS SQL Server to perform basic database operations via web browser.

If you know of any programs that are free and actually work to perform these tasks, I would gladly appreciate a link to them.

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Database Administration Tool Like Phpmyadmin

I have an Access Db. I need to manage this by a script. If you know phpmyadmin it is great for doing this. But it is for php and mysql. Is there any free script(s) for this?

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Administration Offline

i have a web site and i made it's administration offline using asp. I want after I fill a data in the offline database, onclick a button this data sent online.

The problem is that the site contains images and i want to send it offline on database and at the same time send upload these images online on click this button. I want both actions to be from the same page or window.

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Feedback.asp To Feedback.php

I am tired of paying high hosting cost due to only two asp file on the whole website. I used these asp files to send mail from form.

Here is the code. Is there a way I can turn the functionality part of this code into php or some cgi format. Code:

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Feedback Form

I want to do the following:

1. Use the attached feedback form and write the values to a new record in my SQL database and 1(b) send me an e-mail

2. Forward a thankyou receipt back to the end-user with a new job number, Code:

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INSERT Record To Database AND CDONTS

Is it possible to use CDONTS to send an email and INSERT a record to a database, once a form has been submitted. They work individually but I cant get the scripts to work together.

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Email Feedback Form

I'm trying to create a feedback form, but keep getting this message: "The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL". What exactly does this mean - do I need to turn POST on, and how do I go about this?

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Send Feedback To The User

if i m the server, i had this feedback page whereby i need the user to type in the feedback in a textbox and then send it to mi. he must enter his email in a textfield and click on a button. issit possible to do that? without having to use outlook express to pop out??

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Feedback When A Persson Apply For Job

how can i send a e-mail to the person who has fillied my apply.html form.i have a email (textbox field)i mean automatic email.

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Feedback After Completed Form

Im using a form to collect user details, but its not going to a databse just to the clients email. Such as below:

I was wondering how to show feedback similar to 'Thank you your form has been sent', when the form has been successfully sent. Code:

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Submit Only Part Of A Feedback Form

On one of the sections I have a text field called IMO where the user may input text. Beside the IMO text field I have a button that will submit the value found in the IMO field if any to another asp page namely get_vessel_fields.asp.

I don't get any errors but nothing happens when I click the button.

<FORM><input type="text" name="IMO"> 'THis is the IMO field in question there are other fields in this form

Dim strIMO
strIMO = IMO

<FORM><INPUT TYPE='button' VALUE='Pop' onClick='get_vessel_fields.asp?strIMO;return true;'></FORM>
'get_vessel_fields.asp will then process the value submitted

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Programatic Feedback From An Smtp Server

I have an application which sends emails. Currently we use the mailenable web server.
If an email is not sent successfully then we want to update the email address in our database as unreacheable automatically.

In other words we want a mail server that when it gives up sending an email will do an http post, or will somehow communicate with our software so that we can update our database. if ther is a mailserver which will do this?

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Creating Feedback Email From Form Enquiry

I built a form to collect users details, and noticed that a lot of sites these days have feedback emails that return a recieved email confirmation back to the customer.
Can anybody point me to, or allow me the code so that I can try it myself.

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Website "Email Feedback Form" (ASP.NET)

I'm trying to set up a basic email feed back form like this, and was wondering about some basic configuration settings. I have used code from this website. I have it working just fine. I'm running IIS on my home machine.

My problem is that I need to upload this stuff to a webhosting place and register a domain and I'm not sure what to put as the smtp mail server value in this script?

Currently I am with the Optusnet ISP and thus for the SMTP server i put

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""

and then up towards the top of the script I have the contents of the form to be sent to the following email address,

objMM.To = ""

[SIZE=3]My question is, what value to I put for SmtpMail.SmtpServer, when I upload this website to some webhosting place? Do I just put it as or how do you know what to put for the SMTP server?[/SIZE]

I know this is basic and that many of you would have done it a million times before but I just don't know the answer to this and noone seems to be able to give me a straight answer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. See the script below for what I'm currently using and working on my home machine running IIS.

<%@ Page Language="vb" Debug="true" %> .....

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I am not having any trouble getting cdonts to work, but damn is it slow. I have the importance set to 2, but sometimes it can take a whole day or more to get the email. Anyone, know how I can make this faster, or another freeware program to send mail faster.

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I am trying to use CDONTS to send an email and have the code below.

Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Mailer.From = ""
Mailer.To = ""
Mailer.Subject = "Segment Order Confirmation"
Mailer.BodyFormat = 2
BT = "Add order details here"
Mailer.Body = BT
set Mailer=nothing

I have declared the Mailer variable earlier in the code, the page runs through without any problems and redirects as it should but no mail gets sent. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

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We jsut transfured our webhosts to another company, and the new servers are Win 2k3, well our others were Win 2k. I did not know that 2k3 did not support CDONTs.
I use the CDONTs for all the mail forms on our site. Is there any good turorial that have that are about CDOs? ALl i can find are CDONTs and CDOs with CDONT objects so that has been no help.

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want to use CDONTS to sent my email. and i read this exellent thread:
How to use CDONTS
I have all kinds of forms with different names and values on different pages. How can i include all the fields of a submited form if they change name from form to form (or better yet, from page to page)?
I think that i would have to count the items and then include them in the form. but i don't know if that would work and how to do it.

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Does anyone know of a FREE ASP hosting website that has CDONTS enabled?I want the page to be able to send e-mails.

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According to the ASP 3.0 Programmer's Reference published by Wrox Press (copyright 2000), CDONTs has several limitations. One is that it offers no built-in user authentication and security features.
Is there any easy way to use CDONTS and have security at the same time? If you have an e-commerce web site and send an email to the vendor with a customer's credit card number and expiration date, could that information be intercepted? Is it possible to prevent that using whatever a web host has available

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I have a script that I've used elsewhere and it always
works fine. It uses CDO not CDONTS. IIS settings seem to
be the same as on other servers that have websites
running the same script.
When the form is submitted it runs until it gets to the
send line. Error says access denied. The script's access
is set the same as the rest of the site.
Getting very frustrating as I am out of my depth here.
Where do I start to correct this?

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I would like to know if any one here know any sample examples or scripts that I can modify to work with a group mailing program. I would like to implement a form that uses CDONTS to grab the input and automatically emails to the given email.

i'm unable to extract user's full name as the 'From' section needs to be in the following format - "full name <>"

i was gonna use string concatenation but it dont like the symbol "<"
any help?

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I have an urgent problem with ASP CDONTS right now.

This is my code:

Set Mail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Set Mail=nothing

The mail is sent to, but not the bcc address which is Is my code wrong?

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I have numerous forms processed using ASP and once they are added or amended I need to e-mail various locations to advise them that the form has been changed depending on the location in the form. This is not the problem a case statement does the biz and the SQL and databases are running like clockwork
The issue is that we have an exchange server but most of the e-mail adresses are internal only, so they have display names and aliases but as I can see no domain!!!! As I can see CDONTS only works with a domain. I have had a good search on the forum but I cant see a solution.
Is there another object that would work.If not is something out there that would the job, be it a VB Script or something else

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I need to set up an online form that uses CDONTS to send information to different email addresses based on the user's selection in a drop-down box.There are five choices and each one needs to go to a different email address.I realize I there has to be an indexed array of emails, but I don't know where to start.

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used the following script but it won't send the email.

Dim TBdy
Set MyCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MyCDO.From = ""
MyCDO.To = ""
MyCDO.Subject = "collegebound info"
TBdy = Request.Form("cb_name")
MyCDO.Body = TBdy
Set MyCDO = nothing


I received an error 0x800A0046 Permission Denided

I am using Win2000 Sever with exchange2000 and ISA2000.

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I am using CDONTS for users to send mail from a form. The first question is, when a user recieves the mail, [QUAR] is at the beginning of the subject line. Any ideas what that is? Second question, if one does not put a valid value for the FROM property, the e-mail won't send.

But I do not want users to be able to reply to this type of e-mail. What can I do? When I do a search for [QUAR] nothing comes up and I can't seem to find anything for the FROM property either.

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I am using cdonts to send emails from my form to my email address, it works great. My question is, is that In my fields area, when someone does not fill them out, it brings them to a page, which says to fill out these fields and go back to the form, which is what I want, but when the form is correctly filled out, it brings them to a blank page, but I want it to bring them to a custom made thank you page, without it interfering with the fields error page, how do I accomplish this

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I've proven both systems on my asp server but I can't recognise the difference between them. I'd like to know which is the difference between them and which is better to send a big quantity of mails (I'm making a mailing list).

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if it possible using CDONTS?On my site,when a product is purchased from a supplier, an email is automatically sent to him, notifying him of the sale.

Would it be possible to have him return the email to confirm the order, and have that somehow go into my database (that the order was confirmed), and then sent another email to the customer to let them know that the order was confirmed?

If this isn't possible using CDONTS,how would it be possible?

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Is there a limit on bcc field in CDONTS ?I'm trying to send mailing list using CDONTS and bcc field, so I would like to know what is the limit

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How can I email a response to the person that signed up with a specific message - and - also mail another (different) message to the admin person?

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